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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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There was news that I moved? That's crazy. I had no idea. Hiya!!!

Needed a sabbatical (a few months) from playtime to focus on work. Yuck! I'm back till Sunday then gone but back mid December for a few weeks. =)


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There was news that I moved? That's crazy. I had no idea. Hiya!!!

Needed a sabbatical (a few months) from playtime to focus on work. Yuck! I'm back till Sunday then gone but back mid December for a few weeks. =)

Hey RP. :-D
Good to see You stopped in!


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@Huckleberried , @RocketPuppy , Really gald to talk to ya'll again! And Huck, I do skim the threads still to keep informed, but just haven't had the time to partisipate. However, I'll start making just enough time to respond because the folks here are WORTH it! Thaks for keeping the light on!
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Oh, I like that!

My holiday shopping... blech! I hate holiday shopping. Shopping in general. Sorry to sound all scroogey. I have a few things to get, still. Some people are just difficult to buy for!

I'm the same way. Really dont like shopping. and have narrowed it down to very few people.
nephews baby shower tmwr. = 1 gift
grab bag xmas exchange with family next week = 1 gift

After paying bills that might be it! LOL


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I don't like shopping either! Most things were purchased right here on the webs. Malls give me hives or something. lol I know what you mean about the difficult people. Son #2 is hard to buy for. But they all say the same thing about me. One year they gave me vouchers for stuff like cleaning gutters, raking leaves, etc. Best gift evah.


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My mom gave us two new toilet bowls. They are sitting in brand new bOXes in spare room. We picked them up about 4 days ago. Need to find time to install. Told her thanks for shitty gift!


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:) Don't feel too bad. My dh bought me a Outdoor grill for our 10th wedding anniversary. Yeah, a memory I shall cherish. From that day forward I told him I would buy presents for myself. It's easier and no disappointment is ever noted. He did buy me a fancy toilet plunger as a gift. I have no idea why.

Edit: I have bought nothing for the Christmas holiday. We use to exchange the same gift cards. We decided to not buy presents and buy stuff when we needed it.

I like Christmas sales. This year I'm thrifty. I'm not getting too many PRN hours as work.

I learned quick after buying a small kitchen appliance for my partner as an anniversary gift. LOL!


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We do same as Artemis. Buy stuff for each other thru yr when needed.

I'm thrilled about the toilets. My house is almost 30yrs old with originals.


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I'm in a same sex relationship but think like a dude sometimes. If I'm not sure I'll ask a friend. Even after 19 yrs I still look like a deer in the headLights sometimes.
I think everybody gets that look once in awhile. lol Keep seeing all these commercials for idiotic tools and I'm thinking someone who has no idea what else to get is buying these things.
All I have left is to pick up 3 mugs...I think that's all that's left. Oh and wrapping paper! I always forget the wrapping paper.


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What's with the women in this thread. I'm allergic to shopping. SO and I give each other socks...not Costco socks. Cool socks. Him doing the dishes or taking the dogs for a walk is like the greatest gifts ever!


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I don't know what's up with y'all, but I love shopping. :p

I LOVE getting stuff for my hubby!

We don't usually get romantic stuff, instead we get all the geeky stuff we both enjoy. :)

This year, I bought him a 24" HD monitor for his computer. He's a graphics person that's been dealing with an old 22", non-HD monitor for too long now. He loves it! :)

Oh, and we can never wait until the day to give each other our prezzies. LOL.


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*** Early Morning in DIYland:

I have the flavors I ordered in ecigexpress's sale now, but I haven't been able to get myself to do anything with them, yet. I'd love to mix up some Samoas or Double Rainbow, but I'm having a hard time getting motivated. :(

Hell, I haven't even transferred those new flavors to glass, yet!

I did, however, build a new coil and added my new ReadyxWick, and so far, so good. I don't taste cotton, anymore, but I am getting a totally different flavor-profile from my ADV now. I can't say it's good or bad, just...different. Hard to explain.


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Ah, then I'm not so different. I prefer online shopping, but will do either. :)


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Oh, online shopping is a whole different animal! I can do that. :) I just don't like holiday crowds. Not at all. It's too evil out there. People pushing, fussing, busy-ness.... tired cranky store employes, but why wouldn't they be? None of that speaks holiday spirit or Christmas to me.

Aside from all that, no, I still don't like shopping, lol.


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Hello mr. Chowder and all!
Hey @ClaireW! I noticed that you have the same adversion to shopping as I do. So here's the question, "If you HAD to go shopping, lets say for your partner's Christmas gifts, do you (or I in this case...) wait till Christmas Eve (and reafirm that shopping is an unholly, God foresaken sport that only the insane could admire), or just go with gift cards and hope for the best???"


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Hey @ClaireW! I noticed that you have the same adversion to shopping as I do. So here's the question, "If you HAD to go shopping, lets say for your partner's Christmas gifts, do you (or I in this case...) wait till Christmas Eve (and reafirm that shopping is an unholly, God foresaken sport that only the insane could admire), or just go with gift cards and hope for the best???"
Probably depends on your relationship, the partners interests and if you want to shop at the grocery store or an actual store ;) not that a grocery store is any less of a battle this time of year...

Also, love your avatar!


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Hey @ClaireW! I noticed that you have the same adversion to shopping as I do. So here's the question, "If you HAD to go shopping, lets say for your partner's Christmas gifts, do you (or I in this case...) wait till Christmas Eve (and reafirm that shopping is an unholly, God foresaken sport that only the insane could admire), or just go with gift cards and hope for the best???"

Here's my plan of attack. Go to mall. Find romantic greeting card and sometimes a silly one. Then I think last year I got a nice bottle of perfume. Some fun socks. I think a book she wanted and then a few gift cards. That kept my time to a minimum at the mall. Plus I didn't wander aimlessly too much.

I wrappped the gift cards in bigger boxes so it wasn't as obvious and a little more fun to open.

One yr I paid her daughter to shop.

Good luck!

I haven't gone to mall yet. I might thIs Saturday.


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A friend and his wife create boards on Pinterest with stuff they like. Sort of like a wish lIst. They both get what they want and takes the guessing out of it for the spouse like me who is clueless and hates the mall.


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A friend and his wife create boards on Pinterest with stuff they like. Sort of like a wish lIst. They both get what they want and takes the guessing out of it for the spouse like me who is clueless and hates the mall.
That's awesome. I just can't picture either of us making Pinterest boards.


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Ugh holiday shopping is 10x worse than the normal agony that is a mall trip. I still have so much to do. Won't lie, I purposely wait until the last week... Not Christmas Eve, but damn close.
I wanted to do my normal liquor store holiday run tonight after cooking dinner but opted for a diy instead.
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Probably depends on your relationship, the partners interests and if you want to shop at the grocery store or an actual store ;) not that a grocery store is any less of a battle this time of year...

Also, love your avatar!
GREAT IDEA! Snickers, a US and Enquirer magazine, and a pack of gum it is! Why go through all the isles and headaches associated with actual shopping anyways? HOPE THIS WORKS! :p:rolleyes:


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I guess we're off the hook for holiday shopping this year. We've already purchased everything for each other, but I have a feeling my parents would kill us if we spent our money on presents for them this year, what with hubby being out of work for so long and still trying to catch up. That, and my brother moved far away from us this year, so we won't be seeing him until spring sometime, anyway. We only ever bought each other gift cards, anyway.

Hubs already has his gifts, and I'll have mine Friday. christmas day is all about sharing time with our families, not gifts. Why put pressure on ourselves?

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