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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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I'm thinking more and more that I need a smartphone. Not as a phone. I hardly use a cell phone. No, it would be for the apps. Especially our home security.

Damn technology. I remember when a phone was attached to the wall in our kitchen.


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I'm thinking more and more that I need a smartphone. Not as a phone. I hardly use a cell phone. No, it would be for the apps. Especially our home security.

Damn technology. I remember when a phone was attached to the wall in our kitchen.
And the cord always looked like this:



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I guess we're off the hook for holiday shopping this year. We've already purchased everything for each other, but I have a feeling my parents would kill us if we spent our money on presents for them this year, what with hubby being out of work for so long and still trying to catch up. That, and my brother moved far away from us this year, so we won't be seeing him until spring sometime, anyway. We only ever bought each other gift cards, anyway.

Hubs already has his gifts, and I'll have mine Friday. christmas day is all about sharing time with our families, not gifts. Why put pressure on ourselves?
That my dear can be summed up in just a short quote, "If Momma ain't happy, the NOOOOOOOOBODY'S happy!" My Wife of over 20 years toils ever year to make the Christmas season happy and joyous for everybody else around her. However, I only have one responsibility; to ensure her is just as good, if not better than what she makes ours. She might not ever place herself on a pedistle, but isn't that my job to do so??


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Any late nighters playing tonight?


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How about yourself @ClaireW? What's got you burning the midnight oil?


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How about yourself @ClaireW? What's got you burning the midnight oil?

Was out food shopping late last night. Had planned to cook a few small goodies for a friends party at their work place tonight but other half got called into work today. Now we're going to eat a big ass crock pot full of meatballs tonight!


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Oh. The cup of coffee I drank at 10p last night when we got back from food store might had been why I was awake till 2am :-/


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Sorry to hear the other half got called away, but I will always offer my assistance in eating that "big ass crock pot of meatballs"! Seems like I'm usually the oly one around from 2-6 am on the threads. Always gald to be up late with somebody else!


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Chowder you're welcome anytime to Come eat! My partner still cooks like there's a Bunch of kids still in the house.

She'll take the work when she gets it. The mom and pop store she works for will slow down after first of the year she'll be looking for work.


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Finally got off my lazy ass and made a few bottles! Like how the peach tea came out after shakes and a hot bath, was expecting it to be extremely grassy as the original bottle reeked of it. Need to order more bottles and clean out the old ones!
Cap Chocolate Glazed Doughnut
TFA Juicy Peach + TFA Green Tea
CAP Sweet Strawberry, Cap Golden Pineapple, TFA Koolada


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Finally got off my lazy ass and made a few bottles! Like how the peach tea came out after shakes and a hot bath, was expecting it to be extremely grassy as the original bottle reeked of it. Need to order more bottles and clean out the old ones!
Cap Chocolate Glazed Doughnut
TFA Juicy Peach + TFA Green Tea
CAP Sweet Strawberry, Cap Golden Pineapple, TFA Koolada
Have you tried FA's White Peach? Hubba hubba


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Oh gosh!!! Is it your bday? Gotta love Heisenberg!


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Thank you for bday wishes!

Huck. Yes. I think a mother in FL made a big stink about it saying it shouldn't be in toy stores. Not sure if it got pulled from the shelves there or what?

Imo. If your kid is that young they shouldn't know who Walter white is anyway.


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FA espresso rocks! I started with NF's Kona, but it was a bit reminiscent of something unappealing. I find the FA espresso is very true to its description.


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@ClaireW, I'm so sorry I missed your birthday! Happy belated!


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I'll send you mine. Pm me if interested.
Thanks but ordered a small bottle to try it.
EXC has the best pricing for 30ml of FA espresso I have seen, if I would have had mo money I would have picked up a larger bottle.
I ordered it since it is vg based and I have raging tinnitus so I was trying to find something to limit the pg in my mixes.


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Thanks but ordered a small bottle to try it.
EXC has the best pricing for 30ml of FA espresso I have seen, if I would have had mo money I would have picked up a larger bottle.
I ordered it since it is vg based and I have raging tinnitus so I was trying to find something to limit the pg in my mixes.
Oh wow. You find the pg exacerbates it? I would have never thought.


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Oh wow. You find the pg exacerbates it? I would have never thought.

It's amazing all the substances that exacerbate tinnitus. I have about four medications alone that list it as a side-effect.

That, and all the loud concerts I went to as a teen...yeah, my hearing's fudged.


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HIC pointed it out, I asked an ENT he confirmed it.
So I started cutting it when and where I could, it takes a bit to get it out of your system but honestly I got it to a slightly annoying whine instead of a screaming screech.
Wow! That's pretty amazing. Sadly, pg is in so many of our daily products. Does it affect you if you use it externally?


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Happy Birthday Claire! That's an awesome present! Whenever I'm mixing and my son is home, he walks by and asks if I'm mixing up the blue stuff.


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WOOHOO shipping notice from orders.
FA is black currant, latakia and coffee espresso.
NF coffee.

Wire order from temco also.
Since both are close hopefully before xmas but not holding breath.

Need to order mom's afc for her protank.


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I didn't even know they made an afc for protanks. I'm so out of the loop. Just glad I didn't order one of the Atlantis tanks...I was this >< close.


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Thanks but ordered a small bottle to try it.
EXC has the best pricing for 30ml of FA espresso I have seen, if I would have had mo money I would have picked up a larger bottle.
I ordered it since it is vg based and I have raging tinnitus so I was trying to find something to limit the pg in my mixes.

Hey there, @BigNasty ! Haven't seen you around a while, but the tinnitus comment caught my eye. I'm glad the SCREECH is down to a whine.

I've used all the NF coffees, same reason as you. Their plain "organic coffee" was one I got some good use from. Of course I added all kinds of caramel and creams to it, but even plain, it beats TFA's. I'd put it #2 after FA Espresso in terms of flavor.

Their Kona Cream is one my partner and I used to vape a LOT of. As in mixed at 10%+ and vaped often. I know it has a pretty high load of diacetyl/subs. My partner was hooked on the stuff and developed a nasty cough that went away when I "lost" the bottle. If I used it again, I'd stay under 5% and boost it with some other less creamy flavors. If you add NF Caramel Cream and/or their chocolate flavors, you get Virgin Vapor's Kona Velvet milkshake flavors. It's a lot cheaper to make it yourself!


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Hey there, @BigNasty ! Haven't seen you around a while, but the tinnitus comment caught my eye. I'm glad the SCREECH is down to a whine.

I've used all the NF coffees, same reason as you. Their plain "organic coffee" was one I got some good use from. Of course I added all kinds of caramel and creams to it, but even plain, it beats TFA's. I'd put it #2 after FA Espresso in terms of flavor.

Their Kona Cream is one my partner and I used to vape a LOT of. As in mixed at 10%+ and vaped often. I know it has a pretty high load of diacetyl/subs. My partner was hooked on the stuff and developed a nasty cough that went away when I "lost" the bottle. If I used it again, I'd stay under 5% and boost it with some other less creamy flavors. If you add NF Caramel Cream and/or their chocolate flavors, you get Virgin Vapor's Kona Velvet milkshake flavors. It's a lot cheaper to make it yourself!
Cool good to hear it.
If I can get away with just a hair of PG to boost the coffee with FA then all the better.
I have signature and TFA but they are not even coming near hitting that coffee flavor.


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Another early-morning in DIYLand.

If I can stay conscious for long enough, I'll be mixing HIC's Double Rainbow and putting it in my new blue KFL+2 with its new glass tank. :)

I've been wanting to try this flavor for some time now, but I often lose my confidence in my mixing abilities (or, I get plain lazy). I've also been wanting to put it in on of my Kayfuns instead of in my last Nautilus. The BVCs are good, but nothing I've tried so far beats my RTAs.

This one sounds good enough (and has enough endorsements) that I think I'll dive right in and mix up 100ml of it. I don't do a lot of variety, so even 100ml won't last me all that long. I've been going through a whole lot more juice since rebuilding. I'm honestly not sure if I'm actually taking more draws.


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Oh that recipe looks absolutely splendiferous! Few ingredients short, looks like I have to order more ingredients now.

Been meaning to make a sherbet type vape after ordering 100mls from VapeSquare as a last hurrah of retail. Do tell how everything turns out!


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Shit! I thought I had Lime Cold-Pressed. I have Lime Tahiti. I'm sure there's a huge difference between the two, but it'll have to do...

Other than that, I'll let you know how it is! :)


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Awww. :(

I'm hoping it will still taste good with the wrong Lime. I have all the other flavors (some in abundance!).


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I think it will still be good but you may not get as much of the tart Lime flavor as you might otherwise with the other FA Lime.

Let us know! :)


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FA Meringue is a must have. It's one of my favorites.

Yeah I should have gone ahead and ordered the big bottle as I'm pretty sure I will use it quite a bit. Unfortunately, they didn't have it in stock in the smaller size otherwise I'd already have it. :)


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Yeah I should have gone ahead and ordered the big bottle as I'm pretty sure I will use it quite a bit. Unfortunately, they didn't have it in stock in the smaller size otherwise I'd already have it. :)
Is that you behind the camera?

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