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Did you know that victory feels like warm apple pie?


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I'm awake again


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I'm Mourning the loss of your win.


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still morning here :p


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Y o u ....... n e e d ....... t o ....... s l o w ......... d o w n .


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I'm back
I win


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Quick, they are over there fighting and all sorts of bad things, they need a moderator.
And while you are gone
I win


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But I can't from here :(. Besides, over there could mean anywhere at all. Nice try Sunshine.

Typos brought to you by: iPhone.


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Okay, I give up
You win.


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Want a bigger and badder mod. Right now have the istick 50 and dont feel as if im getting full use of the dark horse I have. I can max it out at 50watts and want more. I think I have fallen to the dark side of vapping.


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Okay you are right, I never give up
But I am reading other forums to find out the difference between the compression ring and the wiper ring so I can rebuild this old ezgo golf car.


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Isn't it past your nap time?


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Just as the name states. One wipes the other is a compression seal


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Compression ring is tighter than a wiper and on the top wiper at the bottom.


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I understand that, I just can't look at them and tell which is which. One does look like it might be made from a softer metal, and one has a little bit more of a silver color. I have pic of what they are shaped like but neither one has the shape that's in the pic in the OEM repair/rebuilding manual.


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May have to mic them to see the size diffrence


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I did, they are exactly the same size.


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Well, I'm home now, but I'll leave you alone RMarcusY. I've pestered you quite a lot. All in fun, but a lot.


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I thought we scared you off with us talking about engines.


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Nah, this is about winning. Talk all you want, I'll pop in and win while you're distracted.


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"I know what you're thinkin'. 'Did he fire six shots or only five?' Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya punk?"


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I never get distracted I'm always....................o look a butterfly.............what?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,who are you?


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I'm going to be less presant now that the weather is getting nicer.


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Time to shake off the cobwebs and play


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Lot of cobwebs, really no new winner in 5 hours?


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Sometime you need to make people feel like there winning.


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That and I bet you wishing you had the win for 5 hours lol lol just kidding.


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Every one likes to WIN.


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That's long enough for you, my turn.

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