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Is vaping really helps you quit smoking?


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Whether it helps you quit smoking really depends on your definition of quitting smoking and your desire to quit. If you mean helping to quit nicotine, yes and no. If you mean helping to quit using cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco, absolutely.

It is a replacement for cigarettes/cigars/pipe tobacco. It is an alternative means of using nicotine without all of the nasties and carcinogens that tobacco has. Just like using the nicotine patch is, but vaping is way more effective.

When I first started vaping, the product on the market was the 801 pen style device and the 901 cig-a-like. They both have weak batteries, small atomizers, and can only deliver a tiny fraction of the vapor that today's products can. So, I found myself having to use 36mg nicotine and even then I went for something like a year still smoking my morning cigarettes and just before bed cigarettes. I eventually was able to give those up too, though (mainly because at that point they had begun to taste really nasty).

That was 7 yrs ago and I've relapsed a few times since then. During the first few years I smoked part of a cigarette every now and then (maybe once a year) and at one point had a lot of stress going on and smoked a pack over the stretch of a week.

Fast forward to today's devices that do a much better job of producing vapor (and thus a better job of delivering nicotine) and I've only relapsed twice. Both times it was because my mod died and I was out of town / not anywhere near a vape shop. The first time was a few years ago; I was at a casino and my batteries died, I was winning so I wasn't about to leave, and nearest vape shops were 30 mins away and already closed. The last time was just this past week and it's a bit of a funny story. I was out of town, at a casino (and it was around an hour drive from the nearest vape shop plus it was in the evening when many are already closed) and my mod died, so I ended up buying a pack of cigs, and it had been so long since I had smoked, I found that I had actually forgotten how to smoke! :huh: I started smoking cigarettes in 1984 and here I was today having trouble with how to do it :teehee: I hot-boxed the cigarette because I was trying to suck on it like I do my vaping mod. :oops: I tried smoking a couple of the cigarettes to try to get my nicotine fix, and ended up giving the rest of the pack away.

At the time I thought maybe I was mistaken about my batteries being charged (maybe I had grabbed the wrong ones when at the hotel room) but it wasn't. Turned out the mod was completely broken due to shoddy wiring. So, before the night was over, when I got to Albuquerque I found a vape shop in town that was open until midnight and got a new mod.

Am I still hooked on the nicotine? Absolutely. Do I still smoke? No. Aside from those couple of times that I was completely unable to vape and I was getting antsy and needing some nic to settle me down, I am a non-smoker. Plus I now find cigarettes taste disgusting. If I should ever be in that situation again, I'll buy some of that gum or a patch. Could I taper down on my nicotine and eventually quit? Most likely; I've known quite a few that have after switching to vaping. Do I want to quit vaping? Absolutely not. My smoker's cough (which was so bad that I couldn't even bend over to pick up something off of the floor or tie my shoes without going into a massive coughing fit) is completely gone, I feel great, and I really don't care about quitting nicotine. I enjoy vaping and the relaxing effect of the nicotine.

On an aside, the lesson learned from my latest experience is that one should always carry a spare mod with them. I usually do, but have rarely needed it and just didn't feel the need on this last trip. Oops :(
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I might someday like to quit vaping, if I could do it without triggering cigarette cravings. I'm just not sure that will ever be possible, but who knows, I never thought quitting was possible, after my 3-4 failed attempts (I also tried when I was pregnant, but just couldn't get below 3-4 cigarettes a day). However even if I was able to quit vaping, I'd still want the nicotine, so I might use low-nic-level patches. With senile dementia in one grandmother, and Alzheimers in the other, my brain needs all the help it can get!

I switched to vaping in October, 2010. It was the crappy little 901 jobs. Toys compared to what's available now. I have not smoked a real cigarette since then. But I had it ingrained in my mind that it HAD to work. I'd been experiencing a constant ache in my left lung for years, heart palpitations, and just felt like total shit in general. I made do with those anemic, primitive vape sticks and it got easier. I'm still addicted to nicotine, of course. Probably always will be. I was a two pack a day smoker. But all those side effects of smoking cigarettes - pain in my left lung, etc., completely went away after only a few months of vaping. It feels good to feel "good" again.


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I switched to vaping in October, 2010. It was the crappy little 901 jobs. Toys compared to what's available now. I have not smoked a real cigarette since then. But I had it ingrained in my mind that it HAD to work. I'd been experiencing a constant ache in my left lung for years, heart palpitations, and just felt like total shit in general. I made do with those anemic, primitive vape sticks and it got easier. I'm still addicted to nicotine, of course. Probably always will be. I was a two pack a day smoker. But all those side effects of smoking cigarettes - pain in my left lung, etc., completely went away after only a few months of vaping. It feels good to feel "good" again.

I actually got to the point of quitting -- over about 3-4 wks time -- with a cigalike, an eRoll -- I wanted that form factor, but I wanted to pick my own eliquid. I got my first vv3 2 days before I finally quit, but it had those godawful top-coil i16 clearos, and they just sucked. On payday, i went to my local vape shack and got a kanger T3S, got home, got it all filled and had a vape... and i swear, the first words out of my mouth were THASS WHAT I'M TALKIN BOUT! :giggle:



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Well if you truly want to stop smoking the biggest factor is going to be your desire to really quit. Vaping will help and it's the best method, but it's all about you! Vaping will help with the hand to mouth action you have grown accustomed to, it will also aid in weaning you off of nicotine. Factor in the community! This is a big factor! Their own stories will inspire you and motivate you to succeed at quitting... The camaraderie among the boards will also be helpful.

But the #1 factor is going to be you! If you truly wish to get rid of the addiction to cigarettes you will succeed! And this method will aid you in your success, but deep down you must want this! You must be committed to quitting! If you are only doing it because your family insist you do it, because your doctor insist you do it, because you think you should... Or any other reason! If that reason is not because you truly want to no longer be bound to those little tobacco filled fuckers! You will not succeed! It's all inside of you!

I cannot read the truth that is deep inside you so I cannot tell you that this method will make you quit smoking indefinitely! But we have all heard of the people that went cold turkey! And never went back to cigarettes after being smokers for 20, 30 and 40 years! They where capable of this because they truly wanted to quit and they would accept nothing else! It's not like nicotine addiction is on par with ****** addiction! We can all quit if we truly want to! However those rare folks do it the hardest way possible! But if you truly want to quit! This is the most painless way possible IMO

.... And after all of that! You will likely come away with a new addiction! Mod collecting, tank collecting and all the collecting! Or so is the case for many! But it doesn't hurt your health, it just hurts your wallet lmao


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Well if you truly want to stop smoking the biggest factor is going to be your desire to really quit. Vaping will help and it's the best method, but it's all about you! Vaping will help with the hand to mouth action you have grown accustomed to, it will also aid in weaning you off of nicotine. Factor in the community! This is a big factor! Their own stories will inspire you and motivate you to succeed at quitting... The camaraderie among the boards will also be helpful.

But the #1 factor is going to be you! If you truly wish to get rid of the addiction to cigarettes you will succeed! And this method will aid you in your success, but deep down you must want this! You must be committed to quitting! If you are only doing it because your family insist you do it, because your doctor insist you do it, because you think you should... Or any other reason! If that reason is not because you truly want to no longer be bound to those little tobacco filled fuckers! You will not succeed! It's all inside of you!

I cannot read the truth that is deep inside you so I cannot tell you that this method will make you quit smoking indefinitely! But we have all heard of the people that went cold turkey! And never went back to cigarettes after being smokers for 20, 30 and 40 years! They where capable of this because they truly wanted to quit and they would accept nothing else! It's not like nicotine addiction is on par with ****** addiction! We can all quit if we truly want to! However those rare folks do it the hardest way possible! But if you truly want to quit! This is the most painless way possible IMO

.... And after all of that! You will likely come away with a new addiction! Mod collecting, tank collecting and all the collecting! Or so is the case for many! But it doesn't hurt your health, it just hurts your wallet lmao
I did not want to quit smoking. I just wanted to find out first if, by vaping, it would be possible for me to quit smoking. In fact, for months I had been delaying my decision to pick up vaping before I finally did jump head first into vaping. Head first, meaning, just skip all the usual cheap pen style / mouth-to-lung / clearomizer / tank / prebuilt coils / underpowered devices related fantasms, and, instead, grab a triple battery setup capable of 250 watts equipped with a regular size RDA and some reasonable handcrafted coils so it can chuck out some actual CLOUDS. Not saying this "head first" method is for everyone─and in fact neither me nor the guy at the vape shop know anyone else except me who has followed this method. But the truth that matters is, for me, it worked SO surprisingly well... I never touched another cigarette excepting only that one time, which only happened because I thought my mod was broken when the reality was that it wasn't.


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I did not want to quit smoking. I just wanted to find out first if, by vaping, it would be possible for me to quit smoking. In fact, for months I had been delaying my decision to pick up vaping before I finally did jump head first into vaping. Head first, meaning, just skip all the usual cheap pen style / mouth-to-lung / clearomizer / tank / prebuilt coils / underpowered devices related fantasms, and, instead, grab a triple battery setup capable of 250 watts equipped with a regular size RDA and some reasonable handcrafted coils so it can chuck out some actual CLOUDS. Not saying this "head first" method is for everyone─and in fact neither me nor the guy at the vape shop know anyone else except me who has followed this method. But the truth that matters is, for me, it worked SO surprisingly well... I never touched another cigarette excepting only that one time, which only happened because I thought my mod was broken when the reality was that it wasn't.

Yes but once you made up your mind you stuck with ecigs because you where set on truly quitting


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Yes but once you made up your mind you stuck with ecigs because you where set on truly quitting
I actually made up my mind right after my second pull. It was 8-wrap fused claptons dual coil at .3 ohms 80 watts in a Troll RDA 2 with an RX2/3 and high VG juice ~4.5mg (1 portion of 6mg mixed with ~1/3 portion of 0mg).


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I did not want to quit smoking. I just wanted to find out first if, by vaping, it would be possible for me to quit smoking.

I actually made up my mind right after my second pull. It was 8-wrap fused claptons dual coil at .3 ohms 80 watts in a Troll RDA 2 with an RX2/3 and high VG juice ~4.5mg (1 portion of 6mg mixed with ~1/3 portion of 0mg).

To me, this was one of the greatest possible things about vaping -- I did not have to just drop cigarettes like a hot rock, and there were no "rules" about how I was *supposed to* use vaping to quit smoking. I got to try it out, and make it all up as I went along. I played a little game with myself, once I saw that yes, I truly was smoking fewer cigarettes thx to vaping -- I started making tally marks for each cigarette smoked... and the next day, I tried to smoke fewer, or at least, not more. And it worked unbelivably well -- within 3-4 weeks, I was down to 1 cigarette a day... for 3 days in a row. So I decided that if I could get by with just one cigarette a day, I could probably get by without it, too -- and I was right! It was so completely liberating; to quit doing something I thought I'd never be able to quit, and do it in my own way, at my own speed, and feel positively blissed and blessed during the entire process. Truly a miracle!



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To me, this was one of the greatest possible things about vaping -- I did not have to just drop cigarettes like a hot rock, and there were no "rules" about how I was *supposed to* use vaping to quit smoking. I got to try it out, and make it all up as I went along. I played a little game with myself, once I saw that yes, I truly was smoking fewer cigarettes thx to vaping -- I started making tally marks for each cigarette smoked... and the next day, I tried to smoke fewer, or at least, not more. And it worked unbelivably well -- within 3-4 weeks, I was down to 1 cigarette a day... for 3 days in a row. So I decided that if I could get by with just one cigarette a day, I could probably get by without it, too -- and I was right! It was so completely liberating; to quit doing something I thought I'd never be able to quit, and do it in my own way, at my own speed, and feel positively blissed and blessed during the entire process. Truly a miracle!

I'll never know what it feels like to smoke fewer cigarettes... it was kind of like having a heavy rock tied to my feet for more than 20 years until one day finally this rock just vanished, and did so in a matter of only seconds.


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I’d tried to quit so many times over the years and nothing ever worked. When the Vaping scene went mainstream I jumped on board with several cheap devices and it helped but as soon as I invested in a decent quality setup I stopped smoking for good. That was close to 4 years ago now and apart from 2 cigarettes on the night my grandfather died I never even craved a cigarette. Different strokes for different folks I suppose but for me vaping was the miracle I was waiting for.

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I'll never know what it feels like to smoke fewer cigarettes... it was kind of like having a heavy rock tied to my feet for more than 20 years until one day finally this rock just vanished, and did so in a matter of only seconds.

Well of course the biggest hurdle was convincing my brain that vaping really did provide as much satisfaction of its wants, if not even more. After 39 yrs of smoking, that took a few weeks to really sink in. If I had gone any faster, I don't think it would have been nearly as successful -- faster would have meant coercion, pressure, stress... to which I would have said a great big FUCK YOU and lit up another. :D Seriously, I had to PROVE it to myself, and that sort of proof can't be had in seconds; it has to sink in over time, a gradual change of perceptions leading to a massive change of attitude.

After 4 failed attempts, I had zero interest in quitting; I started vaping ONLY so I had something to use indoors on cold winter nights; I had no intention of replacing the ones smoked in the milder daytime... but after I saw that it really might be POSSIBLE... then I made an effort, but still not a coerced effort -- I went at my own pace, smoking when I truly wanted a cigarette... it's just that after vaping for a few weeks, my desire for cigarettes got less and less and less till I just couldn't figure out why I was still bothering with expensive stinky cigarettes. That lessening of desire, that was my proof -- it's easy to quit doing something you don't even want, or like, or enjoy, when you have something with which to replace it, which is something you do like, want, and enjoy. :)



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Well of course the biggest hurdle was convincing my brain that vaping really did provide as much satisfaction of its wants, if not even more. After 39 yrs of smoking, that took a few weeks to really sink in. If I had gone any faster, I don't think it would have been nearly as successful -- faster would have meant coercion, pressure, stress... to which I would have said a great big FUCK YOU and lit up another. :D Seriously, I had to PROVE it to myself, and that sort of proof can't be had in seconds; it has to sink in over time, a gradual change of perceptions leading to a massive change of attitude.

After 4 failed attempts, I had zero interest in quitting; I started vaping ONLY so I had something to use indoors on cold winter nights; I had no intention of replacing the ones smoked in the milder daytime... but after I saw that it really might be POSSIBLE... then I made an effort, but still not a coerced effort -- I went at my own pace, smoking when I truly wanted a cigarette... it's just that after vaping for a few weeks, my desire for cigarettes got less and less and less till I just couldn't figure out why I was still bothering with expensive stinky cigarettes. That lessening of desire, that was my proof -- it's easy to quit doing something you don't even want, or like, or enjoy, when you have something with which to replace it, which is something you do like, want, and enjoy. :)

The only real pressure and stress I felt was from trying to teach myself how to properly wick my RDA. Some "experienced" vapers had told me to avoid using too much cotton because doing that just mutes the flavor, but the reality was I was getting constant spatters of boiling e-liquid into my mouth so that's why after a couple days I decided to avoid taking too much advice from those people... and that's how I finally managed to fix my own problem. :cool:
I smoked for quite a few years. I was able to quit a few times even for longer periods of time but eventually went back to smoking. I bought a vaping device a couple of weeks ago and threw my tobacco bag inside a rubbish bin on day one. However, the desire to quit smoking was strong.


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It's all in the mind. We weren't addicted to h*roin or anything like that! It's cigarettes. Sure it sucks, but we aren't trying to beat cancer or fight a 20 year long m*th addiction! It's hard to stop but no where close to impossible! I will always stick beside the statement that if you truly want to stop smoking you will succeed! And Vaping is the absolute best way to reach that success! People can counter this, the FDA can say what they want and they can continue coming after Vaping, but they will never change the fact that Vaping is #1 at it's intended purpose!


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It's all in the mind. We weren't addicted to h*roin or anything like that! It's cigarettes. Sure it sucks, but we aren't trying to beat cancer or fight a 20 year long m*th addiction! It's hard to stop but no where close to impossible! I will always stick beside the statement that if you truly want to stop smoking you will succeed! And Vaping is the absolute best way to reach that success! People can counter this, the FDA can say what they want and they can continue coming after Vaping, but they will never change the fact that Vaping is #1 at it's intended purpose!

Well, yes and no. It's actually a much harder addiction to beat than any illegal drug, because it's firmly ingrained in every waking minute's behavior, and behavior is FAR harder to change than any chemical addiction. Without vaping, for a great many of us, it truly was impossible -- not impossible in the sense that it could not be done, but impossible in the sense that we were not able to deal with the pure suffering that quitting entailed; if something you do or feel makes life not worth living, then most of us simply won't do it.

It does depend on a certain commitment to getting thru the difficulties -- hardware, ejuice, slight withdrawal symptoms, or for some of us who were more addicted to the MAOIs than to nicotine, finding a good source of WTA and sticking to using that rather than taking the easy route of a "sneak" cigarette, and then carrying out a systematic weaning-down. But the MAIN reason that vaping works better than anything else EVER, is because of the behavior that it so closely mimics. It's not a medical fix, it's a behavioral fix.

For me, without vaping, I would never have quit smoking, until I died of smoking's health complications. And I know I'm very far from the only one, because a great many have already died of it, because it was impossible for them to quit.

Just because SOME people succeed in quitting via cold turkey or all the useless crap that BP shoves out, don't assume that EVERYONE can. There's a good reason why something like 90%-95% of people who try that useless pharma shit don't succeed -- it doesn't work, because all it addresses is ONE chemical dependency; cigarette smoke has a lot more addictive chemicals than simply nicotine, and patches, gums, and pills do NOTHING to address the deeply-ingrained behavior.



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Well, yes and no. It's actually a much harder addiction to beat than any illegal drug, because it's firmly ingrained in every waking minute's behavior, and behavior is FAR harder to change than any chemical addiction. Without vaping, for a great many of us, it truly was impossible -- not impossible in the sense that it could not be done, but impossible in the sense that we were not able to deal with the pure suffering that quitting entailed; if something you do or feel makes life not worth living, then most of us simply won't do it.

It does depend on a certain commitment to getting thru the difficulties -- hardware, ejuice, slight withdrawal symptoms, or for some of us who were more addicted to the MAOIs than to nicotine, finding a good source of WTA and sticking to using that rather than taking the easy route of a "sneak" cigarette, and then carrying out a systematic weaning-down. But the MAIN reason that vaping works better than anything else EVER, is because of the behavior that it so closely mimics. It's not a medical fix, it's a behavioral fix.

For me, without vaping, I would never have quit smoking, until I died of smoking's health complications. And I know I'm very far from the only one, because a great many have already died of it, because it was impossible for them to quit.

Just because SOME people succeed in quitting via cold turkey or all the useless crap that BP shoves out, don't assume that EVERYONE can. There's a good reason why something like 90%-95% of people who try that useless pharma shit don't succeed -- it doesn't work, because all it addresses is ONE chemical dependency; cigarette smoke has a lot more addictive chemicals than simply nicotine, and patches, gums, and pills do NOTHING to address the deeply-ingrained behavior.


Well said. :cheers:


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Well, yes and no. It's actually a much harder addiction to beat than any illegal drug, because it's firmly ingrained in every waking minute's behavior, and behavior is FAR harder to change than any chemical addiction. Without vaping, for a great many of us, it truly was impossible -- not impossible in the sense that it could not be done, but impossible in the sense that we were not able to deal with the pure suffering that quitting entailed; if something you do or feel makes life not worth living, then most of us simply won't do it.

It does depend on a certain commitment to getting thru the difficulties -- hardware, ejuice, slight withdrawal symptoms, or for some of us who were more addicted to the MAOIs than to nicotine, finding a good source of WTA and sticking to using that rather than taking the easy route of a "sneak" cigarette, and then carrying out a systematic weaning-down. But the MAIN reason that vaping works better than anything else EVER, is because of the behavior that it so closely mimics. It's not a medical fix, it's a behavioral fix.

For me, without vaping, I would never have quit smoking, until I died of smoking's health complications. And I know I'm very far from the only one, because a great many have already died of it, because it was impossible for them to quit.

Just because SOME people succeed in quitting via cold turkey or all the useless crap that BP shoves out, don't assume that EVERYONE can. There's a good reason why something like 90%-95% of people who try that useless pharma shit don't succeed -- it doesn't work, because all it addresses is ONE chemical dependency; cigarette smoke has a lot more addictive chemicals than simply nicotine, and patches, gums, and pills do NOTHING to address the deeply-ingrained behavior.

Spot on. A big part of smoking is not the smoking itself, but the fidgeting with something in your hands. Same sort of reason those fidget spinners are so popular. That's one of the (but not the only) reasons the patch and gum simply don't work. Plus we're trained to smoke when we get up, when we use the toilet, immediately after we eat, when we drink alcoholic beverages, and more. Vaping is a natural replacement for that behavior.


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Spot on. A big part of smoking is not the smoking itself, but the fidgeting with something in your hands. Same sort of reason those fidget spinners are so popular. That's one of the (but not the only) reasons the patch and gum simply don't work. Plus we're trained to smoke when we get up, when we use the toilet, immediately after we eat, when we drink alcoholic beverages, and more. Vaping is a natural replacement for that behavior.

Yep, and when I tried previously to quit, cold turkey or the patch, I absolutely CRAVED that "pucker up and suck" sensation, but having a milkshake every 15 minutes is a good way to weigh 500+ lbs in about 3 months' time. :D That's why I'm so firmly affixed to the tightest draw I can possibly get -- that sensation, and TH, are what I require; it's great that I can have both, but with a MUCH nicer flavor, and not even have to stink or create an ashy mess or fire hazard!



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Well, yes and no. It's actually a much harder addiction to beat than any illegal drug, because it's firmly ingrained in every waking minute's behavior, and behavior is FAR harder to change than any chemical addiction. Without vaping, for a great many of us, it truly was impossible -- not impossible in the sense that it could not be done, but impossible in the sense that we were not able to deal with the pure suffering that quitting entailed; if something you do or feel makes life not worth living, then most of us simply won't do it.


No one ever said it would be easy to go cold turkey. I made it pretty clear that my opinion is that vaping is the best method to aid in quitting cigarettes. In a previous post I even commented that the hand to mouth action is sated by the act of vaping! But to compare a cigarette addiction to a *************** addiction is completely ludicrous! I'm not trying to downplay your accomplishment... You quit smoking! I commend you and I hope you never return to tobacco products!

But it's pretty obvious that you have never witnessed the ravaging effects of some drug addictions! Nor have you taken into account the excruciating pain associated with kicking addiction to drugs. I doubt cigarettes would remain legal if they where capable of ravaging the body, mind and soul as catastrophically as certain drugs! We have methadone clinics all around the united states that have to wean individuals off drugs by giving them drugs! Some of these individuals don't make it out alive! And many must remain under 24 hour observation during this process because the pain and loss of their drug has left them suicidal! But I have never seen anyone kill themselves because they can't have their cigarettes, nor do I see clinics set up across the USA in a effort to help people quit smoking

Now I can see how your gut reaction is to respond in a defensive manner! I made a statement that could have been perceived as attacking or down playing the accomplishments of those that quit smoking... But that's not the case at all! Nor am I trying to imply that anyone should try to stop smoking without the aid of a vaping device! I'm not trying to tare anyone down! I'm just speaking the truth


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No one ever said it would be easy to go cold turkey. I made it pretty clear that my opinion is that vaping is the best method to aid in quitting cigarettes. In a previous post I even commented that the hand to mouth action is sated by the act of vaping! But to compare a cigarette addiction to a *************** addiction is completely ludicrous! I'm not trying to downplay your accomplishment... You quit smoking! I commend you and I hope you never return to tobacco products!

But it's pretty obvious that you have never witnessed the ravaging effects of some drug addictions! Nor have you taken into account the excruciating pain associated with kicking addiction to drugs. I doubt cigarettes would remain legal if they where capable of ravaging the body, mind and soul as catastrophically as certain drugs! We have methadone clinics all around the united states that have to wean individuals off drugs by giving them drugs! Some of these individuals don't make it out alive! And many must remain under 24 hour observation during this process because the pain and loss of their drug has left them suicidal!

Now I can see how your gut reaction is to respond in a defensive manner! I made a statement that could have been perceived as attacking or down playing the accomplishments of those that quit smoking... But that's not the case at all! Nor am I trying to imply that anyone should try to stop smoking without the aid of a vaping device! I'm not trying to tare anyone down! I'm just speaking the truth

You must be joking. I've been a recovering alcoholic for almost 25 yrs (Aug 14 will be 25 yrs). I've been a recovering addict from various white powders and pills and a few other things for about 30 yrs. So yes I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about when I say that cigarette addiction BEATS THEM ALL. Because I gave up all those illicit substances completely on my own, and that decision was cemented when, a few months later, I discovered I was pregnant. I gave up booze thx to AA and a personal conviction that if I didn't stop ASAP, I wold be dead inside a year, and it was pretty much the hardest thing I've ever successfully done, other than raising my child. But once cold turkey, once while pregnant, and twice with the patch, I could NEVER get and stay free of cigarettes. 3 months cold turkey, and I couldn't stand it one more instant. While pregnant, I managed to reduce a 2 pk a day habit to 3-4 cigarettes a day, and that was the very best I could do. with a patch, I could never manage more than a week before I was a blubbering lunatic who wasn't sleeping and was on the very edge of total psychosis.

Cigarette addiction is the worst possible addiction, because it is ingrained in EVERY WAKING MINUTE. Drugs and alcohol are not. Alcohol was tough, very very tough, but I had a child to raise. But not even the fear of dying and leaving him motherless, which was what scared me sober, was sufficient to induce me to suffer the agony and psychosis of cigarette withdrawal, and without WTA, I wouldn't have made it with vaping, either.


ETA: and BTW, my initial response to you wasn't in the least defensive; it was informative, and you might have noticed that a couple of people agreed with me completely. But when you come along and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, then I must correct your obvious cluelessness with the facts that yes, I do know exactly what I'm talking about, since I have been living and dealing with and recovering from quite a few addictions for about 30 yrs now. Are you even 30 yrs old yet? Your profile doesn't say.


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You must be joking. I've been a recovering alcoholic for almost 25 yrs (Aug 14 will be 25 yrs). I've been a recovering addict from various white powders and pills and a few other things for about 30 yrs. So yes I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about when I say that cigarette addiction BEATS THEM ALL. Because I gave up all those illicit substances completely on my own, and that decision was cemented when, a few months later, I discovered I was pregnant. I gave up booze thx to AA and a personal conviction that if I didn't stop ASAP, I wold be dead inside a year, and it was pretty much the hardest thing I've ever successfully done, other than raising my child. But once cold turkey, once while pregnant, and twice with the patch, I could NEVER get and stay free of cigarettes. 3 months cold turkey, and I couldn't stand it one more instant. While pregnant, I managed to reduce a 2 pk a day habit to 3-4 cigarettes a day, and that was the very best I could do. with a patch, I could never manage more than a week before I was a blubbering lunatic who wasn't sleeping and was on the very edge of total psychosis.

Cigarette addiction is the worst possible addiction, because it is ingrained in EVERY WAKING MINUTE. Drugs and alcohol are not. Alcohol was tough, very very tough, but I had a child to raise. But not even the fear of dying and leaving him motherless, which was what scared me sober, was sufficient to induce me to suffer the agony and psychosis of cigarette withdrawal, and without WTA, I wouldn't have made it with vaping, either.


ETA: and BTW, my initial response to you wasn't in the least defensive; it was informative, and you might have noticed that a couple of people agreed with me completely. But when you come along and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, then I must correct your obvious cluelessness with the facts that yes, I do know exactly what I'm talking about, since I have been living and dealing with and recovering from quite a few addictions for about 30 yrs now. Are you even 30 yrs old yet? Your profile doesn't say.

Maybe that's why your hold on cigarettes was so advanced? A addictive personality will have a much more difficult time over coming something that they have clung to all through out their previous fights with addiction. This same level of addiction to cigarettes should not be in someone that hadn't experienced so many different bouts with addiction. Trying to break free of your last and longest lasting vice would have likely been much more difficult for you then it would have been for others. In any controlled study, all variables are taken into account.

But this does make me realize that my first statement was a blanket one... That I could not know all the variables involved with every particular individual... And as such I was wrong to have made such a blanket statement. Sorry bout that, folks!


Platinum Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Spot on. A big part of smoking is not the smoking itself, but the fidgeting with something in your hands. Same sort of reason those fidget spinners are so popular. That's one of the (but not the only) reasons the patch and gum simply don't work. Plus we're trained to smoke when we get up, when we use the toilet, immediately after we eat, when we drink alcoholic beverages, and more. Vaping is a natural replacement for that behavior.
I don't own a fidget spinner. I do own a packet of Cape Cod polishing cloths that I could fidget on my collection of brass mech mods, but to my surprise I haven't felt any cravings to open the packet yet... maybe it's because each time when I'm not chain vaping usually I'm fidgetting with my keyboard whilst typing posts here on the forum... only sometimes I'm fidgetting my cotton hook on my cotton wick or I'm repetitively flicking upside down my 105ml bottle of DIY juice. Measuring the voltage of my batteries every other minute also helps to keep my fingers busy. Other than that I just keep dripping my RDA and or I just stare at the Mathew Hargermann engravings. :)
Last edited:
When I started this thread, I expected only a few answers... I am amazed by the response! Huge community! Thank you so much!

So, I have news...

Stopping smoking was easy for me (as the other times I tried), but some symptoms the following weeks made me relapse... only for a day. I decided to try e-cig. And I loved it!

I vape for 2 months (8mg e-juice), and I feel nothing can make me go back to filthy cigarettes. Now I have 2 devices and waiting for one more. Next week I will make my first DIY!

My final opinion is that vaping is a great solution, but only after you first try the BEST solution, which is stopping using any nicotine products. My suggestion to my friends who still smoke is to make an effort to quit it with whatever method they like. Cold turkey, acupuncture, a book, NRT etc. The best method for me is by far the book I mentioned, another friend of mine have used acupuncture and he is now free 2 years! Everyone is different, so different approaches may help different people.

AFTER some serious efforts to quit it, if you fail, then you go for vaping, not before. I believe that if someone guides you to choose the right device and liquid, the success rate of the transition to vaping will be 100%. It is enjoyable if you start it right, I see no reason to go back to real cigs.
Thank you all for your replies. You helped me a lot! :hearts:


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
For many years I tried many different smoking cessation products but they never helped me quit. The only way I was able to quit was Cold Turkey and using vaping to get me passed the withdrawals. Worked for me and I suggest to others to try what I did but not every method works for everyone so a smoker must do what works for them. Main thing is and many will agree YOU MUST WANT TO QUIT.
I did cold turkey once, for about 90 days, then couldn't stand it another instant and just had to smoke -- back then, in 1984, you could still smoke in the back of most restaurants (or the front, if a customer), and everyone at the Long John Silvers I worked at smoked... and the mgr smoked big smelly cigars. I had to smoke in self-defense! :giggle:

Then tried twice with the patch, after my son was about early grade-school, and both times, either my son or my husband begged me to smoke, I was so plain psycho, not sleeping, just a total basket case -- I know now it was because of those damn MAOIs, and THANK GOD for WTA, or I couldn't have succeeded with vaping either, because of those bastards.

Now I have quit not just once with vaping, but actually twice -- WTA the 2nd time -- and have been smoke-free almost 3 yrs -- it's a goddamned miracle.

Vaping successfully helped me quit a 30yr cigarette smoking habit & I started smoking at age 11 stealing my mom & grandparents cigarettes & by age 13 I was buying a pack a day. By the age of 17 I was smoking 2 packs a day til I turned 39. I started vaping at the end of the age 39 & by the time I turned 40 I was off cigarettes & vaping full time. Now its become a habit & has helped me quit cigarettes & drugs successfully. I was the worst of the worst when it came to smoking. I smoked cigarettes
I tried many times to quit it. . It has interesting explanation on nicotine function
I am 9 days smoke-free. No temptations till now. I hope I win this time..

If not, I 'll try e-cigarette. I never tried it before.

This forum is huge..! don't know where to start. :crazy:My question:

Is vaping really helps you quit smoking? Is it true that many return to normal cigarettes after some time?
I tried many times to quit it. This pdf gave me a fresh start.. It has interesting explanation on nicotine function
I am 9 days smoke-free. No temptations till now. I hope I win this time..

If not, I 'll try e-cigarette. I never tried it before.

This forum is huge..! don't know where to start. :crazy:My question:

Is vaping really helps you quit smoking? Is it true that many return to normal cigarettes after some time?
Vaping helped me quit a 30yr. cigarette smoking habit & I started smoking at the age of 11 stealing cigarettes from my mom & grandparents. By the age of 13 I was buying a pack of Camel filters everyday with my lunch money. By the age of 17 I was buying the "buy one get one free" Camel filters each day with my paycheck. I was smoking 2 packs a day at he age of 18. I smoked 2 packs or more each day til I was at the age of 39. When a friend of mine offered to buy me a "dual ego battery with atomizers starters kit" because it was helping him quit, so he was excited & decided to turn me onto vaping also. I started using the "ego battery vape kit with a Tobacco style e-liquid & I noticed I wasnt smoking as much or felt the need to smoke anymore, but, mind you, I was rolling my own cigarettes at the tail end of my cigarette smoking addiction, so vaping substituted me wanting to have to deal with having to painfully roll a cigarette constantly at the beginning, which may of helped me quit much more successfully, then apposed to those who may of been buying thier packs of cigarettes daily. Anyway, I really enjoyed vaping & gradually worked my way up to bigger & better tanks & mods. Buying more VG based e-liquids with many more fruity & custom e-liquid blends. At this point, 3 yrs. has pasted & I'm at 16 complete vape set-ups with at least 25 Sub-ohm tanks, RDA's & RTA's & tons of e-liquid bottles on shelves filling half the wall in the bedroom. I have a homemade table/desk made out of 2 4 1/2 ft. Tupperware towers with drawers in them & a piece of cut plywood acting as the table portion of the structure. Then I took smaller Tupperware towers with drawers in them with another smaller piece of cut plywood to incorporate a shelf to my homemade Vape Station table/desk type set-up. I had a table lamp & a elongated UV bulb type of light mounted under the top shelf portion of my desk, so I can see better when building coils for my RTA's & what-not while sitting at my desk.....which now has a chair & a extra chair for gests interested in vaping like myself. I had my own Vape Headquarters, where all my vape stuff could all be in one convent location & not scattered threw out the house. So, having all this has helped me successfully quit cigarette smoking & the use of hard drugs all in one swift swoop. I am so thankful to the whole Vaping Community for saving my life because if it wasn't for Vaping, i wouldn't of made it to the ripe young age of 43......that's for damn sure. I was on a train of self destruction heading down a set of tracks ending off a dead end cliff into a firery pit of doom with no way out bit in a black body bag heading to the mourge to be creamated for my funereal..... that explains, in great detail, what my out come would of been if it wasn't for the life saving alternative to deadly cigarettes, which is Vaping. You should try works, even on the most hopelessness of them all......ME!!!!


Bronze Contributor
Member For 2 Years
for me vaping was the miracle I was waiting for.

'Decades' of smoking for me ... peaked at 1.5 PAD ... was able to fade to 5 sticks a day ... couldn't go any lower.

During first week of vaping I relapsed that same week (2 sticks a day) until I fine-tuned my setup. Transitioned with 6mg x 10ml/day ... which I found expensive, until I discovered DIY. With DIY, I was able to try wonderful recipes by VU and ELR gurus; in less than a month I had zero cravings to smoke ... moreover, the smell and sight of people smoking disgusted me (when it used to be a trigger).

Now at 0.3mg x 10ml/day. For me, it is all about enjoying flavors (free of 'flavor blindness') and the discovery of new pleasures from a nearly infinite variety of recipes.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 2 Years
But the MAIN reason that vaping works better than anything else EVER, is because of the behavior that it so closely mimics. It's not a medical fix, it's a behavioral fix.

There's a good reason why something like 90%-95% of people who try that useless pharma shit don't succeed -- it doesn't work, because all it addresses is ONE chemical dependency; cigarette smoke has a lot more addictive chemicals than simply nicotine, and patches, gums, and pills do NOTHING to address the deeply-ingrained behavior.

I had all the common behavioral associations and more.
  • Schmoozing at work ... socializing with smoking colleagues with vape gear instead worked.
  • Drinking (alcohol) ... same as schmoozing at work.
  • Driving ... tough when driving alone; concern for passengers (my children) was key for me.
  • Coffee ... tough since caffeine has chemical (stimulating) interactions.
In the case of coffee association, I've DIYed coffee recipes that I now enjoy more than actual coffee and broke the association cycle ... fading-out coffee vapes may take a while (too enjoyable).


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I had all the common behavioral associations and more.
  • Schmoozing at work ... socializing with smoking colleagues with vape gear instead worked.
  • Drinking (alcohol) ... same as schmoozing at work.
  • Driving ... tough when driving alone; concern for passengers (my children) was key for me.
  • Coffee ... tough since caffeine has chemical (stimulating) interactions.
In the case of coffee association, I've DIYed coffee recipes that I now enjoy more than actual coffee and broke the association cycle ... fading-out coffee vapes may take a while (too enjoyable).

I was fortunate in some ways, since I haven't had a drink in nearly 25 yrs, and I rarely ever drink coffee -- tea for me! But driving, god yes, and also -- anytime I get on the telephone. It was so strong an association that when I first switched to vaping, anytime I got on the phone I had to go outside, to VAPE and talk on the phone! :facepalm: That finally stopped when we got deep into winter (in 2014) and I decided that staying indoors was a lot more comfy than indulging an old and fading memory. ;)

The one I thought would be the absolute toughest -- after eating anything -- turned out to be the absolute easiest, because my PRIMARY requirement, especially when I first started and had 99%-dead tastebuds, was TH, and after eating anything, TH from vaping is TERRIFIC! My son has found the same thing, and is equally surprised. :)

Fortunate also that I'm a housewife, so I don't even have to consider the "vaping at work" angle -- I vape at home anytime I feel the need or desire; staying indoors was my PRIMARY reason for starting to vape in the first place. :) Everyone I know personally is fully aware that vaping is completely non-toxic to bystanders; they're all just thrilled I finally quit smoking. :)



Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
I think it really does. I mean I think vaping really helps in quitting smoking.:)
Fo sho! Apart for the first week or so it was a painless and awesome transition from smoking into vaping. Feels like an upgraded subsitute actually.
Can't see myself smoking ever again.:bliss:
After 30 years of smoking and three failed attempts, I didn't feel like quitting either because I enjoyed smoking. But I just hated the smell, the bad taste in the mouth, the cigarette butts, and the burns on clothing and in the car. Driving is definitely one of my triggers. I saw that the technology had finally improved to the point that vaping could closely mimic act smoking, and provide a substitute for the behavior of smoking. So far, so good, just over a month now. But I still crave now and again, so I pick up the vape and vape away until the craving goes away.

The longest I quit smoking was 6 months, so for me, the jury is still out, but its very promising now that I have the equipment and the juice.


VU Vendor
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After 30 years of smoking and three failed attempts, I didn't feel like quitting either because I enjoyed smoking. But I just hated the smell, the bad taste in the mouth, the cigarette butts, and the burns on clothing and in the car. Driving is definitely one of my triggers. I saw that the technology had finally improved to the point that vaping could closely mimic act smoking, and provide a substitute for the behavior of smoking. So far, so good, just over a month now. But I still crave now and again, so I pick up the vape and vape away until the craving goes away.

The longest I quit smoking was 6 months, so for me, the jury is still out, but its very promising now that I have the equipment and the juice.
I am with you Lord Mayhem! I used to love smoking while driving! Best thing about Vaping is you can put the mod down on the seat and it wouldn't burn a thing! :giggle:
I am with you Lord Mayhem! I used to love smoking while driving! Best thing about Vaping is you can put the mod down on the seat and it wouldn't burn a thing! :giggle:

Oh yes. When I was smoking while driving, I'd have to have the window opened a little bit to blow out the smoke and dump the ashes, which would of course end up flying around the car and into the carpet and seats. The vehicle would freaking stink of cigarettes. Even though I loved to smoke, I hated the side effects like the stinky smell. I never smoked in the house, I would always go outside. Never smoked around the wife or kids.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It was the ONLY thing that got me off a 3-4 pks a day and I tried everything. I smoked for 48 yrs


Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
It certainly helps. I started vaping about 9 months ago. I still smoke roll ups when I really get the urge, especially whilst drinking, but in short for my daily routines I vape rather than smoke mostly. It tastes better, delivers a nicotine hit and, well you just get into the taste I find. Feel lousy for still smoking a bit getting there I feel . There is no magic wand but good luck all.


Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
I quit smoking the day I got my first vape, but it wasn't easy. It took 2+ weeks to stop thinking about cigarettes.

Tried a cigarette about a month and a half after I quit and it like burned my entire mouth. It was gross, and I've never concidered smoking cigarettes since.

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Gold Contributor
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VU Patreon
I quit last Sept. A guy at work advised me on what kind of mod and tank to get. I got an IPV400 and a Baby Beast.
Grabbed some Uncle Junks Jon Wayne 18mg. I had a few cigs during the first 2 weeks of vaping. That damn coffee in the morning!
But the 3rd week I finally stopped. About 2 weeks ago I grabbed a cig from my friend to see what it would be like after a year.
It tasted terrible. I can't believe I had even smoked those things for 32 years. I'm down to 6mg now and have 9 mods and tanks and around
50 different juices.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
VU Patreon
You must be joking. I've been a recovering alcoholic for almost 25 yrs (Aug 14 will be 25 yrs). I've been a recovering addict from various white powders and pills and a few other things for about 30 yrs. So yes I know EXACTLY what I'm talking about when I say that cigarette addiction BEATS THEM ALL. Because I gave up all those illicit substances completely on my own, and that decision was cemented when, a few months later, I discovered I was pregnant. I gave up booze thx to AA and a personal conviction that if I didn't stop ASAP, I wold be dead inside a year, and it was pretty much the hardest thing I've ever successfully done, other than raising my child. But once cold turkey, once while pregnant, and twice with the patch, I could NEVER get and stay free of cigarettes. 3 months cold turkey, and I couldn't stand it one more instant. While pregnant, I managed to reduce a 2 pk a day habit to 3-4 cigarettes a day, and that was the very best I could do. with a patch, I could never manage more than a week before I was a blubbering lunatic who wasn't sleeping and was on the very edge of total psychosis.

Cigarette addiction is the worst possible addiction, because it is ingrained in EVERY WAKING MINUTE. Drugs and alcohol are not. Alcohol was tough, very very tough, but I had a child to raise. But not even the fear of dying and leaving him motherless, which was what scared me sober, was sufficient to induce me to suffer the agony and psychosis of cigarette withdrawal, and without WTA, I wouldn't have made it with vaping, either.


ETA: and BTW, my initial response to you wasn't in the least defensive; it was informative, and you might have noticed that a couple of people agreed with me completely. But when you come along and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, then I must correct your obvious cluelessness with the facts that yes, I do know exactly what I'm talking about, since I have been living and dealing with and recovering from quite a few addictions for about 30 yrs now. Are you even 30 yrs old yet? Your profile doesn't say.
I agree with Andria. I was on c*caine for about 6 years back in the 90's. Then one day I just quit. It didn't bother me at all as long as I quit hanging out with other people that did it . For me the cig addiction is a lot tougher to kick. If I had not started vaping, I would still be smoking. 1 year smoke free now.


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Member For 2 Years
Whether it helps you quit smoking really depends on your definition of quitting smoking and your desire to quit. If you mean helping to quit nicotine, yes and no. If you mean helping to quit using cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco, absolutely.

It is a replacement for cigarettes/cigars/pipe tobacco. It is an alternative means of using nicotine without all of the nasties and carcinogens that tobacco has. Just like using the nicotine patch is, but vaping is way more effective.

When I first started vaping, the product on the market was the 801 pen style device and the 901 cig-a-like. They both have weak batteries, small atomizers, and can only deliver a tiny fraction of the vapor that today's products can. So, I found myself having to use 36mg nicotine and even then I went for something like a year still smoking my morning cigarettes and just before bed cigarettes. I eventually was able to give those up too, though (mainly because at that point they had begun to taste really nasty).

That was 7 yrs ago and I've relapsed a few times since then. During the first few years I smoked part of a cigarette every now and then (maybe once a year) and at one point had a lot of stress going on and smoked a pack over the stretch of a week.

Fast forward to today's devices that do a much better job of producing vapor (and thus a better job of delivering nicotine) and I've only relapsed twice. Both times it was because my mod died and I was out of town / not anywhere near a vape shop. The first time was a few years ago; I was at a casino and my batteries died, I was winning so I wasn't about to leave, and nearest vape shops were 30 mins away and already closed. The last time was just this past week and it's a bit of a funny story. I was out of town, at a casino (and it was around an hour drive from the nearest vape shop plus it was in the evening when many are already closed) and my mod died, so I ended up buying a pack of cigs, and it had been so long since I had smoked, I found that I had actually forgotten how to smoke! :huh: I started smoking cigarettes in 1984 and here I was today having trouble with how to do it :teehee: I hot-boxed the cigarette because I was trying to suck on it like I do my vaping mod. :oops: I tried smoking a couple of the cigarettes to try to get my nicotine fix, and ended up giving the rest of the pack away.

At the time I thought maybe I was mistaken about my batteries being charged (maybe I had grabbed the wrong ones when at the hotel room) but it wasn't. Turned out the mod was completely broken due to shoddy wiring. So, before the night was over, when I got to Albuquerque I found a vape shop in town that was open until midnight and got a new mod.

Am I still hooked on the nicotine? Absolutely. Do I still smoke? No. Aside from those couple of times that I was completely unable to vape and I was getting antsy and needing some nic to settle me down, I am a non-smoker. Plus I now find cigarettes taste disgusting. If I should ever be in that situation again, I'll buy some of that gum or a patch. Could I taper down on my nicotine and eventually quit? Most likely; I've known quite a few that have after switching to vaping. Do I want to quit vaping? Absolutely not. My smoker's cough (which was so bad that I couldn't even bend over to pick up something off of the floor or tie my shoes without going into a massive coughing fit) is completely gone, I feel great, and I really don't care about quitting nicotine. I enjoy vaping and the relaxing effect of the nicotine.

On an aside, the lesson learned from my latest experience is that one should always carry a spare mod with them. I usually do, but have rarely needed it and just didn't feel the need on this last trip. Oops :(
Great post!


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is vaping really helps you quit smoking? Is it true that many return to normal cigarettes after some time?

Worked for me.
I had the last cigarette from my pack on Sept 10th 2014 while on the way to get my first vape pen. It was ok.
2 or 3 weeks later I upgraded to a different mod and a tank. It was much better.
After another month I upgraded to a sub ohm tank. It was great.
Then I found RDAs and dripping and have been using them since.
Only took a few weeks for me to get over the feeling of wanting to hold and smoke a cig and hate the smell of people smoking them.

I wasn't a heavy smoker though, only 2 packs a week. I mostly only smoked while working and would only have 1 or 2 cigs on my days off. Actually had to force myself to smoke when I was off work for a few weeks due to surgery so I wouldn't become unused to it, but even then, it got to the point that just half a cig would make me feel sick from a nicotine overdose.
It's worked for me. I originally started vaping just to have something to do inside when I didn't want to get up and go out for a smoke. Then one day I got it in my head that I would quit smoking. I didn't actually think I could; I tried and failed so many times. I tried Zyban, patches, gum, cold turkey. By that point "quitting" was a twice-yearly idea I'd get that would last maybe 10 days. All my coworkers smoke and I missed having something to do with my hands when we all went out to complain about work, and that says nothing about irritation while driving without a cigarette. So I invested in a new mod (I had been sitting on a 3 year old sigelei) and a bundle of juice and decided to go with just vaping. Over the last year I've had a slip up where I smoked for about a week, but putting the smokes down again when the pack ran out (and the pack lasted me a week where before I was anywhere from 1.5-3 packs a day) wasn't an issue.

The thing I like most is I can go the day without it if I have to and it's not an issue. My boyfriend didn't know I used to smoke, or that I vaped for a while. I didn't know what he would think about vaping so at the beginning of our relationship I left my mod at home all day and I wasn't counting down the minutes until I could get it like I would when I smoked. And, for the first time in a decade, my doctor put down "non-smoker" on my chart. Feels good.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
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And what precisely does that link have to do with ANYTHING??????? Fucking SPAMMER!



Unlisted Vendor
I tried many times to quit it. This gave me a fresh start.. It has interesting explanation on nicotine function
I am 9 days smoke-free. No temptations till now. I hope I win this time..

If not, I 'll try e-cigarette. I never tried it before.

This forum is huge..! don't know where to start. :crazy:My question:

Is vaping really helps you quit smoking? Is it true that many return to normal cigarettes after some time?

Maybe try run 10KM per day will make you tired, and have good sleep then


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I think vaping definately helped me quit smoking. its been alittle over a year. I cant even stand the smell of ciggeretts now. vaping has turned into a hobby for me, with all the mods and such.


Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
I had no problems to quit smoking with it. Now after 5 months the smell of cigarettes is ugly for me.
But i had to try a bit till i found the right liquid - tank - mod - nic combination

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