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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Health Thought:
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The coronavirus has absolutely dominated the news for the past couple of months. Travel has come to a standstill, states are forcing businesses to close, and some parts of the country are already under quarantine. Millions of people are out of work and panicked shoppers have left grocery store shelves bare.

So we decided to compile all the accurate information we could find about COVID-19, and we put it all together in a 77-page “field guide.”

And we want to give it to YOU as our free gift!

This “field guide” will help answer questions, like...

  • What exactly is COVID-19?
  • How serious is this threat?
  • Do I need to be tested?
  • How many people will die?
  • Is there a 5G connection?
  • When will I be able to get back to work?
  • Why do I keep seeing conflicting information?
  • What can I do to protect my family?
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to questions about this virus.

>> GET Your COVID-19 Field Guide NOW <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today is Easter.

Since it's sunny, Kimberly, Hailey and I plan on taking a hike. We are fortunate to live in a place with lots of amazing trails, so it's easy to get out even as we social distance from one another.

I feel like now, more than ever, we need to connect to nature.

I actually recently read in the New York Times that doctors are writing prescriptions for spending time in nature.

I thought this was pretty cool, as it has long been thought that time outdoors leads to better health.

My state's governor said (in the context of physical distancing), "If you feel like going for a walk, gardening or going for a bike ride, we consider that essential activity too for everyone’s physical and mental health." Hence, our hike today.


My brain got a little carried away the other day, and I made a little commercial.

Watch what Big Pharma might do about this right here. :)

So, our Wild Remedies book launch ends tomorrow.

One of the big messages of Wild Remedies is that harvesting and creating remedies with local plants is a wonderful way to fill that prescription for time in nature.

Not only will you feel better, you’ll empower yourself with the ability to make your own remedies from plants that YOU harvest. And right now is the perfect time to start making your own wild remedies.

Whether you pick up a copy of Wild Remedies or not, please check out my little commercial.

Happy Easter!

John Gallagher


Speaking of nature, people who received their copy of Wild Remedies are raving about the included journal.

There is a link to the PDF of this free nature journal INSIDE your Wild Remedies book.

This is what it looks like...

The journal is actually 59 pages and is designed to help you connect to where you live and get the most out of your Wild Remedies book.

You can learn more about Wild Remedies here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Navigating The Potential Of Threat

How does the potential of threat affect your health? Check out what HEAL expert, Peter Crone, has to say.

Known as The Mind Architect, Peter Crone is a writer, speaker and thought leader in human potential who works with world-class entertainers, professional athletes, and global organizations.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
G'day, Jim!
A global pandemic makes one thing abundantly clear: Your health needs to be a priority. Not just someday, but right now.

Researchers tell us that many of the COVID-19 deaths are linked to underlying health problems. And that’s actually good news -- because studies show that we can prevent MOST cases of chronic illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s -- just by eating the right foods (and avoiding the wrong ones!).

Want the LATEST breakthrough insights about food and health?

--->>Join the Food Revolution Summit here -- it’s free!

John and Ocean Robbins are bringing together 24 of the world’s top food experts to give you cutting-edge knowledge. Their goal is to cut through the confusion and give you scientifically grounded wisdom to help you prevent disease -- and thrive.

In the Food Revolution Summit, you’ll hear from top doctors and researchers like globally renowned infectious disease specialist Matt McCarthy, MD; and leading-edge physicians like Michael Greger, MD; Joel Fuhrman, MD; Christiane Northrup, MD; David Perlmutter, MD; Daniel Amen, MD; and many more. All personally (and brilliantly!) interviewed by 2 million-copy, best-selling author, John Robbins.

You’ll find out:
  • Specific foods proven to support optimal immune health.
  • How certain foods can promote Alzheimer’s, heart disease, autoimmune disease and cancer -- while other foods can help your body to heal.
  • What the science really says about fat, carbs, protein, iron, B12, essential fatty acids and other critical nutrients. How much do you need, and where should they come from?
  • You’ll get credible answers you can use!

--->>Find out more, watch the powerful trailer video, and join in now.

Let’s get this food revolution started. The time for learning, and for action, is NOW.

To your health,
The Fast Way Team

P.S. The speakers in this year’s Food Revolution Summit are extraordinary. Check out the entire lineup and secure your spot for no charge, here.


We are THE voice for all you need to know about Intermittent Fasting, Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and all other natural health lifestyle tips that go along with it.

Have an amazing (and healthy) day! No excuses!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

On April 18th, 1775, Paul Revere was sent to Lexington to warn the sleeping rebel militia that British forces were on the move. He had to quietly sneak past an enemy warship and was at one point captured and questioned at gunpoint, but he completed the mission to warn his compatriots that their enemies were coming.

A similar scenario is happening right now … right underneath our noses.

The enemies of medical freedom are coming, and many of us are still fast asleep. It’s time for us to wake up. Our constitutional freedom to choose what we inject into our bodies and the bodies of our children is in peril.

Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has already set the stage for a “mandatory coronavirus vaccine” and the World Health Organization (WHO) is discussing the potential “need” to come into homes and forcibly “remove” the sick and “isolate” them.

Meanwhile, America’s politicians are scrambling to see who can keep their constituents cooped up inside their homes the longest and governors of many states are forbidding their citizens from assembling in public, and our good friend, Pastor Rodney Howard Browne, was recently arrested for holding church services at his Tampa Bay church. He was charged with “unlawful assembly.”

This is unconstitutional.

Arresting a pastor for holding church services violates the “free exercise” clause as well as the “assembly clause” of the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Sadly, the US Constitution doesn’t really seem to matter any more.

The CDC and NIAID – in tandem with private interest groups – have mounted a massive propaganda campaign, and all signs point to an eventual federal mandate compelling every American to be injected with a coronavirus vaccine in order to “assemble in public.”

Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the architects of Obamacare and a special adviser to the director-general of the WHO, recently told MSNBC that there will be no returning back to normal for Americans unless they are vaccinated for COVID-19.

In other words, in order to be let out in public, the “human cattle” will have to obey and get jabbed!

This is not “alarmism” ... and these are not “scare tactics.” These are observable changes that are in motion right now, and a conclusion that is rational, supported, and has historical precedent.

It’s time to stand up to medical tyranny.

It’s time to draw your line in the sand.

There should be limits placed on the authority that public health officials and their physician colleagues exercise in a constitutional democracy. They should not be given unchecked power to order citizens to play “vaccine roulette” and punish them for refusing to obey the order!

Will you stand up and defend vaccine freedom in America?

You owe it to yourself to be educated about vaccines. We need to break through the dogma and uncover the science.

That’s why we have interviewed more than 60 doctors, researchers and experts, and we’ve put all this together into a groundbreaking 9 episode docu-series called “The Truth About Vaccines 2020” coming out April 22nd.

>> Reserve your free “front row seat” NOW!

You MUST see this if you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews … or if you’re concerned about the possible mandatory adult vaccines that are being discussed in Washington DC right now!

This is the MOST IMPORTANT health issue of our day. Don’t watch from the sidelines. Get in the game! All of our lives depend on it.

Yours in Health Freedom,


P.S. Be sure to grab your free “front row seat” here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
First of all, and the reason this is coming to you a day later than usual, Happy Easter, Passover, and any other holiday you observe at this time of year!

Unfortunately, I know that this was definitely not the happiest of weekends for most people. We are away from our families and friends, we can't go out for holiday brunches and dinners. In-person church services are on hold, and there were no Easter egg hunting parties. This weekend looked very different for people all over the world. In short, we are currently away from our support system of people, routines, and traditions, and it is more than a little tough.

I was lucky enough to have a wonderful support system during cancer, but sadly I heard many more than just a few stories from people who did not. It occured to me this weekend that as difficult as getting through Easter without most of my family was, there are so many people out there right now dealing with cancer or other challenges without their support network of people because of COVID-19.

If you are struggling under the weight of the absence of this network, whether with cancer or just in general, I want you to take a few quiet minutes on your own and do something for me. Visualize those that love you, even those that aren't with us anymore. Picture each one of their faces in as much detail as you can smiling and radiating love around you. Imagine strings or ribbons or lines of energy, whatever visual works for you, connecting you to each member of your network. Focus on the feeling of each connection, letting the warmth of them fill your core, and bring that warmth with you into your day. Refocus on that feeling or repeat the whole visualization whenever you need it.

It is so easy right now to feel like we are all alone. It may not be as good as the real thing, but this visualization is an awesome reminder that those people are still out there, that they just like you are sending out their love, and that even though we may be physically isolated, we are never truly alone.

With cancer and with COVID, we are all in this together.

Happy Healing ❤️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Mental Health Monday
MHM quarantine edition unfortunately continues this week, and the need for joy, light, and smiles has never been higher. Something I am grateful for learning from my journey with cancer, and also the reminder provided by COVID, is the importance of joy and more specifically silliness. We have a tendency to dismiss things viewed as "silly" or to make ourselves feel guilty for indulging in them. But giggly, gleeful, silly joy has a special quality all its own, and it's time we start calling on it guilt-free.

In today's MHM video, I share my thoughts about guilty pleasures and "silly indulgences", what I realized this morning while indulging them, how I plan to keep indulging them, and all the ways you can indulge your own!

Click here to check out this MHM video in the FB group

And if you don't have Facebook, you can click here to watch it on the Orenda YouTube channel


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to get bored by what’s in my cupboard. When you have a strict diet because of cancer or something else, it can happen easily since you tend to go for the same things that you already know fit within your guidelines.

I was looking forlornly at the shelf that holds baking goods, and mug cakes popped into my head! I haven’t had one in years since they usually contain lots of sugar and wheat flour, but I knew it couldn’t be that hard to make a version that fits within my diet guidelines. And it wasn’t! It turned out really well; it was moist and tasty, and raspberries have always been one of my favourite things to pair with chocolate, so I was happy!

Check out the recipe below and then go make one! It takes no time at all and is a great sugar, grain, and dairy-free way to enjoy dessert.

Check out the recipe here\


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Diet and Nutrition

Many of you are likely familiar with Chris Wark and his work as an advocate for natural and alternative cancer treatment. His Square One program was one of the first things I watched on alternative healing when I was diagnosed, and although not all of his recommendations were for me, I found much comfort in his stories and there are many things I still do today that I got out of his series.

I am not a believer in the "one size fits all" cancer diet. What works well for one person won't necessarily work well for the next. Chris eats a plant-based vegan diet and encourages every cancer patient to do so as well. This isn't something I would encourage everyone to stick to because I know that it isn't the right fit for many people's bodies, but I absolutely would encourage any newly diagnosed cancer patients to look into a vegan diet and try it out to see if it works well for them.

So, if you would like to learn more about vegan diets, cancer, and hormones, then check out this interview with Chris Wark and Dr. Neal Barnard who is Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine, President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and Editor in Chief of the Nutrition Guide for Clinicians. Among many things, they discuss the connection between diet and cancer, the harmful effects of estrogen in dairy, how IGF-1 from animal foods promotes cancer growth, and Dr. Barnard’s favorite plant-based meals.

I hope you find it helpful if you are currently stuck in the diet debate!

Check out their interview here

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
if properly done the RCTCPR or whatever the test is called has a 30% false negative result and if it tests positive it it over 90% certain that you have the virus.
From Med Cram


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

A global pandemic makes one thing abundantly clear: Your health needs to be a priority. Not just someday, but right now.

Researchers tell us that many COVID-19 deaths are linked to underlying health problems.

And that’s actually empowering news — because studies show that we can prevent MOST cases of chronic illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s — just by eating the right foods (and avoiding the wrong ones!).

I’m aware that it can sometimes seem like all the experts disagree about what the “right” foods are.

But, according to pioneering food researchers Ocean and John Robbins, the science of healthy eating is rapidly converging on a clear set of principles that are surprisingly easy to follow.

Ocean is a close personal friend of mine and I’m not exaggerating when I say that he and his dad are on a mission to support all of us to be as healthy as we can possibly be right now!

That’s why they’re bringing together 24 of the world’s top food experts to share the latest breakthrough insights about food and health.

They’re making all this information available at no charge in their Food Revolution Summit starting next week.

In the Food Revolution Summit, you’ll hear from top doctors and researchers like globally renowned infectious disease specialist Matt McCarthy, MD; and leading-edge physicians like Michael Greger, MD; Joel Fuhrman, MD; Christiane Northrup, MD; David Perlmutter, MD; Daniel Amen, MD; and many more. All personally (and brilliantly!) interviewed by 2 million-copy, best-selling author, John Robbins.

Tune in to the Food Revolution Summit here — at no cost.

You’ll find out:

  • The specific foods that have been proven to support optimal immune health.
  • How certain foods can promote Alzheimer’s, heart disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer — while other foods can help your body to heal.
  • What the science really says about fat, carbs, protein, iron, B12, essential fatty acids, and other critical nutrients. How much do you need, and where should they come from? You’ll get credible answers you can use!
Even if you already eat a healthy diet, I encourage you to check out the summit lineup and see if there is something you could learn to take your eating to the next level.

They’ve also put together a powerful video trailer for the event, which you can watch online here.

Like everything else in life, living a healthy lifestyle is something we can all get better at. I’m looking forward to seeing what new insights this summit will bring to my own adventure toward optimal health!

I hope to see you there!

With Love,


Craig Hamilton
Founder, Integral Enlightenment


P.S. Please share this link with anyone you know who could benefit from a healthier diet: The Food Revolution Summit


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

These drugs have been shown in vitro (in a test tube, not a living organism) to have a broad spectrum of antiviral activities. Although they have never been shown to have clear antiviral activity in humans against any virus, they have become widely used in China to treat COVID-19.

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