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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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Thanks. I took a look at that and am wondering what the black currant does for for it??? I know you stated that you had not tried it. However, if somebody out there has tried it, just weigh in!
I've only used FA Black Currant, but it might be that it "pops up" the Strawberry. Like a deeper berry?


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BTW what didya get?


vaping one day at a time
She got a Provari mini, @Ace. I'm pretty jealous.

I bought it used, and I stretched my budget far beyond what I should have. I really shouldn't have, but my SVDs are all going belly-up. :(

To be perfectly honest, I like it, but if I had my choice, I'd have a good, working SVD, but after three of them now, and firing button issues on all of them, I just can't trust 'em anymore.


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OK I need help. (well uh yeah that kind too but that would take too long).

Boss texted me last night with an issue and I couldn't post because we're were w/o internet due to the storms that rolled through.

Problem: Customer at shop has developed an allergy to sucralose, customer was concerned it was pg/vg allergy went and actually got tested. Not allergic to either of those but is severely allergic to EM/Sucralose. Customer is one of a few who would just get a custom order of half sweetener/half sour (I don't ask, most of these weird orders came from before I started working/helping out). Anyway - any other sweetener options that aren't sucralose?

I'm not fond of the taste of EM enhanced flavors myself so I'm also curious what could be used as an alternative to EM for certain flavors that need sweetener (ie TFA Cranberry).


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Not allergic to either of those but is severely allergic to EM/Sucralose.

Frawg, which one? EM=ethyl maltol='cotton candy'. Sucralose is an entirely different substance. If allergic to one, try the other. If allergic to both, there is stevia (eww, but that's just me). If none of those can work, the customer will just have to adjust to their physical limits and try some kind of sweet flavor. Careful if the allergy is ethyl maltol - it's a common ingredient in lots of flavorings.


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Frawg, which one? EM=ethyl maltol='cotton candy'. Sucralose is an entirely different substance. If allergic to one, try the other. If allergic to both, there is stevia (eww, but that's just me). If none of those can work, the customer will just have to adjust to their physical limits and try some kind of sweet flavor. Careful if the allergy is ethyl maltol - it's a common ingredient in lots of flavorings.
AH I was given bad info from the boss/other shop in the area who taught her to shop (not surprising) - I was under the impression that EM = supersweet = sucralose/splenda liquid.

So does EM = cotton candy depend on brand? Customer is allergic to super sweet/splenda/sucralose as far as additive to make things sweet. I use brown sugar, or marshmallow, for sweeteners but right now I think I'm lost.
(entirely probably just me, my brain has been trying to hop down the hall away from me all day.)


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So does EM = cotton candy depend on brand? Customer is allergic to super sweet/splenda/sucralose as far as additive to make things sweet. I use brown sugar, or marshmallow, for sweeteners but right now I think I'm lost.

I know TFA Cotton Candy is ethyl maltol because of this:
TFA Circus Cotton Candy has EM plus other stuff:
Flavor West Cotton Candy doesn't list ingredients but works/taste the same to me as TFA Cotton Candy.
I've never tried Flavor West Blueberry Cotton Candy, but I'll bet it's EM with stuff added.

You can buy pure EM crystals and mix with PG or water or alcohol to make your own sweetener. Then you know for sure what's in it! You can do the same with Sucralose; I get it powdered from ecigexpress and just dissolve in water for my own (coffee and food) sweetener.

TFA Brown Sugar Extra and Marshmallow flavors show they're using Maltol (not ethyl maltol, but maltol, which their website explains aren't the same thing, but they're described as tasting the same). Anyway, none of those use Sucralose, so would be fine for someone with Sucralose allergy. I'd add maple syrup, FA honey (at very tiny fraction of 1%), and FlavourArt Meringue to the list of flavors that could be used as sweeteners.

Linda at TFA has been super helpful to vapers with questions like this. You might send her an email and ask if there are other sweetener alternatives she knows about. Seeing they use Maltol in their sweetest flavorings makes me wonder if you could use that. They DO sell it as a separate chemical.


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I know TFA Cotton Candy is ethyl maltol because of this:
TFA Circus Cotton Candy has EM plus other stuff:
Flavor West Cotton Candy doesn't list ingredients but works/taste the same to me as TFA Cotton Candy.
I've never tried Flavor West Blueberry Cotton Candy, but I'll bet it's EM with stuff added.

You can buy pure EM crystals and mix with PG or water or alcohol to make your own sweetener. Then you know for sure what's in it! You can do the same with Sucralose; I get it powdered from ecigexpress and just dissolve in water for my own (coffee and food) sweetener.

TFA Brown Sugar Extra and Marshmallow flavors show they're using Maltol (not ethyl maltol, but maltol, which their website explains aren't the same thing, but they're described as tasting the same). Anyway, none of those use Sucralose, so would be fine for someone with Sucralose allergy. I'd add maple syrup, FA honey (at very tiny fraction of 1%), and FlavourArt Meringue to the list of flavors that could be used as sweeteners.

Linda at TFA has been super helpful to vapers with questions like this. You might send her an email and ask if there are other sweetener alternatives she knows about. Seeing they use Maltol in their sweetest flavorings makes me wonder if you could use that. They DO sell it as a separate chemical.
Awesome explanation and that will lead me to doing emails to TFA tomorrow. Thank you HIC!


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Good papaya and good guava bases...and go!


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I'm going to offer up this suggestion for anyone needing or wanting to do Cool Mint by Capella's - without the $20/ 4oz price tag for base.
Peppermint 1ml
Spearmint 1ml
Vanilla (your choice of straight vanilla flavor) - 0.50ml
per 15ml bottle of juice. (Sorry I suck a %'s so we use a system of ml's at work) and this was one of our most popular straight from the mfg flavor until we ordered and it was backordered and held our entire order up for 14 days...I got creative. But I know others aren't the most patient or willing to drop $20 on 4oz of this works. its a tiny bit stronger than capella's cool mint at 3ml/15ml bottle (20%) but most customers who got the switched version like ours better.


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I'm going to offer up this suggestion for anyone needing or wanting to do Cool Mint by Capella's - without the $20/ 4oz price tag for base.
Peppermint 1ml
Spearmint 1ml
Vanilla (your choice of straight vanilla flavor) - 0.50ml
per 15ml bottle of juice. (Sorry I suck a %'s so we use a system of ml's at work) and this was one of our most popular straight from the mfg flavor until we ordered and it was backordered and held our entire order up for 14 days...I got creative. But I know others aren't the most patient or willing to drop $20 on 4oz of this works. its a tiny bit stronger than capella's cool mint at 3ml/15ml bottle (20%) but most customers who got the switched version like ours better.
Sounds kinda like @HeadInClouds White Tic-Tac. Have you tried that one?


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I haven't no @Cramptholomew - started with small DIY courtesy of another local shop letting me try my hand at recipes and then owner there hooked me up with the shop I work for now, and I seem to have a knack for creativity to the point I've been left to my own devices and the boss has ordered a ton of new stuff for me to tinker with and reformulate a lot of the shop's lineup.


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FlavourArt's Papaya is one of their best flavors - papaya perfection, and it doesn't take much.

(I don't like any guava, not even a real one)
Have had a few customers request a tropical mix including those two, ergo I was hunting. Sort of was hoping for TFA because we have to put in yet another order with them.


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I'd like to share a thread another sailor started yesterday, one where I became pretty verbose (OK - mouthy). We are talking about a subject near and dear to a lot of us here - DIY organization. The first half presents his excellent handicraft and finished products. The second part is the best part. That's where I show some of my latest work and share a neat secret I recently discovered. We can now "pour" our way to DIY bottle management. Do take a look at:

Also, for me to re-post all this here would violate the cross dressing rules...(or maybe is that cross posting...of the forum.


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Does this forum host blogs like the other one?


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I don't think so. At least not yet. Some have inquired about it.

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.


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I'd like to share a thread another sailor started yesterday, one where I became pretty verbose (OK - mouthy). We are talking about a subject near and dear to a lot of us here - DIY organization. The first half presents his excellent handicraft and finished products. The second part is the best part. That's where I show some of my latest work and share a neat secret I recently discovered. We can now "pour" our way to DIY bottle management. Do take a look at:

Also, for me to re-post all this here would violate the cross dressing rules...(or maybe is that cross posting...of the forum.

Wow! Cool Stuff! Thx for sharing that

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There are rules here?
Don't be an ass hat out of turn, or something like that. Or don't be 'that guy' for whatever reason.

Sort of like the rules for life:
1 - DO NOT visualize...ever.
1a - If you MUST visualize, use claymation, it doesn't make it better, but it does make it funnier.
2 - No boobies for asshats - do not reward bad behavior
3 - Don't stick it in crazy.
3a - Don't let crazy stick it in you.
3b - Don't sleep with anyone of a different/more severe form of crazy than yourself
3c - If you decide to violate 3, 3a, or 3b, you're the only one responsible when the rest of us laugh at you while you're suffering the end results.


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Just ignoring in hopes it goes away

I'm so sorry, I really wasn't ignoring you. I was just talking to Tyger and didn't know if I could actually offer those yet (turns out they'd like to approve all designs and use their original artwork). I've made your suggestions to them, and I hope to have a shirt for you (and everyone! :) ) as soon as possible. :)


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I'm so sorry, I really wasn't ignoring you. I was just talking to Tyger and didn't know if I could actually offer those yet (turns out they'd like to approve all designs and use their original artwork). I've made your suggestions to them, and I hope to have a shirt for you (and everyone! :) ) as soon as possible. :)
Nooo I meant I was ignoring that vapedick guy he's always trolling


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Why, oh why does the SVD need to have such horrible electronics???

Button issues aside, I was needing to up my flavor percentages from all the recipes I've tried. I was getting almost no flavor. Even with my Nautilus, and yes, even with the new BCV heads, I could hardly taste anything. I thought it was from so many years of chain smoking.

I also couldn't go as high in power on m mod as other people were using without getting really burnt tastes.

Then I got my new mod, which, like the SVD, uses PWM electronics, but at a much higher frequency, so there aren't has extended highs and lows in the signal waveforms.


I need to cut WAY back in flavor with my next batch!

I can only imagine what using a mech mod tastes like!


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After reading some of the recent events here at VU I don't know if I'm going to stick around. The trolls are in full form. I just look at the diy mostly here I'm not a fluffy flavor gal but I mix that stuff for sister in law. I'm good with what I have

Emile: your shirt is nice. I don't promote any entity so I'm useless.

A few more rules may be in order.

Or maybe one rule that basically says, "Just be nice to each other."


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After reading some of the recent events here at VU I don't know if I'm going to stick around. The trolls are in full form. I just look at the diy mostly here I'm not a fluffy flavor gal but I mix that stuff for sister in law. I'm good with what I have

Emile: your shirt is nice. I don't promote any entity so I'm useless.

Don't leave @Artemis. This week was pretty bad because of a couple people, who are hopefully like fast burning fuses. With a bomb at the end. :D There's always the ignore feature, but I just skip over. I tried ignore once and it messed up continuity.


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Please don't let a couple tools chase you away. I do like the forum, and the lack of policing, but I agree, there could be a few more rules. Some people are just happy being dickheads ALL the time. There's no need for that kinda BS. Please don't go away. If I start reading crap after crap, I avoid that person or those kinds of "popcorn" threads.

What I do really enjoy is the creativity people express here, as grown ups and as goof balls. I feel we get treated as adults who like to blow off steam on occasion and aren't chastised for it. But full on dickheads? I just skip over them. Too many great people here to get awfully worked up over children. Yeah, my brain gets frosted on occasion, but it goes away rather quickly, because of the sane people.

Please don't bail :)


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It has been a high drama week hasn't it? theres 2 reasons i dont click on 90% of the threads. either the subject matter doesn't interest me or I don't like the drama.
Haters gonna hate and you can't fix stupid.


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Ladies and gets these iPhone 6's are killing me


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Why, oh why does the SVD need to have such horrible electronics???

Button issues aside, I was needing to up my flavor percentages from all the recipes I've tried. I was getting almost no flavor. Even with my Nautilus, and yes, even with the new BCV heads, I could hardly taste anything. I thought it was from so many years of chain smoking.

I also couldn't go as high in power on m mod as other people were using without getting really burnt tastes.

Then I got my new mod, which, like the SVD, uses PWM electronics, but at a much higher frequency, so there aren't has extended highs and lows in the signal waveforms.


I need to cut WAY back in flavor with my next batch!

I can only imagine what using a mech mod tastes like!
Did I miss something? What new mod did you get? Glad to hear that you are getting super flavor! That is what we are here for, right?


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I don't mention the name often because there's a very fanatical fanclub of this mod, but if they had better electronics, I'd prefer SVDs.


I upped the voltage on it from where I have my SVD set last night. That's when the flavor explosion happened. It's been tasting better, and a little more clean and clear, but once I upped it to 10.5-11 I may try a little more soon, but I've heard that higher voltages can cause some bad things in juices. I read that in one study article, but I'm not sure how much I trust their methods.


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And they took away everything I like about the SVD1 :(


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After discussing FA Tiramisu with a few folks, I finally decided to give it a try. Since I needed to restock a few other flavors, I made up my list, checked it twice, and placed my order.

And forgot the damned Tiramisu.

It's a good thing Bull City was out of FA white peach; at least I have a valid excuse for another order :rolleyes:


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Uh-oh. Have they become (cue spooky music) 'aware'? :p Or do you work in an Apple store? I don't have an iPhone, never wanted one. I want another Galaxy but not another contract. This 4 year old phone is losing it's stuff.

I like my galaxy S3. It's 2.5 yrs old I think.

Wal-Mart has the s5 for $99 I think. But then not sure what Verizon will charge me to upgrade.

This one is still doing what it's suppose to. I'm not in a hurry to change just yet.

Have never been iPhone fan

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I like my galaxy S3. It's 2.5 yrs old I think.

Wal-Mart has the s5 for $99 I think. But then not sure what Verizon will charge me to upgrade.

This one is still doing what it's suppose to. I'm not in a hurry to change just yet.

Have never been iPhone fan

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I will never own an iPhone.

I don't have a smartphone at all, but if I get one, it will either be Windows or Android.


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I decided I'm going to mix energy drink with zero nic and ry4 as well with zero nic. Then mix a 50/50 unflavored at about 4mg.

I've been vaping 3mg for a while. I can prob vape zero. But then there's some days I still need/want a little nic. This will allow me to add a little when I want or vape my flavors at zero nic too.

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I decided I'm going to mix energy drink with zero nic and ry4 as well with zero nic. Then mix a 50/50 unflavored at about 4mg.

I've been vaping 3mg for a while. I can prob vape zero. But then there's some days I still need/want a little nic. This will allow me to add a little when I want or vape my flavors at zero nic too.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

I've been trying to come up with ways of dropping nic, too. Though on some days I remember that nic can have positive effects on memory, and settle on low-nic.

We're both at 2mg strength right now. If this gets too much, I'll drop it down to 1mg.

Neither one of us minds that we're chain vaping now that we're on such low nic levels.


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... Neither one of us minds that we're chain vaping now that we're on such low nic levels.

My wife is down to 3mg, and I generally use 6mg; the 3mg stuff just doesn't have enough of a hit for me.

I wonder if we're all chain vaping so we can get more nic, or if we're chain vaping because it's become a habit. I think it's the latter, but who knows.


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My wife is down to 3mg, and I generally use 6mg; the 3mg stuff just doesn't have enough of a hit for me.

I wonder if we're all chain vaping so we can get more nic, or if we're chain vaping because it's become a habit. I think it's the latter, but who knows.

I honestly think it's a combination of both. I can go 2-3 hours without any negative effects, but by the time I'm able to vape again, I really want it.

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