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Japanese cotton or Cotton bacon?

David Wolf

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Yeah I got a bag of cotton bacon with some wire a few months back. Of course I used it, had no break in time issues. I don't think it is better or worse, just not worth the added expense. Still have over half the bag left. Keep meaning to put it in the car for emergency.
Zero break in with cotton Bacon V2 here as well. Organic cotton has a break in imho. Folks who claim Cotton Bacon has to be broken in probably love that nasty rayon as well :D


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Zero break in with cotton Bacon V2 here as well. Organic cotton has a break in imho. Folks who claim Cotton Bacon has to be broken in probably love that nasty rayon as well :D
this has been the way i feel personally as well. i also have some demon killer cotton coming and some angorabbit cotton coming as well to cmopare those too

Canadian Vaper

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Meh seems as though it's just inconsistent, I had break in with both V1 and V2, I've also had break in with koh gen do but not muji..

I prefer the pads because the ones I get a extremely consistent with no break in and know exactly how much to cut off for each build I do..

It really could be where I live as well, my vape stash is about 15 feet from moving water so cotton in bigger packs tends to get stale. I prefer smaller sealed packs of 5/10 sheets so the moisture doesn't get in..

These are the ones I use.



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Yeah I got a bag of cotton bacon with some wire a few months back. Of course I used it, had no break in time issues. I don't think it is better or worse, just not worth the added expense. Still have over half the bag left. Keep meaning to put it in the car for emergency.
I have CB and scissors in car for emergency wicking, rest of the time I use Muji. Don't get any difference between them vape wise. Advantage of Muji is its cheap but great wicking material. Advantage of CB is it comes in nice little packet for the car and in emergency wicking situation is less faff - also great wicking material.


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Could the break in period argument have something to do with flavor intensity of the juice? Like, if it's a flavor heavy juice, maybe no break in because it masks the taste of the cotton better, whereas a lighter flavored juice may not cover it as much. Just a thought.

Then again, it could be a mental perception based on another's point of view. There's a word for it but I can't think of it at the moment.

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Could the break in period argument have something to do with flavor intensity of the juice? Like, if it's a flavor heavy juice, maybe no break in because it masks the taste of the cotton better, whereas a lighter flavored juice may not cover it as much. Just a thought.

Then again, it could be a mental perception based on another's point of view. There's a word for it but I can't think of it at the moment.

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There's just too many factors on top of personal preferences and human bias to be sure. What atomizer are people using? What about the coils? (The coils in conjunction with the cotton wicks can be seen as a "wicking system" the complexity of which exceeds that of just the cotton itself.) And then I'm not even talking about other stuff like different airflow adjustments, different wattages, the VG/PG ratio of the juice... also different people sculpt their cotton wicks differently, I probably should know because I have what's called OCD... Obsessive Cotton Disorder.


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I've used Cotton Bacon from the day I started to build my own coils. This was from the recommendations of the store where I purchased my first RBA. I had nothing to compare it to and was always led to believe it was the best.
I recently purchased a RTA and it came with a Japanese cotton pad and when I tried it I wasn't really impressed and moved back to CB however, after reading this thread I decided to pick up some Koh Gen Do pads and I have to say that the difference I'm noticing in flavour is phenomenal. Although the KGD has a bit of a taste during the running in period, something I never had with CB, the flavour after this point is far superior and I simply don't think I could go back to CB again. As somebody who swore by CB previously I'm shocked at how muted the flavour seems to be in comparison.


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Citrus Junkie
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Is there any quality difference between KGD and muji?


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Is there any quality difference between KGD and muji?

Most people seem to say that there is very little difference other than physical dimensions. The KGD pads are larger at 80mm x 60mm which is perfect if any of your atomisers like long wicks.
When comparing the KGD to an odd Muji pad that I got free with an RTA, I can immediately see that the KGD is fluffier and more of a beige colour than the Muji. The individual fibres of the KGD also seem to be larger on close inspection.
I found that the Muji pad I have definitely has a longer running in time before the taste of the new cotton fades. I experimented with a long dry wick on an Avovado 24 and once I filled the tank the KGD saturated quicker and seemed to work considerably better on a genesis type atty.
I'm happy with KGD and after using nothing but CB for a long time it has given all my RBA's a new lease of life.

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The Muji pads I got are 70mm × 90mm, and in terms of thickness, are about 6.5mm-7.0mm.


David Wolf

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Could the break in period argument have something to do with flavor intensity of the juice? Like, if it's a flavor heavy juice, maybe no break in because it masks the taste of the cotton better, whereas a lighter flavored juice may not cover it as much. Just a thought.

Then again, it could be a mental perception based on another's point of view. There's a word for it but I can't think of it at the moment.

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I believe you are right on the money. Vaping NETs or unflavored I can taste differences on cottons quite well , with dessert or mint flavors not so much.


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can I get a link to muji? found a grip of it on ebay but it's all different types.

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Never heard of this stuff until now. I read it was popular with Vapers living in China (I don't think they worry too much about the safety of their Vape Cotton as their air quality there is the worst on the planet).

The only thing I'd use that for is insulating my loft.

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This stuff is great for using with Kanthal or if not using TC. It can burn some, and still retain the flavor.



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I started with generic organic cotton pads from Amazon and switched to Koh Gen Do and found it to work really well. Seems very fluffy, wicks well, lasts long and no noticeable taste after the first couple hits. Just ordered some CB from fastech for comparison. Waiting...

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In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Thanks for all the info everyone looks like I'm going to be trying a few different brands always used cotton bacon V2 myself but recently tried muji in an RDA and I was pleasently suprised how nice the flavour came through after the break in

Has anyone used kendo vape cotton gold edition? Don't think I saw this mentioned

Gonna deffo give that native wicks platinum blend a go and koh gen do cotton sheets


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loving my koh gen do cotton. I really like how when it starts to get dry u can taste and tell its time to juice up. wicks very well at subohm levels.

get N sub Ω low...

️Cloud Chasing


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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loving my koh gen do cotton. I really like how when it starts to get dry u can taste and tell its time to juice up. wicks very well at subohm levels.

get N sub Ω low...

️Cloud Chasing

Do you get the 80 sheet bag cash?


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Do you get the 80 sheet bag cash?
yea I did. and their the long sheets like I like. allows me to cut or pull a bit out roll the ends and fold and half cut and I can wick one rda with that. my only gripe is the sheets are thin. but the cotton is fantastic

get N sub Ω low...

️Cloud Chasing


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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yea I did. and their the long sheets like I like. allows me to cut or pull a bit out roll the ends and fold and half cut and I can wick one rda with that. my only gripe is the sheets are thin. but the cotton is fantastic

get N sub Ω low...

️Cloud Chasing

Do you have to peel them like muji or don't bother?


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Peel the outer layer, fluff it, roll it, stuff it in the coils, thin out the tails, trim an you're off.

Much like muji then cool ta (found it for £14 on Amazon is that decent price?)

Was it you rossco that said you had tried the kendo vape cotton gold edition?


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Much like muji then cool ta (found it for £14 on Amazon is that decent price?)

Was it you rossco that said you had tried the kendo vape cotton gold edition?
Koh gen Do is fluffier and larger pads then Muji, I also believe it performs better also.

As for Kendo, no I've tried numerous vape specific cottons and always go back to Koh gen Do. I may try Kendo some day.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Sweet thanks both just put my order in was running low anyway get to give this lot a go now

Koh Gen Do 80 sheets (£14)
Native Wicks platinum blend (£5.50)
Kendo Vape Cotton Gold Blend (£5)
Cotton Bacon V2 (3 packs bundle for £9 Couldn't resist haha)

I tend to use the Scottish roll method do you use more of the sheet doing that when using Koh Gen Do?


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Also Rossco slightly off topic what was the name of those wire cutters you use again couldn't find the bloody thread and mine are shagged


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Also Rossco slightly off topic what was the name of those wire cutters you use again couldn't find the bloody thread and mine are shagged
No worries

Tronex, expensive but very good quality. I have the Model 5223 Razor Flush and Model 5082 Angulated Head Flush Cutter, excellent cutters.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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No worries

Tronex, expensive but very good quality. I have the Model 5223 Razor Flush and Model 5082 Angulated Head Flush Cutter, excellent cutters.

:vino: Many thanks!


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Sweet thanks both just put my order in was running low anyway get to give this lot a go now

Koh Gen Do 80 sheets (£14)
Native Wicks platinum blend (£5.50)
Kendo Vape Cotton Gold Blend (£5)
Cotton Bacon V2 (3 packs bundle for £9 Couldn't resist haha)

I tend to use the Scottish roll method do you use more of the sheet doing that when using Koh Gen Do?
Only time I use more than a sheet is if I'm wicking a 30+mm atty with huge coils of around 4-4.5mm di coils. Koh gen Do sheets are large


Citrus Junkie
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Thanks for all the info everyone looks like I'm going to be trying a few different brands always used cotton bacon V2 myself but recently tried muji in an RDA and I was pleasently suprised how nice the flavour came through after the break in

Has anyone used kendo vape cotton gold edition? Don't think I saw this mentioned

Gonna deffo give that native wicks platinum blend a go and koh gen do cotton sheets
Kendo gold comes with all my AVS pre built coils. I like it, just not enough to pay the higher cost. It does last a bit longer, but is harder to work with.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Kendo gold comes with all my AVS pre built coils. I like it, just not enough to pay the higher cost. It does last a bit longer, but is harder to work with.

Thanks Letitia :) what's it's break in like?


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Peel the outer layer, fluff it, roll it, stuff it in the coils, thin out the tails, trim an you're off.
exactly what I do. I use the extra layers for cleaning up spilled juice or shining up a mod lol

get N sub Ω low...

️Cloud Chasing


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Koh gen Do is fluffier and larger pads then Muji, I also believe it performs better also.

As for Kendo, no I've tried numerous vape specific cottons and always go back to Koh gen Do. I may try Kendo some day.
maybe I have Muji cotton? my pads re pretty thin

get N sub Ω low...

️Cloud Chasing


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Koh gen Do is fluffier and larger pads then Muji, I also believe it performs better also.

As for Kendo, no I've tried numerous vape specific cottons and always go back to Koh gen Do. I may try Kendo some day.
on the right is koh gen, left is, unsure its what I always used until I got these thinner large pads.

get N sub Ω low...

️Cloud Chasing


Citrus Junkie
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Thanks Letitia :) what's it's break in like?
I prime my wick, so very little break in for me. It is much softer than KGD and doesn't have those lovely long strands. I gave up on trying to scottish roll it properly pretty early on! LOL I do like it overall tho. Looking forward to your thoughts on Native Wicks Platinum. Are you trying egyptian cotton? Been curious about it as well. Have read some great conversations about it.


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I prime my wick, so very little break in for me. It is much softer than KGD and doesn't have those lovely long strands. I gave up on trying to scottish roll it properly pretty early on! LOL I do like it overall tho. Looking forward to your thoughts on Native Wicks Platinum. Are you trying egyptian cotton? Been curious about it as well. Have read some great conversations about it.
Native Wicks is good for a vape specific cotton, much better than Cotton Bacon. For me though I like the long fibers in Koh gen Do, it's easy to work with and performs very well.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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I prime my wick, so very little break in for me. It is much softer than KGD and doesn't have those lovely long strands. I gave up on trying to scottish roll it properly pretty early on! LOL I do like it overall tho. Looking forward to your thoughts on Native Wicks Platinum. Are you trying egyptian cotton? Been curious about it as well. Have read some great conversations about it.

Never heard of Egyptian cotton other than for bedding lol is it a brand? This lot is gonna keep me going for ages I reckon looking forward to trying them all


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Never heard of Egyptian cotton other than for bedding lol is it a brand? This lot is gonna keep me going for ages I reckon looking forward to trying them all
Yeah Egyptian cotton is one of the best cotton's, wonderful for linen and cloths, incredible. I myself looked pretty hard trying to find it to vape with and had no luck.

Supima cotton is very soft with long strands, I've tried it and it works well. It's very, very soft, super long strands. When first juicing it and pre firing though it takes a bit for it to start sucking up the juice, ya just gotta work with it a bit. But it does work very well but for the cost though not really sure it's worth the expense.

Pima or Supima: A high-quality cotton whose long fiber staple is somewhat similar to that of Egyptian cotton. The differences are geographical only. Pima is grown in the Southwestern part of the U.S. and Egyptian is grown along the Nile River. ... The soft feel of Pima and Supima make them very desirable in bedding




Citrus Junkie
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Never heard of Egyptian cotton other than for bedding lol is it a brand? This lot is gonna keep me going for ages I reckon looking forward to trying them all
LOL Not bedding. It come in a roll and has been boiled for you already. After I read about it I found it on a couple sites. Big Lou East Coast on yt has a review on it and a couple others. Not very expensive, honestly I haven't tried it because I keep forgetting to find those sites and find out if they are legit. Haven't come across them before. You can also buy it raw and boil it yourself.


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Zero break in with cotton Bacon V2 here as well. Organic cotton has a break in imho. Folks who claim Cotton Bacon has to be broken in probably love that nasty rayon as well :D
Cotton Bacon still has a break in period ;)

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