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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Planning to return to college this fall? You may be forced to get a flu shot, followed by a coronavirus shot


Diamond Contributor
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CDC admits false positives are being “mistakenly” included in official coronavirus data


Diamond Contributor
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Canada’s largest agribusiness to stop accepting oats sprayed with pre-harvest glyphosate desiccant


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you experiencing chronic anxiety, do you have a loved one on the spectrum? Or with dementia? Or a mystery illness such as CFS/ME or PANDAS? Unfortunately, most practitioners don’t realize that mold mycotoxins are high on the list of underlying factors impacting each of these conditions, yet don’t know how to help.

All of these neurological issues are connected by common factors:
  1. Inflammation in the nervous system
  2. Inflammation in the gut
  3. Genetic susceptibilities to slow detoxification and
  4. Toxin exposures.
The good news is when these factors are recognized early, then conditions of neural inflammation can be significantly modulated and even reversed!

Unfortunately, chronic severe anxiety is one of the most common symptoms of toxic mold exposure. For immediate relief of anxiety symptoms watch my interview with anxiety specialist Trudy Scott, on the role of amino acids and neurotransmitters that you can implement right away!
The good news is, there are many healing modalities to diagnose and recover from nervous system inflammation. Leading-edge therapies include NeuroQuant imaging, limbic system retraining, neuroplastic brain exercises, nasal peptides, amino acids, PK Phosphatidylcholine protocol, nutritional oral and IV therapies, including plasma exchange, and oxygen therapies such as hyperbaric and ozone as well as basic dietary protocols.

To take a deep dive into these leading-edge treatments of brain dysfunction tune into the 2020 where the top Integrative and Functional medicine minds bring you the latest tools and techniques to aid in recovery. Learn about the many ways you can engage the neuroplastic genius of the brain to rewire itself!
To get started right away, you can also download my free e-book,
Moldy? Now What
, to learn where to start with your healing, when you register for the 2020

Always have HOPE for Healing Health and Home!
Margaret Christensen, MD

P.S. Other free bonus gifts for signing up include a free guide to understanding and addressing Immune Dysfunction in Mold illness, as well as a Histamine questionnaire to see if you’ve had MAST cell activation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hot Tea Reduces Blindness Risk

A study published in The British Journal of Ophthalmology involving more than 1,600 volunteers showed that consuming hot tea each day reduces the risk for glaucoma, which can cause blindness if left untreated.
Researchers reported that subjects who drank at least one cup of hot tea each day were 74 percent less likely to have glaucoma.
Special: Dr. Brownstein: Eye-Opening NEW Vision Formula Protects Eyesight
Even though the study did not confirm a cause-and-effect relationship between glaucoma and hot-tea drinking, it is possible that the anti-inflammatory phytochemicals and flavonoids in tea may provide a protective effect to the eyes.
Vision health is an important component of mind health, so if you’re a tea drinker, keep on drinking each day to protect your vision.
More Links:
Heart Surgeon's Secret to Healthy Blood Pressure
3 Simple Tricks for Saving Your Eyesight


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Over the last couple months, the world seems to have turned upside down.
While it's been an overwhelming and confusing time for a lot of us, I think one thing is super clear: focusing on your health is critically important.
Even though our platform is focused on herbal medicines to heal ourselves, there's another really big piece of the holistic health puzzle that we can't overlook...
The foods we eat each and every day.
And I don't mean counting calories or jumping on the newest diet trend. I mean really taking a step back and thinking about where your food comes from and starting to take it back into your own hands to be responsible for your own food.
Many people are turning to gardening this year for this very reason.
Audrey Hepburn said it best, "To plant a garden is to believe in a better world."
Because I believe that every little sprout, every beautiful flower, every fruit and leaf is a piece of hope that life can continue on in a good way.
Even though so much of the human world has been on pause, nature just keeps on growing, and abundantly so!
Seeds planted today will be food in just weeks, indoors or outdoors.
I want to encourage you to plant your own seeds of hope (and super healthy food!)
That’s exactly why my good friend and master garden trainer, Stacey Murphy, is hosting the Superfood Garden Summit, so that health-conscious people like you can get MORE from a lifestyle of fresh food.
Click here to claim your spot at this free online event
Growing food is simpler than most people think… especially when you know exactly what to do. And that’s what these 16 visionary growers are going to share with you so that you don’t feel lost in your garden.
The Superfood Garden Summit is a LIVE, interactive event airing July 22nd-25th (starting tomorrow!) So be sure to sign up right now for free!
It's funny that "farm-to-table" food is seen as a super fancy commodity, but isn't that just how it should be? That we can all have the freshest, healthiest food right outside our door (even if it's in pots?)
Join this totally FREE, global online event here.
I hope you enjoy it! I know I will =)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
A unique event that will be quite worth your while starts tomorrow.
It’s The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit.
It’s entirely online and free, well over 200,000 people have registered, and I urge you not to be left out…
Sign up here right now
You see, to understand how important this will be, just listen closely to three speakers on Day 1 tomorrow.
It starts with David Sinclair, PhD, the Harvard Medical School longevity researcher who Time magazine named “One of the World’s Top 100 Influential People.”
You literally have longevity genes in your body — they are key to boosting immunity and avoiding disease, and you have monumental control over how your longevity genes are expressed.
David Sinclair is going to reveal how to make certain you turn your longevity genes on… and the big mistakes so many people make that turn theirs off.
He’s also going to share why “NAD” decline is a big problem as people get older, and what you can do about it.
Head here right now to sign up free
The second speaker tomorrow is world-renowned nutrition expert Ocean Robbins.
Amongst several other “little-known life-changers,” Ocean is going to reveal how one simple change to a routine hygiene activity can greatly help you fight depression and infections… improve immunity and sleep… and even help your skin and hair.
He’ll also share the surprising hobby that can destroy bad bacteria and improve digestive health and your immunity to disease.
And then please do not miss the third speaker in The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit tomorrow…
Because it’s Dr. David Perlmutter, the globally acclaimed neurologist MD and winner of prestigious awards for longevity and brain health.
And if you ever worry about memory loss and brain decline, Dr. Perlmutter is going to reveal some very little-known and indeed revolutionary news that flies in the face of previous knowledge about what you can do to avoid it.
He’s got other powerful “little-known life-changers” to share with you, too, so…
Register for this important summit that starts tomorrow for free right here.
You see, in The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit, my good friend Brian Vaszily, a natural health veteran with over 20 years of experience, has gathered 22 of today’s top longevity and anti-aging doctors and researchers.
And he’s going to ask each of them to reveal their answers to this mission-critical question for YOU:
“From your unique area of expertise, what are your 3 biggest health secrets that almost no one knows… but everyone needs to know because of how powerfully it can change their lives?”
With a question like that, this is bound to be life-changing indeed in terms of how you look and feel right now… avoiding and even overcoming disease… and living long and well doing it.
And it all starts tomorrow, so…
Sign up free right here
Your biggest fan at The Healing Miracle,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Do you ever worry about memory loss and brain decline?

Yes, of course EMF protection should be at the top of your list of priorities, but what else?

Tomorrow is Day 1 of The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit and Dr. David Perlmutter, a globally acclaimed neurologist MD, is going to reveal some very little-known and indeed revolutionary news that flies in the face of previous knowledge about what you can do to avoid it.

Sign up for FREE here.

Also in the line-up is David Sinclair, PhD, the Harvard Medical School longevity researcher who Time magazine named “One of the World’s Top 100 Influential People.”

You literally have longevity genes in your body, they are key to boosting immunity and avoiding disease, and you have monumental control over how your longevity genes are expressed.

David Sinclair is going to reveal how to make certain you turn your longevity genes on… and the big mistakes so many people make that turn theirs off.

He’s also going to share why “NAD” decline is a big problem as people get older, and what you can do about it.

The third speaker tomorrow is world-renowned nutrition expert Ocean Robbins.

Amongst several other “little-known life-changers,” Ocean is going to reveal how one simple change to a routine hygiene activity can greatly help you fight depression and infections… improve immunity and sleep… and even help your skin and hair.

He’ll also share the surprising hobby that can destroy bad bacteria and improve digestive health and your immunity to disease.

Register for this important summit that starts tomorrow for FREE here.

At The Little-Known, Life-Changing Health Summit, Brian Vaszily, a natural health veteran with over 20 years of experience, has gathered 22 of today’s top longevity and anti-aging doctors and researchers.

And it all starts tomorrow.

Click here to access this FREE event.

Lloyd Burrell
Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world!

P.S. If the above links don’t work copy/paste this link into your browser

P.S. Sign up today, you’ll also getting the new 39-page guide, The Top 15 Anti-Aging and Longevity Herbs and Spices.
Leaky Brain Summit
EMF protection is IMPORTANT
please share ElectricSense emails
with your friends and colleagues.


Diamond Contributor
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Dr. Fauci praises New York’s coronavirus response, despite the state having the highest mortality rate where thousands were needlessly killed in nursing homes and on ventilators


Diamond Contributor
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MEDICAL TYRANNY: Kentucky couple forced into house arrest with ankle bracelets after supposedly testing positive for coronavirus


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
THEY DON’T CARE if it’s safe: UK govt. just signed deal for 90 million coronavirus vaccine doses even BEFORE safety testing has been completed


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Counteract Insomnia Naturally


Diamond Contributor
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Andrew Wakefield releases “1986: The Act” film all about Big Pharma’s immunity from vaccine liability


Diamond Contributor
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Universities to force students to get flu shots, sign “distancing” contracts in order to attend classes this fall


Cranky Old Fart
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ECF Refugee
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MEDICAL TYRANNY: Kentucky couple forced into house arrest with ankle bracelets after supposedly testing positive for coronavirus
This is why I refuse to get tested unless I am really, really sick.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
I could be dying...I'm still not going to be tested ! I'll just die...I've lived a good long enough life :)
But, I'm sure they would put it down as CV 19

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I could be dying...I'm still not going to be tested ! I'll just die...I've lived a good long enough life :)
But, I'm sure they would put it down as CV 19

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk
Well even most of those that test positive they just tell them to self quarantine so might as well just stay home and fight it .


Diamond Contributor
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VU Patreon
The Truth About Salt: Not All Salt is Created Equal
You might have already posted something about it and I didn't see it. Have you heard of Chinen salt? It's a pink salt like Himalayan salt. It's been reported that it's suppose to help lower blood sugar, blood pressure and a couple/few other things (can't recall :facepalm: )
If, you have heard of it, do you know if it is Himalayan salt?
If, it isn't Himalayan salt and you do know about you know where to purchase some?

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You might have already posted something about it and I didn't see it. Have you heard of Chinen salt? It's a pink salt like Himalayan salt. It's been reported that it's suppose to help lower blood sugar, blood pressure and a couple/few other things (can't recall :facepalm: )
If, you have heard of it, do you know if it is Himalayan salt?
If, it isn't Himalayan salt and you do know about you know where to purchase some?

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk
I just seen something about it the other day and it raised my interests but haven't seen or researched any more on it


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Wednesday Jimi!
There’s no doubt about it, we are living through a unique and unprecedented time. And yet, one thing is clear. For many of us it’s time for a reset!
Healing happens at home, and it starts with your choices: the food you eat, how you move your body (or don’t), how you talk to yourself, how you choose to think, and the information you consume...
During stressful times, it can be a challenge to take care of yourself. But it doesn’t have to be. With the right support, information, resources, and connection, it can be surprisingly easy. You are not in this alone!
I'd like to invite you to Holistic Holiday at Home, a new digital event from the organizers of the Holistic Holiday at Sea plant-based cruises, that will will help you transform your health from home! Join me, and over 40 plant-based doctors and experts, July 26-August 1, 2020 for this special online wellness event.
The phenomenal lineup of speakers includes: Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Kim Williams, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, Dr. Brooke Goldner, Ocean Robbins, Robert Cheeke, Yours Truly, and many more!
Holistic Holiday at Home features 30+ hours of free video content over the 7-day event. For more support, you can upgrade to get access to additional live Q&A sessions, fitness classes, cooking demos, bonus materials from speakers, and more. :)
The first step is to register for the free event!
Click here to sign up for free access
See you there!
To your life and health!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Studies Clarify What Drugs Help, Hurt for COVID-19


Diamond Contributor
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Why You Should Know about Deuterium Depletion


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Be Vigilant if Cardiac Procedures Require Hospital Stay

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

These days, cardiac treatments are better than ever. There are more life-saving procedures available for patients, and the death rate from heart attacks has declined significantly.

But when I’m asked for the best advice I can give, I advise patients to do everything they can to avoid the need for these innovative cardiac procedures.

As miraculous as modern procedures and devices are, they are interventional treatments — which means they involve a device of some kind being placed in the body, and for that reason such procedures will always carry some degree of risk.

Special: Dr. Crandall Reveals the Secret to Normal Cholesterol

Sometimes a patient has no choice but to undergo an interventional procedure.

The direct risk of complications or death from these procedures is not the only reason for caution. I’m also concerned that such procedures are performed in hospitals — and unfortunately, hospitals are dangerous places these days.

Thanks to budget cutbacks, hospital cleaning staffs have been cut back, so hospitals are not the sanitary oases they used to be. In fact, they are downright dirty.

The skyrocketing number of medical errors is also alarming. In 2019, the British Medical Journal estimated 250,000 deaths in the U.S. per year were due to medical error.

So here’s the bottom line: If you go into the hospital for a procedure or treatment, even if it is as an outpatient, you must remain vigilant.

And you should remain on the lookout for problems after you are discharged as well.

Unless you’re in the medical field, you probably don’t realize that the one-time fee all surgeons receive is intended to cover both surgery and 90 days of follow-up care. But since the surgeons get their fees upfront you are unlikely to see them afterwards.

So your internist or cardiologist is left to do the follow-up. And so are you, because you are the person who has the responsibility of reporting changes in how you feel to your doctor.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Theory of "Relational Gravity"

At the beginning of the pandemic, when we were told to avoid seeing anyone outside of our nuclear household, people panicked. Some don’t have nuclear households… Some live alone… Some aren’t friends with their roommates… Some rely heavily on the social and emotional support they’re fed from their stronger relationships, but don’t live with those people.

As time moved forward and it was clear the virus would be sticking around, scientists in charge allowed us gatherings of up to 10 people, and suggested we consider carefully which friends made the cut into our inner circles.

That could have been based on any number of things – physical proximity, friendship longevity, lifestyle alignment, immediate family relations, socioeconomic similarities, commensurate social distancing styles, or other considerations.

For a lot of people, that was a tough decision. Some took it more seriously than others, even making sure that the people in their inner circles chose their inner circles with the same care and scrutiny.​

But it certainly forced a lot of people to weigh and measure their relationships in a way that adults don’t regularly do. After a certain age, we don’t give our friendships regular check-ups to take their temperatures.

Most of them just… coast forever, and we don’t think about the precious energy we allow to flow into stale, toxic, or draining friendships.

Which affects us more than we realize, mainly because of relational gravity.​

What Does Relational Gravity Mean?

You may be familiar with the expression “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

That’s the heart of the theory of relational gravity as it relates to our social lives.

Put another way, via Dr. David McClelland of Harvard University, the people you’re around the most “determined as much as 95 percent of your success or failure in life.”

Or maybe a little less stringent, “it’s not what you know, but who you know that counts.”

Of all the reasons to be discerning about your friendships and there are many, the concept that our friendships build an orbit around us, controlling the pushes and pulls of our lives, holds the most water.

But let’s not think of our friendships as tools for getting ahead in life, or fast-track tickets to success. Frankly, “success” and “failure” aren’t granular enough to warrant an orbit shift as severe as friendship culling.

Instead, think about where you’re dissatisfied with yourself.

How you react, how you support, how you contribute. How you spend your time, how often you learn new things, how brave or afraid you are when you stand on the precipice of something unfamiliar.​
Now think about the five people you spend the most time with.

You Can Only Get So Far Alone

We know that everything in life is easier, faster, and stronger with teamwork. And that’s how you really should be looking at your inner circle – as your teammates.

Do your teammates reflect on themselves as critically as you just did?
Do they audit their own behavior and motives regularly? Do they build support for you into their lives? Do they spend their time wisely enough that you aren’t reluctant to grow yourself for fear of leaving them behind?

They’re tough questions – none of us are omniscient, and none of us has the full picture of anyone’s lives no matter how well we know them.

But that shouldn’t stop you from coming to conclusions based on two empirical pieces of evidence: how they make you feel about your own life, and how you watch them run their own.

You want your team members to share common goals with you, so that “winning” looks similar enough to everyone involved. Without that shared identity, it can be easy to remain in an orbit that doesn’t center around what you want your life to look like.

What’s more, it isn’t necessary for you to cruelly sever relationships or grandstand about your newly-discovered incompatibility – the fear of that confrontation keeps people locked in undeserving relationships for much longer than they should be there.

A gradual easing of time given, coupled with an increased investment in the friendships that do have traits in common with the person you’d like to become, will do perfectly well.

Extra points if you’re not only considering what might be currently bringing you down, but what could eventually lift you up – invest in friendships with people you admire.

Do you have friends you mostly drink with, but who you want to become consumes less alcohol? Do you have friends who prefer to engage in toxic and consuming romantic relationships, but who you want to become prefers stability and support? Do you have friends who aren’t interested in expanding their knowledge and skill set, but who you want to become is someone curious and forward-thinking?

You’ll only get to where you want to go if you’ve got the right teammates.

And not every friendship is created that way.

While we still can’t engage in the world socially the way we once did, reflect on who you’ve got on your team – and if “winning” looks anything to them like it looks to you.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
We face a global epidemic of chronic illness. And one sneaky disease is playing a major role in the increasing spread — Lyme disease!
Lyme disease can cause these deceptive symptoms:
  • Digestive and abdominal pain
  • Food allergies
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Brain/neurological issues
  • Skin conditions
  • Heart issues
According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Lyme disease produces approximately 30,000 new cases each year in the United States alone. But the actual number of cases is thought to be more than 10 times higher.
Because thousands of cases go undiagnosed, misdiagnosed or untreated.
That's why we need to learn to recognize the symptoms of Lyme, and arm ourselves with resources to fight the disease and stay healthy.
==> Download the FREE guide, Don't Get Deceived by Lyme Disease and Its Sneaky Symptoms!
When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Chronic Lyme Disease Summit hosted by my friend Dr. Jay Davidson. It's taking place on July 27 – August 2, 2020.
This event includes over 35 experts teaching you how to rebuild your life when you get to the root cause of your symptoms of chronic disease!

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