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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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Been lurking, figured I should pop out. Is it strange that my coffee and cream vape is making me think coffee at 4am would be a good idea.

Glad you popped out, we won't bite.

I love my coffee vapes, probably more than any other flavor. I just had coffee about 2 hours ago, but I also woke up in the middle of the night. So, I'm up for a while anyway.


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I love her voice, makes the hair on my arm stand up.


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Oh a bartender background would be perfect for this.

I find I like to vape dessert flavors more than I thought I would, which surprises me. I end up just wanting the food version too, many times.

I repin pins of drink recipes into a private board on pinterest.

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I bought 2 flavors that might interest someone. I got NF Gooseberry which is awesome. It's a tart, slightly sour, non-succulent berry that has a grape-ish note to it. I can't wait to play with this one.

The other is NF Japanese Plum. This is a brighter plum flavor, has a tangy note to it that is similar to apricot. Good stuff.

Gooseberry sounds good. I recently got cranberry from NF.

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Taptalk on android won't play videos? :-/

vaping one day at a time


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Happy Saturday. Rainy.

Dog was on a sugar high till 1am. I went to my office to ignore her and sleep. BUT she found me at 730. I was happily sleeping in my dark basement office with no Windows. Jumped on me. Woke me up. Now im up. Caffeine not working. And she is sleeping now!

Going to maybe finally try to coil up a kayfun I've had sitting here for two months.

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What was the wildest/most out of control concert you attended as a teenager?

Mine would be Beastie Boys - Licensed to Ill tour.

Black Sabbath at the Philadelphia Spectrum. Insanity. Beer was sold in bottles, there was a balcony...bloody people being carried out right and left and it was at that time Ozzie would have snorted dried pig shit if he thought it would work. Pure insanity.


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Black Sabbath at the Philadelphia Spectrum. Insanity. Beer was sold in bottles, there was a balcony...bloody people being carried out right and left and it was at that time Ozzie would have snorted dried pig shit if he thought it would work. Pure insanity.

Ah spent many days at the spectrum. I saw tom petty as back up band. Forget who the main band was. Late 70s thru the 80s were a bit blurry.

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Lol. Return the favor and go wake her up!

...And coil that damn thing already! :)

Making my way down in a few mins. Going to coil the igo-l first to get practice. Then will tackle the kayfun. Will report back soon.

I'll take the quiet. Other half at work and dog passed out.

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Ah spent many days at the spectrum. I saw tom petty as back up band. Forget who the main band was. Late 70s thru the 80s were a bit blurry.

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I think they tore it down. Maybe they just named it after a phone company. I hated when they started doing that. Like calling someone Jeff their whole lives and one day they want to be called Sprint Technology.


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I think they tore it down. Maybe they just named it after a phone company. I hated when they started doing that. Like calling someone Jeff their whole lives and one day they want to be called Sprint Technology.

Think my son told me a while ago a bunch of places were named after banks.

Vet stadium was torn down -- I think


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Gooseberry sounds good. I recently got cranberry from NF.

vaping one day at a time

I have cranberry, but won't start working on it until fall when the weather starts changing...cranberry, blood orange, and teas.

Gooseberry is a unique and tasty flavor. If you do fruit mixes, try it. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I can tell is has potential for many applications.


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Happy Saturday. Rainy.

Dog was on a sugar high till 1am. I went to my office to ignore her and sleep. BUT she found me at 730. I was happily sleeping in my dark basement office with no Windows. Jumped on me. Woke me up. Now im up. Caffeine not working. And she is sleeping now!

Going to maybe finally try to coil up a kayfun I've had sitting here for two months.

vaping one day at a time

Claire, let us know how easy or hard the kayfun is to coil. I'm thinking of picking up one at fasttech soon.


Down with the Clown
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What's dag? I love new words.
It's like damn, but less vulgar.
Hmmm...never seen these. Must try despite the low review.
I like pickles, and I think the chips and sunflower seeds are fairly spot on for flavor. I'm gonna order some anyways. LoL

Sent from the Otter Box around my Galaxy S4.


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I think they tore it down. Maybe they just named it after a phone company. I hated when they started doing that. Like calling someone Jeff their whole lives and one day they want to be called Sprint Technology.
Hahahahaha. I liked Jeff, too.


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It's like damn, but less vulgar.

I like pickles, and I think the chips and sunflower seeds are fairly spot on for flavor. I'm gonna order some anyways. LoL

Sent from the Otter Box around my Galaxy S4.
I bought some of those seeds, and couldn't help but eat all 8oz. Worst tummy ache ever! I'm going to have to incorporate dag into my posts. I like it.


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Happy Saturday. Rainy.

Dog was on a sugar high till 1am. I went to my office to ignore her and sleep. BUT she found me at 730. I was happily sleeping in my dark basement office with no Windows. Jumped on me. Woke me up. Now im up. Caffeine not working. And she is sleeping now! /QUOTE]

Story of my life.


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Man, I take a night off and y'all move the thread 2 pages? I've got some catching up to do!


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I'll send you mine. (Must wait 7 seconds)

You don't like it? I'm guessing it's easier to coil than the Pro Tank and Kanger T3's I keep messing with (unsuccessfully at that)

LOL@7 seconds


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Made a GreaseMonkey script to block all your youtubes -- now I can read this thread again without FireFox crashing! :D


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You don't like it? I'm guessing it's easier to coil than the Pro Tank and Kanger T3's I keep messing with (unsuccessfully at that)

LOL@7 seconds
Never liked the T3s. I get too much air, or they leak for me.

I'm not sure what it is about the Kayfun I'm not happy with, but I'm still partially asleep.


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Dag nabbit! Wasn't that Yosemite sam?

Basic built on kayfun is pretty easy. I really prefer doing a chimney coil which is harder at 1st but not too bad. Haven't tried dual. My fingies are too big.
Ok Ace. Here's the deal. I don't know anyone who vapes, and the people at the vape shops here are pretentious pricks. Next time I'm traveling home for a visit, I'll have to meetcha at the Habit. I'll buy ya lunch, and you can show me how it's done.


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View attachment 2090
Dag nabbit! Wasn't that Yosemite sam?

Basic built on kayfun is pretty easy. I really prefer doing a chimney coil which is harder at 1st but not too bad. Haven't tried dual. My fingies are too big.
That's beautiful!!!


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@that's awesome. You guys are talented.


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Am I hearing interest in my first ever YouTube video? Coiling and wicking a KayFun/Russian?

Sent from the Otter Box around my Galaxy S4.
Links please, or it didn't happen! (Hehe, joshing you, but links would be nice!)


Down with the Clown
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I haven't done it yet, but I will sometime today. Which could mean tonight/tomorrow morning. LoL

Sent from the Otter Box around my Galaxy S4.

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