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Excellence In Service
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Thx I am for now. Eating pizza posting and vaping. Sounds great right? That's until the you know what hits the fan. Hope the first day of the week is an easy one


#Team Jimi Supporter
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Sounds like it's off to a good start anyways.


Excellence In Service
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It's actually better if it gets busy the night goes faster. Where's Mink at ? She's usually here by now


Excellence In Service
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I forgot this thread is about winning and I'm winning!


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Me to Mark! We get weekend Primary, Backup, Holidays we have no lives! Corporate America the attitude is "You Don't Like It Leave" or "It's Our Way Or The Highway" or "Be Happy You Have A Job" they better hope I never hit the Lotto or my resignation video is going to go viral lmao

Ain't it great. I've had enough of the bullshit and stupidity. After 5 years at I can finally see the exit sign. Only 3 weeks until I graduate CDL school and already in the process of getting a job lined up with Schnieder. Yea, it is still somewhat corporate, but when your on the road in a tractor trailer driving from location to location by yourself, your kinda your own boss. After 6 months of using one of their trucks and going where they tell me, I'll be eligible to use my own truck (either bought or leased) and have nearly complete control over making my own schedule every single day. Going where I want, delivering what I want, taking off when I want. Well, within reason of course.


Excellence In Service
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Glad to hear it Z ! I knew some truckers that owned their own rigs and they were loving life!


Excellence In Service
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Hey Mink I was wondering where you were. How you doing today?


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I drove for almost 3 years, I was always on the road trying to make enough for the truck payments.


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I'm fine thanks but unfortunately my cousin isn't. We've just had some bad news and have been making arrangements to fly interstate for her funeral. It's all a bit of a shock


Excellence In Service
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I'm fine thanks but unfortunately my cousin isn't. We've just had some bad news and have been making arrangements to fly interstate for her funeral. It's all a bit of a shock
My sincere condolences ! Was your cousin young ?


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Hi Breazy. My cousin had grown kids but she wasn't old. It was an accident so it has came as a shock to everyone especially her husband.


Excellence In Service
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I only asked if she was young because these days a lot of young people by me die from pills. Again very sorry for your loss ! I'll say a prayer for her and her family. Leaving to go home in a few. Man I hope I make it. I'm falling asleep and I didn't even get in the car yet. TTYL everyone when I get back up after I get home.


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Good Morning.

Sorry to hear about the loss breazy.
where you and your cousin close?


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Thanks @Breazy. I'll say a prayer for you too that you get home safely and then have a good night's sleep.

I won't be online again for about 3 days. Have fun and I'll talk to you again then.
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#Team Jimi Supporter
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Good morning all!
@mink Sorry for your lose. Will keep you, and family in my thoughts and payers.


#Team Jimi Supporter
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Good morning, Marcus. Pretty day here in GA for now. Might get a shower this evening though. Glad you're not getting rained on at the moment.


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It looks like it will be dry enough to mow the yards today. The dumb-ass city has been going around posting tickets on homes because their grass is too tall. You CAN'T mow when the ground is mud.


#Team Jimi Supporter
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Well, you know nothing any Government agency does ever makes sense. All they see is $$$ from code violations.


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Well that's the strange part.
You get a note on your door that day that you have 10 days to mow.
After 10 days you get letter giving you 10 days to comply.
Then you get inspected and if still in violation you get 10 more days.
Then if you can show a reason for noncompliance you can get 30 more days.
And they will keep giving you 30 days, until summer is over.
At the end of summer they will send a crew to mow with a brush hog with a dull blade that does a real ugly job. That will put a $300+ lien on your property.


#Team Jimi Supporter
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Wow! That's a pretty steep fine! I guess in 90 days most should be able to get the grass cut though.


Excellence In Service
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Good Morning all ! Just woke up. Only a few hours before it's time to head back to work. That drive home is brutal. I was nodding at the wheel the last few miles but made it.


#Team Jimi Supporter
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GA Breazy! Glad you made it home safely. Be careful on your back to work this evening.


Excellence In Service
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Going's cool I'm wide awake. It's that ride home lol Thanks Mark


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quick win while no one is looking.


Excellence In Service
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Lucy I Home ! (At Work) I was watching Marcus. You better cut that lawn lol


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Hottest day of summer so far and the humidity is unbearable. Got both lawns mowed, then took a nap.


Excellence In Service
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Good now you don't have to worry about them bothering you! Me and humidity don't get along lol. I always end up in Orlando in like July or August when you can't even stand outside lol


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I hope the humidity level comes down before next week.


Excellence In Service
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That's right ! You thought we forgot you get to go camping !


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For THREE weeks. Yea.


Excellence In Service
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Hope you have good weather. Probably don't have to worry about any wildfires with all the water you guys got!


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Yes, camp is a bummer during "burn bans". It's also a bummer during flash floods. The camp does have enough tornado shelters for 700+ people placed near the 20 campsites.

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