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Good. There is a reason you failed as a Mod.
Yeah I left the team on my own accord - after I stuck up for members who were being pushed around by others.

Not that you would know anything about any of that.

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It's objective. That's what elections are for.

A lot of people voted for Trump simply because of what Hillary and the party did to Bernie. Those people voted out of spite and can't be counted as loyalist who believe trump is America and America is Trump. Also, people who voted for Trump can change their mind, approval ratings are not constant and right now he's down to 40%. Holding to your logic would mean that somehow the majority country are actually democrats considering Obama's first victory was by such a wide margin. Trumps victory was not by a large margin.

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Advise to flynn

Trump is gonna call Vince McMahon and get stone cold on him

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A lot of people voted for Trump simply because of what Hillary and the party did to Bernie. Those people voted out of spite and can't be counted as loyalist who believe trump is America and America is Trump. Also, people who voted for Trump can change their mind, approval ratings are not constant and right now he's down to 40%. Holding to your logic would mean that somehow the majority country are actually democrats considering Obama's first victory was by such a wide margin. Trumps victory was not by a large margin.

Sure. And most of the country doesn't vote at all, nor are they ever polled. Most voters are never polled. Polling a few hundred people, especially with the oversampling methods employed, is hardly a cross section of the country. This should be fairly apparent after the pre election polls were wrong. All we have in the end is the vote results.


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Sure. And most of the country doesn't vote at all, nor are they ever polled. Most voters are never polled. Polling a few hundred people, especially with the oversampling methods employed, is hardly a cross section of the country. This should be fairly apparent after the pre election polls were wrong. All we have in the end is the vote results.




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Yeah I left the team on my own accord - after I stuck up for members who were being pushed around by others.

Not that you would know anything about any of that.

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Let me know how how your reporting goes. :popcorn:

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Shooooo go away peter

They won't dude... anything political can only be pro- orange
As far as they are convened anything else is not allowed

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Maybe that's Timmy... If so no sprinkles Timmy

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The Left is getting massively out-Alinskyed, and the hilarious thing is that this band of withered hippies, unemployable millennial safe-space cases, and unlovable + unshaven libfeminists don’t even know it. Oh, their masters sure know it. Soros is bitterly having to ramp up his infusions of blood money to keep his community-organized “grassroots” movements afloat. The less dumb ones among the lying dinosaur media are panicking as their influence fades, and Chuck Schumer is enduring such a non-stop parade of serial humiliations that if the Senate were a penitentiary, he’d be McConnell’s prison Mitch.

The Leftist mafia godmaleidentifyingparents pulling the strings of the Marxist Muppets know the score – they are losing. And it’s awesome. Because, finally, the Right has taken Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and shoved it up where #TheResistance don’t shine.



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The whole left - right thing appeals to the masses and their most base instincts. Being able to draw a line right down the middle is something the corporate media does. I don't know anyone under the age of 50 who can so easily group themselves and others into one category or the other. I make it easy on myself and just call anyone who is that narrow minded an idiot.

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The whole left - right thing appeals to the masses and their most base instincts. Being able to draw a line right down the middle is something the corporate media does. I don't know anyone under the age of 50 who can so easily group themselves and others into one category or the other. I make it easy on myself and just call anyone who is that narrow minded an idiot.


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A lot of people voted for Trump simply because of what Hillary and the party did to Bernie. Those people voted out of spite and can't be counted as loyalist who believe trump is America and America is Trump. Also, people who voted for Trump can change their mind, approval ratings are not constant and right now he's down to 40%. Holding to your logic would mean that somehow the majority country are actually democrats considering Obama's first victory was by such a wide margin. Trumps victory was not by a large margin.
Yeah this is a narritive pushed by the anti-Trumpsters...there's only one inconvenient truth that the DNC and there globalist media ignore, and are suppressing...the DNC didn't just lose the whitehouse..during the reigen of Barry I the DNC lost a ton of state legislatures, they lost governorships and they lost short the entire country rejected the DNC...taking that into account Trumps victory was not a slim margin it was a nationwide rejection of the left....the myth being manufactured by the global elite is that Trump is a freak of nature is to distract and deflect the truth that populsim and nationalisim is riding a wave across the westeren world and the rejection of globalisim is growing.


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Investigate orange man

Had a democrat and their minions done what has been done SO FAR (in the very little time Trump has been president) people would be screaming for impeachment and investigations.

THIS is why I don't like Trump. I said before he got elected, he would misuse the office for his own gains and he would do whatever he wanted, despite law.

In all honesty, I think they will impeach his ass before his term is over. In the least, he will lose the next election to ANYONE running against him.


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Had a democrat and their minions done what has been done SO FAR (in the very little time Trump has been president) people would be screaming for impeachment and investigations.

THIS is why I don't like Trump. I said before he got elected, he would misuse the office for his own gains and he would do whatever he wanted, despite law.

In all honesty, I think they will impeach his ass before his term is over. In the least, he will lose the next election to ANYONE running against him.

I never like that MOFO from day 1, I said it many fucking times!! He's gonna get some! Mike Flynn is just the beginning... you can't hide everything!
Fuckers... and fuck the people that defend agent orange... they all stupid



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Looks like the Trump detractors and the MSM are going to milk this whole Flynn situation dry. McCain is heading up the investigations and I'm sure the intelligence agencies will be happy to help with any info they need and make it up where it's lacking. The big focus is on whether or not Trump knew in advance about the phone calls. I could see Trump instructing him to call with no regards to the implications. I also will not be surprised if Trump is caught lying about whether or not he had foreknowledge of the conversations. I have not heard any statements directly from Trump regarding Flynn but Ol' Leather Face Conway has been making statements all over the place.


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I never like that MOFO from day 1, I said it many fucking times!! He's gonna get some! Mike Flynn is just the beginning... you can't hide everything!
Fuckers... and fuck the people that defend agent orange... they all stupid

I think this will be small in comparison to what will come down the road later. When they impeach him, they will have loads of dirt. It will make Nixon go "What the fuck was THAT guy thinking?!"


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I'll add this.....

Trump, being the "outsider" has no dirt on the guys in congress, or the investigative branches of government. Being an outsider does not provide an advantage, when the "swamp" wants you out. They would get along with Pence much better, because Pence is the swamp too.

Trump thinks it's great to piss everyone off. And that would be fine, if he had numbers and the people on his side. However, even among his voters, he is pissing them off.


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For what its worth, so far this admin has not done anything that is any worse than administrations before them. They all lie, that's just a fact of politics. Trump's problem is, he doesn't seem to coordinate his lies with the rest of his team. He just blurts out something stupid and then everyone else scrambles to try and clean up the mess. A good example is when Trump claimed the media did not cover 47? (can't remember the exact number) terrorist attacks which was a stupid thing to say. Rather than retract the statement, they issue a press release that is riddled with spelling and factual errors in a futile attempt to back up the presidential disinfo and end up making the situation way worse than it was.


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They all lie
They all selfish
They all greedy
They all for themselves....


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For what its worth, so far this admin has not done anything that is any worse than administrations before them. They all lie, that's just a fact of politics. Trump's problem is, he doesn't seem to coordinate his lies with the rest of his team. He just blurts out something stupid and then everyone else scrambles to try and clean up the mess. A good example is when Trump claimed the media did not cover 47? (can't remember the exact number) terrorist attacks which was a stupid thing to say. Rather than retract the statement, they issue a press release that is riddled with spelling and factual errors in a futile attempt to back up the presidential disinfo and end up making the situation way worse than it was.
This is very true...
The downside is like you said, ANYONE that runs against him will win in 4 years.
I shudder to think of who may rise from the ashes. That same mentality is how we got orange julius.

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I wake up in a cold sweat once a week and yell out "President Alex Jones nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!"

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I wake up in a cold sweat once a week and yell out "President Alex Jones nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!"
I find the guy entertaining at times both he and Glenn Beck are the right wing version of the daily show to me.
I think it's all hilarious; but, I find all staunch single sided views funny. The world is not like a computer, 1's and 0s thinking doesnt work outside of silicon.

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Who's next to leave the administration?

The obvious choice for me would be press secretary Sean Spicer. But I'm not sure he'll resign or have his head explode during a press briefing.

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