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Late Night in DIYland, take II

Smoky Blue

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You're always cutting grass lol!

Not one of my fav past times. Luckily we have a ride on tractor. We mow what we can with tractor. Then get the teen neighbor to come over and weed eat / blow or use his push mower where tractor can't go.
What was for lunch?

I'm hungry but too lazy to make something. Other half just went to dunkin donuts. A med latte will be my brunch.

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lol push mower at it's finest.. maybe will be retired next year for a riding mower.. *fingers crossed..

Hot dogs with BBQ chips.. Yummers! :)


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Happy Labor Day! I just finished mixing. A couple new stand-alones of Jungle Pineapple and Tasty Puff Pineapple, another 30ml of the Rainbow Sherbet my son likes. Plus V.3 of Banana Cream Pie. Sigh. I'll get that right if it kills me. I'm finding it difficult sometimes to make juice for my son the cartotank user when I drip or squonk. Flavor is fine for me, he says it needs more flavor.
Also made V.1 of Peach Cobbler. Couldn't wait for the FA Apple Pie. Besides, I'm sure I'll need another version anyway. More Plum Tart for me too. I think that's it.


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Oh a diy note. Yesterday I decided to use the online recipe site eliquid recipes or whatever it's called. I been using ejuicemeup but it only allows 7 flavors in a recipe. I was going something with 8

My only fear is if the site goes belly up any data I entered disappears. Would be nice to export a text file or xl. Etc..

Otherwise I like the site how it functions and the features

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I use this calculator and found it very user friendly.


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Hey will someone teach me how to make my own flavors
Research, research, research. There are many excellent threads on this forum. Good Luck. Get a calculator, nicotine, flavours and pg/vg


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It's kinda tricky - yet simple. You need to figure out what you want to do then pick out what you need to do it with.

My first choice for "stuff" is
Start with simple recipes and basic tools.


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Where is our @flowerpots? I can't convo her here, I can't PM her there...:( If you read this, thank you sweetie! That was a very nice surprise!


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Thank you everyone
It's kinda tricky - yet simple. You need to figure out what you want to do then pick out what you need to do it with.

My first choice for "stuff" is
Start with simple recipes and basic tools.

Ace - Good one.
While I was out looking for this link, you provided one I did not have.

Here is a valuable labor of love from RocketPuppy - back when she was younger...

Where is our @flowerpots? I can't convo her here, I can't PM her there...:( If you read this, thank you sweetie! That was a very nice surprise!


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Where is our @flowerpots? I can't convo her here, I can't PM her there...:( If you read this, thank you sweetie! That was a very nice surprise!

She leave the forum?
I sent her a message a while ago been wondering where she is.

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Last I heard she's busy but doing fine. I hope she's not gone too. I think about her everyday. We miss ya @flowerpots!

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.


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She leave the forum?
I sent her a message a while ago been wondering where she is.

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Has anyone tried her over at ECF? She still goes on there and posts

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I might spam the thread tonight if I get bored. Staying at my mom's apt for the night playing monitor.

So yesterday I mixed HICs tic tac. That is yum for my own stash.

Then banana cream pie, red hot cinnamon. Black whiskey barrel and a cheesecake base. They're all sitting on my desk in 10 ml bottles. I only tasted tic tac so far and I already know I'll be making more.

The peppermint FA is very nice.

If the Cheesecake base comes out good I want to add something to it.

Then my next task is to work on a Elvis sandwich for a friend.

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She's here... Just not so active...


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I think she & Rocket ran away :(

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.


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that is too cute of an idea, GG :) oh my! I gota get those.. lol..
Can just see my car now :p

Not sure, Emilie.. thing is, I have no!! external antenna.. so can't attach anything like that..
I thought on a blue dot on my sunroof.. and I know I need to go to office depo, maybe take a psd with.. for my better half's juice company..
I can see that on the back windshield :D *giggles..

but I don't think he will let me attach those eye lashes to his suv.. *ducks!!

I like those box mods, Ace.. but I think I like my mech better, specially with my big budda.. omg.. I can drip in it.. and turn it into a tank! :p
I have the ubiquitous red pontiac sunfire - everyone here seems to have one, except mine's the only one with 4 doors AND no spoiler. Its also the only one in the area with a plush brain in the back window. So I can tell mine apart from the rest of the 80 or so in the walmart parking lot.


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wanted to check in. been a couple of days since I been able to read forum.

mom had a 6 hr surgery + 2 hr recovery. then didn't even stay 24hrs in hosp. after getting in room
surgery was Wed. got in room at 5pm-ish. released yesterday/ Thurs at about noon.

Since she lives along we thought best to bring her to my house.
I was going to stay with her - but easier here.
amazing how well she's moving around - eating, drinking etc..
now we play nurse till tues. She has drains in incision that needs emptied a couple times a day.
grateful for technology & Emory Hosp in midtown ATL.

now back to trying to catch up on reading forum.

Glad to hear your mom is doing OK, and REALLY glad to have you back on the threads!


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Oh a diy note. Yesterday I decided to use the online recipe site eliquid recipes or whatever it's called. I been using ejuicemeup but it only allows 7 flavors in a recipe. I was going something with 8

My only fear is if the site goes belly up any data I entered disappears. Would be nice to export a text file or xl. Etc..

Otherwise I like the site how it functions and the features

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Take a screen shot of the page after you enter your information, and save it to a file on your computer. You can then always go back and see it again.


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Take a screen shot of the page after you enter your information, and save it to a file on your computer. You can then always go back and see it again.

I emailed with owner of site. CSV export is a feature he's working on. Screen shot of each recipe not a bad idea either in meantime :)

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Just been really busy at work (when I ususlly have time for posting). And I really didn't get back into the threads after I got back from vacation. Then I took a spill when rolling my 4 wheeler ATV on the side of a mountain. Add that to getting the kids ready for school, building a shed in the back yard, and a remodel laundry room project. Before I noticed, it had been almost three weeks since I was really active. Man, how time flies!

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to add that my 12 year old broke my Kindle. That has seriously degraded my ability to post while on the go. I have been trying to lurk through the threads when I had the chance, but just not a lot of time to respond.


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Just been really busy at work (when I ususlly have time for posting). And I really didn't get back into the threads after I got back from vacation. Then I took a spill when rolling my 4 wheeler ATV on the side of a mountain. Add that to getting the kids ready for school, building a shed in the back yard, and a remodel laundry room project. Before I noticed, it had been almost three weeks since I was really active. Man, how time flies!

Busy at work good for you - maybe not your customers LOL!

Hoping you didn't hurt the ATV too bad?

Wow busy man! Do you sleep? Night shifters usually don't.

My shed/ barn is one of my favorite places on my property but it becomes a place to dump shit we don't know what to do with till we reorganize and throw away. Its a cool building - has a loft too.

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Here just busy, but I do read all the posts =)

Waving back at ya!

I been stressed think I'm going on a Vans shopping binge. Need red.

Do you have bobcats in your area? My client who lives in that area always posts pictures of bobcats. Looks like she has cameras on trails near her house. Awesome looking animal!

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So quiet in here! You all have some nerve having lives and stuff. ;) I made some liquid today that's got potential but needs tweaking. Pear, chocolate, caramel and pistachio. Going for chocolate covered pear, drizzled with caramel and sprinkled with nuts.


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Busy at work good for you - maybe not your customers LOL!

Hoping you didn't hurt the ATV too bad?

Wow busy man! Do you sleep? Night shifters usually don't.

My shed/ barn is one of my favorite places on my property but it becomes a place to dump shit we don't know what to do with till we reorganize and throw away. Its a cool building - has a loft too.

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Well, I haven't lost a patient in a looong time. So, It my just be good for the customers.

Just road rash on the arm and a BIG dent in my helmet. Gald I was wearing it! Oh yeah, and stiff for three days. That didn't happen 20 years ago! When the hell did I get old?

And, I agree that my outbuildings are my favoret places. They have to be; the wife owns EVERYTHING else!


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I miss riding but when the healing time got too excessive. ..
getting older sucks


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It certainly ain't for the young. It should come with a warning label.
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Had another go at Peach Cobbler last night since i got the FA Apple Pie. Mixed it .5% with .5% DIYFS Poundcake plus INW spicy biscuit, shisha cinnamon and peach. It's a little too homogeneous but it's not bad this time! Needs a sprinkle of nutmeg. I did a search, wanting to make a nutmeg extract, and you wouldn't believe what people are doing with nutmeg! Making mind altering substances. With nutmeg. Whatever happened to a toke and a beer?:p


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Had another go at Peach Cobbler last night since i got the FA Apple Pie. Mixed it .5% with .5% DIYFS Poundcake plus INW spicy biscuit, shisha cinnamon and peach. It's a little too homogeneous but it's not bad this time! Needs a sprinkle of nutmeg. I did a search, wanting to make a nutmeg extract, and you wouldn't believe what people are doing with nutmeg! Making mind altering substances. With nutmeg. Whatever happened to a toke and a beer?:p
A toke and beer, how old school! Wait..........DAMN, so am I! I guess I won't be nutting anytime soon! (And let the comments begin.....)


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@RocketPuppy and @flowerpots, we freaking miss you guys!! Please come home.

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