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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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I repin pins of drink recipes into a private board on pinterest.

vaping one day at a time
I repin food recipes I can make at the local market into a private board on pinterest. Drinks board is public listed though. I also have a mostly NSFW board on there too.


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Okay, Rowdy, hit us up with Country and/or Western tune


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*overhead speaker *@rowdyplace , you are wanted on the DIY late night thread

Rowdy must be two-steppin' somewhere


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Hey there!! just woke up... Kids are gone and I am watching TV and knapping! Well, that ratio is about 80/20. 80% knapping is a great way to spend a Saturday night. (Who am I kidding???) Sad, but true!

I saw all the music. Reminded me of my old karaoke days. Had to quit them. Drinking karaoke gave me a bad headache the next day. That was better than drinking tequila. Tequila had more of an immediate effect. But, I had to quit that too. Nobody liked a short bald fat naked drunk guy looking for his other shoe at last call!!

Have fun!! Knappe Tyme, again!

Smoky Blue

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dang it.. i mixed up a batch of my pink lemonade and now I am hungry??? wth?? :rolleyes:


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I start with smell, doesn't mean that's the only method I use. Just for new flavors that come in to the shop(s) I can usually tell if they're going to be a good starter or if it smells weird I won't mix it into anything until i can make a bottle of just that flavor


Down with the Clown
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I like the top one better. Used to know all the words, but it hasn't been on my phone since I got the new S4.


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I feel so old lol


Down with the Clown
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*begin warning*
Deep stuff here folks. Not for the faint-of-heart, or the weak-minded. Mindless sheeple should not watch the video embedded below.
*end warning*


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Smoky Blue

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Go snag him, Flowers.. he needs to be here.. ;)
i have a few friends too, will see if they want to pop in..


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*begin warning*
Deep stuff here folks. Not for the faint-of-heart, or the weak-minded. Mindless sheeple should not watch the video embedded below.
*end warning*

That's very good. I enojoyed that a lot.


Down with the Clown
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Keep listening. It's a great song.
I did... but 'great' is a subjective adjective. I don't know that I would use that word for that song, but that's just my opinion.


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I think RP is MIA


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*begin warning*
Deep stuff here folks. Not for the faint-of-heart, or the weak-minded. Mindless sheeple should not watch the video embedded below.
*end warning*

"Cute" track there VapingJunkie. Kid can definitely write. But the riddle that is religion isn't as simple as that. All of the "elightened"..."God is just your silly imaginary friend in the clouds" talk can make a lot of sense if you do think with only that specific logic. But (and I guess I should say I'm playing "God's Advocate" here), do you know what religion plays upon the "I'm my own god and I will do what I want" premise is? BINGO, the satanist religion. At the very heart of it, it's about erasing all traces of Christianity from the earth as well as from history (A paraphrased quote of Anton Levy. Look him up because if you don't know who he was, you're not enlightened enough yet..LOL)

It's more blatant now than EVER, in all entertainment, media..hell it's everywhere you look. It always has been but now it's just out there in your face with no apologies. Now look around the world and look at all the evil. Senseless wars, our once free country reduced to a nation of self important zombies who can't get their noses out of Facebook long enough to protect our vaping rights much less care about human rights as the walls on this prison that we continue to help them build around us with our blissful ignorance get higher and higher. Is that not some "sinister force" at work?

What's that saying about the cruelest trick that the devil ever played? Oh yeah, convincing people he didn't really exist. So yeah, a lot of what the kid says is true...but it's all a message...ALL OF IT. And you have to be "enlightened" enough to be able to see the WHOLE picture :)

Is there really a God and the devil? I can't tell you that for sure. You would probably be surprised to know that I'm not a very religious person per se. But I have seen enough evidence to know that there IS good and evil. And all it boils down to is knowing which side of that you want to end up on and how much stupid shit you want on your conscience and your legacy when you're gone.

That's some deep shit for a vaping forum and I know you just wanted to probably impress people with the track and how cool you are for discovering it. But I'm just saying, look at the WHOLE picture before you buy ANYBODY'S message hook, line and sinker. And way more important, realize that if you don't, and you're wrong....that will mean that you are, in fact, one of the "sheeple" that you've been mocking.

Just a little "e-liquid for the soul" on a Saturday night. Definitely something to think about :)


Down with the Clown
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Member For 5 Years just wanted to probably impress people with the track and how cool you are for discovering it...
Actually, it's nothing along those lines. I've enjoyed his music since before he started gaining notoriety. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, or 'convert' people away from what they're happy believing. If you think that's my goal, you're sorely mistaken. My intention was only to present music for the thread.

It's a good thing you're not religious, one of their big points is not judging people. ;)

That's an incredibly obtuse view for someone asking me to 'view the whole picture.'

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