Ok, I've made 12 HIC recipes in the last two days. Nine I found online, three I bought. I haven't tasted them all yet, not enough time. However, I did taste 6 of them. I've learned that when it comes to vaping, it doesn't matter what I like or don't like to eat. Anything is fair game. I'm definitely not a fan of Tiramisu, which is a shame considering how often HIC uses it. Oh well.
Now, the fruits are superb, all spot on. What masterful creations in a sea of mediocrity. I have questioned repeatedly if people were imagining the flavors they talked about at length. I wondered if they were victims of suggestive thinking when saying they could discern the different tastes, the subtleties and nuances of fruits and custards layered within their juices. I had come to believe that a Shake and Vape was an elusive, mythological idea that many believed in simply because they wanted to believe it existed. In other words, I thought a lot of people were full of shit.
Perhaps it's just the typical path new vapers take. The awakening of long dormant taste buds and sense of smell. I suspect few of us are students of food, we're really just consumers. But vaping and, more specifically, DIYing brings to the fore the need to learn about the taste and use of flavors. It's the acquisition of specific and accurate vocabulary to define what is tasted and smelt. It's the acquisition of flavor pairings beyond mac & cheese, peanut butter and jelly and salt and pepper. After what is objectively a short time of four months vaping, but subjectively it's been much longer, it's been a bit frustrating chasing flavors. Combined with the general pain-in-the-assedness of sourcing materials, I've wondered what the hell am I doing. And then I met Sugary Almond Apple Tart and Apple Fritters.
Sublime is not hyperbole when I think of these two recipes. When compared to all the shit I've vaped in the last four months from the gag inducing commercial hype juices that everyone and their brother loves, from the many recipes on the net that people swear by to the abominations I've created on my own, I've finally tasted something that has let me know that it's not all bullshit. I mixed these two last night and tested them both in a Goon with some very good Clapton coils at .25. Used varying wattage and I was impressed. This evening I put the Tart into a tank at 30 watts and was greeted with a taste that finally was what was on the label. I can taste everything HIC said was there. I'm in awe. And I immediately made more. I've been chain vaping for the last 5 hours and I just finished the 15ml I made last night. I should probably go make more. I'm a long time Pats fan, so with all sincerity I must put HIC in the same level as Tom Brady. You're a winner, a master, and probably tall and good looking to boot.
HIC, I most certainly will buy many more of your recipes. It would be nice if I could message you just to ask one question before purchase. Does it have Tiramisu in it?