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Kelli's Critters


Diamond Contributor
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Member For 4 Years
His mother Leigh AnneLeigh.jpg

Normally they wouldn't be tied up but this was during a Birthday Party at our house and several of the children were scared of them...


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks! Leigh (the primarily black one) is the first born American German Shepherd, both of her parents were direct imports form Germany and she was bred with another champion bloodline German Shepherd here to produce Major, both are very intelligent dogs!

and keeping in the spirit of this thread here is a picture of them rough housingleigh and major.jpg


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yea they were pretty cute... but were also ALOT of work lol... I spent a minimum of 4 hours a day cleaning up after these little buggars... Also cost a pile of money when they started eating dog food and their shots.. but they also brought in a lot of money when it come time to sell...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh trust me I know just what your saying, I have good friends that are breeders for different breeds:)


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I learned quickly why alot of people have gotten into breeding... alot of my cleaning and work was really uneccessary but I wanted them to be clean and couldn't stand them being outside in the dirt so being inside it had to be clean! lol

My main reasoning behind not breeding Leigh any further was I couldn't stand to watch her go through her depression and hunt her puppies again like she did when they got adopted... She would go from shear panic to depression and back to shear panic...


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My favorite bird... I've spent many hours watching and studying their behaviors while fishing... they are truly graceful creatures... They'll bite the hell out of you though, if you get too close to their nest...

and my close runner up... well because they are the epitome of badass! Also 'murica!


and my second runner up....


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They always look up to no good

sent from a dumb operated smart phone

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