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Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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I used to work for a guy who did not drink coffee and drank Dr. Pepper or Coca-Cola in the morning! You wonder why he has dentures in his late 30's?
I don't drink soda that often so I'm good in that department. Brushing twice a day helps with that a lot! :D


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Yeah stopped drinking soda a while ago myself when I found I was getting a bigger Root Beer Belly than any Beer Belly I ever had.


Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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I'm too young for beer belly but I will say that I hope to never achieve one. I'll be cursing myself even if I have a pony keg sized belly. o_O


Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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I knew guys who had beer bellies in their 20's age has nothing to do with a beer belly!
I'm more of a connosieur of liquor. Granted, it is still empty calories but it tastes better than any beer I've ever had. There is one exception to one I had imported from Africa. It was a berry beer but oh my god was it good. I usually stick to scotch on the rocks, whiskey the same way, or gin. Rum and Vodka I have mixers with if I'm being social. :D

As for the age side of things: That's true age doesn't matter but that means they're not working out or not very active in general on top of the beer consumption.


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I don't drink beer or hard liquor anymore gave that up years ago now I just enjoy a nice Red Wine and my favorite in an Italian Red like my Grandfather used to make when I was a young boy. Still remember crushing and grinding the grapes.



Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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Nice. I haven't seen that episode in so long. Haha!

Usually if I'm doing any drinking on the rock it's while I'm at home so I don't have very much. Just enough to feel good and play video games basically. I keep the more social drinking to a minimum anymore. I'm done with the partying kick for the most part since I'm creeping on 30 (turning 27 soon) now.


Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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Is it bad that I didn't have to try? :giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle:


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No one believes me when I say how old I am! And they say you are as young as you feel or is that act? They also say the mind is the first thing to go.

Is that what they say?



Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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You are as young as you act and the mind can be the first thing to go but that depends on the person. :D

That and my Mom just turned the big 50 in February. :3


Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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That's very true! :bliss:


Gaming & anime watchin' lion here!
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I wish that were the case. I learned more about electricity from fixing dryers and household appliances. Vaping just helped reinforce that knowledge. :D


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I learned more after I graduated then I did in school. Definitely a learn by doing kind of person here.

Funny you mention dryers and household appliances as I had warranty issues with a the washer and dryer. One guy ordered so many parts because he did not like what the last guy did. I have parts to repair the entire washing machine for years to come after the warranty is up and some are brand new unused parts. Some used for 1 week but he changed them anyhow.


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Nothing is wrong Dad is home from rehab after having Thoracic Surgery and dealing with Oxygen Machines. Planning running Oxygen lines under the floor to avoid tripping hazards. Doing pharmacy runs and all the other things that go along with it.


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Oh boy, it sounds like you have your hands full . I hope he has a speedy recovery.


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He is home after almost 2 months and doing well I am going to set up the lines just to alleviate tripping hazards. I am just trying to find the easiest path and best locations.

Thanks for the well wishes!


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No, trying to find the best place to go through the floor in the basement to run a line. I have a basic plan but just trying to find an old cable or antenna wire hole instead of making a new one. If it was an immediate need it would have been done already but I will do it tomorrow because he is set and we have another coming home from rehab on Sunday.


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Trying to find a pocket in a tool belt or an old cell phone belt holster for the summer to carry my MOD easily.


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Steve I was going to tell you that, I use a I STICK 30 as a beater for work and I use one that has a flap that Velcrows closed and it's worked great for me. The one I use is a LED LENSER Flashlight holster.


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I have so many holsters floating around I know I have something handy. Just a matter of finding it!


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What is great about the iStick TC40w is the off or on takes 5 rapid pushes of the button. One push and a second one when it is on will not fire the MOD. No chance of it overheating when it is virtually impossible to accidentally fire it. So keeping it in the pocket is not really an unsafe practice although NOT Recommended.


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I just picked up a I STICK TC 100 but haven't tried TC yet. 101 Vapes has them for $29.00.


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