The Slice is a 100 watt mod and fires all of my tanks with ease. If you normally run your tanks in the 90 to 100 watt range then the Therion would be a better choice, dual 18650 vs 26650.
I don't have a Therion, planning on getting either it or the lost vape finder when the 167 watt versions are out.
As far as the Therion vs Slice.....hmmmm. Therion for style for sure, performance wise it just depends. A lot of people swear by the DNA chip, I like mine. I prefer the FSK chip as it is easier for me to tweak my vape to how I want it. The DNA is the best when you want a consistent vape everytime, the FSK chip is the best when you want to switch it up on the go.
Build quality definitely goes to the Therion. It seems to be better built than the Triade I just sold, paint started to bubble in a few spots after 3 months with that mod. I haven't seen reports of the Therion paint starting to flake after time but have seen a couple of Triades do that.
The newer Slice have better paint jobs and a more solid battery door. Not sure were to get those though
@Deucesjack might know.
The only problems I have had with both my Slice is one had a sticky fire button. Was sent out a replacement button by Hohmtech and now it is perfect. My other Slice has the paint rubbing off were I place my thumb. It is not that noticeable but I pick up on those things easily.
I love my Slice but the Therion is very tempting. Might want to wait on the Therion though, the ones currently available use the DNA200 chip, the ones coming soon will use the new DNA250 chip. You get a little more power but also reverse battery protection and on board 2 amp charging.
Not really a fair comparison though when the Therion costs more than double the Slice. If price is a factor then I would just get a Slice, performance wise they are on par for me.
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