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Japanese cotton or Cotton bacon?


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Just like everything else about vaping, wicks come down to personal preference. I've tried a bunch of different Japanese cotton and get a strange flavor from all of them. No flavor issues with Cotton Bacon and I find it much easier to use. Love the stuff.
I feel the same. Cotton bacon is the king of wick imo.

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It's all subjective, personally I prefer Koh gen Do over Cotton Bacon.

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Really, I get a little back flavor when using anything but cotton bacon. I have never tried rayon. I'd like to try that black cotton but only cuz it looks cool. Functionally that would kinda hinder my ability to judge the condition of my wick.

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Texas Tuff cotton is some pretty interesting stuff, really like their quik wix cotton, lasts forever in the coil, very fine strands, reminds me of some of the pima cotton.


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I pretty much exclusively use RDA’s

I thought so. Kendo gold is virtually unusable in any tank I own. Or anybody else that I know owns for that matter. It holds tons of juice, and is great for dripping, but it fails to convey juice from the tank to the coils. I cannot figure out what it is about it that gives it those propertys.

It has a higher burning temp which is nice, but even wicking it so thinly as to experience leaks, as soon as the juice that you saturated the coil with is gone, dry hit city. Until you try it in a few tanks, perhaps qualify your recommendation by stating IN RDAs. lol


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I thought so. Kendo gold is virtually unusable in any tank I own. Or anybody else that I know owns for that matter. It holds tons of juice, and is great for dripping, but it fails to convey juice from the tank to the coils. I cannot figure out what it is about it that gives it those propertys.

It has a higher burning temp which is nice, but even wicking it so thinly as to experience leaks, as soon as the juice that you saturated the coil with is gone, dry hit city. Until you try it in a few tanks, perhaps qualify your recommendation by stating IN RDAs. lol

Sorry, I didn’t know it was a thread referring to only tanks and didn’t see anyone qualifying their statements by saying the cotton they were talking about was only for a specific type of vaping. Pretty sure I thought it was a thread asking about personal preference on wicks (to which there is no right or wrong answer to), but considering the post you quoted me from was made 3 months ago, I could be mistaken on the details of what the thread is/was about.

You're not drinking water are you?! You realize that stuff is found in antifreeze!?!


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Sorry, I didn’t know it was a thread referring to only tanks and didn’t see anyone qualifying their statements by saying the cotton they were talking about was only for a specific type of vaping

Relax!! No Problem, just thought I'd point it out, and perhaps somebody might know what the reason is for it's issues with tanks.

I didn't know either when I bought it. I was told it was the shit, and bought a big bag, which I gave away most of. Result? lots of dry hits, wasted juice and trying countless suggestions from well meaning people (who had never tried it themselves in a tank) , and simply thought that you might consider not putting others through it.

I did save a little for the one RDA I use as a reference for my DIY.

I just thought you might like to mention it, now you know.


Gold Contributor
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I thought so. Kendo gold is virtually unusable in any tank I own. Or anybody else that I know owns for that matter. It holds tons of juice, and is great for dripping, but it fails to convey juice from the tank to the coils. I cannot figure out what it is about it that gives it those propertys.

It has a higher burning temp which is nice, but even wicking it so thinly as to experience leaks, as soon as the juice that you saturated the coil with is gone, dry hit city. Until you try it in a few tanks, perhaps qualify your recommendation by stating IN RDAs. lol
Funny you have that experience. I have the same issue with cotton bacon but the muji I use (should be more similar to kendo being japanese cotton) wicks fine in tanks. Maybe it's the tiny juice holes in the 22mm ammit but dammit cotton bacon sucks.

Just tried again earlier this evening, thought maybe the bacon was compressed too tight. So I rolled it around, loosened up the fibers, gently rolled it back into shape after fluffing it. Pulled and fluffed the ends, just long enough to touch the deck in the ammit. Within 10min I wasn't getting much flavor so I pulled the tank off and there was the cotton bacon looking bright white and dry as hell after I saturated it during wicking. Popped some muji in there, wicking like a champ.

I seem to get slightly better flavor off the cotton bacon but it just doesn't seem to wick for shit for me.


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I have not had an issue with Cotton Bacon. One thing I've not seriously considered, is that perhaps there are bad batches. I don't know how, but maybe.. Everyone I challenged to wick a tank with the Gold, and not get dry hits, failed.I have never tried regular Kendo, but I've also been told the regular stuff is fine, and that the Gold was primarily for RDAs.

I have even looked at the stuff under a microscope, and see no real difference. Mostly, I use a house brand of cotton from Shoppers Drugmart, and its either as good, or almost as good as Cotton Bacon, but the comparison is off a little, as I the the cheap stuff in sheets, and the CB in a square lump I rear strips off.

Unlike other cotton I've tried There is no wet T shirt bleach taste/smell with either. I used to boil cotton to get rid of the bleach, no need to with the Shoppers stuff. Itsnot just really good drug store cotton, it is top notch vape cotton.
I have not bothered to do a burn test to determine the Kendo Gold ignition point, but I am certain it is higher. Again, I don't know why that would be.


Citrus Junkie
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Kendo Gold does well in the Nano, short tails, but was a disaster in the Zeus, long tails. Didn't get dry hits, just wasn't right. Can't put my finger on it, maybe it wasn't saturated enough.


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I prefer Carolina Blend and Mavatons Select Gold from cottonman.com
Grown in N.C.
Wicks very well and lasts quite a while also.
Never tried the Kendo Gold but IMO, Carolina Blend and Mavaton is much better than Cotton Bacon.
You folks really need to try it. They sell sample packs for around $8.00. 6 different styles of cotton included.


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I usually use cotton bacon, but I have tried quite a few different cottons. I was really impressed with native wicks cotton as well. Wicked great, zero break in time. I almost exclusively use RTAs so I'm not sure how well it works in drippers. I have a squonk mod and a few different RDAs but i wouldn't consider myself experienced enough to start offering advice on them lol.

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