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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Are you ready to make 2025 your BEST year ever?

Let this event - starting tomorrow - help YOU to put all the necessary pieces together and ...
  • Experience renewed vitality and purpose
  • Create meaningful connections that fill your life with love and joy
  • Achieve greater control over your finances
  • Build a future filled with MORE confidence and abundance
Take a look at how this NEW summit can help you, each day:

Day 1: Habits, Mindset, and Purpose: Unlocking Your Best Year Yet
Day 2: Setting Yourself Up for Your Best Year: From Dreams to Reality
Day 3: Emotional and Mental Well-Being: A Foundation for a Thriving Life
Day 4: Creating Daily Energy and Lifelong Wellness
Day 5: Improving Relationships and Communication
Day 6: Unlocking a Path to Prosperity
Day 7: Creating More Harmony in Your Life
Day 8: Spirituality and Self-Discovery: Awakening to Fulfillment and Joy

SAVE Your F*R*E*E Spot NOW, this special event starts tomorrow!

Have a great day,

-Jonathan Landsman

PS. When you save your spot here, you'll immediately get these 5 exclusive bonuses to help you on your way…

  • Natural Healing eBook
  • The Millionaire Mindset: 3 Keys to Release Your Limiting Beliefs eBook
  • Beyond Sentiment: Understanding Love as the Ultimate Truth
  • 30 Days to Build Better Habits Workbook
  • Inner Genius Activation Kit


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
May be an image of text

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I was trying to search how a forum works, what some of the functions are, and stumbled onto this (not that it's the first time I've ever seen something like this, but I decided to see what nanny government is saying lately):

"What is vaping":

The article says:

"Battery-powered vape devices create an aerosol that looks like water vapor but contains nicotine, flavoring, and more than 30 other chemicals."

Where to they get that? From other nannies and ANTZ? I can't tell you how often I have read how there are all these "chemicals" in vape liquid. Using open systems from the start, my liquids have always contained PG, VG and a flavoring. I don't know where they get this BS, since flavoring ingredients are proprietary and the makers of them won't give them out. I do recognize that flavorings are the unknown when it comes to lung health, for which reason I vape unflavored when I'm around others. However, the almost immediate healing of my lungs after taking up vaping and quitting cigarettes, simply belies the alarmism and the medical pot stirring over vaping.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
prolific health-researcher Trevor King is about to host a FREE Webinar about “The Uncensored Truth About Big Pharma”...
Where he will completely expose the truth about the “Big Pharma Mafia”...
Plus, how you can protect your health from all sorts of diseases…
Without having to risk your life on any prescription drugs.
--->>And you can click here to register for FREE.
The webinar will reveal:
  • The UNCENSORED truth about Big Pharma
  • The common Big Pharma pill that increases heart attack risk by 72% (AVOID)
  • How to “STOP” health-issues like dementia or cancer with ONLY vitamins
  • The little-known vitamin that SLASHES depression by 51%
  • Why Facebook and Google CENSORED Dr. Andrew Saul
  • The American Billionaire that founded the “Big Pharma Mafia”
  • Why this “C*vid Vax” company was accused of the BIGGEST healthcare fraud ever
  • The anti-cancer vitamin that ANYONE should take (Big Pharma hates it)
  • How to know if you’re doctor is “brainwashed” by Big Pharma
… And much more:
--->>Click here to claim your FREE seat & discover the TRUTH about the Big Pharma Mafia.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yesterday I was reading “The War Of Art” by Stephen Pressfield and came across a passage on inner resistance, detailing how it blocks our ability to manifest new and beautiful things in our reality. It felt worth sharing.

I took some liberties with the quote below, and added in the word “fear” to replace the word “resistance” that is in the original.

Hope this stirs up some goodness in your psyche...

"Like a magnetized needle floating on a surface of oil, fear will unfailingly point to true North — meaning that calling or action it wants to stop us from doing.

We can use this. We can use it as a compass. We can navigate by fear, letting it guide us to that calling or action that we must follow before all others.

Rule of thumb: The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more fear we will feel toward pursuing it.”

A parting question for you - what big action or life change do you fear most? Is there a way to transmute this fear into a compass that helps you move forward?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know...?

Lentils contain the third-highest amount of protein of any legume, just after hemp seeds and soybeans? According to historical records, lentils are believed to be one of the oldest crops around. They are commonly eaten as an alternative to animal products not only because they are high in protein, but because they also contain certain vitamins and minerals like iron and B vitamins that are commonly found in meat, with the added benefit of plant fiber.
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
GMO Tomato Project Funded by Gates Foundation and U.S. Taxpayers Hits Roadblock

The next article describes how Crisper gene editing, continues to cause large scale genetic damage that scientists have been unable to rein in.

CRISPR Gene Editing Causes Large-scale Genetic Damage While Correcting Mutant Genes

And finally, we learn that the New Zealand government wants to introduce regulations that would give a pass to GMOs, integrating them into agriculture and the food system as if the technology were safe and predictable.

Fair Legislation Requires Good Process


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
3 Steps for Prevention of Alzheimer’s

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

There’s a three-step plan that experts recommend to help prevent both heart disease and Alzheimer’s to maintain a long and healthy life.

1. Manage Blood Pressure. Controlling high blood pressure is key to reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke, and protecting your brain as well. That’s true whether you reduce your blood pressure through lifestyle changes or through medication. A recent study found that people with high blood pressure who took potassium-sparing diuretics reduced their risk of Alzheimer’s by 75%, and those taking hypertension medications in general cut their risk by a third.

Special: Change How Your Brain Ages in a Matter of Days…

2. Lower Inflammation. Bodily inflammation is a common trigger of both heart attack and Alzheimer’s. To lower inflammation, which will also lower cholesterol, take low-dose aspirin aspirin daily (ask your doctor first), follow a plant-based or Mediterranean diet, take vitamin C, supplement your diet with fish oil, drink fresh juice from any colorful fruit or vegetable, and quit smoking.

3. Get Moving. Numerous studies demonstrate that aerobic exercise can not only keep you sharper, but also reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s. Most research has focused on aerobic exercise, because of the theory that it gets more oxygen to the brain. But there is also evidence that weight training and balance exercise are beneficial.

Although there remains much to learn about Alzheimer’s disease, its connection with cardiovascular disease is becoming increasingly obvious. All of this boils down to one simple, powerful message: If you do everything in your power to prevent heart disease, you’ll be keeping your brain healthy, too.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Let’s launch into 2025 with fresh herbal inspiration!
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of herbs out there?
Not sure where to start or how to make their healing gifts a regular part of your life?

You’re not alone—and the good news is, we have a simple way forward.
I’m super excited to invite you to a brand-new webinar with one of the most beloved herbalists of our time, Rosemary Gladstar.
Rosemary Gladstar
For over 50 years, Rosemary has been a guiding light in the herbal world, founding the California School of Herbal Studies, co-founding Traditional Medicinals, establishing United Plant Savers, creating the International Herb Symposium, and authoring beloved classics like Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner’s Guide.
Together, we’ll tackle these challenges head-on and give you a roadmap to confidently plan your herbal year.
🌼 Here’s why you don’t want to miss this:
  • Simplify your herbal journey: Focus on just one herb per month, allowing you to fully understand and integrate its healing gifts.
  • Seasonal guidance for every herb: Discover which herbs are perfect for winter colds, spring cleanses, summer vitality, and fall immune support.
  • Hands-on remedies: Create soothing mullein tea for respiratory health, calendula salve for skin healing, and echinacea tincture for immune strength, all with step-by-step guidance.
🌼 More easy-to-make remedies we’ll explore:
  • Thyme syrup for winter sore throats
  • Dandelion greens for spring detox
  • St. John’s wort oil for sunburns and nerve pain
  • Rosehip jam to boost immunity in fall and winter
🌼 What you’ll gain from this webinar:
  • The must-use herbs for each season 🌿
  • Simple remedies for common health challenges (think coughs, colds, and beyond)
  • Growing or wildcrafting tips to deepen your connection with each herb
This isn’t just a webinar. It’s your opportunity to transform how you approach herbal learning—and it’s all guided by Rosemary’s decades of experience.

🗓️ When: This Thursday & Friday
⏰ Time: Multiple sessions available in YOUR time zone


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The latest episode of Freedom Files is available now on HighWire+!
In this episode, third-generation oil man, RJ Burr, shares his insights on the current state of the oil industry and the challenges posed by the ‘green energy’ agenda.
Freedom Files is our latest exclusive series on HighWire+, following the success of ‘Off The Record,’ our first new series on HighWire+, we’re thrilled to bring you this powerful new offering.
Join Jefferey Jaxen and Del Bigtree as they engage with thought leaders and experts championing liberty and freedom for all. From the challenges facing our education system and health to the growing censorship state, tech issues, and beyond, these insightful conversations shine a light on the most critical battles of our time—the fight for our independence.
Enjoy this latest episode of Freedom Files with RJ Burr now!
Not signed up for HighWire+ yet? Register HERE today!

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