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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Health Thought:

"The healthy, the strong individual, is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he has an abscess on his knee or in his soul."
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

On luck, drive, ambition, and purpose.

Luck and chance are usually placed in opposition to ambition, drive, and purpose.

You've got the school of thought that says all human success is due to ambition—that those who ascend the heights do so because they willingly chose to do what it takes to get there. They made a conscious decision to keep pushing, to make good decisions, to do hard work, and as a result they won.

Then there's the school of thought that says luck is everything. That it's not your will, it's the good luck that falls in your lap. It's the genes your parents passed to you, the socioeconomic head start they were able to provide, the random boons that crossed your path and helped pave your way to the top.

Who's right?

Both are.

Luck and drive, chance and will—these not only have the potential to co-exist, but they also potentiate each other. Drive creates luck. Placing yourself in novel situations, throwing yourself out there into the world, giving it your all, moving through life with purpose and intent increase your tendency to run into opportunities, have chance meetings with people who can further your cause. Hell, even just physical movement improves cognitive function and is often enough to spur the arisal of interesting, helpful thoughts and insights.

Is the breakthrough solution to a problem that comes out of the blue on a walk through the woods "good luck"? Is it "chance"? Sort of. You didn't willfully pull it out of the ether. You just walked and it showed up. That's a kind of luck, and it's the kind of luck that happens to people who have drive and purpose, and get out there and live.

I'm curious to hear what you think about all this. What's your take on the relation between will and luck?

Take care, everyone.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Many of you have emailed us saying that you are experiencing symptoms of estrogen dominance. They may include:

  • Lumpy or fibrocystic breasts
  • Hot flashes
  • Thyroid nodules
  • Hip fat and cellulite
  • Gallbladder problems (or you lost your gallbladder)
  • Fibroids
  • Uterine polyps
  • Mood swings
  • Endometriosis
  • Amenorrhea (lack of periods)
  • Irregular periods
  • Dysmenorrhea & PMS
  • Menorrhagia (Heavy periods)
  • Infertility and miscarriages
  • Breast cancer (ER+)
  • High testosterone (PCOS)
Why DIM alone might not be helping

The one supplement that has established itself in the market as a “estrogen buster” is DIM, which stands for di-indolyl-methane. DIM can be wonderful as it helps metabolize estrogen, especially “dirty” estrogens which are the pathogenic, problematic metabolites that can cause the above symptoms.

Many of you have noticed that it helps at first and then it stops. Some of you may have found that it makes your estrogen symptoms even worse.

Here is the reason: DIM upregulates Phase 1 liver detoxification. Your liver also has Phase II detoxification. Both of them need to work well for the junk to eventually get evacuated through your colon and kidneys (i.e poop and pee).

It’s just like a clogged toilet…

To make it a little more graphic, imagine your toilet where you have the toilet bowl and the drain to carry the waste out. With DIM you have just unclogged your toilet bowl but not the drain. In fact, the toilet bowl might be so open now that the drain isn’t coping - and the result is that the toilet is still clogged up and overflowing.

So, back to your liver and estrogens. DIM has just helped you open up Phase 1 detoxification but if your Phase II isn’t working as well (which in most people it isn’t), you won’t feel good.

The good news is: You can open up Phase II liver detoxification with a beautiful substance called sulforaphane. I personally love sulforaphane because it’s also a powerful antioxidant that supports estrogen detoxification in the liver and has anticancer properties.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is your sleep amazing ?

After going over 144 hours without sleep, I have a deep compassion for anyone who’s had sleep issues.

I’ve had low hormones keeping me from sleeping well at night.

I’ve had life stress give me chronic insomnia.

I’ve hit a wall with weight loss because my sleep is total crap.

I’m dragged myself through the most brutal fatigue because of low thyroid, chronic Epstein Barr, and so many other health issues...

Without good sleep, our bodies aren't getting the valuable digest-repair-restore time that they need to heal.

And without enough restful sleep, our mental health tanks — where our important emotional reserves are stored to help us deal with the stressors of life — get depleted, and compliance with any healing protocol can feel overwhelming or even impossible.

--->> Learn to optimize your sleep when you attend my free, online event, Your Best Sleep Ever!


I have dealt with a variety of sleep and fatigue issues stemming from:

✅ a botched surgery that literally almost killed me
✅ low hormones
✅ hypothyroidism
✅ extreme stress
✅ Epstein Barr Virus and
✅ Heavy Metal poisoning

Along with some of the world's foremost health experts, I’m here to help you by sharing what I learned Jim.

Your Best Sleep Ever Summit will help you:

⏰ Understand why you’re having sleep issues

⏰ Offer key insights into dealing with monkey mind and cortisol issues

⏰ Help you understand what you can do to better-manage the life stress that keeps you awake at night

⏰ Figure out what hormone issues might be affecting your ability to stay asleep at night

⏰ Sleep Deeper with little-known sleep hacks that you can implement NOW

⏰ Creating a low-EMF sleep sanctuary

⏰ And so much more!

The best protocols in the world will not help you heal if you're not sleeping well.

I’ve interviewed over 40 experts to help us all learn the best secrets and practical strategies for sleep optimization at Your Best Sleep Ever, online and free from March 16-22, 2020!

--->>I'll see you online at this educational summit when you register today!


P.S. When you register for Your Best Sleep Ever Summit, you'll also unlock early access to interviews, free guides and helpful eBooks about sleep health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Enzyme Rich Guacamole with Pineapple
Reading Time: 1 minute

18 ratings


  • 2 avocados, peeled & pitted
  • Juice of half a lime
  • ½ teaspoon Himalayan or sea salt
  • ½ cup pineapple, chopped
  • ¼ cup red onion, diced
  • ½ jalapeño chile, finely chopped (optional)

  1. Place avocados into a mixing bowl and mash with a fork to desired consistency.
  2. Add in remaining ingredients and mix well, being gentle with pineapple.
  3. Serve up with your favorite dipping veggies or healthy chips.
  4. Keep refrigerated in a covered container.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

You must have heard all the buzz about nuts. Some say it is ok to eat it, some say it's not and some even go to the extent of saying that you absolutely need it for overall brain and heart health. In last year's summit Chef AJ asked Dr. Linda Carney and she went deep and unveiled something I couldn't forget...






Watch the short video to find out how nuts compare...

If you enjoyed this excerpt, you will love The Truth About Weight Loss Summit where you'll learn first hand from over 30 NEW interviews such as:

  • Dr. Michael Greger on how not to diet
  • Dr. Barbara Rolls on her breakthrough research on calorie density
  • Dr. Andrew Brewer on how to break bad habits
  • Dr. Susan Roberts on rewiring the body and brain by eating more, not less
  • How to outsmart our instincts with Dr. Guyenet
And we're bringing 8 of last year's most popular interviews back in a segment we call "The Blast From The Past" - so you get to see Dr. Ornish, Dr. McDougall, Dr. Lisle and many more for a second time.

You'll discover the latest solutions for diabetes, heart disease, joint pain, inflammation, brain health, emotional eating, breaking bad habits...

Hosted by the one and only Chef AJ, you can be sure this online event will be equally entertaining as life-changing.

All you have to do is sign up here.

Tomorrow it's time to pack the bags and fly to California to meet up with Chef AJ and finish our preparations for the summit! Last year's summit seems like it happened yesterday - it was such an inspiring and personal 9 days and we hope you'll join us again this year!

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Sleeper Tissue Affecting Your Full-Body Health…

Socially, having a dirty mouth might make you the life of the party.

In actuality, having a dirty mouth might lead to an avalanche of other health problems, crashing down on you out of nowhere.

And we’re not talking about cavities.

We know that our bodies are full of bacteria. In fact, in a fully grown adult, the trillions of microorganisms in the body can weigh between 2 and 6 pounds. And although we wash our hands with antibacterial soap or get prescribed antibiotics, much of the bacteria in the body is actually helpful and necessary.

And your mouth is no different.


When you don’t work to clear the bacteria in your mouth (which accumulates constantly from eating, drinking, kissing, smoking, and more), and especially if your diet is poor and you have habits like smoking or excessive alcohol drinking….

The good bacteria in your mouth loses the battle to the bad bacteria.

And plaque starts to build on your teeth. And then it leaches into your gums…

The health of your gums is essential to the maintenance of the rest of your body. And the symptoms of unhealthy gums are so ubiquitous, most people don’t realize they have gum issues.

Let’s start by clearing a few things up.

Gingivitis: the early stages of gum disease. If you have gingivitis, you may notice that your gums are red and swollen, and they bleed when you floss or brush. This happens because a build-up of bacteria (plaque) on the teeth cause the gums to inflame. Left untreated, gingivitis leads to…

Periodontal Disease: full-blown gum disease. If you’ve had a build-up of plaque and bleeding gums for a while, periodontitis can develop. This is when the supporting bone and fibers that hold your teeth in place break down and the gums recede.

As disastrous as those mouth diseases sound, poor gum health can herald an even worse fate for the rest of the body.

Here are just a few of the things that poor gum health can lead to…

Cardiovascular Disease

Scientists have theorized that there is a connection between inflammation of the gums and the occurrence of heart disease in people with periodontitis.

Inflammation is the body’s way of signalling distress. However, if it continues without being addressed, it can also cause damage.

When the gums become inflamed due to bacteria and recede away from the teeth, that bacteria can enter the blood supply through the gums.

From there, it can travel to the heart and cause inflammation. Specifically, P. gingivalis is the bacteria most often found in the coronary artery.

Cognitive Function

When attempting to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, doctors check for beta-amyloid, which is a brain protein fragment.

We now know that beta-amyloid is associated with periodontal disease and the body’s response to plaque build-up and gum deterioration. Not only that, but P. gingivalis actually aids in the production of this protein.

Gingivitis becoming periodontal disease has been shown to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s and other neuro-degenerative conditions.

Respiratory Infection

Respiratory disorders, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia, are caused by bacteria traveling from the upper throat, via inhalation, to the lower respiratory tract.

When there’s an excess of harmful bacteria in the mouth — like P. gingivalis, A. actinomycetemcomitans, and more — we can breathe those pathogens into the lungs.

Harmful bacteria can also adhere to respiratory bacteria within the saliva, and so get passed to the lungs as well.

After all, it makes sense that whatever is in the mouth is being passed to the rest of the body.

That’s what it’s for.

On top of these three major issues that can occur in the body resulting from poor gum health, there are hosts of others…

Even ailments that are seemingly far-removed from oral health.

I am a spammer ban me dysfunction, for example, can be exacerbated by inflammation of the gums. Gum inflammation can lead to infection and inflammation elsewhere in the body, especially in blood vessels. When blood vessels are not able to relax, vasodilation of the penis cannot occur, causing I am a spammer ban me dysfunction.

Cancer risk increases as well. Scientists have discovered enzymes associated with gum disease inside tumors in the intestinal tract.

Premature births in pregnancies, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes have all been linked to gum disease as well.

If you have suspicions that your gums aren’t in optimal condition.

Make a dental appointment as soon as you can.

And if you don’t have dental insurance…

Stay tuned. We’ll go over homeopathic ways to get your gums in order shortly.

For full references, click here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Did you know that over 71% of people make the New Years Resolution to change their diet? And another 65% include exercising (more than likely to lose weight), and the 3rd most common resolution is in fact simply to LOSE WEIGHT. Yes, to look better, but mostly to be healthy, feel good about yourself, and enjoy life to the fullest!


Did you also know that UNFORTUNATELY, the stats show that only 18-21% of those people actually follow through with their health-related resolutions.WOW. That's a staggering amount of people who are left wishing and hoping instead of finding the right method out there. Something they can stick to that ACTUALLY WORKS!

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