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I Hate Old People


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So.... Just beat somebody's ass. That's the solution to everything.

Somebody called you a name you don't like? Kick their ass.

Somebody looked at you the "wrong way"? Beat them to a pulp.

Somebody accidentally bumped into you? Send them to the hospital.

Your sandwich has a pickle on it and you asked for no pickles? Jump across the deli counter and strangle the person who took your order.

Your boss asked you to work this weekend? Follow them home and murder their family.

Your doctor said you have cancer? Open up a can of whoop ass on them.

And my absolute favorite: Somebody made a comment about a "poor defenseless woman"? Show them how much a "man" you are and beat the living piss out of them.

Violence is not the answer. Ever.

I can't count the number of times I've talked cro-magnon knuckle-draggers with a raging hard on to bear the shit out of me OUT OF doing so or just making a gigantic ass out of them.

So many hilarious stories.

Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk

Even the Dali Lama thinks you're a pussy....You are not against vilolence're no have no problem being an asshole verbally you just want to be able to be violent from a comfortable distance....

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VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
you fucking noobs are a pain in the ass LOL.....I belong to a couple of closed vaping forums...and the reason they started was to escape the newbies....

For any who fail to recognigze this, A diagnosis.

That, is a classic HEMO-rage. High End Mod Only Rage

I would hope that you are all aware of the sad toll this horrible affliction can take upon the vaping community,

Google high end mods only for more information.

Making the daily rounds through the differnt wards in the different forums, this is sadly a all too common malady, and this impatient presents with classic symtoms.

A brief examination will confirm such a diagnosis. The classic symtomology, of which some or all may be used to arrive at a differential diagnosis are:

1: Markedy reduced lung capacity. see

Also known to the layman as the Problematic Piffle Poofing.

2. A high perchantage are allergic, or at least hypersensitive to cotton, prefering steel mesh.

3:The following are the most important symtoms, to corretly diagnose, because quite frequetly, a mis-diagnosis of senile dementia is actually just a common garden variety Hemo Rage.

Persecution complex

Found wandering lost outside their own wards, lashing out at people.

Delusions of grandure, as if anybody gives a fuck what they say or think.

obsessive-compulsive need to argue and spew abuse ( may be controlled with Haldol )

Meterologiphobia Deathly fear of clouds, or even a light mist. ( tranquilizer gun and net )

Complete confusion regarding gravity. Liquids flow upwards to them

Self redacting and massive editing of their own posts, to try and conceal their symtoms, Ordinarily, this might indicate the presence of shame, but not in a true Hemo Ragic.]

Alt accounts, always co-posting.

Lab Tests:

Low Like count.


Isolation is the only effective treatment. A private room, and a diet consisting of Pancakes, waffles and pizza. It won't help them in any significant way, but they are all that will fit under the door....

All Hemorages will stop on their own Either treated or untreated.
One way,or another he he.

Don't bother checking for a Pulse. DNR


Sadly, in all cases terminal.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
pissed because they wouldn't let him in

...he is not a memeber and so has no access to the board, and slanders people he doesn't even know.( of course he does have a history of slandering people).....never has spoken with...or has had the oppurtunity to disgust with his creepy mental illness.
guyakaguy is his butt buddy....he feels compelled to come to his aid.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
For any who fail to recognigze this, A diagnosis.

That, is a classic HEMO-rage. High End Mod Only Rage

I would hope that you are all aware of the sad toll this horrible affliction can take upon the vaping community,

Google high end mods only for more information.

Making the daily rounds through the differnt wards in the different forums, this is sadly a all too common malady, and this impatient presents with classic symtoms.

A brief examination will confirm such a diagnosis. The classic symtomology, of which some or all may be used to arrive at a differential diagnosis are:

1: Markedy reduced lung capacity. see

Also known to the layman as the Problematic Piffle Poofing.

2. A high perchantage are allergic, or at least hypersensitive to cotton, prefering steel mesh.

3:The following are the most important symtoms, to corretly diagnose, because quite frequetly, a mis-diagnosis of senile dementia is actually just a common garden variety Hemo Rage.

Persecution complex

Found wandering lost outside their own wards, lashing out at people.

Delusions of grandure, as if anybody gives a fuck what they say or think.

obsessive-compulsive need to argue and spew abuse ( may be controlled with Haldol )

Meterologiphobia Deathly fear of clouds, or even a light mist. ( tranquilizer gun and net )

Complete confusion regarding gravity. Liquids flow upwards to them


Isolation is the only effective treatment.

All Hemorages will stop either treated or untreated.
One way,or another he he.

Don't bother checking for a Pulse.


Sadly, in all cases terminal.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
First of all, how is any of this blaming others for my supposed problems? Not going fisticuffs with belligerent wastes of space over their delusions makes bad things happen to me as well as makes me weak.

Secondly, you took what I said completely out of context; just like the folks that like to quote the bible, but only use out of context sentences because they conveniently support your delusions.

Just because I don't go around forcibly attempting to teabag strangers, like some people around here do, doesn't mean I don't have balls.

If you let them teabag you, you don't have balls. Don't expect to 'use your words' and stop it. You'll have better luck if you grab hold of that teabag and do some violence to it. ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This coming from the person who, with every thought in their head and in everything they say or write, constantly proves that we NEED to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the insane.

Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
are you calling the Dali Lama insane?

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's too much to have everyone have to jump through the same hoop to purchase a gun.

I had to get my background checked to get a permit to purchase a handgun in my state. It was a simple process and, because I'm not insane or a criminal, I was issued a permit quickly.

I'm calling you insane. Did you forget your meds again today?
I don't give a flying fuck about your thoughts on gun confiscations.

Hey if the Dali Lama supports shooting back that's good enough for me.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nobody is taking your god damned guns away! Who is coming to take your guns away?

I suppose in your delusions you envision Obama coming to your doorstep in SS uniform and taking your guns away, personally, at gunpoint....
I not if we have our guns he won't, but if we didn't have our guns that asshole Obama and Holder would have built gulags in America for enemies of the state.Obamais a totalitarian dickhead.

Did you get to keep your insurance policiy?
Did you get to keep your doctor?

However your obssesion with gun control is not the point of this thread let's stay on track
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TF Vaping

Bronze Contributor
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While this is the only vape related forum I use I do often find it comical people associate intelligence with post count... Fuck that noise. I just laugh at those people and rip them down. I love getting people heated because someone on the internet doesn't agree with them or prove them wrong... Especially a NOOB. They can't have that happen, the gods of the internet lmao. Waste of oxygen.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
Sadly, I fall into the "Old People" category.

Iron gray hair, beard and moustache as well as a bit of a potbelly.

I have more pills than I have E-Liquids.

I make funny sounds after eating on occasion.

But in my heart, soul and mind, I feel anywhere between 16 and 25 max.

I do not have issues with those younger than I am.

Unless they are being complete asshats.

Same goes for people my age or even older.

I am an equal opportunity jerk.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sadly, I fall into the "Old People" category.

Iron gray hair, beard and moustache as well as a bit of a potbelly.

I have more pills than I have E-Liquids.

I make funny sounds after eating on occasion.

But in my heart, soul and mind, I feel anywhere between 16 and 25 max.

I do not have issues with those younger than I am.

Unless they are being complete asshats.

Same goes for people my age or even older.

I am an equal opportunity jerk.
Kids under 21 think I'm a dinosaur and anyone over 40 thinks I'm an infant.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So.... Just beat somebody's ass. That's the solution to everything.

Somebody called you a name you don't like? Kick their ass.

Somebody looked at you the "wrong way"? Beat them to a pulp.

Somebody accidentally bumped into you? Send them to the hospital.

Your sandwich has a pickle on it and you asked for no pickles? Jump across the deli counter and strangle the person who took your order.

Your boss asked you to work this weekend? Follow them home and murder their family.

Your doctor said you have cancer? Open up a can of whoop ass on them.

And my absolute favorite: Somebody made a comment about a "poor defenseless woman"? Show them how much a "man" you are and beat the living piss out of them.

Violence is not the answer. Ever.

I can't count the number of times I've talked cro-magnon knuckle-draggers with a raging hard on to bear the shit out of me OUT OF doing so or just making a gigantic ass out of them.

So many hilarious stories.

Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk
While I don't consider myself a violent person I do realize that sometimes real violence is the only answer.
You don't have to stand tall but at some point you will have to stand up.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
While I don't consider myself a violent person I do realize that sometimes real violence is the only answer.
You don't have to stand tall but at some point you will have to stand up.
I'm not saying that I've never gotten in a scrap, but I'd rather settle differences without getting physical.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sadly, I fall into the "Old People" category.

Iron gray hair, beard and moustache as well as a bit of a potbelly.

I have more pills than I have E-Liquids.

I make funny sounds after eating on occasion.

But in my heart, soul and mind, I feel anywhere between 16 and 25 max.

I do not have issues with those younger than I am.

Unless they are being complete asshats.

Same goes for people my age or even older.

I am an equal opportunity jerk.
fuck still got hair......still not any pills knock on wood....if it wasn't for the damage done by smoking I'd be fit as a fiddle.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sadly, I fall into the "Old People" category.

Iron gray hair, beard and moustache as well as a bit of a potbelly.

I have more pills than I have E-Liquids.

I make funny sounds after eating on occasion.

But in my heart, soul and mind, I feel anywhere between 16 and 25 max.

I do not have issues with those younger than I am.

Unless they are being complete asshats.

Same goes for people my age or even older.

I am an equal opportunity jerk.
Ditto except for the pills remind me at some point to have some high quality bourbon with you.



Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years

Musta just been trolling, eh?
There's a difference between defending yourself and puffing your chest out and pounding on people because you don't like them.

You don't recognize the difference because you're *edited*.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There's a difference between defending yourself and puffing your chest out and pounding on people because you don't like them.

You don't recognize the difference because you're the knuckle-dragging physical aggressor type.
sounds like you're lying.......anyway......


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There's a difference between defending yourself and puffing your chest out and pounding on people because you don't like them.

You don't recognize the difference because you're the knuckle-dragging physical aggressor type.
Wow...just friggin wow dude.
If anybody is being aggressive it's you.
You say violence is never the answer yet say your willing to scrap it out those are not even close to being the same ideology pick a side of the fence and stand on it.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There's a difference between defending yourself and puffing your chest out and pounding on people because you don't like them.

You don't recognize the difference because you're the knuckle-dragging physical aggressor type.

Shut up liar. You said;

Violence is not the answer. Ever.

Then you said you own a gun and get in fights. That makes you a liar. A hypocrite.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So guns are owned with the express purpose of committing acts of violence?

I also didn't say I OWN a gun. I said I got a permit to purchase one. That doesn't necessarily mean that I have a gun.

Also, having to defend myself is not the same as fighting.

Let's de-fund Planned Parenthood!
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So guns are owned with the express purpose of committing acts of violence?

I also didn't say I OWN a gun. I said I got a permit to purchase one. That doesn't necessarily mean that I have a gun.

Also, having to defend myself is not the same as fighting, but you don't have the ability or mental capacity to understand that.
No, I agree I have a whole guncase of guns I use as woodworking tools...and one that I use to strain spagehtti with.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So guns are owned with the express purpose of committing acts of violence?

I also didn't say I OWN a gun. I said I got a permit to purchase one. That doesn't necessarily mean that I have a gun.

Also, having to defend myself is not the same as fighting, but you don't have the ability or mental capacity to understand that.

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