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Excellence In Service
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LMAO burn bans, flash floods, tornado's I'll just stay home thanks!


Excellence In Service
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And your not going to win I'm working nights so I'm lurking in the shadows all night lol


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And I haven't even told you about all the earth quakes we now are having because of oil companies fracking.


Excellence In Service
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Ma it's a twister ! No it's an earthquake! A flash flood ! A burn! Nope its Marcus and his damn vape thing lol


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Did I tell you who's in charge of enforcing the "No vaping or smoking in camp" rule?


Excellence In Service
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Ah there's always some slicko in the bunch who will outsmart you lol


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checking in...........................................................................


Excellence In Service
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Your Checked in your seat assignment is Um second lol


Excellence In Service
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I have about an hour left of the night shift then it's home to sleep


Excellence In Service
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Oh I pass right out when I get home. Night shift sucks. That's if I don't fall asleep at the wheel. It's a 2 hour drive home with traffic. By the time I almost get to the Verazzano Bridge I'm nodding at the wheel.


Excellence In Service
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What's good about it I've been up all night lol Morning Z


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llkjuklj;aslkdjf;lk a8s9doiuf09q384-90i[opsjkdf;kljaspd9780-98-askjd;lkj;lkasjdfklasdf


Excellence In Service
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lol Roger Wilko and out. Signing off till later !


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Good morning everyone.


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I'll never forget the time that Bill and,,,,, that other guy,, or was it a girl ,,,, we went to ,,,,, that place,,, and ,,we did something,,,,,, damn.


Excellence In Service
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Lucy I home!!!! Just woke up ! Jesus only a few hours and I have to go back to work :mad:


#Team Jimi Supporter
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Especially when 4 hrs of it is driving back and forth! I hate it for you, Breazy.


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It ain't always sunny when the wind blows


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And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again....

I have kids

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