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It's worth it to see your reaction.
You're so easy to get ruffled that it only takes a few pics and sheer suggestion of tritler.....
When left with no options to have a discussion.... Go with humor and the drinking game that you time helped to create.


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and fatboy nazi hunter jokes.


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Yeah this is the same Don Lemmon who said Putin stole the election and that the leftist scum who beat women in the streets of Berkeley, who were attending a talk given by Milo Yinnopolous were in fact right wing death squads sent by....wait for it...Milo himself...Nobody in fucking America past the age of 9 believe a word CNN has to say after they were busted by wikileaks helping Hilary steal the nomination....fake news.

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comfort .....this insane fucking sadist was given legitamcy by the left and the ant-trumpsters, just as the left has given legitamcy to using violence against peacefull citizens who voice dissent or rather attempt to voice dissent...there is nothing fucking comforting in seeing a psycopath who shoved a three foot steel bar up another human beings anus...being applauded and drooled over by a bunch of white snowflakes who call Trump displays a mindless, thoughtless sheep like following of mass media buzzwords and hype., an ability by massive nimbers of people to turn a blind eye to not simple murder, but inhuman sadisim.
Plenty of lunatics walking around, this one happens to have a podium and a crowd. BFD. She has no legal, legislative or executive powers, I'm not afraid of her.

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Yeah this is the same Don Lemmon who said Putin stole the election and that the leftist scum who beat women in the streets of Berkeley, who were attending a talk given by Milo Yinnopolous were in fact right wing death squads sent by....wait for it...Milo himself...Nobody in fucking America past the age of 9 believe a word CNN has to say after they were busted by wikileaks helping Hilary steal the nomination....fake news.
The guy is a comedian...
People with a sense of humor realize that....
comedians always piss off Sensitive Sally's. I'm sorry that you're such a Sensitive Sally

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The guy is a comedian...
People with a sense of humor realize that....
comedians always piss off Sensitive Sally's. I'm sorry that you're such a Sensitive Sally

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Is that what Milo is? I've never heard of him before recently. That explains a lot because the guy is a joke. He reminds me of a character out of the hunger games.


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Speaking of comedy.....

Trump's head witch, broke the laws and regulations recently. She used her political position to promote Trump's daughter's business.

But Trump is the savior, and not out to blatantly use the office to make money, right?


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Oh, and lets not forget how good twitter is working for the dipshit in chief. 3 judges, 2 liberal appointees, and one from Bush, and all three tell him to go fuck himself.

All this clown is going to be able to do with his nutty ass attitude, is write useless executive orders.....


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Oh, and lets not forget how good twitter is working for the dipshit in chief. 3 judges, 2 liberal appointees, and one from Bush, and all three tell him to go fuck himself.

All this clown is going to be able to do with his nutty ass attitude, is write useless executive orders.....
Pointing out the obvious = butthurt liberal snowflake. They won and you lost, get over it.


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50% off at ross


the woman in my family love to shop at Nordstrom for over priced china trash. According to them, even before all the controversy her brand was in the category of "wouldn't be caught dead wearing"


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Pointing out the obvious = butthurt liberal snowflake. They won and you lost, get over it.
Too bad that wasn't true, huh?
I voted for this useless disappointment, and I am not liberal.

You can thank your lucky stars that the democrats fucked up and fixed the election for Clinton. Had Sanders run, you'd be crying in your oatmeal. Sanders would have run over Trump like a train. That's the sole reason Trump won, IMO. Everyone hated Clinton more.


Diamond Contributor
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Is that what Milo is? I've never heard of him before recently. That explains a lot because the guy is a joke. He reminds me of a character out of the hunger games. are the people being beaten in the streets wanting to go hear a joke funny as well...if he is such a joke why do you dipshits feel the need to silence him?...


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Too bad that wasn't true, huh?
I voted for this useless disappointment, and I am not liberal.

You can thank your lucky stars that the democrats fucked up and fixed the election for Clinton. Had Sanders run, you'd be crying in your oatmeal. Sanders would have run over Trump like a train. That's the sole reason Trump won, IMO. Everyone hated Clinton more.
I wouldn't be crying in anything. My comment was in jest.


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Oh, and lets not forget how good twitter is working for the dipshit in chief. 3 judges, 2 liberal appointees, and one from Bush, and all three tell him to go fuck himself.

All this clown is going to be able to do with his nutty ass attitude, is write useless executive orders.....
the most overturned court in america.


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Member For 4 Years are the people being beaten in the streets wanting to go hear a joke funny as well...if he is such a joke why do you dipshits feel the need to silence him?...
What are you on about? I don't want to silence him and think that people who riot in order to shut him up are counterproductive at best. I don't like the guy. He's an entertainer and I don't find him entertaining. Somehow this equates to me wanting to silence him?

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Is that what Milo is? I've never heard of him before recently. That explains a lot because the guy is a joke. He reminds me of a character out of the hunger games.
Trevor Noah is the comedy Central guy I keep posting. He's funny as can be. I guess I thought 'comedy central' was a good enough to hint to the 'trump or die' crowd that they would have picked up on it.
Oh well, guess they only realize things if trump and his people say it's OK.

As for Milo, I truthfully don't know...
I picked this up out of Wikipedia though.
-Never heard of the guy though.

Milo Yiannopoulos is a British journalist, author, entrepreneur, public speaker, and senior editor for Breitbart News, a far-right news and opinion website based in the United States. He wrote previously using the pseudonym Milo Andreas Wagner. Wikipedia

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The failing @nytimes does major FAKE NEWS China story saying "Mr.Xi has not spoken to Mr. Trump since Nov.14." We spoke at length yesterday!

Was that tweet really worth the time, Mr. Trump?

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Impeaching Trump just gets rid of the clown. The circus, unfortunately, will remain on the road.
Roger that!
The whole thing needs to be redone. die hards of either party have 2 things in common- the inability to see people as 'in' or 'out' and they are hysterical in their hypocrisy.

I disagree with roughly 50℅ of both sides, which makes me neither a supporter or a dismisser of either. It's like the oil field. You need the oil, but in order to get it, you have to deconstruct part of the geographical landscape. If you're an outdoorsman, that means you're also environmentalist to some degree. You want to preserve the environment to keep it there for the next generation. Couple that with wetland preservation and trying to rebuild the wetlands for storm surge protection; all the while keeping the oil industry intact and you get a combination of some of both sides of the arguments.

It is entirely possible to do both things, assuming you don't have rooms full of hardline supporters of either political front.

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Roger that!
The whole thing needs to be redone. die hards of either party have 2 things in common- the inability to see people as 'in' or 'out' and they are hysterical in their hypocrisy.

I disagree with roughly 50℅ of both sides, which makes me neither a supporter or a dismisser of either. It's like the oil field. You need the oil, but in order to get it, you have to deconstruct part of the geographical landscape. If you're an outdoorsman, that means you're also environmentalist to some degree. You want to preserve the environment to keep it there for the next generation. Couple that with wetland preservation and trying to rebuild the wetlands for storm surge protection; all the while keeping the oil industry intact and you get a combination of some of both sides of the arguments.

It is entirely possible to do both things, assuming you don't have rooms full of hardline supporters of either political front.

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Very well said...


snowflake, butthurt, libtard.


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Very well said...


snowflake, butthurt, libtard.

You Gotta admit, it is fun to watch the results of humor on the Sensative Sally's.

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Trumps thin skin and lack of a filter is going to start infighting, above is a good example.

When people were calling Obama a muslim and claiming he was not an American, I don't ever recall him crying about it on twitter, or moaning about it at a press conf or sending people in his administration to go on TV and piss, moan, whine and cry about bullshit.

Oh shit, I've shown my true colors as a butthurt snowflake obama loving libtard.

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Trumps thin skin and lack of a filter is going to start infighting, above is a good example.

When people were calling Obama a muslim and claiming he was not an American, I don't ever recall him crying about it on twitter, or moaning about it at a press conf or sending people in his administration to go on TV and piss, moan, whine and cry about bullshit.

Oh shit, I've shown my true colors as a butthurt snowflake obama loving libtard.
Lmao- you're a fat slob

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BREAKING NEWS: Congressman Mark Pocan of Wisconsin becomes the first Member of Congress to speak on the floor of the US House of Representatives about the potential for impeaching Trump. Join us at and help us continue to build this campaign!

P.S. I don't respond to bullies. Not worth my time.
I love this pushes centerist democrats out of the DNC....just like during the election...the democrats just keep shooting themselves in the foot it's hilarious.


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What are you on about? I don't want to silence him and think that people who riot in order to shut him up are counterproductive at best. I don't like the guy. He's an entertainer and I don't find him entertaining. Somehow this equates to me wanting to silence him?

If I remember correctly, you applauded the punching of a person because you didn't like what he says recently. You certainly haven't said anything against the rioters until now but you did have something to say about Milo. And of course, you minimize the role of a women with a violent history as a speaker for the left.

While you may not be violent yourself, you certainly condone it.


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You are a fucking joke...this is Bobby Riech...the same dipshit who tried to say that the anarchists that beat people in the streets of Berkeley were secretly sent there by brietbart news and Milo.....of course as he said he didn't have a shred of proof on which to make such an accusation, nor did he explain how left wing Mayor of Berkelely applauded the beating, how the left wing Chancellor of the University applauded the beatings, how the far left group By any means neccesarry applauded the beatings or how democrat congresswoman applauded the beatings....or how these are the same anarchists who rioted in DC at the Trump inaguration......more fake news.


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Oh look who else came....
The horse.

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Since you can't actually reach your ass to wash it, I understand you have more ass burn than most. Maybe you should order one of these to help stop your ass from chaffing so much.



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Trevor Noah is the comedy Central guy I keep posting. He's funny as can be. I guess I thought 'comedy central' was a good enough to hint to the 'trump or die' crowd that they would have picked up on it.
Oh well, guess they only realize things if trump and his people say it's OK.

As for Milo, I truthfully don't know...
I picked this up out of Wikipedia though.
-Never heard of the guy though.

Milo Yiannopoulos is a British journalist, author, entrepreneur, public speaker, and senior editor for Breitbart News, a far-right news and opinion website based in the United States. He wrote previously using the pseudonym Milo Andreas Wagner. Wikipedia

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yeah pinhead you wouldn't have a clue to who Milo is....he's never been on Saturday Night Live.......any doughnuts left.......oh by the way Milo's book is #5 on the Bestsellers list, but that doesn't really concern you as it's a book .....


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I'm not leaving.

I have denounced the rioters several times but even if I didn't, does that mean I condone it? Come to think of it, I have not heard you condemn the political repression of Joseph Kabila in the Eastern Congo, should I assume you condone it? I don't like Milo, I've seen him here and there and think he's obnoxious. So I along with trump and his entire cabinet, I have to like his court jester as well?


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This is how it happens.

Last night while you were sleeping the Senate voted to steal $150 billion dollars from the Social Security Trust Fund. I joined 34 of my colleagues in a vote to prevent this raid. I would like to thank Senator Rand Paul for leading the fight to protect to Social Security from the thieves in Washington, who seem to think that if they steal from the American people at night while they are sleeping that they will get away with it. I was proud to vote with Senator Paul on his point of order that would have protected Social Security, and I ask you to help me shine a light on what Washington has tried to hide from you in the darkness of night.

If everyone who sees this message shares it, it will reach millions of Americans. As someone who has been fighting for years to reform our broken government in Washington, I know it is exhausting, I sympathize with your frustration, and I understand your impatience. But don't give up. Washington wants you to give up.

Just remember, a vote to raid social security in the middle of the night in a desperate attempt to perpetuate an unsustainable spending addiction isn't a sign of strength. It is a sign of weakness.
Oh look a democrat interested in the raiding of the SS system....hmmm where's he been the last 50 years.


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Oh look a democrat interested in the raiding of the SS system....hmmm where's he been the last 50 years.

Surely you are not speaking of the Messiah Bill Clinton who created a surplus through economic wizardtry and not by raiding social security.

I don't know what went on with that vote but if Rand Paul stopped another raid, I thank him for it.


Diamond Contributor
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I'm not leaving.

I have denounced the rioters several times but even if I didn't, does that mean I condone it? Come to think of it, I have not heard you condemn the political repression of Joseph Kabila in the Eastern Congo, should I assume you condone it? I don't like Milo, I've seen him here and there and think he's obnoxious. So I along with trump and his entire cabinet, I have to like his court jester as well?
you're not leaving oh damn dude, you're just another Lena Dunham.....Modanna..whoopiseGoldberg cock tease...Canada is wonderfull for 2 weeks in the'de love it.Besides I thought you said you never saw Milo, and now you say you have which is it.


Diamond Contributor
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Surely you are not speaking of the Messiah Bill Clinton who created a surplus through economic wizardtry and not by raiding social security.

I don't know what went on with that vote but if Rand Paul stopped another raid, I thank him for it.
the only economic Wizadry the Clintons can claim is how they raped the people of Hati through the Clinton Foundation and laundered untold millions of illegal dollars through the same foundation...hopefully Jeff Sessions can help us figure all that wizadry out....
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