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Late Night in DIYland, take II


Down with the Clown
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EJuiceCalculator, originally found on ECF, but now I get the latest version directly through Google drive. Here is the link to my Google+ post with the file. Freeware, but the quality of this program makes me want to donate. It's for Windows at the moment, and IDK about plans to port to Mac.


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See, I hear a good number of people talk like that about one or more parents, and it breaks my heart. Both of my parents were amazing, and my father was taken well before his time. I try to cherish every bit of time I get to spend with my mom, and she only lives 10 minutes away. I know how quickly bad can turn to worse.
I just spent a wonderful 5 days camping in Oregon with my mom. I love her dearly and definitely appreciate her. With that said, we drive each other crazy, and we love each other. However, I still turn into a brat when she wants to shop. I don't like shopping. I'm sorry to hear about your father. You, VJ, are very lucky to have two great parents, and thankfully, despite his passing too soon, he shared his wonderfulness with you =).


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VJ - calculator isn't for Mac. =(
I love the one I use though because I measure in weight.


Down with the Clown
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I love the one I use though because I measure in weight.
That, along with the inventory database, is why I use this one. I default mix by weight, since I have a 100g max scale that measures down to hundredths of a gram. I find that the recipe consistency is much higher this way. I love that I can view exactly how much of each ingredient I have left, without pulling out every vial. This program also allows you to import recipes from EJuiceMeUp, so I can view other people's recipes, to emulate or tweak them for my personal use. Can also export recipes or inventory list to Excel. <3

If you already use EJMU, you can import all those recipes into this program, and will only have to set up your inventory database. I was using Excel in my own custom sheets, so I had to enter my recipes by hand. Still, it was totally worth it, IMHO. Other online calculators export recipes using EJMU .rec files, and these can also be directly imported to this program. I personally like dot1ml


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That's the unfun part of DIY'ing. I find I mix like I cook...using every available item and utensil and making complete messes.


Down with the Clown
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I started piecing together a mag mixer, but then I stopped when I didn't have an old PC fan lying about. Then I ordered an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner. It's working like a charm!
Edit: Next time I go to mix up some juice (may be later tonight) I'll try to do before and after pictures, to show how well it mixes everything together.
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Down with the Clown
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That's the unfun part of DIY'ing. I find I mix like I cook...using every available item and utensil and making complete messes.
That's how I used to mix, but I got tired of all that jazz. Now I have pre-diluted nic in a bottle, VG in a bottle, PG in a bottle, and my flavor vials. I just mix everything by weight, shake it, ultrasonic it, and POOF! Instant awesome e-juice. By my last calculation, I'm mixing a 10ml bottle for ~$0.50.


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I just got an ultrasonic cleaner a month ago. I've only used it a couple of times for pre-mixed vendor juices to help them along in the steeping process. Do you find it really makes a difference? I have one from amazon that cycles up to 30 minutes with heat.


Down with the Clown
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Ooo! Yours is WAY better than mine. I went bottom-of-the-barrel, and mine only cycles in 3-minute increments. Sans heat. But yeah, I noticed that 6-9 minutes in the cleaner got the liquid as mixed as 4-5 hours in my mini crock pot. After I get done eating and whatnot, I'll mix up some more juice, and do a before and after, so you can see the difference. Assuming my camera will pick up the details.


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Hey there Jr!

Glad to find this thread.

Check this out -

My first homemade magnetic mixing table. All this for less than $5.

I love it Senior RP!!! I showed the other half when I got your email. We both oooohed and aaaahed. It's really impressive! It will be interesting to see how it compares after the UC/SC/Base taste test.


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That's the unfun part of DIY'ing. I find I mix like I cook...using every available item and utensil and making complete messes.
You should eventually go to the dark side and use a scale. No clean up. I love it =)


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I just got an ultrasonic cleaner a month ago. I've only used it a couple of times for pre-mixed vendor juices to help them along in the steeping process. Do you find it really makes a difference? I have one from amazon that cycles up to 30 minutes with heat.
A few of us, Rowdy (Senior RP), Amanda, some other ecfers, and I, did an ry4 taste test between a UC, slow cooker, and no steep...huge difference. UC and SC were virtually the same. The base was very immature.


Down with the Clown
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For Pete's sake. I HATE cleaning up my mess. Unfortunately, that's next on my list right now.
Here are some 'after' pics of my quest to clean up my desk. Lots of stuff on that Taco Bell tray, including a homemade RDA stand (made from old Vivi Nova parts and a candle lid) The part with cups came from Hobby Lobby, I think $5-7 IIRC.



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I love it Senior RP!!! I showed the other half when I got your email. We both oooohed and aaaahed. It's really impressive! It will be interesting to see how it compares after the UC/SC/Base taste test.

This toy/tool is just to get all the stuff mixed - before the UC or CP. I do not put this in the same category of "steeping". But, by thoroughly mixing" the liquids first, one can expect better steeping (or ageing). I let it run about an hour for 150 mLs. Never strong enough to make a whirlpool. Never allow it to "whip" air into the mix.

I sure as hell cannot shake it with my hand that long...

It was mainly a neat project for me & my 9 year old granddaughter's summer vacation.

(2 years ago we built an egg incubator. Hatched 8 of 10 quail eggs. We live in a condo. After 3 days the "cute" wore off those little peepers...)


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(2 years ago we built an egg incubator. Hatched 8 of 10 quail eggs. We live in a condo. After 3 days the "cute" wore off those little peepers...)
Hahaha!!! Peepers. I named all my stuffed animals Peepers when I was little. It's nice to have ya here Senior RP!


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Is everyone asleep already? Even Pip is snoring.


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Here are some 'after' pics of my quest to clean up my desk. Lots of stuff on that Taco Bell tray, including a homemade RDA stand (made from old Vivi Nova parts and a candle lid) The part with cups came from Hobby Lobby, I think $5-7 IIRC.

I want to know if you're drinking beer and eating eggs together. If so, you have a stronger stomach than I do!


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Instead of late night for me, it's god-forsaken early. Who wakes up at 5:15 without an alarm!?!

So me and the puppy are enjoying coffee and total quiet before the day starts. Okay, she's not enjoying coffee, she's enjoying belly rubs.


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I want to know if you're drinking beer and eating eggs together. If so, you have a stronger stomach than I do!

Back in the military, we would crack a raw egg in our beers. And in the AM hours, we would add a raw egg and V8 to our beers. A person needs his protine and veggies with his grains!


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My step-father was a retired Navy Chief - the stories he would tell us! From pranks to the food they ate to things they endured. My hats off to you, Chowder, for your service.


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Has anyone tried Open Source Vaping juice yet? I'm really curious about them.


Down with the Clown
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You should eventually go to the dark side and use a scale. No clean up. I love it =)
You mean like this?

I want to know if you're drinking beer and eating eggs together. If so, you have a stronger stomach than I do!
Mashed potatoes with blackened tilapia mixed into them. Mm mm good! But, I do have a strong stomach. Started drinking after showering from our jog earlier.

Edit: So who's still up with me? I'm about to attempt to show before and after photos from an Ultrasonic bath, to show how much every DIY mixer needs one!


Down with the Clown
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The outside bottles were sonic'd earlier for 3 x 3 minute cycles. The inside bottle was just mixed, and shaken for about 10 seconds. Now it's in the cleaner, and will be featured again in 10 minutes.


Down with the Clown
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Here is the EXACT same bottle, but with only 9 minutes of ultrasonic. I don't have a fancy model that heats the water for me, but I put hot tap water into it each time I'm steeping new juices. This next pic shows what the inside bottle looks like after a short time differential. You judge for yourself whether it looks more mixed or not. I'm about to vape the finished product, and will update with a taste opinion.

Already vaped it, and the flavor is amazing. Here's the recipe I used:

As you can see, it has 8 separate flavors in it, and tastes amazing only 12 minutes after mixing. Now you can form your own opinion about ultrasonic jewelry cleaners, and their e-juice steeping application. /bow


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...And now the bottle is labelled, ready for test, and marked with the version number, to easily correlate between revisions.

Yes, my handwriting is garbage, but no one asked you! LoL, j/k :)


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I haven't tried the juices I mixed in the UC yet, which seems really stupid. But, I just took 3 separate vendor juices, UC'ed them for 3 30 minute cycles. And now have them on my steeping shelf. These juices are in cobalt and amber bottles, so I couldn't tell any color change from before and after UC.

I need to get it back out and start using it.

Thanks for showing me this, I needed to see the difference, I think, to convince me how necessary it is.


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Your hand writing is no different than mine. When I write on the bottles, it's like a 3 year olds. Sometimes, I can't even read it.


Down with the Clown
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Thanks for showing me this, I needed to see the difference, I think, to convince me how necessary it is.
You're not going to gain any necessary data unless you vape them before and after. I didn't go through the redundancy, but I know that vaping this 8-flavor juice before UC'ing it would have been nasty. Now, vaping it afterwards, I'm likely to go through all 10ml tonight, since it's so easy and cheap to re-mix. Vape scrong!


Down with the Clown
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Your hand writing is no different than mine. When I write on the bottles, it's like a 3 year olds. Sometimes, I can't even read it.
Makes me want to order all the different colored caps that Heartland Vapes has to offer, but I can't afford to drop the dough on 1,000 colored caps.... yet. Once I have a huge amount of recipes mastered, and start outsourcing my juices, then we can talk. LoL


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I think one of my posts was deleted. Is is against the rules to post the name of an alcoholic beverage?

It wasn't deleted, silly was on the previous page :oops:
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Thank you! I was 8 years active Navy (That's and acronym: Never Again Volunteer Yourself....hehe!), during the Gulf War Desert Storm/Shield. And yes, I do have A LOT of stories from that period of my life! However, most of them include alcohol of some sort. Now only if I could remember what happened in those stories?????......


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Thank you! I was 8 years active Navy (That's and acronym: Never Again Volunteer Yourself....hehe!), during the Gulf War Desert Storm/Shield. And yes, I do have A LOT of stories from that period of my life! However, most of them include alcohol of some sort. Now only if I could remember what happened in those stories?????......

Hahaha@your acronym! I think my step-father's involved quite a bit of alcohol too

And you're most welcome

Smoky Blue

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i picked up one that makes salad dressings.. and it really changed my juice..
sad thing is, it's plastic.. and it did not last long.. my new one i have had for a while now and fell in love with it..
sometimes using a fast steep method, one can push the limit with juice and well.. its happened to me a few times..:oops::D


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Hey everyone. I've been glancing at the thread and wanted to reply about organization.

I have a table with a small 3 tiered shelf. Its been working well.


For larger bottles/ containers I have a wire shelf. But plan to get cabinets to hang on wall.

On a diff note
It's been a crazy past couple of days. In short my 75 yr old mom was told 4 weeks ago she has thyroid cancer. While very treatable usually. At first it was going to be the removal of thyroid and some nodules behind it. After many scans the mass is larger than first thought. Which instead of just a small incision in neck - her chest needs to be open a few inches at bottom of neck area. Its a risky surgery but still very treatable after.

No sympathies are needed. She's dealing with this in an amazing way. To her its a process she has to go thru.

But for anyone reading! Im saying this because dr said this mass has been growing for years. Because many of us abused our body for years with tobacco -- I just want to say early detection can save lives!

While its not The easiest type of cancer to detect it was a routine check of carotid artery that showed something abnormal. Which promted dr to keep testing.

Ok I'm done. Please go on with your regularly scheduled programming. :-D

vaping one day at a time


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You have a mini-lab going there. Stainless steel prep table, larger quantity bottles, and lots of flavorings. Nice!

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