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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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Ah life is much better with the ignore feature. I think I have 7 in the iggy bin.

Urh I come bearing a possibly touchy question. At the shop I work at, 90% of the bosses's flavors are mixed a 20% flavoring per bottle. We have 2, and ONLY 2 customers who come in, and INSIST if we don't increase their flavoring to 50% they'll go somewhere that will. To my knowledge, none of the commercial brands out there, are made a 50% strength, the only other shops in the area make their own and most of those are 5-15% in range, or are large name juices that do wholesale to a bunch of stores across the country, so you know the local shop carrying them can't up the % any.

Unfortunately these are 2 of the biggest customers we have, and we don't want to disappoint but holy crap when we explain the need to charge a little extra per bottle they freak out like we tried to kill their kids or something. I don't think $0.50 per bottle for 30mls is too much to ask to have to go do the math to increase % from say 20 -> 25 or 30% - because we can't just take the bottle and add flavoring it'll be way over the ml requirement, and when we have 7 customers in line, 1 of us making juice to have to re-do math on 3-5 bottles of juice all different, every time they come in (its always 1 or 2 standard flavors and 2-3 that they change each week. We're in the process of getting a website put up, but I want this issue sorted before we get that far, and have to figure out a fixed fee for extra flavor, if there is one.



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Member For 5 Years 2x the desired nic level, plus 30ml of PG/VG = twice the juice for no added cost.
Either that or they don't have any taste buds.

Got it.

Now that makes sense.


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Member For 5 Years 2x the desired nic level, plus 30ml of PG/VG = twice the juice for no added cost.
Either that or they don't have any taste buds.
Yeah the latter is most likely. Because ah it was tested one day and there was a ton of business, and the former employee just 'said' she boosted it, and then the customer was THRILLED with the boosted...and so she now asks every time, without even tasting the new formulations.


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Some people just cant get the idea of cost of running a business. Their juice costs more to make so you have to charge more for it. Thats life. Usually people like that throw a fit but come back anyway


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I need a drink.

"I can't get this tank off, I took it to the other shop in town and they used channellock pliers on it and they can't get it off, can you fix it?"
(no **** there I was I've heard this 4 times today). Not at all surprising, we've SEEN the other shop using channellocks to get his own protank off his box mod because...


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My wife is down to 3mg, and I generally use 6mg; the 3mg stuff just doesn't have enough of a hit for me.

I wonder if we're all chain vaping so we can get more nic, or if we're chain vaping because it's become a habit. I think it's the latter, but who knows.

I think for me its habit and I like the flavor(s) don't think my body needs the nic anymore or as much.

I've worked so many years for myself at home. My desk was mainly the only place I chain smoked. Now it's the only place I chain vape.

I'm noticing more I'm not missing it if I leave my mod in the house and I'm outside for a while.

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50% flavor???

I agree. 50?? Do these people have a clue? Maybe they need to change the device they vape with. Or give them a good dose of cinnamon red hot with menthol

5-15% makes more sense to me. Depending on flavor company. Even with FW an occasional 20% mix.

Good luck!

vaping one day at a time


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I think for me its habit and I like the flavor(s) don't think my body needs the nic anymore or as much.

I've worked so many years for myself at home. My desk was mainly the only place I chain smoked. Now it's the only place I chain vape.

I'm noticing more I'm not missing it if I leave my mod in the house and I'm outside for a while.

vaping one day at a time

omg I'm so bad about chain smoking (now vaping) when at the computer or playing video games
I used to sit there and smoke a whole pack!


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I need a drink.

"I can't get this tank off, I took it to the other shop in town and they used channellock pliers on it and they can't get it off, can you fix it?"
(no **** there I was I've heard this 4 times today). Not at all surprising, we've SEEN the other shop using channellocks to get his own protank off his box mod because...

uh so let me guess because of the pliers the threading was all fucked up??

and the thing was probably stuck because of over-tightening?


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Ah life is much better with the ignore feature. I think I have 7 in the iggy bin.

Urh I come bearing a possibly touchy question. At the shop I work at, 90% of the bosses's flavors are mixed a 20% flavoring per bottle. We have 2, and ONLY 2 customers who come in, and INSIST if we don't increase their flavoring to 50% they'll go somewhere that will. To my knowledge, none of the commercial brands out there, are made a 50% strength, the only other shops in the area make their own and most of those are 5-15% in range, or are large name juices that do wholesale to a bunch of stores across the country, so you know the local shop carrying them can't up the % any.

Unfortunately these are 2 of the biggest customers we have, and we don't want to disappoint but holy crap when we explain the need to charge a little extra per bottle they freak out like we tried to kill their kids or something. I don't think $0.50 per bottle for 30mls is too much to ask to have to go do the math to increase % from say 20 -> 25 or 30% - because we can't just take the bottle and add flavoring it'll be way over the ml requirement, and when we have 7 customers in line, 1 of us making juice to have to re-do math on 3-5 bottles of juice all different, every time they come in (its always 1 or 2 standard flavors and 2-3 that they change each week. We're in the process of getting a website put up, but I want this issue sorted before we get that far, and have to figure out a fixed fee for extra flavor, if there is one.


most people charge like 50 cents for a flavor shot/boost
at least the ones I'm aware of


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Uh-oh. Have they become (cue spooky music) 'aware'? :p Or do you work in an Apple store? I don't have an iPhone, never wanted one. I want another Galaxy but not another contract. This 4 year old phone is losing it's stuff.
I work for sprint thankfully I can see the parking lot


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I have a 14 inch box fan across the room pointed in my direction. I have a remote control on/off button next to my monitor...
(Can you say lazy?)
No, I'd say you're doin it right! I have a remote tower fan. Love that thing!

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.


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Work has a total of 7 ceiling fans, no it wasn't originally designed to be a vape shop. I have no idea what was there before us, but there are days even with the 4 main fans in the customer area going, and the door to the juice room closed, that I'll still find a foggy difference leaving the juice room to stock shelves, and be like..."Here Nessie! Come here girl." Much to the confused looks of the customers, who have no idea what my mad scientist self is babbling about.


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uh so let me guess because of the pliers the threading was all fucked up??

and the thing was probably stuck because of over-tightening?
Actually in the case of needing the pliers I was surprised when I got it was a proprietary threaded battery. It wasn't really anything anyone did wrong, its just one of those truck-stop batteries that has to be slightly different so you can only use THEIR crappy CE4 tanks. Normally when they're that tight I expect a pond of juice in the battery top. It was spotless. I was like "how the hell did wait I don't want to know."

His dad ended up getting a kit for his mom, and a new battery & tank for him - so it was the equivalent of them getting a double starter kit. The 'kid' is 21, he shows his ID every time he comes in though he looks like one of my cousins who is 23 and I swear he's still 14 so he knows I ID, he's brought in friends to get starter kits and every single one shows ID and are all usually really informed, educated, and not screwing up their gear.

Its the old woman who has her brother fill her tanks for her who comes in swearing loudly every week that 'this fucking dumb shit is leaking everywhere' - she calls first and swears up a storm and the last time she called I asked politely "can you bring your brother in with you so I can show him how to properly maintain your gear?" She oddly enough complied. He came in and I again had to use tools to get the stuff apart. The tanks had dents in the bases from so much overtightening, the tanks themselves were cracked - likely because he used pliers and just squeezed on them. That was the leaking issue. She bought an all new kit, and I showed him how to fill, clean, and maintain her gear. Had him show me how far he was to tighten the tank to the battery, and the tank base to the base. "Its not a lugnut, you don't need to hold a building up with the device, super tight is bad." (Glaring at his sister) "You told me I had to tighten it further so it didn't leak...its your fault I wasn't doing it right." He's since become a regular customer himself and I no longer have to deal with his sister. LOL


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I should probably put this in the cat photos thread but here works since it vaguely concerns vaping...

Most know I do cat rescue. I work part-time at a local vape shop (entirely unrelated to cat rescue), but last week I was challenged by customers being heartless and cruel toward the animal I dedicate most of my free time to. It took everything I had after a long day to not just snap at the customer(s) because they'd stood in the shop, proud as all get out of their abandonment of the cat they'd gotten a few months ago. They'd rescued an area stray, took it in, fed it, cared for it for a few weeks, and then it had one, ONE accident outside the litterbox. They told the tale of immediately scooping the cat up, and driving 20 miles out of town and dumping the cat in a nearby cornfield, far from any homes or people. Proud it would have to fend for itself.

I tried every deep breathing trick I knew of. I still wanted to snap, "How could you?!?" It took me 20 minutes while they hung out in our lounge to get my anger under control. Then I tried education. So I asked, "So when that new puppy you got today poops on the rug, are you going to take it out and abandon it in a field? Would you do the same to one of your grandkids when they have an accident?" The response was priceless.
While they were stammering for a response I loaded a bunch of facebook pages of special needs cats, that I've connected with through my own rescue efforts. So I turned my last hour of work, dead as it was into an education, I showed them Justin Fire Survivor - explaining how he'd been set on fire, and yet his life wasn't thrown into a field to be forgotten. That he now speaks as a testament to what kind of life a cat can have even with horrible injuries. I showed them Mr Magoo - a fully blind kitty, and explained that even cats who are blind can lead normally happy lives, it just takes a little care, from loving humans. And so many more.
I explained that while shelters aren't the ideal option, if they do decide an animal isn't what they were expecting, to just take the animal to a shelter, where it at least has a chance at survival. I also showed them how to find no-kill shelters in the area, and how to contact one should there be issues in the future. That taking an animal to the middle of nowhere and just leaving it, means there's a good chance the animal will be eaten by coyotes, hit by a car, or worse.

I honestly thought all week I would dread this customer group coming in because they would still be gloating over their blatant disregard for an animal's life. When one of the group came in and said "I wanted to apologize for our attitude about the cat thing last week, I've been online learning about what you and other rescues do, and I'm sorry."

I didn't think my talking, my education would kick in, because honestly, in a lot of parts of my job, I can say the same thing every week when the customers come in, and it never sinks in. So I was pleasantly surprised that my education, 30 minutes of my time was listened to, and that it may make a difference in some kitty's life in the future. That little statement, made a big difference in my view of that group, in the future.


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At least they listened instead of being douches about it in the end. Nicely done!

the animal will be eaten by coyotes, hit by a car, or worse..

So what qualifies as worse than being eaten by coyotes?


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At least they listened instead of being douches about it in the end. Nicely done!

So what qualifies as worse than being eaten by coyotes?
Tortured by humans? People are pretty sick
I've heard of dogs being shot, cats being stabbed, set on fire, buried alive....


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Someone in my mom's neighborhood is going around killing cats and the police refused to do anything about it


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That's just F'd up. Do you live in the boonies? I don't see that in Chicago Suburbia very much lol...


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It is sickening on how some folks treat their animals. Around here they just dump them in the industrial park. I have fed a lot of strays/feral cats. I buy a few 20lb bags of high protein kibble for the cats during the winter months (WI).

love the avatar Artemis!

Ima OITNB addict ;)


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I love the show as well. I'm just po'd that they don't have any more episodes
Right now I'm watching "The Strain".

I started watching season 2 again a few nights ago. watched 3rd episode last night
I watched it so quick the first time --- figured I'd start over again LOL!


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I love the show as well. I'm just po'd that they don't have any more episodes
Right now I'm watching "The Strain".
I like the strain even if the the thing flying out of the vapirish things kinda reminds me of Alien and Aliens its a crazy cool show


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Someone in my mom's neighborhood is going around killing cats and the police refused to do anything about it
Cherry report the issue to local animal control. If the immediate county she's in doesn't have or won't touch the issue take it to a nearby county. I talked to an animal control officer at Petsmart on Tuesday, his county of responsibility is the one due south of Indy, which isn't "close" to me at all, but when I talked to him about how our county's AC officer for 3 years said "If you have an animal you don't want on your property, just shoot it, save me the trouble and effort." The gentleman I spoke to said, "Complain to neighboring county authorities. Eventually you'll find a cop/AC officer who actually likes cats, who has some authority and will step up and start getting to the bottom of things and who can pressure other pro-cat people to pressure the local cops who aren't doing diddly to help, to do something."

Its sort of what I did around here, the AC officer and the local "humane society" group was of the same mind "you dont want it, you shoot it, save us the effort," until enough people had heard the same thing, that a little movement started of "take the unwanted, abandoned etc animals into the shelter, MAKE them deal with the issue." Because IN outlawed the gas chamber years ago for pets, they now have to physically personally chemically euthanize any animal they put down. MAKE them deal with the issue. Because they were forced into putting hundreds of pets to sleep, by hand, because there weren't homes for them, they started to change from a 'don't want it, kill it," attitude, to "we only humanely euthanize in worst case scenarios," now. They also have active adoption drives, they take in and house animals for 3-6 weeks or longer, before euthanizing and even then only in cases of the animal being too sick, or aggressive behavior beyond the possible adoptable level. They're actively trying to get a grant from the state to become one of only a few counties where there's an active low-cost spay/neuter program for TNR of feral cats. And to become a pro-feral colony "community cats" cat community.

All because the shelter workers didn't like having to be MADE to deal with the issue. If you're the one working who has to put the otherwise healthy, adoptable animal to sleep because your shelter doesn't have the space, you're going to be much more likely to work as a cat advocate, than you may be otherwise. Especially when your shelter has no choice but to start euthanizing dogs because that population is becoming out of hand too, and if you're pro-dog, but not pro-cat, you'll sort of wake up and see the problem that exists, and hearing from people like me, who have a feral colony, who want nothing more than to be left alone to eat, and lounge outside in peace.


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That's just F'd up. Do you live in the boonies? I don't see that in Chicago Suburbia very much lol...
Rural areas are more likely to see feral colonies, though many exist in inner cities. City located colony caretakers are going to notice faster if there's one or two or more of their colony residents missing. Closer areas are going to see remains of harmed animals faster as well, unless the person(s) harming the cats are being very careful and leaving the remains in trash cans, which is seldom the case.

There's an active animal cruelty "ring" investigation happening in a medium city that technically qualifies as a suburb of Indianapolis. There have been something like 40 cats found tortured, and killed in a few block radius, the bodies all dumped in piles that were really easily located at the end of dead-end streets in the middle of the road. Tis my understanding from local news the case is cold but that every few months more bodies show up. Its not even a case where "being used for food" would make sense because of the state of the bodies, some are burned, some are skinned, alive, some are beheaded...clearly torture not random deaths that were found elsewhere and 'dumped'. I would call the area "city" rather than suburbia or rural, as it happened "downtown"


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Following up on the no nic in my adv flavor. No bueno. Its energy drink from TFA. Evidently the nude nic I use compliments it enough to taste good. So tmwr i'm going to add enough nic to make it about 2mg. Will see what that does. I was making it at 3.

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I'm not sure if I'm ready for no-nic, either. I'm down to 2mg strength now. :)


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I'm not sure if I'm ready for no-nic, either. I'm down to 2mg strength now. :)

I'm going to go with that for now too. :-D

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I tried lowering my nic. I was down to 5mg I thought I was under control but caved one night at work. Yes, smoked a cig. I'm back up to 10-12mg/mL.

On a different note: Has anyone tried the new Capella's tobacco? LOL they say these companies are just food flavorings? Yeah, right!
A link....

There's no reason to force it, if you're not ready for lower nic.

I smoked Ultra Light 100 cigarettes for many years, and even though I chain smoked, I was used to a more constant supply of lower nic (do Ultra Lights have lower nic?).

Now, I chain vape. I only lowered my nicotine when I felt like I was getting an overdose of nicotine. If I hadn't felt that way, I wouldn't have cut my levels.

I didn't follow it in the beginning, but it was suggested to me to have some higher-nic available for when you have those cravings. I had some heart-related health issues when I was smoking, so I just suffered through those cravings (damned if I was going to have another cigarette), but I probably should have had some 24mg juice (I started on 18).

Perhaps you should keep some 18mg, or even 24mg, around for those cravings. Maybe even a tobacco flavor that's closest to what you smoked.

Good luck! :)


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Definitely don't feel bad about having a cig. It happens..

I have been thinking about upping my nicotine a bit too. I am down to 12-14mg and doing ok but I have noticed cravings hitting me more. I don't care really about the nicotine so next mix (later tonight)I'm going back to 16mg.

I have not tried Capella's tobacco. If you do, let us know what you think.


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There's no reason to force it, if you're not ready for lower nic.

I smoked Ultra Light 100 cigarettes for many years, and even though I chain smoked, I was used to a more constant supply of lower nic (do Ultra Lights have lower nic?).
No, ultralights have less flavor but not less nic, and occasionally less tar though .00xmg - 0.0ymg tar difference isn't really a huge 'savings' in my opinion. (but I admit I don't get that as much as some may because I never smoked.)


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Yes, I think I will whip up some higher nic for my work weekend. I'm doing a third shift Sat & Sun and most of the employee's smoke. I'm a nurse so I'm trying to stay away from the stinky clothes syndrome.

My mom was in hosp for one night last month. I stayed with her all night. Was nice earlier in the evening to take a walk outSide to vape. But since I was getting woken up every two hours in middle of the night - I visited the private bathroom across the hall.

I am most grateful for no more stinky clothes!

Anyway, I use to vape 42mg/mL when I first started vaping (diy). My neurotransmitters most be whacked out for sure.

Wowserz! I got a few drops of 60mg on my hands last week. That sent me for a loop

I plan on going on a mixing spree again later tonight.

What ya mixing?

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Back in 2011 my hubs had a quintuple bypass surgery. He was in the hospital for 11 days. I was vaping in his room. Of course, when no one else was around I like those private bathrooms. At work the basement is my hideout. During nice weather I will go outside. However, Wisconsin winters are brutal so its the break room or woman's locker room or other hallways that lead no where. No crew is down there after 6pm.

Wow! Hope hubby is doing better these days after that surgery.

My partner was in hospital last Dec. I vaped in her room. It was my breathing treatment ;-) none of the personnel seem to mind.

I'm going to mix another 240mLs of a Inawera classic cigar with..

After running low too many times on my all day vape I now mix at least two 120ml bottles or in a 240ml.

I know I need to mix a few more sweets for her but have no clue until I start. .

I've been tinkering with French vanilla and cheesecake Graham crust mix. a good start for a sweet mix


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Time is flying, and yet standing still.

Tonight at 10pm will be five months since I had my last cigarette. It feels like I just started, but it also feels like I've been doing this forever.


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Don't know if this is any good or not, but here is one for Strawberry Champagne.

Hey @InMyImage, I just wanted to let you know that I mixed up the Strawberry Champagne tonight and got great results! I mixed it to the exact recipe flavor percentages (2% TFA Blackcurrent, 5% TFA Champagne, and 8% TFA Ripe Strawberry) and received great reviews from a coworker that requested the mix. For my tastes, I might play around with it and try 7% Champagne and 6% Ripe Strawberry just to mellow the strawberry. However, I haven't steeped yet and am dripping right after mixing. It might mellow after sitting on the shelf for a day or two. However, I just wanted to thank you for the suggestion.


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Hey @InMyImage, I just wanted to let you know that I mixed up the Strawberry Champagne tonight and got great results! I mixed it to the exact recipe flavor percentages (2% TFA Blackcurrent, 5% TFA Champagne, and 8% TFA Ripe Strawberry) and received great reviews from a coworker that requested the mix. For my tastes, I might play around with it and try 7% Champagne and 6% Ripe Strawberry just to mellow the strawberry. However, I haven't steeped yet and am dripping right after mixing. It might mellow after sitting on the shelf for a day or two. However, I just wanted to thank you for the suggestion.
No problem, glad it worked for you. Enjoy!


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Two things...

Maybe I missed it, but where's RocketPuppy been? :(

I'm just waiting for my larger syringes to arrive, then I'll be mixing up my ADV in a larger quantity (two weeks-worth, rather than just three or four days) amd an adjusted version of @HeadInClouds' Lemon Meringue Pie with TFA Citrus Punch rather than FA Lemon Sicily, along with a couple of other minor changes.


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Hi there. :)

To all: If anyone knows what happened to @RocketPuppy, would you mind PM'ing me? I miss her around here. She was a knowledge repository!

Other than that, I mixed up my altered HIC Sweet Lemon Meringue Pie today. So close I it! I think I'll remove the FA Custard and FA Vienna Cream and add some FA Fresh Cream and FA Vanilla Classic. Maybe a touch more FA Meringue and half the FA Apple Pie. I was never a fan of the crust in pie, anyway. Fillings! ;)

I'll do that tonight before our show.

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