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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Health Thought:

Medicine is a collection of uncertain prescriptions, the results of which, taken collectively, are more fatal than useful to mankind."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

    • th


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Medical science now understands that stress is a major cause of all disease. In the deepest sense, stress is an expression of our incapacity to process life’s challenges or conflicts — resulting in an internal state of mental, emotional, and/or physical disharmony. Some describe stress as the dissonance between what "is" and what we'd wish our life to be.

The Wisdom Healing Qigong paradigm understands that stress is contracted energy in the body. Stressful thoughts, emotions, or unhealthy physical experiences can all cause energy contractions. And, stress energy that gets "stuck" and is held too long in our bodies shows up in physical, emotional, mental, and even spiritual impediments.

In fact, all disease is caused by disharmonized or conflicted energy, either within the energy body or in our relationship to Life.

Stress can't be avoided — and we might go so far as to say a healthy amount of stress/pressure is essential for growth and evolution. Yet, we can work with stress in constructive and transformative ways.

First, it's important to understand that our quality of life correlates with the continuous movement and flow of internal chi blending with external chi.

The main benefit of Wisdom Healing Qigong is to open energy flow, no matter what happened in the past, or what is happening around you in this moment. You open the energy streams in your body, mind, and heart, through movement, sound, and meditation.

There are many ways Wisdom Healing Qigong supports the transformation of stress energy. Gentle, slow movements allow for relaxation as well as an energetic flow. Deep movements allow the opening of energy channels as well as the release of pain, blockages, and stress. Mindful movements allow the mind to connect with the body and help to quiet the mind’s busy thoughts and mental stress. Specific sounds and vibrations move emotional energy stuck in the organs.

As you open your energy flow daily you release the stress of each day. can also release stressed energy patterns from the past! This stored and unresolved stress is the root cause of all physical disease, emotional anxiety, fear, mental problems, and spiritual disconnection.

The good news is... you have the power to make energy flow changes within you and address the deep challenges of your life instead of avoiding, suppressing, or running away from them. You can also reprogram your system to respond to Life from this day forward with new, healthier patterns.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

On the run? Did you know that 50-70 million US adults have a sleep disorder, and even MORE worldwide! And that your body ONLY produces HGH - the healing hormone - when you sleep, so deep sleep is vital! --->>Click here to join me for “Your Best Sleep Ever”!

Dear Jim,

According to the National Institute of Health, lack of restful sleep causes a long list of issues, including obesity, certain cancers, depression and anxiety, lack of focus and energy, higher accident rates, decreased mojo, and more!

--->>Learn to optimize your sleep when you attend this event!

Alongside nutrition and exercise, Harvard Medical School considers sleep to be the third pillar of good health.

Without good sleep, our bodies aren't getting the digest-repair-restore time needed to heal. And without enough restful sleep, our mental health tanks — the important emotional reserves we need to deal with the stressors of life get depleted, and compliance with any healing protocol can feel overwhelming or even impossible.

Ask yourself these important questions:

  • Want to sleep after eating?
  • Do you fall asleep while reading or watching TV?
  • Experiencing decreased mojo?
  • Hit the snooze button every morning?
  • Sometimes "crash" and sleep for hours?
  • Rely on caffeine and sugar for energy?
If you answered YES to any of the above, you may be sleep deprived.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to end excessive daytime sleepiness, like...

What I will be personally teaching: “The Glymphatic System and Sleep”

  • How the glymphatic system helps your brain detoxify
  • Reason for your sleep issues
  • Strategies to improve your quality of sleep
In her work with women facing chronic health issues, your host, Misty Williams, has found that many are struggling with their sleep, and that their #1 desire is to regain their energy.

She has gathered some of the world's foremost health experts to help you recognize and understand your sleep needs, and what you can do right now to improve the quality of your sleep.

To your health and happiness,

Dr. Christine

P.S. When you register for Your Best Sleep Ever Summit, you'll also unlock early access to interviews, eGuides and helpful eBooks about sleep health.


Senior Moderator
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi...I tried your nutmeg recipe for works but it's a SOB trying to get those nuts out of the know any secrets to get the nuts out..?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
No not yet but gonna haveta take all the precautions I can afford, it's really spreading here and they always try to handle these situations after it's gotten outta hand:mad:

I know, it’s so creepy. Dr. Sircus recommended Bicarbonate, Magnesium Chloride, Selenium and Iodine. And the Glutathione. I’m out of vitamins and iodine now!
China is under reporting infections and deaths. But, the CDC is saying that someone infected here was fixed up by antibiotics. I hope it does respond to antibiotics, but I’d try garlic first!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi...I tried your nutmeg recipe for works but it's a SOB trying to get those nuts out of the know any secrets to get the nuts out..?
Not really but boy do they work well when you get them out, I just grind one nut at a time and cap it up. Once ground it goes dead pretty fast if you don't cap and freeze what you don't use that night.;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I know, it’s so creepy. Dr. Sircus recommended Bicarbonate, Magnesium Chloride, Selenium and Iodine. And the Glutathione. I’m out of vitamins and iodine now!
China is under reporting infections and deaths. But, the CDC is saying that someone infected here was fixed up by antibiotics. I hope it does respond to antibiotics, but I’d try garlic first!
I always have bicarbonate, selenium, and Iodine on hand, I'm gonna get the rest soon as I can.:)


Senior Moderator
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Not really but boy do they work well when you get them out, I just grind one nut at a time and cap it up. Once ground it goes dead pretty fast if you don't cap and freeze what you don't use that night.;)
I have just gotten a couple pieces out of the nut....guess I'll need to smash them


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I always have bicarbonate, selenium, and Iodine on hand, I'm gonna get the rest soon as I can.:)

I spilt my iodine last week, so I’m out. :facepalm: I’ve only got bicarbonate on hand. When I finally get to the bank, I’ll have to buy a bunch of stuff! Have you ever tried glutathione? I think it’s expensive, but who knows? :hug:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I spilt my iodine last week, so I’m out. :facepalm: I’ve only got bicarbonate on hand. When I finally get to the bank, I’ll have to buy a bunch of stuff! Have you ever tried glutathione? I think it’s expensive, but who knows? :hug:
need to be getting some, most Americans are deficient of Iodine:facepalm: so you should be taking it every day anyway;). No I haven't tried it yet but gonna get some soon as i can.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Gabriel Cousens has been seeing patients for over 46 years, having seen a variety of people with chronic disease and has seen many types of incredible healing over the years.

Dr. Cousens has achieved great results helping patients get on a lifestyle that prevents a recurrence of chronic diseases like cancer.

He works with patients utilizing a program called Holistic Liberation, helping to clear underlying causes of depression, while then focusing on physical and spiritual health through a holistic approach.

This interview is an excerpt from My interview with Dr. Gabriel Cousens during the Global Cancer Symposium.

Watch the video here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jim, have you ever given someone an herbal formula and it didn't work?

Or do you get stuck trying to figure out the best way to blend herbs together?

I’ve been there — and the mistakes I've made formulating herbs really hit my confidence as an herbalist. There was even a time I gave a formula and it made things worse (which is every herbalists worse nightmare!!)

But then I learned some key skills that helped me create incredibly effective formulas that actually work (and don't harm — which is equally important).

And those skills are exactly what I’m going to share with you today in the third lesson in the Vitalist Herbalism Mini-Course: The Pillars of Strategic Formulation.

These tools aren’t super complicated — in fact, they’ll take the overwhelm right out of formulating!

Instead of feeling like you’re throwing plants in a bottle (a little of this, a little of that…and the kitchen sink for good measure :) you’ll become super precise in choosing your herbs.

All you have to do is follow the pattern I lay out for you in this class & pdf guidebook .

In this lesson, you'll learn:

  • The 5 elements of a strategic formula
  • Why you should craft customized herbal formulas and how to do it strategically
  • The 8 things to know about every herb before you formulate with it
  • How to formulate specifically for each person you serve
  • How to approach compounding plants like an art

I’ve been using these exact tools for the past decade of my practice — and my clients and I have seen how powerful customized formulas are when they're matched exactly to what each unique person needs.

It’s amazing.

Take care and I’ll see you in there Jim!

Important heads up: Next Thursday you're going to get a special invitation to join the Vitalist Herbal Practitioner Program.

If you have a calling in your heart to help people with the healing power of herbal medicines, then you'll definitely want to check it out.

If you’ve enjoyed this mini-course, you'll LOVE the Vitalist Herbal Practitioner Program.

So be sure to watch your inbox... more details coming very soon.

Until then, enjoy The Pillars of Strategic Formulation.

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