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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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We're awake here (not for long).

I'm a little disappointed that the vials I received today aren't the same diameter as the TFA vials their flavors come in. :(

Of course, these are 2 dram vials and the TFA vials are 1 dram. :|
That's odd that they don't match up. WL uses 2 drams.


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Noodles peeking through Pippin.


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That's hilariously awesome Artemis!!!


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I feel like I'm liking too many posts. You guys are awesome. No where else do I like what most people say.


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Speaking of bacon. OMG I tried TFA bacon. Never again!
That's how I feel about their pickles, and I love pickles so much, that's even my dog's name...the one in my avatar.


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Cat organizer. I love it.


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Don't let the cats bite.


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Well, I hope 3:28 am counts! Just got through mixing up 4 bottles of Tropical Punch, 1 bottle of Cinnamin Red Hots, and 1 bottle of Jamacan Rum (all 20oz bottles) at 18mg 50/50 mix. Now if you'll excuse me, I gots me some vaping to do!


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I just got some vanilla tobacco flavoring and think I'll try mixing a bit of that with a bit of the vanilla ice cream and see if something good comes from that.
Maybe I can even try to come up with my own ry4 mix up something or other


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I just got some vanilla tobacco flavoring and think I'll try mixing a bit of that with a bit of the vanilla ice cream and see if something good comes from that.
Maybe I can even try to come up with my own ry4 mix up something or other
That actually sounds like a good idea. Add some caramel, and you've got it.


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How could you deceive me?

Sarcasm is my friend.


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Maybe someone has a easy cheap solution in here, I have around 50 flavors right now and it is still growing, right now I have 3 containers for holding the flavors, 1 for fruits, 1 for sweeteners and one for custards etc, but trying to find the flavor I want is a PITA, how do people keep the flavors organized but still easy to find the one you want?


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No Vapemail today. :(


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Sorry, guess I should have given fair warning. I'm a bit of a smartass. At least tthat's what mom used to say.

She never appreciated when I told her it was better than she raised a smart ass than a dumb ass.
My dad and I used to have that same convo!

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.


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I have around 50 flavors right now and it is still growing, right now I have 3 containers for holding the flavors, 1 for fruits, 1 for sweeteners and one for custards etc, but trying to find the flavor I want is a PITA,

I started out the same way as what you have, plus tobacco, bakery and odd and ends added it your list.
I thought I was really organized ... out smarted myself as it grew :(
When I topped 200 flavors, I dumped them all out and re-named the containers with the company name.
It's basically still a PITA, but it works better.
I do still separate out the nuts, and boozey flavors, because there aren't as many of them.
A lot of times I use a recipe that uses all FA or VZ or TFA or etc etc, and then it becomes easy, as I only have to dig through one container.
It's just something I'll have to put up with until I find which ones are the "best of the best", and I can dump all the yuk's
I don't need 4 or 5 of the same flavor, ..just the best one ..(to me)


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Maybe someone has a easy cheap solution in here, I have around 50 flavors right now and it is still growing, right now I have 3 containers for holding the flavors, 1 for fruits, 1 for sweeteners and one for custards etc, but trying to find the flavor I want is a PITA, how do people keep the flavors organized but still easy to find the one you want?

I've ordered a flavoring I already had, several times, because I couldn't find it. I'm not organized with this yet. I have 5 different shallow tupperware containers holding my flavorings in the same way you have - tobaccos in one, fruits in one, etc. This is as far as I have gotten. I do try to keep the bottles in the same place in the container, so that I have a rough idea of where each flavoring is located. My thought on finally getting organized involves an apothecary type small chest of drawers, something I can keep in the kitchen, out of immediate reach and site, and designate each drawer or set of drawers for each flavoring type. But, I just haven't done that yet. RocketPuppy posted a picture somewhere on here a plastic tiered display case that you can get at fasttech. I've thought of doing this as well, but I'm moving beyond the 8ml vials at this point, so it won't be useful for me in a couple of months.


Fasttech also has these with larger holes, if you have 10ml bottles
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I've tried so many things, and this works great for different size bottles. It's one of those things for jewelry. I got a few of em at Marshall's or Ross for like $7. They're double sided and when I'm not using them, I hang em in my closet.

It's easy to see all the labels.



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I'm normally a late-nighter, but my sleep schedule is a bit off right now. Got my ultrasonic jewelry cleaner in today, which means I'll be mixing up a bunch of juice. Hopefully it does the wonders for quick-steeping I've been led to believe. Only been on VU for a few days, so I'm still trying to set up forums and threads to watch. Vape on!


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That one from fasttech is the sort of thing I need, was looking on amazon but didn't find anything, but also like the hanging one for the larger bottles, thanks folks :)


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I also use these guys, also from Fasttech.



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LAWDY LAWDY. you folks have some serious flavor collections.


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As little as I'd like to be caught walking around Ross actively looking for something, this may be worth the... repulsion. LoL
I totally agree!!! I was with my mom sitting on the ground by the try-on area and saw them. I live 400 miles away from my mom, but when I have to see or shop with her, I turn into a grumpy 10 year old.


Down with the Clown
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LAWDY LAWDY. you folks have some serious flavor collections.
I only have ~30 flavors right now, mostly fruits and desserts. Looking to expand soon, and include tobacco, menthol, wintergreen, and some more dessert flavors. I'm planning on supplying my friends with e-juice, but when I start to really nail down a bunch of unique recipes, I may begin sourcing my juices to vendors.
...I turn into a grumpy 10 year old...
See, I hear a good number of people talk like that about one or more parents, and it breaks my heart. Both of my parents were amazing, and my father was taken well before his time. I try to cherish every bit of time I get to spend with my mom, and she only lives 10 minutes away. I know how quickly bad can turn to worse.


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About 21mm, so comfortable in a hole 22mm or a bit more... 24mm would be fine :)


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Is everyone content with their current e-juice recipe/calculator? I'm using one that has AMAZING features, including inventory tracking and low-quantity alarms. I'd love to share with anyone who wants to upgrade.

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