Probably less than the criminal corporate scumbags paid him.I wonder how much those criminal union scumbag lobbyists
paid Obama to sign off on all those abuses of your money.
So are there dipshits around who still thinking Trump is the swamp draining messiah from the east?
Did anyone hear what the admins unofficial media arm (info wars) said about Kushner being the press leak? It's all coming undone.
Fuck Syria....
I ️
The son in law... kushner? Who that?
I ️
Let Russia have Syria.
Let have
That place is a lost cost!! We don't want to get pulled over there... agent orange said it...
I'd rather be dead than to live in that environment
I ️
The JEW sabotaging agent orange?
Holy shit!
I ️
Well lord chetteo is going in.
Btw, he's not discussing anything. He's shoving his fat face full of Big Mac while watching Fox News; just waiting for a sound bite short enough that he can remember in time to get tweet off. Bannon, mantis, tillerson, hailay and kushner are discussing what kind of hell to visit upon the Syrian people.
WTF was that?No way. dude, corporate is our territory!
Deminals, (Ooooo... I like that) in general are beholden (read: in bed with, and funneling money to...) to unions...
especially gov't unions. (read: entitled America killing parasites)
You guys jus needa stay there in teh gutter wit teh unions... Leave the skyscraper crowd to us.
If we catch you moonbats tryin to steal our corp-graft, we're gonna be pizzed!
Trump launches military strike against SyriaFUCKING WORLD WAR 3 is about to happen!!
I ️
Because they both serve the same Master and it certainly isn't the American PeopleYep 50 tomahawk missiles.
60 million dollars worth of missiles.
and it is only a beginning.
the really amazing thing is that Trump did just what Hillary wanted done....
Don't worry, I'm sure it's Obama and Hillary fault.Let me hear the fan bois??
I ️
Don't worry, I'm sure it's Obama and Hillary fault.
God knows trump did the heroic thing and we should all feel thankful and blessed that he is the almighty. We are all just to fat, retarded, and impotent to grasp the greatness that is the Donald.
Back to silent mode
The Syrian people have been in hell way before trump . Obama did nothing to help those people !he stood by as they were slaughtered as christians were slaughtered as issis grew . America did nothing ! IObama let the Russians take it . Now it's too late to help anyone ! That blood is on Obamas and Clintons hands .
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Nobody forced trump to escalate. The option for peace is on the table. The only reason why the no Syrian rebels attended the peace talks was because their paymasters in DC and Riyadh ordered them not to attended. As much as I don't like Putin, I think he would court Assad in finding a political solution, which assad is already desperately seeking. Trump would have helped at least calm the violence, improved ties with Russia and actually done something he promised. Instead he does exactly what the chicken hawks want and chooses the psychotic option of escalation.
Fuck Donald Trump.
WTH are you talking about? Can you document ANY of this?
Yesterday, you liked Trump, now he's the axis of evil. W'happen???
Fuck Assad he is a animal. This motherfucker drops barrel bombs on civilians then waits for help to arrive and drops another . Trump did the right thing if our former president didn't run away like a pussy and backpedal his words and fucking done something you would not see this mess ! The Russians would not be there ! Yea fuck Donald trump ! Yea to gassing people
You stupid fuck
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It's not our JOB to police and save the world. While it's horrible what was done to those people, we can't start wars in every country and expect to survive it.Fuck Assad he is a animal. This motherfucker drops barrel bombs on civilians then waits for help to arrive and drops another . Trump did the right thing if our former president didn't run away like a pussy and backpedal his words and fucking done something you would not see this mess ! The Russians would not be there ! Yea fuck Donald trump ! Yea to gassing people
You stupid fuck
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It's not our JOB to police and save the world. While it's horrible what was done to those people, we can't start wars in every country and expect to survive it.
You might be creaming yourself for world war 3, but normal people don't want more wars.
You know what I take that back maybe your right ! We should stand for nothing but our interest fuck everyone else let them kill gas fuck each other all up . We hung sadam for gassing his people and now his country is out of control ! No more war fuck em all !
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It amazes me, people that can say "it's not our problem" like it's an important issue to fight for.
If it was your mom or your kid getting gassed you'd be shouting for war. There needs to be compassion for other humans, have you no soul?
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