Whether it helps you quit smoking really depends on your definition of quitting smoking and your desire to quit. If you mean helping to quit nicotine, yes and no. If you mean helping to quit using cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco, absolutely.
It is a replacement for cigarettes/cigars/pipe tobacco. It is an alternative means of using nicotine without all of the nasties and carcinogens that tobacco has. Just like using the nicotine patch is, but vaping is way more effective.
When I first started vaping, the product on the market was the 801 pen style device and the 901 cig-a-like. They both have weak batteries, small atomizers, and can only deliver a tiny fraction of the vapor that today's products can. So, I found myself having to use 36mg nicotine and even then I went for something like a year still smoking my morning cigarettes and just before bed cigarettes. I eventually was able to give those up too, though (mainly because at that point they had begun to taste really nasty).
That was 7 yrs ago and I've relapsed a few times since then. During the first few years I smoked part of a cigarette every now and then (maybe once a year) and at one point had a lot of stress going on and smoked a pack over the stretch of a week.
Fast forward to today's devices that do a much better job of producing vapor (and thus a better job of delivering nicotine) and I've only relapsed twice. Both times it was because my mod died and I was out of town / not anywhere near a vape shop. The first time was a few years ago; I was at a casino and my batteries died, I was winning so I wasn't about to leave, and nearest vape shops were 30 mins away and already closed. The last time was just this past week and it's a bit of a funny story. I was out of town, at a casino (and it was around an hour drive from the nearest vape shop plus it was in the evening when many are already closed) and my mod died, so I ended up buying a pack of cigs, and it had been so long since I had smoked, I found that I had actually forgotten how to smoke!
I started smoking cigarettes in 1984 and here I was today having trouble with how to do it
I hot-boxed the cigarette because I was trying to suck on it like I do my vaping mod.
I tried smoking a couple of the cigarettes to try to get my nicotine fix, and ended up giving the rest of the pack away.
At the time I thought maybe I was mistaken about my batteries being charged (maybe I had grabbed the wrong ones when at the hotel room) but it wasn't. Turned out the mod was completely broken due to shoddy wiring. So, before the night was over, when I got to Albuquerque I found a vape shop in town that was open until midnight and got a new mod.
Am I still hooked on the nicotine? Absolutely. Do I still smoke? No. Aside from those couple of times that I was completely unable to vape and I was getting antsy and needing some nic to settle me down, I am a non-smoker. Plus I now find cigarettes taste disgusting. If I should ever be in that situation again, I'll buy some of that gum or a patch. Could I taper down on my nicotine and eventually quit? Most likely; I've known quite a few that have after switching to vaping. Do I want to quit vaping? Absolutely not. My smoker's cough (which was so bad that I couldn't even bend over to pick up something off of the floor or tie my shoes without going into a massive coughing fit) is completely gone, I feel great, and I really don't care about quitting nicotine. I enjoy vaping and the relaxing effect of the nicotine.
On an aside, the lesson learned from my latest experience is that one should always carry a spare mod with them. I usually do, but have rarely needed it and just didn't feel the need on this last trip. Oops
It is a replacement for cigarettes/cigars/pipe tobacco. It is an alternative means of using nicotine without all of the nasties and carcinogens that tobacco has. Just like using the nicotine patch is, but vaping is way more effective.
When I first started vaping, the product on the market was the 801 pen style device and the 901 cig-a-like. They both have weak batteries, small atomizers, and can only deliver a tiny fraction of the vapor that today's products can. So, I found myself having to use 36mg nicotine and even then I went for something like a year still smoking my morning cigarettes and just before bed cigarettes. I eventually was able to give those up too, though (mainly because at that point they had begun to taste really nasty).
That was 7 yrs ago and I've relapsed a few times since then. During the first few years I smoked part of a cigarette every now and then (maybe once a year) and at one point had a lot of stress going on and smoked a pack over the stretch of a week.
Fast forward to today's devices that do a much better job of producing vapor (and thus a better job of delivering nicotine) and I've only relapsed twice. Both times it was because my mod died and I was out of town / not anywhere near a vape shop. The first time was a few years ago; I was at a casino and my batteries died, I was winning so I wasn't about to leave, and nearest vape shops were 30 mins away and already closed. The last time was just this past week and it's a bit of a funny story. I was out of town, at a casino (and it was around an hour drive from the nearest vape shop plus it was in the evening when many are already closed) and my mod died, so I ended up buying a pack of cigs, and it had been so long since I had smoked, I found that I had actually forgotten how to smoke!

At the time I thought maybe I was mistaken about my batteries being charged (maybe I had grabbed the wrong ones when at the hotel room) but it wasn't. Turned out the mod was completely broken due to shoddy wiring. So, before the night was over, when I got to Albuquerque I found a vape shop in town that was open until midnight and got a new mod.
Am I still hooked on the nicotine? Absolutely. Do I still smoke? No. Aside from those couple of times that I was completely unable to vape and I was getting antsy and needing some nic to settle me down, I am a non-smoker. Plus I now find cigarettes taste disgusting. If I should ever be in that situation again, I'll buy some of that gum or a patch. Could I taper down on my nicotine and eventually quit? Most likely; I've known quite a few that have after switching to vaping. Do I want to quit vaping? Absolutely not. My smoker's cough (which was so bad that I couldn't even bend over to pick up something off of the floor or tie my shoes without going into a massive coughing fit) is completely gone, I feel great, and I really don't care about quitting nicotine. I enjoy vaping and the relaxing effect of the nicotine.
On an aside, the lesson learned from my latest experience is that one should always carry a spare mod with them. I usually do, but have rarely needed it and just didn't feel the need on this last trip. Oops
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