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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Optimal thyroid health is integral to feeling your best.

It’s involved in your energy, weight, mood, digestion, heart, skin, and more.

When you improve your thyroid function, you’ll just overall feel better.

And it’s not all about medication.

There are so many things you can do with your nutrition, stress, and overall lifestyle to get your thyroid function where it needs to be.

I recently had the opportunity to speak at the Save My Thyroid Summit, where I shared some powerful insights on the connection between thyroid health and blood sugar balance.

This interview dives deep into topics that I believe could be life-changing for you - topics that are not talked about very often.

You can listen to it for FREE as part of the summit, along with sessions from other incredible experts on the topics of thyroid health, including autoimmune conditions.

Be sure to register now for the Save My Thyroid Summit and catch my FREE interview!

This could be the step that changes everything for you.

Looking forward to having you join us!​
Wishing you vibrant health and wellness,​
Dr. Ritamarie


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This is the final reminder that the 5-Day Metabolism Boost for Midlife Women starts this Monday, and will be going for the rest of next week - you can get your spot today and join in!

The live 5-day workshop is based on the simple metabolism-boosting methods my colleague Nagina Abdullah, Weight-Loss Coach for midlife women, used to lose 40 pounds in nine months, create a permanent and easy healthy lifestyle, and then coach 1,500 other women in their 40s, 50s and 60s to lose 20-50 pounds (even when they tried everything else and it didn’t work).

Designed for women in midlife ready to feel amazing, look great, and create a healthy, sustainable lifestyle -- and look and feel the 2.0 version of yourself in 2024.
It’s happening for 5 days, plus bonus sessions that are being announced now! Here's a glimpse of what you will learn during the 5-Day Metabolism Boost for Midlife Women:

✅ October 21st: Metabolism-Boosting Morning Routine

✅ October 22nd: Mind-Blowing Mindsets to Get Healthier and Create the Hottest, Healthiest Version Of Yourself

✅ October 23rd: 4-Part Tested & Perfected METABOLISM-BOOSTING Food Framework

✅ October 24th: How to Get off Sugar for Midlife Women (without feeling tired or restricted)


So if you're sick and tired of:
❌ Going through a diet you hate.
❌ Restricting yourself unnecessarily.
❌ Bending over backward for a routine that doesn't work.

Get on this FREE BOOST & BURN to glow up your lifestyle for good.
Sign up here today!

Yours in health,

Dr. Justin Marchegiani

P.P.s. Once you join, you will receive your free WORKBOOK that is the roadmap to beginning your 20-40+lb. weight-loss! And yes, this is all FREE!​
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Midlife Women Metabolism Boost - 5-Day Plan by Nagina Abdullah (Diet & Lifestyle Tips)

Feeling tired and sluggish after 40? Many women face a slowdown in their metabolism as they age. This episode is your lifeline! We chat with Nagina Abdullah, a functional nutritionist, about her amazing 5-Day Metabolism Boost Workshop designed specifically for midlife women. Nagina shares her secrets for naturally revving up your metabolism with delicious and sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle. Discover her simple 5-step plan that's helped countless women feel more energetic and revitalized.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What if I told you there's a simple secret that could add a decade to your life?
It's not a pill. It's not a fad diet. It's not even exercise.
In fact, it's something many health "experts" have talked down on for years.
Join our F.REE webinar to discover:
  • The surprising food group linked to living 10 years longer
  • Why everything you've been told about nutrition might be wrong
  • The shocking truth about aging
Spaces are limited.
Will you be one of the lucky few to learn this life-changing secret?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
From the Blog:

  • Easy-Make, Sugar-Free Homemade Cough Drops – Discover the best essential oils to soothe a sore throat and learn how to make homemade cough drops using natural ingredients for FAST relief. These simple remedies can help ease discomfort and support your throat naturally.
  • Hearty Lentil Kale Soup for a Superfood Comfort Meal for Fall & Winter – Whether you're feeling unwell or just need comfort, this lentil kale soup is the perfect option. Packed with nutrients, it’s warm, nourishing, and gentle on the throat, making it ideal when you're sick or craving something cozy.
  • The Ultimate Licorice Root Benefits Guide – Licorice root is a powerful natural remedy with many health benefits. From soothing respiratory issues to supporting digestive health, explore how licorice root can improve your wellness.
Spotlight: 5 Secrets You Don't Know About a Plant Based Diet.

Have you heard about the Protein Myth that's scamming Americans for millions? Scroll down to the 'p.s.' section below to learn more.

But be sure to read this short email first...

The leading cause of death in the United States is still heart disease.


Sadly, more and more Americans are put on medications to lower cholesterol & blood pressure to help stave off the disease.

So why aren't things getting better?

It's the Standard American Diet or “SAD” for short because it is.

SAD is the Western diet that centers around meat, dairy, and processed foods- we get 90% of our calories from these categories.

And only 10% of calories come from whole plants like vegetables, fruit, beans, and whole grains, which is why we recommend that you...

--> Download, 5 Secrets You Don't Know About a Plant Based Diet and you will be blown away by truths like...

If you take out FRENCH FRIES, Americans only eat 5% of calories from vegetables. YIKES!

Because of this way of eating, we have seen an epidemic of diseases almost unheard of over 100 years ago.

We call it normal aging. However, it’s anything but normal.

The SAD way of life is loaded with saturated fat & cholesterol, primarily from animals.

We don't need to eat ANY cholesterol because our body makes all we need.

The reason why so many people struggle with high cholesterol is because they're getting it from animal & dairy products, and their bodies can't excrete the excess fast enough.

And plant foods have NO cholesterol. Instead, they have fiber that binds to and pulls excess cholesterol out of the body, helping you quickly lower your cholesterol.

There are even MORE secrets like this in a free resource called 5 Secrets You Don't Know About a Plant-Based Diet.

--> Download... 5 Secrets You Don't Know About a Plant Based Diet.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are We in a Covert Weather War? The Thin Line Between Science and Conspiracy
From military experiments to global geoengineering, the line between natural weather and manufactured climate has never been blurrier.
“Asbestos of the Sky” - The Aviation Industry’s Darkest Coverup
The aviation industry hangs its hat on air travel being "the safest way to travel." The truth, however, is that it has harbored a dark secret since its inception: it's poisoning its passengers and crew due to deeply flawed aircraft design, de-prioritizing safety in favor of profit.
Unique Detoxification Strategies with Sayer Ji: At Polyface Farms
In his live speech at Polyface Farms, Sayer Ji shares innovative and practical strategies for detoxifying the body. He explores natural methods and holistic approaches to support the body’s detoxification processes, emphasizing sustainable and effective practices for improving overall health and wellness.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In an astonishing April 2020 exchange uncovered by ICAN’s attorneys, one of Anthony Fauci’s senior advisors, David Morens (recently in the limelight for his Congressional testimony about violating FOIA), reveals that CDC had “shockingly messed up their tabulations of flu mortality” for over a decade. And that when notified of the errors, CDC refused to fix them. Fauci responded with concern about the CDC’s handling of mortality data related to COVID-19.
Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., lays out the details here:

During a recent Congressional hearing, we learned that David Morens prided himself on his ability to avoid transparency and purposefully evade FOIA. The hearing revealed emails in which Morens boasted that he “learned from our [FOIA] lady here how to make most emails disappear” and “we are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns, and if we did we wouldn’t put them in emails and if we found them we’d delete them.”
But in a recent FOIA production obtained by ICAN’s attorneys, we discovered that Morens failed to delete at least one smoking gun. In an April 2020 email to Greg Folkers, Fauci’s Chief of Staff, Morens made an astonishing admission about CDC’s long-term incompetence in handling data and NIH’s willingness to cover it up:
Greg, please keep this confidential but you should know that for over a decade the flu folks at CDC have shockingly messed up their tabulations of flu mortality. We discovered 5-10 years ago that various web page and published data were totally inconsistent and could only be explained by major uncaught errors[.]
… apparently various folks in [t]he flu division made and put up and published mutually-inconsistent figures based on differing subjective assumptions[.]
Several years ago, maybe 4-5, we reached out to the top flu people at CDC informing them that their own data were problematic, that as a sister agency we did NOT want to draw attention to it but work with them privately to fix and reconcile the problems. At first they were grateful, and set up a mechani[sm] to work with us, but then when they discovered the depths of their own mistakes … they did the usual CDC thing and circled the wagons, refused to return calls and emails, etc. [W]e didn’t pursue things but were left unsettled.
To repeat, this was at the level of cdc’s flu leadership. I think we have to accept that they have serious issues and have not fixed them.
Let’s not forget that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we were told to “trust the experts,” many of whom worked for CDC. Recommendations and edicts handed down from on high at CDC were treated as gospel. The few brave souls who had the courage to publicly question CDC’s judgment were met with derision, pejoratives, censorship, and attacks on their careers and reputations. This makes it all the more infuriating to learn that, according to Morens, the “usual CDC thing” to do when its mistakes are discovered is to ignore the problem and refuse to discuss it—even when the mistake is discovered by another government agency!
But as shocking as CDC’s actions are, let’s not lose sight of the fact that high-level personnel at NIH were aware of the problem and let it slide. NIH’s strategy was to “not draw attention to the problem” and—at the start of a worldwide pandemic in which CDC would have unprecedented power and international attention—to just “accept that they have serious issues and have not fixed them.”
Recall that government policies that destroyed lives relied heavily upon CDC data. If CDC knew “the depths of their own mistakes” and yet relied on the same flawed processes for COVID-19 data collection and processing, then that is scandalous, and perhaps even criminal, behavior.
Interestingly, Fauci’s response to Morens’ email was:
We really need to talk about this. Does this impact their calculations regarding COVID-19, i.e. have they fixed their problem???
The answer to this question is obviously “no,” as seen from ICAN’s past work and exchanges with CDC. But even without ICAN’s prior work related to COVID-19, consider that if CDC can’t figure out how to accurately calculate flu mortality numbers under normal conditions, how can the public ever trust that CDC accurately calculated any COVID-19 statistics.
Unlike the NIH, ICAN will obviously not accept this incompetence and indifference from our taxpayer-funded “health” agencies. We intend to discover exactly who is responsible for this abject failure, what they have done to cover it up, and to hold these individuals—and CDC as a whole—accountable.
To support future legal actions like this, click here to donate!​

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's edition of Del Bigtree's The Highwire featured Vani Hari after her visit to Kellogg's headquarters with thousands of people delivering 400,000 petitions asking for discussion with the company about the toxins and gender bending ingredients in their cereals, which are not included in those same products in other countries where those ingredients are banned, and where they deliver better products to consumers. At Kellogg she was met by building security, telling her she would not be admitted, and, he said, "anyway nobody is here". She looked up and saw people in the office windows, holding up signs that said "get off our lawn".

So I emailed the company through their contact engine, saying I saw it all on the Highwire, and that I would never buy another Kellogg or Kelanova product for the rest of my life.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

We promised you this exclusive video interview Jimi.

Here it is...

Watch the video interview with Nathan Crane and Dr. Daniel Rubin.
In this must-watch discussion, you’ll learn vital insights into the nutrient we mentioned in the previous email, how it can transform your health, and why so many are embracing its benefits.

Dr. Rubin also goes deep into vital strategies that empower your body to fight against disease while enhancing your well-being…

Especially if conventional methods have fallen short for you.

And you’ll learn how to leverage integrative practices that make a real difference in your journey toward optimal health.

This is a unique opportunity to hear from a leading expert on the vital role of nutrition in preventing and combating disease.

You won’t want to miss his take on how inflammation and lifestyle choices intertwine in your journey to better health.

>> Tune in to understand how you can achieve the wellness you deserve.

To your health and empowerment,

The Conquering Cancer Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Protein is often "the big question mark" for those who primarily or entirely eat plant-based foods.

That's why you'll LOVE this clear and concise new guide, Jim:

Get the new Top 15 BEST Sources of Plant-Based Protein completely FREE right here

It even provides you specifics on how many grams of protein are in a serving of each plant-based food.

PLUS, it provides you a very clear and concise understanding of How to Get Enough Protein on a Plant-Based Diet:

This very helpful new guide is being provided to you free today by certified Plant-Based Health Coach, Kim Murphy, in support of her upcoming Plant-Based Beginner's Bootcamp 5-Day Challenge.

You'll also get completely free access to this online event...

And in it, you’ll learn how a plant-based diet helps you prevent or reverse chronic diseases, lose weight, and feel amazing!

There will also be fun, live, interactive masterclasses, cooking demos and more...

Click here now for your free copy of the Top 15 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein and for your full access

Finally, I'll reveal right here that peas are one of the foods featured among the 15 Best in the new guide.

And the reason I'm sharing that here is because I have a few wonderfully bad dad jokes to share about peas!

(Because smiles and laughter are always good medicine.)


What is a librarian's favorite vegetable?

Quiet peas.


What vegetable loves hanging out at musical festivals?



When I was young, I almost broke the record for putting the most peas in my nose.

But I blew it.


Enjoy the important learning in this free new Top 15 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein and enjoy your day.

To Living Long and Living Well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This is your final call—the Medical Weight Loss Summit ends in 2 days!

It’s been an incredible week filled with life-changing insights, practical advice, and the tools you need to achieve lasting weight loss. But you still have a few hours left to be part of it!

>> Click here to claim your fr-ee spot – only 72 hours left! <<

🙌 Empower yourself with knowledge: Learn about the latest treatments, strategies, and expert advice.

🙌 Transform your health: Discover how to manage your weight effectively for the long term.

🙌 Overcome challenges: Address the emotional and psychological aspects of weight loss.

This summit is your gateway to a healthier future, but the clock is ticking. Don’t miss your last chance to join FR-EE and gain access to this invaluable information.

>> Join the summit now before it’s too late <<

See you on the "inside"!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Be Aware of Sleeping Pill Dangers

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

With more and more people suffering from sleep deprivation, there has been a corresponding increase in the number of people who take sedatives and over-the-counter or prescription sleeping aids to get a good night’s rest. In fact, the CDC pegs sleeping pill users at 8.4% of the U.S. population, and rising.

But sleeping pills can be addictive and even dangerous. In fact, a study from the University of California at San Diego says that sleeping pills can kill. The researchers found that sleep aid users have a 500% higher risk of dying from all causes.

Special: Doctor: All Multivitamins Are Not the Same

What’s more, they have a 35% higher risk of contracting cancer than people who don’t take sleeping pills.

This study comes at the same time that the FDA was sounding an alarm over sleeping pills. The agency announced it was recommending that the bedtime dose of zolpidem (brand name Ambien) be lowered due to the risk of next-morning impairment, including driving.

Ambien has also been linked to such phenomena as “sleep eating,” “sleep cooking,” and other behaviors of which people had no knowledge upon awakening.

Sleeping pills also have addictive qualities, so if you think you may have grown dependent on these medications, talk to your doctor.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Whether you have 1 or 20 questions about Hashimoto’s and your thyroid symptoms, or if you are feeling confused, overwhelmed and unsure of what to do to feel better,
I promise you, after you watch the replay recording of the Hashimoto's and Your Thyroid Type training - you will have answers!
"This was one of the most informative sessions I have EVER attended, "I learned more in this hour than I did seeing my endo for the last 3 years, thank you!!"

👉Here is the link to watch the limited time replay recording from Thursday's Training👈
(it will only be available to watch till Tuesday, October 22nd)
If there are questions that you still have after you watch, my team and I would be thrilled to answer them for you EVEN IF you were not able to make it live. All you have to do is reply to this email with your question after you watch the recording of the training and we will answer it for you :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Tired of feeling restricted by diets that leave you starving?

You're not alone.

Many people struggle with weight gain, especially as they get older…

And let’s be honest, the constant cycle of calorie counting and hunger is very exhausting.

But what if there was a way to lose weight naturally without mindless deprivation?

Here's the secret: a plant-based diet can help you shed those extra pounds without starving or obsessing over every bite.

It’s not only about restriction—it’s about nourishing your body with the right foods.

In my upcoming free webinar, I’ll show you exactly how you can make small, simple changes to your diet that make weight loss effortless.

You’ll learn:
  • How plant-based foods help you drop weight naturally.
  • Why you can eat until you’re full—and still lose weight.
  • The easy, sustainable habits that make a huge difference.
👉 Join my f.ree webinar and discover how to achieve weight loss that lasts—without the hunger!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, I have a very exciting announcement—Conscious Life's new online and free Super Conference is coming up and you're invited!

Introducing the Optimum Energy Super Conference!

We've collated the most watched interviews and hand selected the top experts from our past 15 Super Conferences to bring you everything you need to optimise your energy—all from the comfort of home.​
This collection features over 100 expert interviews, yoga sessions, breathing exercises and guided meditations, and is completely free to join.

Register now and get early access to six full interviews from the conference with Dr Sue Morter, Dr Aimie Apigian, Anthony Abbagnano, Dr Christine Schaffner, Dr Anu Arasu and myself.​


I can't wait to see you there!​


Cranky Old Fart
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
I just ran into this while watching a totally different YT video. Very interesting discussion.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Treatment plan vs healing plan

You heard the diagnosis. It felt surreal.

But now you are in the midst of trying to figure it all out.

One of my dear “tennis friends” was recently diagnosed. Her background is nursing so she flat out told me – “I want to listen to what my doctor suggests. I appreciate all you do Veronique, but I need to find balance in my approach.”

She chose to have surgery and radiation to “get rid of the lump”, but she understands that she still needs to get to the root cause of what allowed the cancer to show up in the first place.

In the 12 years that I have been coaching women with breast cancer, I have learned to meet them where they are. Some choose to go 100% conventional and then apply The 7 Essentials System®, while others choose to focus on healing breast cancer naturally with evidence-based natural medicine.

While women are healing breast cancer naturally with evidence based natural medicine, more and more women are joining our community and asking for information on an integrative approach to healing breast cancer.

Many of them are looking for an integrative clinic that can support them with their particular type of breast cancer. They are not looking for a cookie-cutter plan.

That's what led me to create a presentation specifically about what to look for in an integrative clinic and how to choose one that is right for you. I’ve invited Dr. Michael Karlfeldt to share his many years of experience with you.

So whether you choose to heal your body with natural medicines, with conventional treatments or a combination of both, you need a “healing plan”.

My new program, Conquering Breast Cancer Together – A Balanced Approach to Healing is designed to take the guesswork out of your healing journey.

It has been years in the making, so I am very excited to finally “give birth” to it and share it with women around the globe.

Join me and other like-minded women to discover how to Conquer Breast Cancer Together.

Go HERE to get all the program details and take advantage of the limited time offer.


Dr. V


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi
Imagine waking up every day knowing you're doing everything properly for your health!
Eating well, exercising consistently, and getting regular exams….
You've ticked every box, yet something still doesn't add up…
What if there's an underlying cause that no number of green smoothies or regular runs can shield you from?
Is there a silent traitor in your brain, making your body an excellent target for cancer?!
It may sound unreal, but new research has discovered an uncommon toxin that could be compromising all you're doing to keep healthy…
This toxin hijacks your immune system…
Deactivating your body's natural defenses and permitting cancer cells to grow uncontrolled…
Here's the frightening part…
Almost everyone has it now…It's not easy to identify, but it exists and, if left unchecked, may spell trouble!
And yet there is good news!

Nathan Crane, an award-winning cancer researcher,
has unlocked the mystery of this toxin—and how to eliminate it before it becomes a problem…
In his brand-new eBook, Nathan explains fully how this toxin works and most importantly…
How to avoid it yourself!
Here's the best part: you can get this life-saving advice for F.REE today!
>> Discover the #1 cancer-causing toxin here (that’s hiding in your body right now)
Inside, you are going to discover:
  • The unexpected source of this brain toxin
  • Why standard cancer-prevention measures are useless if this toxin is in your body.
  • Proven methods for neutralizing it and rebuilding your immune system's natural ability to combat cancer.
These insights could be the missing link in your health journey…
You've been doing everything correctly…but now it's time to equip yourself with the whole truth!
To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Best Exercises If You are in Your 50s, 60s, 70s+ (safe, highly effective, easy-to-do,
Hi Jim, today I've got a completely free series of online exercises for you from Robbie Stahl, a pioneer in the world of "anti aging fitness."

These safe, sensible, easy-to-do, and highly effective exercises were designed exclusively for those 50 and older and at all fitness levels.

Each of the non-salesy sessions guides you on the best exercises for specific body sections (your feet / ankles / knees...hips and pelvis... lower and upper back... and your shoulders and neck):

Head here right now

As you know, exercise is one of the "golden keys" to avoid and overcome disease, live long, and live well.

In fact, proper physical activity alone is associated with an increase in life expectancy of up to 6.9 years!

However, once you hit your 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond...

...It's especially essentially to do it right to avoid injury while getting maximum results from your effort.

That's why you'll LOVE this clear step-by-step visual guidance provided by the 27-year veteran of "anti-aging fitness," Robbie Stahl!

Click here for this completely free online training

There won't be anything that is unsafe or difficult, FYI.

Just simple and highly effective exercises anyone can do to improve fitness, balance, and mobility.

PLUS, these exercises will also help you with overcoming past injuries, existing pains, or tightness.

Finally, with exercise in mind and Halloween just a couple weeks away...

And because smiles and laughter are also really good for you...

Here's a dad joke that makes my little kids giggle and is worth sharing with YOU:

What's a ghost's favorite exercise?

Dead lifts.


Alright, enjoy the very important learning and guidance in this outstanding and completely free exercise series for you right here. Enjoy the results, as well, and enjoy your day!

To Living Long and Living Well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I've been sharing a lot of information with you lately, and actual steps to taking charge of your health naturally.

What are you noticing so far?

It's a process, and sometimes you have to hear it from more than one source to really take it in.

I was recently invited to be a guest speaker on the

Holistic Healing Revolution Mastermind

where you can continue your education from even more experts!

If you've been on this path for awhile, or you're a health care practitioner, this will be so helpful for you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What I love about our 2024 Lifestyle Medicine Summit is the empowering and inspirational energy from attendees which includes physicians, healthcare professionals, and 'health lovers' from around the world.

Coming together and learning from each other is powerful.

Today's DAY 3 speakers and topics focus on NUTRITION & FITNESS PROTOCOLS and you can watch them live at:

October 20 @ 10.00am EST | 15.00 UK
Prescribing Exercise as Medicine
Lifestyle Medicine Clinician, Assistant Professor at Shenandoah University, clinical preceptor for NP and PA student. She is chairperson of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) PA Group

October 20 @ 10.30am EST | 15.30 UK
A Holistic Approach to Depression
Founder Holistic Coaching Academy Saudi Arabia, M.S. DipIBLM

October 20 @ 11.00am EST | 16.00 UK
Health professional teams in the systematics of intensive continuous care programs in Brazil
Physician, President of the Brazilian College of Lifestyle Medicine

October 20 @ 11.30am EST | 16.30 UK
How to get weight-loss drug results — without the drugs
New York Times Best-Selling Author, Professor of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Founder Bright Line Eating Weight Loss

October 20 @ 12.00pm EST | 17.00 UK
Evidence-based Auto-Immune Conditions & Solutions
Naturopathic Doctor, NBC-HWC Health Coach, Lifestyle Prescriptions® University Degree Committee

October 20 @ 12.30pm EST | 17.30 UK
Cancer and Nutrition
World-renowned physician, scientist, cancer researcher, New York Times bestselling author

October 20 @ 1pm EST | 18.00 UK
Diaphragmatic breathing for co*vid and post-covid syndrome and chronic symptoms
Physician, Cardiologist, Lifestyle Medicine Specialist, President Association of Lifestyle Medicine Specialists Russia

October 20 @ 1.30pm EST | 18.30 UK
Can Lifestyle Changes Affect the Progression of Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease?
Founder Preventive Medicine Research Institute, Clinical Professor of Medicine UCSF

Log in now and start commenting and asking questions via our live chat.

With Gratitude, 😊🙏🏼


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5-Year Old Develops Autism
After Being Forced to Get 18 Vaccines in 1 Day

In 2016, David Ihben moved his wife and three children from Chicago to Jamestown, in rural Tennessee, with high hopes for a new and calmer life.

But the dream turned into a nightmare for David and his children in 2019, when divorce proceedings and a subsequent custody battle resulted in the forced vaccination of the children — and changed the family’s fortunes forever. Tennessee judge Todd Burnett “pulled up the vaccine issue” after discovering the couple’s children were unvaccinated — and forced the parents to vaccinate their children.

Ihben’s two oldest children — daughter Hannah and son Joseph — were spared significant adverse events following their vaccination. But his youngest son, Isaac, wasn’t so fortunate. After receiving 18 vaccines in one day, Isaac developed severe regressive autism. Today, he requires around-the-clock care.

>> Read the Horrific Story Here <<

To Your Health and Liberty,

Ty & Charlene


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Aromatherapy for Cancer - Aromatherapy is a natural modality that can help patients cope with chronic pain, nausea, stress, and depression. It also has been used to stimulate the immune system and fight off bacterial infections…
>> Discover How Aromatherapy Helps with Cancer <<
10 Foods that Cause Cancer - Some foods are worse for you than others and are increasing your risk of many conditions and diseases. While cancer is one of the worst, regularly eating the cancer causing foods in our top ten list can also lead to other conditions…
>> Discover Which Foods Can Cause Cancer <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Couldn’t think of a better time to be writing this as I look out my window at the SNOW in the forecast, Jim!!

And it’s also an interesting time to be writing this, as I’ve been questioning the "Vitamin D narrative" lately.

Never thought I’d be saying that about good ol’ D, but as you know, I have no problem with realizing a view I previously held may have been incorrect…

because the reason I started researching all of this was to make and keep my son cancer-free…

but the fact remains, that people tend to get sick more in the winter than in other times of the year.

Whether it’s cold / flu / "scary germ" season, or cancer…

it’s always a good idea to be making sure your immune system is at the top of its game…

which is why I’m super excited that I’ll be doing this week’s webinar with renowned immunologist AJ Lanigan, talking about the wonder that Beta Glucan is!

And specifically, the highly purified Beta 1, 3 D form found in the product from our friends at Better Way Health. :)

This was one of the first things Teddy and I gravitated to after Ryder was diagnosed that a lot of the holistic cancer researchers we were following recommended…

and after almost a decade of researching this stuff, it remains a staple in our immune support rotation!

Largely because it’s one of the most studied natural compounds in existence.

As of right now, there are almost 20,000 studies on Beta Glucan in Pubmed, over 1,800 of them concerning cancer.

Here are some snippets from the "β-Glucan: A dual regulator of apoptosis and cell proliferation" meta-analysis I’m looking at right now.

"The immunomodulatory action of β-glucans enhances the host's antitumor defense against cancer."

"many studies have shown that β-glucan treatment leads to the induction of apoptotic death of cancer cells."

"β-glucan can be a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of cancer."

Bottom line is there’s an abundance of research showing it can both increase the number and function of immune cells, AND has its own direct anti-cancer activity.

And if you’re going to be looking for Beta Glucan, there’s only one place to get it from in my humble opinion, which is Better Way Health…

And we’ll be diving into ALL of it in the webinar!!

You can sign up to attend + ask questions live / catch the replay / get the extra special webinar-only discount they’ve got lined up for this here!!

-Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Latest in Cancer Research: Aspirin Cuts Colorectal Cancer Risk!!​

For years, we’ve known that aspirin is essentially a wonder medicine. It is one of the most well-researched tools we have in medicine! I love discussing aspirin because it’s so simple. It’s easily accessible and has countless applications in medicine. Aspirin has shown effectiveness in diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease, cancer, the list goes on. It’s interesting that it's not discussed more, especially in oncology. Although it has lost popularity after the invention of acetaminophen in the 1950s, it remains a powerful, underutilized tool.​
Aspirin is derived from the bark of the willow tree and contains salicylates, compounds that have been used for centuries to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Long before we knew about its biochemical mechanisms, ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians and Greeks, used willow bark as a natural remedy for headaches, fevers, and joint pain. The modern formulation of aspirin was developed in the late 19th century, and since then, it has become a staple in medicine cabinets.​
Research shows that it has multiple anticancer mechanisms. Aspirin:​
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Reduces blood clotting
  • Reduces lipolysis (the breakdown of fats that drive cancer progression)
  • Reduces the formation of new blood vessels to tumors (angiogenesis)
  • Acts as an antioxidant
  • Counters the effects of estrogen
  • Counters the harmful effects of seed oils
  • Helps to restore mitochondrial function
  • Helps to restore glucose metabolism
I have more information on a few of these mechanisms in a post I made here.​
As I mentioned, promising research is always emerging. A large study from JAMA Oncology published in August found that regular aspirin use is associated with decreased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC). Researchers followed 107,655 participants over 30 years and discovered that regular aspirin use—defined as two or more standard tablets per week—reduced the risk of CRC.​
The research showed that aspirin's benefits were greater for people with unhealthy habits, with a 10-year reduction in CRC risk compared to subjects who did not take aspirin. Those with healthier habits saw smaller benefits, suggesting that aspirin's protective effect is particularly valuable for individuals whose lifestyle choices may otherwise elevate their cancer risk.​
This research is especially interesting because many warn against aspirin due to its harmful effects on the digestive system. However, many studies show that it may actually be protective. One found that low‐dose aspirin is associated with a 54% reduced risk of gastric cancer. Other research suggests that it may mitigate the effects of gluten sensitivity. There is some nuance, but I think that avoiding extremely high doses and excessive intake can prevent digestive issues.​
It's important to remember that aspirin is a drug and should be taken with caution. I share this information for educational purposes only and not medical advice. I personally only use aspirin as needed (more on that below). Please consult with your physician before taking any OTC drugs, supplements, making any changes to your diet & lifestyle, etc. 😀


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Some simple, anti-cancer tools:​

  1. More on aspirin. Instead of reaching for Tylenol or Advil, I prefer aspirin. It's not for everyday use, only as needed like for a headache. I always look for brands without fillers, metals, dyes, or other unnecessary chemicals. Gericare, Health Natura, or international brands when I’m traveling are my go-to options and are linked below.
  1. Warm baths. Warming the body is another cheap, underrated anticancer practice. Cancer cells cannot thrive in warm environments. In fact, we’ve found that areas with warmer temperatures have less incidence of cancer. Hyperthermia therapy is often used in clinical settings, but taking warm baths is a great way to achieve the same effect. Heat can indirectly increase the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body by increasing metabolic rate. This improves oxygen delivery to tissues, which is especially important because cancer cells thrive in low oxygen environments. Warm baths increase circulation, stimulate the immune system, support detoxification, and are one of the best ways to relax. 🛁

  2. Coffee. Coffee is more than just a morning ritual. It is a powerful metabolism booster. Interestingly, coffee drinkers have lower incidences of liver, ovarian, thyroid, and endometrial cancers and melanoma. Coffee supports liver and kidney function and detoxification, increases the production of progesterone (an anticancer hormone), and provides essential nutrients like niacin, riboflavin, and magnesium needed to support healthy cellular metabolism. Every morning I have coffee with cream and honey. I love this percolator because it does not contain any plastic, so there is no leaching of chemicals into the coffee: Farberware Electric Coffee Percolator.

  3. Laying out in the sun. Sunlight is healing energy. There is a reason sunlight feels so good on our skin. The body knows what it needs. Sunlight contains infrared light which improves mitochondrial function and UV light which is used to produce vitamin D in the skin. Vitamin D encourages normal cellular differentiation and a deficiency of vitamin D is seen in almost all cancer patients. Sunlight is associated with significant decreases in internal cancers, especially colon and breast. We shouldn’t fear the sun and we also shouldn't over do it! Every day I try to take a few minutes to sit out in the sun to set my circadian rhythm, encourage healing processes, and boost healthy hormone production.

  4. Baking soda. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is an alkaline salt that can increase the pH of cancer cells and mitigate the effects of lactic acid. Lactic acid drives cancer growth, so preventing the acidity significantly impacts cellular proliferation. Some research suggests diluting half a teaspoon in water can help mitigate inflammation from autoimmunity. It has also been demonstrated to decrease digestive discomfort and increase CO2 in the body. At the center, we administer sodium bicarbonate in IVs to offer a more powerful dose. There is more information in a post I made for Instagram here.

  5. Love. We were made to live in connection with others. Love is a powerful healing force, and not just spiritually. When we bond with others, oxytocin, a hormone, increases. Oxytocin has been demonstrated to bind to receptors in the ovaries and stimulate progesterone production. Higher levels are associated with a decreased risk of ovarian cancer and decreased incidence of metastatic cancers including breast, colorectal, small-cell lung carcinoma, and melanoma. Love is the medicine for everything.💗


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Aspirin - 💊
Gericare Aspirin - 1000 ct​
My favorite coffee - ☕
Reading - 📚
Georgi Dinkov’s Research: To Extract Knowledge From Matter - For anyone who wants to get into the weeds of science, Georgi is doing incredible work. You can type “aspirin’ into the search bar to find hundreds of interesting studies.​
Misc. - 💎

Ins & Outs of the Month​

In: 💊 🧃 🌱 🥒
  • Aspirin as an anti-inflammatory
  • Aloe Vera juice to heal the gut
  • Holding hands
Out: 🛢️ 🤒 🍳 💪
  • Taking anti acids
  • Seed oils hidden in ingredients
  • Ignoring symptoms your body is having


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Science Behind Hydrogen Water: 100 Compelling Reasons to Drink Up
What if there was a single, safe, and affordable therapeutic agent that could revolutionize the way we approach health and wellness? Enter molecular hydrogen water, backed by a growing body of scientific evidence.
Water, Energy, and the Perils of Dehydration
What if water, plain and simple, was the most critically lacking substance for energy and health promotion in the modern lifestyle?


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The Science Behind Hydrogen Water: 100 Compelling Reasons to Drink Up
What if there was a single, safe, and affordable therapeutic agent that could revolutionize the way we approach health and wellness? Enter molecular hydrogen water, backed by a growing body of scientific evidence.
Water, Energy, and the Perils of Dehydration
What if water, plain and simple, was the most critically lacking substance for energy and health promotion in the modern lifestyle?
jimi! even camels know that!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What if I told you a simple change to your dinner diet could slash your diabetes risk by 50%?
It's not a new drug. It's not an intense diet.
It's definitely not what pseudo-experts are saying…
Join our F.REE webinar to discover:
  • The surprising food swap that fights diabetes
  • Why some people are saying goodbye to blood sugar meds
  • A secret from cultures with near-zero diabetes rates
Spots are limited. Ready to learn how your fork could be your best health tool?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Have you ever felt like you’re running on empty, even though you’ve done all the “right” things? Maybe it feels like a fog has settled over your mind, making it hard to remember, focus, or feel fully alive.

What if I told you that your thyroid could be the hidden key to unlocking not just your mental clarity but your overall vitality?

Thyroid health impacts far more than you might think.

Your energy levels, metabolism, mood swings, and even your brain function are all intricately tied to this tiny yet powerful gland.

And here's something that often gets overlooked: brain fog is one of the most common early signs of thyroid dysfunction.

Here’s the kicker:

You don’t have to keep living in this fog. It’s not just about managing the symptoms—it’s about addressing the root cause.

That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to the Save My Thyroid Summit, a completely free event starting this week on October 24th, featuring top experts in thyroid health who will walk you through the solutions that could change your life.

What You’ll Discover:
  • The surprising link between thyroid function and cognitive health (yes, that foggy brain has a real cause).
  • Nutritional secrets that boost mental clarity and sharpen your focus.
  • Simple but powerful lifestyle shifts to support your thyroid and regain your energy.
  • And much more...
This isn’t just another summit; it’s a life-changing opportunity to finally understand the connection between your thyroid and your well-being.

Ready to reclaim your focus, energy, and health?
👉 [Register Now for FREE] before it’s too late!

Your thyroid could be the missing piece to the vibrant, clear-headed life you deserve. Let the experts guide you toward solutions that really work.

To your renewed clarity and vitality,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Your gut health is foundational to your overall well-being. Today, we explore natural methods to restore and maintain your gut's health, enhancing your body's ability to heal and thrive.

What You’ll Discover:
  • Effective natural strategies to rebuild your gut flora and enhance digestive health.
  • The critical role of a balanced microbiome in your overall health and recovery process.
  • Dietary tips that help maintain a healthy gut and prevent future complications.

Why Gut Health Matters:A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, improved mood and energy levels, and effective digestion—all essential for recovery and long-term health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dive into today’s insights and start implementing these natural approaches to see significant improvements in your gut health and overall recovery.
Join us for an enriching Live Q&A Ask the Experts session on October 23rd with Dr. Tricia Pingel, known as the Adrenal Whisperer.

Discover key strategies in "From Stressed to Thriving: Mastering Stress and Cortisol" to further support your wellness journey.

Don't miss out—sign up now to secure your spot and move closer to thriving health.

Wishing you a week filled with new beginnings and profound healing!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim, proper strength training is vital for you to live long and live well...

And if you are 50 or older, there's a vital emphasis on the word "proper," which is why you'll appreciate...

"Strength Training Over 50" -- my concise new article for you right here!

Please do leave a COMMENT if you appreciate this article at the bottom of the page.

Because in it, you're about to discover:

-- Why strong, efficient "wiring" is essential for your best strength training results

-- The big MYTH of pushing harder... and how it often leads to joint issues, injuries, and more!

-- Why it's important you understand the concept of "biomechanical optimization" (clearly explained for you)

-- Why a holistic approach is the best approach (and the 4 key steps in this regard)

-- The top 5 benefits of proper strength training beyond building your muscle mass and strength

-- Top recommended FREE sessions showcasing the safest, most effective anti-aging movements!

-- And more!

Head here now for my new "Strength Training Over 50" article for you!

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