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Your turn is now over.


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It will be your turn if the rain goes away and I leave the house to go do some work.


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sing the old song 'rain rain go away, come again another day'

Or, just go out and have some fun IN the rain :D


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It's still raining.


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Believe it or not, when I was working for walmart and helping out at a different store, we had a customer come into the store and complain about the parking lot being wet shortly after it had been raining. She wanted somebody to go out and mop up the water in the lot. lol


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How long did it take you to mop up that water?


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It's been raining here all day, they just said on the news that it will rain for the next 5 hours.


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Rain gone, just a few clouds left.
Reign gone, lasted over 12 hours last night


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Nice day here, I worked out side today.


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Cleaned up my vape box. See I need another for the flavor order comming in soon.


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I need a new vape gear box. The small one I got when starting out with RDAs can't hold all my stuff.
Especially now that I'm starting out with DIY juice. Might get two, one for RDA supplies and one for DIY.

Thought about getting one like that at walmart, but the main turnoff was those top shelves. If the box was to get knocked over, anything on the top shelves would fall out and get mixed up.


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This vaping hobby can get carried away.


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My Doctor told me two things, I'm going to die someday, but NOT from smoking. And the second thing, My fly is open. :cool:


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I meant "getting carried away" as a good thing. I'm VERY grateful that vaping got me to quit smoking. I have NO urge to go back, I enjoy the flavor and smell of vaping.


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I meant "getting carried away" as a good thing. I'm VERY grateful that vaping got me to quit smoking. I have NO urge to go back, I enjoy the flavor and smell of vaping.
Love it. I am so easy to get along with. I got hundreds in Vaping. I can breathe like a 24 year old. Could not even get close when I smoked. Make my own juice, coils, & just love to vape in general. Love the way big tobacco loves to throw out "Vaping will harm you! shit" we know its lies. My answer to that is, if your worried about vaping, go back to smoking. Or you can just stop. Your choice. :cool:


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I'm 13+ months smoke free.
I had a thought today to smoke a cigar just to prove I could put it away. But then I thought why bother, I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I AM a non-smoker.


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I'm 13+ months smoke free.
I had a thought today to smoke a cigar just to prove I could put it away. But then I thought why bother, I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I AM a non-smoker.
I am so Pissed! Can't get a Cuban cigar to save my ass all my life. NOW I don't smoke the fuckin ban is lifted. I swear there are Angles pointing down and laughin' at me. :mad:


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I had not thought of that till now. Think the only thing good about Cuban cigars was the fact that they were illegal, Now that they are legal they might not taste as good.


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I had not thought of that till now. Think the only thing good about Cuban cigars was the fact that they were illegal, Now that they are legal they might not taste as good.
I judge no one. Saw that Texas politicians have made a suggestion that a plant that grows here be legal. Interesting where that might go. No studies I know of , find that to be harmful. Have too watch the issue.


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One more post for the win.


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Im thinking of doing plano boxe in a carry bag. Love that set up for my bass and icefishing gear.


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Good Morning all VUers


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The sun is shining and it's 70 outside, I'm going outside and play.


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Ok question I have a dark horse on an istick 50. Running 3.1volt .2 ohms at 48 watts. Vape is cool.. flavor is good. Decent clouds. Im wondering what benifits will I see going to unregulated. I found great benifits going sub ohm and dropping the starter kits lol. That was three weeks ago. So now I want to know if im missing even more.


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If you go unregulated, you'll get whatever volts the battery puts out, and less as the power drains from the battery.

If your running at 3.1 now, you'll get more with unregulated on a fully charged battery, 3.7 - 4.2, or if using a series box with 2 batteries 7.2 - 8.4. Power would decrease as the battery drains and you'd have to watch to make sure the battery doesn't become undercharged or it could shorten it's life. Or you could also just go with a higher wattage regulated and get a higher voltage then that and have no decrease in power at all until the batteries are nearly dead and not have to worry about the batteries being killed by draining them below the 2.8(?) volt minimum.

I don't think there are any advantages, a regulated can put out the same power as a mech (or more), provide the desired power more consistently, plus can adjust the voltage to suit your preference and prevent the batteries from becoming drained too low.


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Home again, It's been a nice day, about 70 degrees and sunny, can't ask for more.


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So either way for a dripper I should upgrade to a more powerfull unit? Or just build higher ohms?


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Up to you. I use a sigelei 100 watt and like low ohm coils. Usually I'm around 0.14 to 0.3 ohms with 75 watts.
Highest I've built so far is a triple coil with 19 wrap 28 gauge that came out to 0.8 ohms and use at 81 watts. Can't go higher due ot the 8.5 volt limit of the sigelei.


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Feel as if im stumbling around. A bunch of trial and error.
Reminds me when the optimax outboards came out. We fumbled around to learn what can and cant be done. Surprise the design techs with some of the things we did.


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Pretty much.

It's like ice cream sundaes.
Nobody can tell you what is best because everybody has their own favorite flavors and toppings.


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Okay, good morning VU

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