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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Dana Flavin, a featured expert in The Missing Link docuseries, is one of the most impressive women that you’ll ever meet.

  • She developed a new therapy that heals children in under 24 hours from mononucleosis hepatosplenomegaly…
  • She made a therapy for breast cancer patients that reverses brain metastases within 3 months…
  • She’s an honorary professor at the Leicester School of Pharmacy at DeMontfort University…
And most impressive, Dr. Flavin has spent the last 45 years researching cancer, how to heal it, and secret therapies that most doctors don’t know about…

“I’ve been researching cancer since 1979. I started applying what I learned in 1992, and to my surprise, the tumors in my patients began to disappear.

As I learned more methods, mechanisms and secret therapies over the years, I realized cancer is indeed curable and no longer the enemy.”

But instead of waiting to listen to her genius-level breakthroughs during Conquering Cancer: The Missing Link…

You can get a sneak peek into Dr. Flavin’s interview right here.

Dr. Dana Flavin is one of the most ESTEEMED integrative cancer doctors in the world.

And in this video clip, she talks about how she has given hope to even the worst stage 4 cancer cases where the doctors basically sent them home without any treatment…

And when you feel inspired after watching this clip, please share it on Facebook so that your loved ones and friends can have access to this information. Thank you so much!

To your health,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

~15 nations have made their position on the WHO sovereignty grab, misleadingly spun as an "equity" effort, publicly known before the WHA meeting commences​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Episode 6 just went live!
In tonight’s two-parter, we will be uncovering breakthrough herbs for overall heart health as well as powerful remedies for an illness that affects millions of people – depression.
There’s a reason we paired these two areas of human wellness in the same episode - because the ancient schools of herbalism all knew that the state of our heart directly relates to the health of our mind. Particularly with regard to mood...
We’re going deep in this one – are you ready?
You can use the link below to watch it now for free.
Click here to watch Episode 6

The connection between our heart and what we feel in our minds is something that modern medicine is only beginning to fully understand – but the traditional schools of herbalism have understood it for thousands of years. All of the systems within us are intimately intertwined and when one is "off", others will surely begin to falter.
Here's how tonight's Episode 6 is laid out:
- We’re dedicating Part 1 of the episode to green medicines that heal and prevent heart-related issues, working to strengthen our cardiovascular system and overall circulation.
- And then, we’ll spend Part 2 exploring super-herbs for overcoming depression, including a few that achieve their effects by healing BOTH the brain and the heart.
Make sure not to miss this one!
Click here to watch Episode 6
Stay curious,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Scroll down for Today's Recipe: Raspberry Parfait
Hey there Jimi,​
I hope this email finds you well! I’ve been diving into some interesting health topics lately and came across something that I thought might intrigue you too—especially since we’re both on that perpetual quest to feel and perform our best.

Did you know that choosing low fructose fruits can be a game changer for your brain health? I wanted to share a few cool insights about how tweaking our fruit choices can benefit our mental clarity and overall brain function.

Here’s why low fructose fruits are worth including in your daily diet:​
  • Stable Energy Levels: Low fructose fruits like berries and citrus provide a more gradual release of sugars, helping maintain consistent blood sugar levels. This means fewer spikes and crashes, so you stay alert and focused throughout the day.
  • Rich in Antioxidants: These fruits are packed with antioxidants which combat oxidative stress in the brain—something scientists link to improved cognitive function.
  • Vitamin Powerhouse: Vitamins such as C and K found in these fruits not only protect the brain but also help in the synthesis of key neurotransmitters that influence mood and cognitive skills.

Here’s a quick list of some low fructose fruits to add to your shopping cart:​
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Kiwis

Incorporating these into your diet is super easy. Here are a few actionable steps to get you started:​
  1. Morning Boost: Add a handful of berries to your morning oatmeal or yogurt for a nutritious start.
  2. Snack Smart: Swap out high-sugar snacks with a peach or a couple of kiwis to curb those mid-afternoon cravings.
  3. Hydrate Creatively: Infuse your water with slices of orange or strawberry for a refreshing twist that keeps you hydrated and happy.

Take care and eat smart,​
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Much Protein Do You Actually Need if You're Athletic?
Are you an athletic person dedicated to becoming the best version of yourself seeking more energy, muscle, strength and longevity?

-->> Learn what the latest science says


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi!
Did you know that most chronic diseases that many consider life sentences don't have to be?
In fact, 90-95% of the typical chronic diseases like heart disease, type-2 diabetes, dementia, cancer, and more are actually preventable and, in many cases, reversible with a healthy plant-based diet.
But first, you have to cut through all the noise & misinformation that you have heard online and on social media.
Unfortunately, all the "fake news" may be holding you back from giving a plant-based diet a real chance.
For example, are you afraid of eating carbs because you think they will make you fat or spike your blood sugar?
Or do you worry about how you can get enough protein if you stop eating meat?
And what about calcium and other important nutrients? How can you ensure you're getting everything you need by only eating plants?
Well, as it turns out, the answer lies in the details.
Because not all plant-based diets are created equal.
And if you aren't doing it right you might not be able to achieve your goals like lowering cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and even weight loss.
So that's why I created my masterclass called “How the RIGHT Plant Based Diet can help you improve your health, lose weight, & feel AMAZING!”
This free online class will cut through the noise and give you science-backed evidence on crafting a healthy plant-based diet to help you achieve your goals.
AND how to make it work for your lifestyle - even if you don't want to be 100% plant-based right away.
👉 Click HERE to reserve your spot before they fill up 👈
There are different times for you to choose from to work best with your schedule.
Hope to see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tomorrow is the big day!

You’re going to be one of the first people who get to watch Conquering Cancer: The Missing Link…

We’re not going to waste even a single second, because the moment it starts at 8pm Eastern…

You’re going to hear about the future of cancer treatment and prevention and why we probably won’t rely as much on chemotherapy, radiation, OR surgery in the next 10 years.

While other doctors (and medical schools) are stuck in the 1970’s with the way they treat cancer…

You’re going to see what the world’s TOP integrative oncologists are doing right now that are 10+ years ahead of everyone else.

In fact, you don’t even have to wait until tomorrow…

Because right now, you can see how the renowned Dr. Kevin Conners is helping his patients put their cancer into FULL REMISSION without chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.

Discover the future of cancer treatment & prevention with Dr. Kevin Conners (new video preview)

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Taking care of your breast health is a priority, and sometimes traditional medicine isn't the whole picture.

We believe in empowering women with all the options, and that's where integrative and holistic healing come in!

We are happy to share a fascinating video interview with Dr. Jennifer Simmons and explore the link between inflammation and breast cancer, sparking some interesting ideas about addressing the root cause.

Remember, early detection is still crucial, but there's so much more we can do!

We're passionate about sharing resources on integrative and holistic approach like energy healing practices, meditation, and healthy eating that can support your overall well-being during your breast health journey.

Stay tuned for more info on these holistic approaches – because self-care is powerful!​

Warm regards,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Empower Your Mind: Unraveling the Role of Nutrition in ADD/ADHD Management
Hey Jim,

I had a great time interviewing the insightful Rob Edwards in this episode of the podcast! In this enlightening discussion, Rob explores the transformative potential of nutrition in managing ADD/ADHD, advocating for a holistic approach that addresses the root cause rather than relying solely on stimulant medication.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Empower Your Mind: Unraveling the Role of Nutrition in ADD/ADHD Management | Podcast #419
In this episode, we cover:
  1. Redefining Treatment Approaches: Rob challenges the conventional medical approach to ADD/ADHD, which often prioritizes stimulant medication without addressing the underlying cause. He emphasizes the importance of holistic interventions that nourish the brain and support overall health.
  2. Long-Term Neurological Health: While stimulant medication may provide short-term relief, Rob discusses how overstimulating the brain can deplete neurotransmitter health in the long run. Instead, he advocates for sustainable solutions that promote neurological well-being.
  3. Essential Nutrients for Brain Function: Discover the critical role of good-quality proteins and fats in supporting neurological tissue and neurotransmitter function. Rob highlights the importance of incorporating these nutrients into our diets to optimize brain health.
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Foundations: Rob emphasizes the significance of setting a foundation of anti-inflammatory foods and maintaining proper hydration and electrolyte balance to improve focus, reduce cravings, and support overall well-being.
  5. Modeling Healthy Habits: Recognizing the influence of parental behavior on children's eating habits, Rob underscores the importance of educating and modeling healthy eating behaviors to promote better food choices and support optimal brain function from an early age.
>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<

Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
You May Also Like...The Celebrity Stylist - Turned Biohacker

Once a rock-n-roll stylist to the stars, Luke Storey is now fully immersed in the functional health world, and recently built his own biohacked home!

In this episode, Luke shares his healing journey story and how he got to where he is now. He talks about lifestyle hacks and how he helps people add all of these different practices and elements into their life through a fully integrated system. This includes sleep, water, cooking/cleaning products and personal effects, the interior of your car and the mattress you sleep on, as well as meditation practice, mindfulness, looking at spiritual principles and so much more.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Bombshell Liver Health News


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 5/15, our 147th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

ep. 147 - Twitter- 1
Click to watch the show at 11:30 am Wed!​
"I think our self-love is really actually being present for ourselves... allowing yourself to grieve, to let go of what's been, of all of the ways that life did not work out the way you thought it would. Because you cannot find that part of yourself that wants to express itself, that wants to truly live and not just survive, until you start processing through all of that and letting it go."
— Dr. Christina Parks
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul emphasizes the liberating power of simplicity, drawing from his personal experiences and observations during a family trip to Zimbabwe. He highlights the joy and peace found in a village with minimal possessions, contrasting it with the constant striving for and protection of possessions in city life. Dr. Paul concludes by encouraging us to embrace the moment, simplify our lives, and find freedom in simplicity.
In this week’s show, we talk about the complexities of vaccines and immune system functioning with Dr. Christina Parks, a Ph.D. holder in cellular and molecular biology. We explore the role of cytokines, immune signaling, and the risk of chronic immune activation. Dr. Parks also emphasizes the role of diet and supplements in managing inflammation and supporting immune health. Tune in for a message of empowerment that will encourage you to make informed health decisions for you and your family!
In closing, don’t miss out on DeeDee’s closing thoughts where she explores the concept of inner strength, something she believes originates in the soul. DeeDee encourages us to tap into our spiritual core to find our strength to overcome significant obstacles. This strength, she asserts, is crucial in advocating for medical freedom.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, did you know that Alzheimer's and other dementia can be outright PREVENTED in many cases...

...With just a few shifts to your environment and lifestyle?

That's why I just had to share an outstanding new report with you that I just finished reading....

STOP These 10 Toxic "Everyday" Habits Proven to Damage Your Brain and Memory

You're getting this completely free right now in support of the free forthcoming new series, Immune for Life...

And in this research-based report you're about to discover:

  • Seemingly innocent actions you likely do every day that unconsciously DAMAGE your brain and put it at risk of severe brain conditions (one is incorrect headphone use – see habit #7)
  • The “happy hormone” that can cause early Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Why multitasking is a productivity “buzzword” that actually does more harm than good (and contributes to cognitive decline!)
  • And MUCH more... including tasty solutions to protect your brain, like one antioxidant-loaded fruit that safeguards against inflammation and slows down brain aging (page 10)
Don't miss this important and often surprising new report -- completely free here today!

Now, as for the forthcoming Immune for Life online event that you'll also get free access to...

Well, I'm honored to be among the 35 doctors and researchers featured in this groundbreaking series that sheds much-needed light on the most powerful natural remedies for dementia, cancer, autoimmune disease, heart and gut issues and more.

It also features David Perlmutter, MD... Terry Wahls, MD... Kelly McCann, MD... Joel Fuhrman, MD... and many other of today's top natural health experts!

(And Jim, even if you don't normally watch video trailers, I highly recommend you take just a couple minutes to watch the excellent trailer for Immune for Life...

Including my own contribution about the "fated to get sick" mindset about halfway through the brief video.)

Click here now for the important free report and for your "free ticket" to Immune for Life

Enjoy the important learning and enjoy your day!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
connection over correction webinar
Dear Jimi
Every day, we're reminded of the profound impact of connection and caregiving on the journey of Alzheimer’s and dementia. At Marama, we've delved into the power of approaches like Connection Over Correction, witnessing its transformative effects firsthand.

I'm excited to invite you to the final workshop in our Reversing Alzheimer’s series this Wednesday, May 15: Connection Over Correction, Caregiving for Alzheimer’s & Dementia.

Here’s the link to register and save your place.

We'll explore innovative strategies aimed at enhancing the quality of life for both caregivers and those they support.

“Showing love to who you are taking care of is so important. I was so stressed about making my dad follow every step but when I started showing him affection and love, I noticed a difference that I’m less stressed and feeling more at peace.”
Reversing Alzheimer's workshop


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Most of us think about our bodies a bit like cars:
They’re either working — in which case we take them for granted, or they’re broken — in which case we take them to the repair shop and spend whatever it costs to get them working again.
But what if we didn’t wait to feed our bodies the right kind of fuel?
The truth is, you can slash your risk of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other chronic illnesses just by eating certain foods (and avoiding others).
So, what fuel is best for you? What does the latest research, pulling from thousands of studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals, tell us?
My dad and colleague, bestselling author John Robbins, and I will break it all down for you in our wildly popular Food For Health Masterclass.
And this week, you can join us and watch it for free!
In this must-see Masterclass, you’ll discover ten mighty plant-powered breakthroughs that could save millions of lives. You’ll learn the top ways to outsmart disease, increase energy, and boost your odds of living a long, healthy life.
>> Join us right here.
To your health!
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Click here to watch the Masterclass this week!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Matcha-Powered Mind: Your Ultimate Coffee Alternative
Are you tired of the jitters and crashes that come with your daily coffee habit? Ready to upgrade your morning brew to something that not only wakes you up but also supports your health and vitality? Look no further than the emerald green goodness of matcha!
Sweating Away the Blues: The Science Behind HIIT and Depression
In a world where depression affects millions, a powerful ally in the fight against this mental health crisis may be found in an unexpected place--the gym. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), a popular workout method, has shown promise in alleviating depressive symptoms, offering hope for those seeking a natural, drug-free approach to managing their mental well-being.
Resveratrol: A Ray of Hope in the Battle Against Oral Cancer
Resveratrol, a hidden gem in nature's pharmacopeia, emerges as a potent warrior against oral cancer, heralding a new era in natural and integrative oncology.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
One of people’s biggest fears in today’s world is a cancer diagnosis.

When you see someone going through cancer treatment or hear about an acquaintance being diagnosed with cancer…

You often worry that it might be you or your loved ones in a few months or years.

And you may feel like your life is at the mercy of this unseen and unpredictable threat.

This isn’t a very comfortable thought…

We understand how it is to feel powerless and out of control.

You don’t have to worry this way ever again…

Because with these 15 cancer-fighting & prevention juice shots, you can take proactive steps to empower yourself and prevent cancer from attacking your body.

These juice shots are packed with antioxidants and nutrients that have been shown to help support the body's natural defenses against cancer.

Click Here To Get Your Free eBook About ‘15 Cancer Fighting & Prevention Juice Shots You Can Sip All Day Long’

But that’s not all…

In addition to getting this eBook for FREE.

You’ll also get access to ‘IMMUNE FOR LIFE,’ an exclusive online event, where 35 world-renowned functional medicine doctors and health experts share closely guarded secrets like:

  • How one of our featured doctors went from being diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer to being symptom-free in 4 months
  • How our immunity, specifically T-reg cells, cleans up cancer stem cells (most dangerous cancer cells) and what vitamins you need to take to become cancer-immune
  • The real reason why Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s have nothing to do with genetics, but rather with a special type of acid that’s found in particular fruits
  • How a patient with double breast cancer extended her 3-month verdict to 13 years of life
Click Here To Get Your Free eBook and Secure Your Spot To The “IMMUNE FOR LIFE” Exclusive Event Today

In health and wellness,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You feel exhausted. Pretty much allllll the time.
Sometimes, you have to down an espresso shot just to get through that boring afternoon meeting.
Other times, you have no choice but to lay down for a few minutes, because the nap’s coming whether you want it to or not.
It’s affecting your work.
It’s affecting your relationships.
And it’s affecting your mental health
>> I want to make this clear: being tired all the time isn’t NORMAL.
It’s NOT healthy.
And it’s certainly no way to live your life.
And yet, so many women over 35 are walking around like zombies.
Downing pumpkin spice lattes by the dozen.
Using sugar as a daily crutch, out of necessity.
If that sounds like you...
I’ve got a phenomenal $0-cost resource for you.
That's right, I'm hosting my brand new Fix Your Metabolism masterclass TOMORROW and I'm going to teach you how to easily put a stop to this nonsense once and for all.
But hurry and reserve your seat today before this class fills up!
Plus, I'm ALSO going to show you:
  • Easy ways to drop a few pounds (without crazy dieting!)
  • How to jump off the blood sugar rollercoaster (which is really the root of all this exhaustion!)
  • Why brain fog doesn’t have to be your constant companion (wait, why did I walk into this room again?)
The protocol I'll be sharing has already helped thousands of women identify AND overcome their underlying hormone imbalances that kept them feeling tired, overweight, and frustrated.
I just know that you’re going to love this simple class — and, what’s more...
I'll also send you a super helpful bonus guide as soon as you reserve your seat.
Here’s that link to register again.
And if you can’t make it to the class, no worries!
I'll send you a replay so you can listen when you have the time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever spent an hour or two reading blogs, watching YouTube videos, or listening to podcasts about diabetes nutrition?

If so, you may have felt MORE confused than when you started.

There is so much contradictory information floating around the internet, from people who all seem to have their own agenda. There's the plant-based, vegan propaganda, the dire-hard keto or carnivore crowd, and the good old gals (and guys), teaching the low-fat, high-carb "heart-healthy" diet recommendations.

How do you separate the facts from fiction?

I just created to new webinar where I'll take on the five BIGGEST lies that I see propagated online. I'll share each of these, explain the logic and tell you why it's a lie, and then share the truth about each topic.

The webinar is this Thursday, May 16th at 7:00pm Eastern, 4:00pm Pacific.

>> Register now by clicking here.

This webinar training will be about an hour, and will be jam-packed with valuable information.

Here's some of what I'll cover:

  • The Five Biggest Lies related to diabetes and nutrition and why they are wrong!
  • The difference between body fat and dietary fat, and why matters!
  • What actually causes insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes and how to fix it!
  • The truth about plant-based diets, ketogenic diets, and other popular eating strategies!
  • The A-Z Blueprint for how to fix your blood sugar and reverse pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes!

In this webinar training, I'll be sharing the truth about diabetes diet and nutrition and smashing the most common myths! If you're serious about fixing your blood sugar and you want clarity, join me for this free webinar training.
See you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Fight Against WHO Pandemic Treaty Amendments Faces New Pushback; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Chris Cuomo’s Unexpected Reversal on the COVID Vaccine and Ivermectin, and Explosive Revelations About Lithium Batteries; Del’s Message to Chris Cuomo and How Del Bigtree “Knew” Before He Did; Unpacking Transhumanism and Preparing For the Age of the Technocrat.
Guests: US Senator Ron Johnson, Patrick Wood​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Episode 7 just went live!
Tonight, we will be exploring extraordinary green medicines that boost your energy reserves, support restful sleep cycles and restore your body from fatigue.
This is an area of human health where we can get dramatic results using the right herbs. So many of us go through our days feeling worn down and under-rested – it’s time to dive into some vital solutions that are naturally safe and effective.
I’m really excited for you to see this one!
You can use the link below to watch it now for free.
Click here to watch Episode 7

Energy and sleep go hand in hand... but many folks forget about the vital connection that exists between these two aspects of ourselves.
When was the last time you got the best night of sleep EVER? You know, the kind of sleep where you wake up in the morning feeling completely rested and restored. Ready to take on the world.
Are there moments where you could use a boost of vital energy that also fills your mind with clarity, focus and a sense of well-being?
That’s where we’re going in tonight's episode!
Click here to watch Episode 7


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,

I hope this email finds you well. I am thrilled to share with you an inspiring new docuseries titled Conquering Cancer: The Missing Link, created by my good friend Nathan Crane.
Nathan's journey over the past decade has been nothing short of remarkable. Motivated by the loss of a family member to cancer, he embarked on a quest to explore alternative and complementary therapies for cancer healing and prevention. His dedication led him to interview over 400 experts in the field.
What truly sets Nathan apart is his holistic approach to health. He not only focuses on alternative options but also ensures that his work is grounded in research. Moreover, his personal commitment to wellness, reflected in his lifestyle choices and more inspiring his treatment of others, is truly admirable.
>> Here is a brief clip where I delve into why I'm so enthusiastic about this series.
Conquering Cancer: The Missing Link isn't just about external treatments; it delves into the inner journey of healing. In this docuseries, he highlights the importance of exploring our emotional and psychological landscapes, addressing trauma that may be hindering our health, and tapping into the energetic and psychospiritual aspects of healing.
I firmly believe that each of us has our own unique healing journey, and integration is key to achieving lasting wellness. This docuseries offers invaluable insights that can benefit us all, regardless of where we are on our paths to health.
I encourage you to sign up and explore this transformative series. Together, let's take steps towards greater well-being and empowerment.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The craziest thing happened when we had all these experts in our studio filming the Fatty Liver Docu-Class.

Over and over again the connection between CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE and FATTY LIVER DISEASE kept popping up!

So while we had everyone in the studio we decided to film the Kidney Health Docu-Class!
All-in-all there are 15 presentations — way more than we could show you as part of the Fatty Liver Docu-Class — but we've put together a special video to show you "The Best of" the Kidney Health Docu-Class.

Watch The Best of the "Kidney Health Docu-Class" to find out how to dramatically reduce your risk of kidney damage and disease.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a direct consequence of fatty liver disease and the numbers are staggering:

    • About 10% of adult Americans have CKD and (just like Fatty Liver) most are undiagnosed

    • Kidney diseases are the ninth leading cause of death in the U.S.

    • 48% of people - not on dialysis - with severely reduced kidney function are NOT aware of even having CKD

    • Every 24 hours, about 340 people begin dialysis for kidney failure

    • Diabetes and high blood pressure are the leading cause of kidney failure
You’ll also hear about the most effective ways to prevent kidney problems, dissolve kidney stones, and eliminate the threat of kidney infections.

Plus, you'll also learn the latest news about how to avoid kidney dialysis, even if you are currently receiving treatment!

If you liked the Fatty Liver Docu-Class then you'll love the Kidney Health Docu-Class! Watch it now because it's only available for the next 24 hours!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever dreamed about losing weight without either killing yourself with extreme workouts or crazy diets?
Because it seems like the advice that’s all the rage right now is to:
> Trap yourself on an island so you’re forced to cut out every food group known to mankind
> Exercise like a mad person every day — if you aren’t exhausted, you’re not doing it right *wink*
I’m here to tell you that there’s a middle ground. A place where you can find peace with food…and exercise because you love your body, not because you hate it.
My good friend and hormone doctor extraordinaire, Dr. Mariza Snyder, is leading the charge in this department.
And, she’s teaching a $0 cost class to help you reset your metabolism and drop the weight once and for all.
So you can move on into your “feeling confident” era…
And leave all that crazy diet nonsense behind.
Yep, she’s going to teach you how to transition into a place where your relationship with food feels…easy.
And your body feels…strong and powerful.
In this class, you’ll learn how to put together a metabolically supportive meal — so you can just toss out your calorie calculators and complicated food rules.
This is your chance to learn how to do things differently, finally.
Look, if you’ve tried losing weight before and found yourself right back where you started (or worse) it’s not exactly your fault.
Diets, over-exercising, and extreme restriction — they simply DON’T always work.
Isn’t it time you learn how to create a life and lifestyle you love that supports your metabolic health and your weight in ways that work for you?
This class is all about learning a strategy that fits into your busy lifestyle. Because your family and job don’t stop demanding your attention just because you want to lose weight + get healthy.
Sometimes, all it takes is a small, focused step to gain clarity and move forward into a life of strength.
This is your small step...
Click here to register for the Fix Your Metabolism Masterclass.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"The pharmaceutical industry isn't looking for cures; they're looking for new customers."

Our modern medical system is set up to address the symptoms and treat the surface-level issues just enough that you walk out of there feeling better but aren't truly better.

Because they want you to come back, to seek help and healing again and again and again—all the while paying good money (through insurance and/or direct medical bills) for access to healthcare.

The time has come to say ENOUGH.

Click here to sign up for the FREE 10-episode' Immune for Life' docu-series, and you'll hear from 35 real-life experts on how you can be in control of your well-being using innovative and ground-breaking new treatments.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Harnessing Natural Health and Freedom with Sayer Ji & Dr. Edward Group, DC​

Join Sayer Ji of Unite as he warmly welcomes his esteemed friend and colleague, Dr. Edward Group, DC in an insightful video discussion. Dr. Group, a longstanding advocate for natural health and bodily sovereignty, shares his profound journey from aspiring heart surgeon to a transformative leader in alternative medicine since 1998.

This conversation delves into the challenges and triumphs of advocating for natural healing and personal health sovereignty against mainstream medical practices. Plus, stay tuned for a significant announcement that promises to inspire and empower viewers seeking holistic wellness and truth.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
On Monday, the attorneys that regularly represent ICAN filed a lawsuit against COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca on behalf of Brianne (“Bri”) Dressen, co-founder of REACT19, who suffered severe neurological harm while participating in AstraZeneca’s U.S. COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial. AstraZeneca is being sued for breach of contract after callously ignoring Bri’s pleas for aid. This is likely the first case of its kind.
Bri was a healthy and active 39-year-old wife, mother, and preschool teacher when she signed up for the AstraZeneca clinical trial and received her first dose of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine on November 4, 2020. Shortly after her shot, she experienced tingling and prickling in her arms, blurred vision, headache, sound sensitivity, tinnitus, nausea, and vomiting. Bri’s condition continued to worsen as time went on, baffling her doctors, and yet AstraZeneca refused to provide any information, medical referrals, medical care, or finances to assist with her treatment.
Bri was eventually diagnosed with “Post Vaccine Neuropathy” by none other than the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This post-vaccine neuropathy caused chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), a condition which has caused constant, abnormal, and painful sensations with which Bri has suffered, including the feeling of being repeatedly and constantly electrocuted. This leaves Bri in constant pain and has resulted in her inability to work or fully care for her children for the past three-and-a-half years.
As ICAN supporters well know, the PREP Act prevents vaccine recipients like Bri from suing COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers for their injuries. However, AstraZeneca’s informed consent form, which Bri signed in order to participate in the trial, promised to “provide medical treatment or refer you for treatment” and “to cover the costs of research injuries.” Despite this, AstraZeneca ignored numerous requests for support before finally offering Bri the laughable sum of $1,243.30—a minuscule fraction of the medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses that she and her family had incurred. Worse, AstraZeneca conditioned its offer on Bri agreeing to release the company of all further financial responsibility for her care! Bri refused to accept this deal.
Fortunately, the attorneys that regularly represent ICAN have stepped in and filed a breach of contract suit to hold AstraZeneca accountable for the promises it made to Bri. They have requested a jury trial and look forward to holding AstraZeneca responsible. Rest assured, ICAN will follow the case closely as the attorneys hold AstraZeneca’s feet to the proverbial fire and demand justice for Bri!
To support future legal action like this, click here to donate.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This is my personal link you can use it so you don't haveta register

Hi Jimi

I am so excited to announce that the premiere episode of Conquering Cancer: The Missing Link is now LIVE!

And I hope you’re ready, because this docuseries is so much more than a documentary...

It’s a beacon of hope, showcasing human resilience and pioneering strategies that are reshaping cancer care...

It brings to light revolutionary approaches in cancer treatment and prevention, bringing you closer to true healing and transformation...

Everything I’ve worked for has led me here...

And I’m so incredibly honored to share it with you!

>> Watch Episode 1 and the bonus interview here.

Tonight’s episode is called "Cancer: The Limitations of the Current Medical Model" and features Dr. Jenn Simmons, Dr. Bruce Lipton, founder of GreenMedInfo Sayer Ji and several cancer conquerors.

You’ll hear about…

  • Why you can fight cancer with chemotherapy, diet, radiation, surgery, and even natural medicine... but the cancer still comes back again and again.
  • Will we still use chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery as main cancer treatments in the future... or will they become outdated relics of the past?
  • The number one thing that has been missing from cancer treatment and prevention.
  • Testimonies from brave cancer conquerors who used these protocols to heal.
  • And much, much more!
Plus, don’t miss the bonus interview with Sara Griscom.

She’ll tell you how she conquered her cancer through these holistic protocols and how she overcame the limitations of the modern medical system.

We’re expecting A LOT of people to view this episode tonight, so make sure you click the link below to watch it now...

>> Watch Episode 1 and bonus interview here.

By the way, this first episode is going to give you a FANTASTIC way to start this 9-part docuseries. So please don’t miss it!

See you there,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Episode 8 just went live!

In our second to last episode, we will be exploring the most effective herbs on the planet for the treatment of a dreaded disease that has likely touched all of our families - cancer.

We’ll also be shining a light on the power of an integrative approach to healing cancer - one that combines the best of green medicine with effective modern technologies to give the best chance of full recovery. And get ready to be moved and inspired by two cancer survivors who have vital wisdom to share.

Please make sure to watch this. Every one of us has something at stake in this one.

You can use the link below to watch it now for free.

Click here to watch Episode 8

Modern medicine presents very limited options for the treatment of cancer – but when we dive into the 3 main schools of herbalism, we begin to see many promising natural medicines that are saving lives every day.

In order to provide the full spectrum of healing possibilities for this unrelenting illness, we’ll be talking not only about herbs that are effective in the treatment of cancer by themselves, but also remedies that work well in addition to modern protocols. Certain super-herbs are incredible at easing the negative effects and amplifying the positive aspects of certain chemotherapies and other cancer treatments.

If you or someone you know is working to overcome cancer, this episode holds information you need to see.

Click here to watch Episode 8

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

If someone gave you a miracle product that could instantly bring back a youthful glow in your skin - but with the tradeoff of you getting cancer…

Will you accept it?

I’m sure that would be a quick NO.

Sadly, many people are unknowingly saying YES instead, not knowing that the beauty products they’re using to eliminate signs of aging may be heightening their cancer risk…

And could even be making them older instead of the other way around!

This is thanks to retinol, a popular ingredient used in many skincare products. It's celebrated for speeding up skin cell turnover and boosting collagen.

But there's a downside: retinol may cause redness, dryness, irritation, and can be harsh on sensitive skin. Plus, retinol can make your skin more sensitive to other products and increase your susceptibility to sunlight, potentially raising your risk of skin cancer.

The good news is that there are safer, more natural ingredients that don't carry the risks associated with retinol.

But navigating the skincare aisle can be overwhelming with thousands of chemicals to choose from. How do you know which ones are safe and effective?

That’s where the ESSENTIAL Natural Secrets You Must Know to Achieve Your Healthiest, Youngest-Looking Skin masterclass comes in.

This F.REE masterclass is led by my good friend Brian Vaszily of Purity Woods, who will share crucial insights to help you avoid toxic skincare products and identify the best age-defying ingredients.

Not only that, but here you’ll understand how the skin—the largest organ and a vital part of your immune system—is connected to your overall health and well-being…

So you’ll know the proper steps toward younger-looking skin and better health.

Register here to attend this F.REE masterclass.

Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • How outdated skincare approaches can lead to premature aging and other health issues
  • The shocking truth about typical cosmetics
  • The 9 toxic ingredients you should avoid in skincare products
  • How to perform a “CLEAN SWEEP” for beautiful skin and better health
  • A simple and effective 4-step routine for younger-looking skin
You’ll also discover how these skincare secrets can enhance your overall health, from boosting your energy to improving brain clarity.

Don’t wait any longer and keep using skincare products that may do you more harm in the long run.

Go here to sign up for F.REE and unlock the secrets to detoxifying your skincare routine.

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It should be clear to all of us that we’re in the midst of a major worldwide health crisis, with chronic illness and disease on the rise. More and more of us are being diagnosed with chronic diseases and illness such as Alzheimer's, dementia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
Much of this is due to the food we eat. Most of us have been eating food that is suboptimal for our long term health and in fact has been fueling chronic diseases and illness.
But here’s the great news. The right foods, and the right lifestyle can help reverse whatever harm has been caused and heal you whilst protecting you from chronic illness and disease into the future. There is real power in the foods we eat and it is never too late for us to change direction and make the best food and nutrition choices for our future health.
To help give you hope and help inspire you to take action today and make better food and nutrition choices our good friend Damian at Legend Life and the Wellness Life Collective is about to release the 2024 FOOD HEALED ME SERIES — and you’re invited to watch for free from May 20th!

Over 16 days, you’ll learn how 16 everyday people, people just like you, used food to heal themselves from life threatening illnesses and diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s and heart disease. I will be one of the people sharing my story.
You’ll hear from:
  • Holly Bertone (ME! 😉), Christine Holcomb and Laura Lummer who healed themselves from breast cancer
  • Mathew Embry, Saray Stancic, MD, and Elizabeth Yarnell who healed themselves from Multiple Sclerosis
  • VJ Hamilton, Sara Banta, Madiha Saeed, MD who healed themselves from autoimmune disease
  • Suzy Griswold and James Templeton who healed themselves from cancer
  • Stephen Hussey who healed from a heart attack
  • And others!

If you already have a diagnosis get ready to find hope in these empowering stories and know that regardless of your prognosis that you have the power to heal yourself today with the food and lifestyle changes you make.

For those of you who have not been diagnosed and perhaps not been making the most optimal food choices know that it is not too late to use food as medicine to help you prevent chronic illness and disease and not only live longer but healthier.

These stories are truly empowering and demonstrate that optimal health, disease and illness prevention and a long healthy life are possible for all of us regardless of where we are in our health journey.

From May 20th to June 7th, you’ll have access to a new interview each day and discover the power of food to heal.
This series is 100% free, but it will only be available for a short time, so be sure to sign up right now and get ready to start your own healing journey and begin using food as medicine by clicking below!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Online May 21st-28th - The Biggest Online Fitness Festival for People Over 40

Staying fit means you’ll stay active, healthy, and strong for longer.

And ultimately, isn’t that what we all want?

To run marathons in our 50s and take our grandkids skiing in our 60s…

To hike up mountains in our 70s and play golf or pickleball in our 80s…

It’s a mindset shift that, for most of us, only comes with age and experience.

And because of that, I believe you’re in a better position today to live a long, healthy, fit life than you were in your 20s.

You just need a roadmap to make it happen.

That’s why I’m thrilled to share I'm speaking on the highly praised Plantapalooza online event.

They're dedicating eight days to helping you understand the nutrition, fitness, and mindset practices that will help you feel your best for years to come.

-->> Get your No-Cost Ticket Here and Join Me Online


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The root causes of inflammation, chronic and autoimmune diseases with Dr. Tom O’Bryan
Hey Jim,

I'm excited to share with you my latest podcast episode featuring the esteemed Dr. Tom O’Bryan. In this enlightening discussion, Dr. O’Bryan delves into his journey into functional medicine and sheds light on the pivotal role of inflammation and food sensitivities, particularly gluten, in relation to various health issues.

Here are some key highlights from our conversation:
  1. A Pioneer in Functional Medicine: Dr. Tom O’Bryan has been at the forefront of functional medicine, specializing in gluten sensitivity and gut permeability for decades. His extensive research and expertise have helped countless individuals uncover the root causes of their health challenges.
  2. The Impact of Inflammation: Dr. O’Bryan reveals how inflammation triggered by certain foods can contribute to a myriad of health issues, ranging from fertility problems to chronic autoimmune diseases. Understanding and addressing inflammation is key to achieving optimal health and vitality.
  3. The Gluten Conundrum: Gluten emerges as a consistent culprit in triggering inflammation and exacerbating health conditions for many individuals. Dr. O’Bryan highlights the importance of identifying and eliminating gluten from the diet to promote healing and reduce inflammation.
  4. The Immune System's Role: Delve into the intricate interplay between the immune system and chronic inflammation, as Dr. O’Bryan elucidates how immune dysfunction can fuel the development of autoimmune diseases and other chronic health conditions.
  5. The Power of Diet: Dr. O’Bryan advocates for an autoimmune-friendly diet that eliminates grains and other potentially inflammatory foods, offering hope and relief for individuals seeking to reclaim their health and vitality.
This episode provides invaluable insights into uncovering and addressing the root causes of inflammation and autoimmune diseases, empowering listeners to take proactive steps towards healing and well-being.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
A Masterclass with Dr. Tom O'Bryan on Root Causes and Solutions of Health Issues
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
You May Also Like...The top 12 causes of aging and how to slow it down

For this episode I sat down to chat with Chris Mirabile. In this show, we discuss the top 12 causes of aging as well as ways to slow it down. We go into the importance of nutrient density, sleep, and avoiding nutrient deficiencies for optimal longevity. If you want to age in reverse, be sure to check out this episode!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Have you heard of Metabolic Syndrome yet?

Right now, it's estimated that 40% of Americans have Metabolic Syndrome, but (like Fatty Liver Disease) most people don't even know they have it!
Just in case you don't know, metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions like...

  • High blood pressure
  • High blood sugar
  • Excess body fat around the waist
  • High cholesterol
  • High triglyceride levels

...that increases your risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

Having just one of these conditions doesn't mean you have metabolic syndrome but it does mean you have a greater risk of serious disease.

And if you develop more of these conditions, your risk of complications, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease, rises even higher.
Let's avoid all that, shall we?!

Watch this wonderful sneak peek of the Metabolic Syndrome Docu-Class and you'll hear from 15 of the brightest minds in integrative health who can help you stay far away from this awful health condition.​

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