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Japanese cotton or Cotton bacon?

John C

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Ive been using cheap jap cotton (the one on amazon, a big bag for $6 w/free shipping) for years until a month ago I got some cotton bacon from amazon, to try something new. Always clean taste with CB...occasionally (albeit rarely) i would get a weird taste from cheap jap cotton.

Biggest thing for me is I hate the black specks in regular organic cotton. I always pick out the ones I see. With CB I don't have to do that.

Another different is I 've noticed C.B. will break apart easier than regular organic JC.

Lastly, the only two negatives for CB are the higher price, which is still low in the grand scheme of things...and I actually prefer having squares that I can cut with scissors. With CB you have to peel off the bits you want.


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Not much, no more than cotton.

Agree CBv2 it's Literally 5-6 inhales for me and it's broken in quicker than muji for sure

Though I do find with cotton bacon is pretty sensitive to temperature and will burn fairly easily there is little warning between saturated cotton and dry.

Wicks like a champ though and so easy to work with normally lasts me about a week before a re wick is needed great for RTAs not so much tanks like the Kylin and possibly Boreas where with pressure they want to push juice into the tank rapidly.

I found Muji gives better feedback between saturated to dry, retains juice well for RDAs and RDTA's though wouldn't like to use it for RTAs it's more difficult to work with on less forgiving decks also wicks more slowly. Really like it for dripping and squonking though creates a nice thick bedding

Can only compare these two at the moment but find CB interferes with flavour less so than muji does (bit like the difference between nichrome and SS coils to me)


Citrus Junkie
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I juice and pulse wick a few times before using and seldom have any break in time with any type of wick. This is especially useful with rayon. Prime your wick as you would a coil. If I forget to prime I still only need a couple pulls to break in. I guess others have a more sophisticated palette than mine. :giggle:


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Yeah I always load it up and fire a few times before reassembling helps to heat the coil a little to get the juice absorbed


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True but way less break in time that Japanese organic cotton.

That hasn't been my experience, for me it's been pretty much the same.

KGD. Prime any wick and break in time is hardly worth mentioning.

Yep, same here. Also when I juice I pulse the coils and once they're juiced I give it one or two test fires. Very rarely do I ever have a break in period with Koh gen Do.


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I've been using Japanese organic cotton pads, for the last two years, can be a pain process of removing the top and bottom layers then tearing strips and rolling or fluffing it. is cotton bacon worth the price? I see it's already to go just wick and vape.

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Try using a very sharp pair long-bladed scissors to cut a long/thin strip from the pad in its original form. Then if you need to, it is super easy to separate any extra material if you need to:idea:.


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I'm the number 1 person that absolutely hates cotton bacon
The flavor I get from it far from good
I rather go to cvs and get organic cotton balls

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FYI, the CVS "Organic" cotton balls have been whitened using Hydrogen Peroxide.

I know this because I am a paranoid old bastard and I called the manufacturer before using them about 3 years ago.


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Try using a very sharp pair long-bladed scissors to cut a long/thin strip from the pad in its original form. Then if you need to, it is super easy to separate any extra material if you need to:idea:.
With a Koh gen Do pad it's
  • 1/4 pad for 2 - 2.5 mm di coil
  • 1/2 pad for 3 - 3.5 mm di coil
  • 3/4 pad for 4 - 4.5 mm di coil
With decent scissors simple to cut, super easy peel the outer layer. After cutting just fluff, roll it like back in the day rolling a fatty and then stuff in the coil. With Cotton Bacon and other premium Vape specific cotton it's more of a pain in the ass IMO to work with than the KGD pads. I really like the fluffiness, strength and length of the fibers in the KGD pads also. When I thin/straiten the fibers and the tails KGD doesn't fall apart like that with Cotton Bacon, Cotton Candy, or any other of the premium Vape Cotton.

I just have much better results in regards to
  • Flavor
  • Performance
  • Handling
with KGD than any other wicking material and yes (I know I'm going to get ostracised for this) even Rayon. I can't stand Rayon, it gives me a dry throat, break in period tastes like shit and the most gut retching/vomit inducing burnt/dry hits ever experienced in my life.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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With a Koh gen Do pad it's
  • 1/4 pad for 2 - 2.5 mm di coil
  • 1/2 pad for 3 - 3.5 mm di coil
  • 3/4 pad for 4 - 4.5 mm di coil
With decent scissors simple to cut, super easy peel the outer layer. After cutting just fluff, roll it like back in the day rolling a fatty and then stuff in the coil. With Cotton Bacon and other premium Vape specific cotton it's more of a pain in the ass IMO to work with than the KGD pads. I really like the fluffiness, strength and length of the fibers in the KGD pads also. When I thin/straiten the fibers and the tails KGD doesn't fall apart like that with Cotton Bacon, Cotton Candy, or any other of the premium Vape Cotton.

I just have much better results in regards to
  • Flavor
  • Performance
  • Handling
with KGD than any other wicking material and yes (I know I'm going to get ostracised for this) even Rayon. I can't stand Rayon, it gives me a dry throat, break in period tastes like shit and the most gut retching/vomit inducing burnt/dry hits ever experienced in my life.

Amazon just literally delivered the KGD pads so gonna have a crack at rewicking the RDA now thanks for the tips!


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That’s one of the things I like about the Muji...the initial cohesion allows for easier wicking, especially when dealing with smaller diameter coils, and/or atomizers with small holes/ports for juice flow.

And there’s something else I have noticed about the Muji that may contribute to the perception of the inner layers being compressed...the degree of parallelism of the constituent fibers is quite high...and for me this has meant better wicking and capillary action regardless of the atomizer in question...I’ve never had a dry hit with it, even in juice-sucking builds.

In any case, it fluffs up nice with a short puff of air, as little or as much as you like.


I agree that the Muji wicks very well and the dry hits I'll get are nowhere close as nasty as everything else I've tried. I was in a mall awhile ago and walked by a Muji store. I thought, Hey, I know that name. I got a large bag of the 70 x 90 mm as well for $8. At the rate I'm going it's going to last about 1.5 years. I've tried Rayon and I don't like the taste at all.


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I've used a few different types of cotton, Muji and different padded cotton always gave me a little trouble with wicking speed. I usually used the Scottish wick roll technique. But I haven't really heard others have this problem so it's probably just me....i love cotton bacon, it took my a little trial and error on tearing off the right amount, that's one thing the pads have over CB is that it's easier to measure how much u need and cut accordingly. I also used cellucotton from Sally's beauty supply which is crazy cheap....i think I paid like $4 for 44ft of it in a box lol. It's like a life time supply. The break in was minimal and it wicks really damn fast so u have to use a bit more than u would normally think u need. It's great if u are on a budget.

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In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Have to say thumbs up for KGD wouldn't say it's better than CB in terms of break in, it takes a fair bit longer. Also don't know if it's just me but my usual flavours seem sweeter using it and it's not as naff tasting when wicks are starting to dry out compared with CB or muji happy days. Think I'm gonna have to select an atty and run all of them when I get it all through see what I like most


Citrus Junkie
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Looking forward to a side by side comparison KingPin.


Citrus Junkie
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I like it, lasts longer than KGD. Flavor isn't so much better to justify the cost. :crazy:


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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So my order arrived but they sent me the wrong cotton! Contacted them they are going to send me the native wicks instead with a returns envelope ffs

Anyway they sent me something named flashwicks it's a 100% Pima cotton looked it up around same price anyone tried this before?


Citrus Junkie
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Khassy has a review for Drago Cotton in The official Vape Mail!!!!!!!!!!!! thread # 14551. I ordered some. Smoke and Vape are legit. Big thanks to Khassy!


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For the typical bag of cotton I go with Kendo Vape Cotton Gold Edition. Essentially no break in time and I can vape it back to pure white without any burnt taste or dry hits. When it comes to precut square pads I’ve always liked Celtic Cotton, but it’s getting harder to find and I’m not sure if it’s being produced anymore...I haven’t seen a definitive answer to if they are still making it or not.

You're not drinking water are you?! You realize that stuff is found in antifreeze!?!


Citrus Junkie
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I'm happy with KGD. I'm hoping Drago will last longer in rta, my citrus vapes are hard on wick/wire.


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With a Koh gen Do pad it's
  • 1/4 pad for 2 - 2.5 mm di coil
  • 1/2 pad for 3 - 3.5 mm di coil
  • 3/4 pad for 4 - 4.5 mm di coil
With decent scissors simple to cut, super easy peel the outer layer. After cutting just fluff, roll it like back in the day rolling a fatty and then stuff in the coil. With Cotton Bacon and other premium Vape specific cotton it's more of a pain in the ass IMO to work with than the KGD pads. I really like the fluffiness, strength and length of the fibers in the KGD pads also. When I thin/straiten the fibers and the tails KGD doesn't fall apart like that with Cotton Bacon, Cotton Candy, or any other of the premium Vape Cotton.

I just have much better results in regards to
  • Flavor
  • Performance
  • Handling
with KGD than any other wicking material and yes (I know I'm going to get ostracised for this) even Rayon. I can't stand Rayon, it gives me a dry throat, break in period tastes like shit and the most gut retching/vomit inducing burnt/dry hits ever experienced in my life.
is this legit?

Look at this on eBay http://www.ebay.com/itm/141794110180

get N sub Ω low...

️Cloud Chasing


Citrus Junkie
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I get mine from Amazon, but the ebay bag is the same brand.


Citrus Junkie
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Wicked a Nano with Drago today. Worth every penny so far. No break in and wicking my troublesome favorite juice like a champ. Ordered a couple rdas, think Drago will really shine in a dripper. Flavor is spot on and able to run watts a bit higher than usual. Might have a wick worth a bit of extra $$. Will update on longevity.


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Wicked a Nano with Drago today. Worth every penny so far. No break in and wicking my troublesome favorite juice like a champ. Ordered a couple rdas, think Drago will really shine in a dripper. Flavor is spot on and able to run watts a bit higher than usual. Might have a wick worth a bit of extra $$. Will update on longevity.

I'm really relieved that you like it. :) I have 3 more rolls coming tomorrow. :giggle: It's definitely my go-to, even though I have the other types sitting around.


Citrus Junkie
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I'm really relieved that you like it. :) I have 3 more rolls coming tomorrow. :giggle: It's definitely my go-to, even though I have the other types sitting around.
Would never have blamed you if I didn't Khassy. :) I was worried it wouldn't perform well in rta, but so far very pleased. Followed your lead and watched a couple of yt vids before I even opened roll. Glad I did. It is different than anything I've tried before. Next time I get it out I'm turning off the fan 1st. :giggle:


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Would never have blamed you if I didn't Khassy. :) I was worried it wouldn't perform well in rta, but so far very pleased. Followed your lead and watched a couple of yt vids before I even opened roll. Glad I did. It is different than anything I've tried before. Next time I get it out I'm turning off the fan 1st. :giggle:

Dunno why I didn't watch the videos sooner. Would have saved me some trouble. :D But now I can wick really quickly and really well. So far, I've used it in an RDA, an RTDA, an RTA and a couple of squonkers. Works great in all of them. Really wanting to get a Mesh RDA now. Can you imagine how well it will work in that??


Citrus Junkie
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Dunno why I didn't watch the videos sooner. Would have saved me some trouble. :D But now I can wick really quickly and really well. So far, I've used it in an RDA, an RTDA, an RTA and a couple of squonkers. Works great in all of them. Really wanting to get a Mesh RDA now. Can you imagine how well it will work in that??
The way it wicks, hell yes! Looking forward to trying it out in Gen2 clone and Gorge. Unfortunately they are on a slow boat. Have a Goon clone, but out of 3mg juice. :(


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The way it wicks, hell yes! Looking forward to trying it out in Gen2 clone and Gorge. Unfortunately they are on a slow boat. Have a Goon clone, but out of 3mg juice. :(

My Gorge should be shipping on the 14th. Seems I've been waiting forever. Trying to guilt my son into getting me a Mesh. Really, REALLY want one now.


Citrus Junkie
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My Gorge should be shipping on the 14th. Seems I've been waiting forever. Trying to guilt my son into getting me a Mesh. Really, REALLY want one now.
I ordered a couple of dts for the Gorge. Not a fan of short dts. Wish it came with a 510 adapter. Shouldn't be too hard to find one if others aren't working for me. Love the deck and af.


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Quo cotton pads/sheets in the pink bag from Shoppers Drug Mart.

Every bit as good as Cotton Bacon or KGD. A lot less $


I tried the Kendo gold edition stuff, I swear it repels the juice if you use it in a tank. Works fine in a dripper, but refuses to wick in a tank. I just gave away my last bags of it to the RDA crowd at the vape shop. It DOES have a higher burning point, very handy for a cotton that refuses to wick.


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I ordered a couple of dts for the Gorge. Not a fan of short dts. Wish it came with a 510 adapter. Shouldn't be too hard to find one if others aren't working for me. Love the deck and af.

I'm right there with ya, I hate the short ones. Don't see the point of why they even exist. :D I have a bunch of spare dts of different shapes and sizes and a bunch of 510 adapters just for that reason.


Citrus Junkie
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I have one adapter, no clue what it belongs too, but I don't think it is an 810. I have nip tips on all my Nanos, love those. Need to pick up some extras, hoping for a good holiday sale at Xmas, they're not cheap.


Citrus Junkie
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Think I'm going to put Drago in all of my Nanos tomorrow. Two days with Drago tank and no dark ring at bottom of tank. Pretty impressive with this particular juice.


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Think I'm going to put Drago in all of my Nanos tomorrow. Two days with Drago tank and no dark ring at bottom of tank. Pretty impressive with this particular juice.

I'm really quite happy with it. Got my additional 3 rolls yesterday. I'm going to use it for everything but the smaller diameter coils, which are a bit harder for me to wick with it. I'll use the pads or Cotton Bacon for those.


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Cotton bacon far exceeds any other cotton wicking material. I seriously get this tastes from organic Jap cotton it isn't terrible but enough to disflavor my set up.

Cotton bacon looks kinda gimmicky but in every organic brand I've purchased I'm now realizing that I'm not getting that amazing flavor cotton bacon gives. It's always crisp n clean with cbv2.

Maybe I'm being nitpicky but it's my flavor.

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