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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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I pm'd her emilie, but no reply :(. I miss her too.

Sent from my stupid iPhone because I don't have an Android.


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Now where is FlowerPots???


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That young lady (FP) is so knowledgeable about DIY. Her diary (on the other site) is still a source of information and inspiration to me. I encouraged her to edit it and publish it as a stand alone reference book.

I cannot see her being banned from either site. There is just no way - in my opinion!!

Somebody needs to track her down and deliver our love to her!!!


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I heard through the grapevine that she has been in the process of moving and is just very very busy. I do not know this for a fact, just something I read somewhere. Hopefully she will return soon.

Edit; talking about Rocket puppy

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I miss reading the antics in this thread. I miss them, too...

So what's everyone up to these days? Big Halloween/holiday plans? What's mixing? How ya doin?


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Passing out candy and then mixing my all day vape because my flavors all on a USPS truck for delivery in an hour or two



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I'm watching Ghost Hunters (it's lame) atm, waiting for Trick or Treaters! It's kinda cool and rainy, so I doubt I have many. More candy for me!


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*Yawn* just waking up here! It felt good to sleep in. :)
Last weekend consisted of cleaning out old juices I knew I wouldn't vape now and bottle washing.

Looks like this weekend I will need to replace some of those empty slots. ;)


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My son got pulled over by the cops tonight.
He will never learn. LOL

That is tooooo cute! Man I only had 3 kids show up. Watched cheesy shows on tv and that's about it. Boyfriend has been sick all week, finally feeling better, but already went to bed. So now, I'm here.


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Where I live is mostly snow birds so I don't get kids here either. :(
With all the crazies out there probably a good thing.

I'm going to mix some new (to me) recipes tonight so I have been combing the recipe section.
So hard to decide!
I'm also trying to get together an order for flavors.
I hate only needing one or 2 from each place!


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We had a total of 7 kids, and 3 were from next door. Lots of candy left, but we did buy stuff that we like!
OMG, I just realized the kids next door were nowhere in sight! LMAO Wow, I must be a really bad neighbor. I am secretly trying to kidnap their dog, though. He's ultra cool and I'd be a better mom to him.


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I obtained a oil change (terrifying) after some computer training in-services at work. I'm going to mix up some recipes later tonight for a friend. I'm long overdue to finish my project.


Artemis! Little dandelion. Lol. You obtained a oil change? Hope it was your car??

vaping one day at a time


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I miss reading the antics in this thread. I miss them, too...

So what's everyone up to these days? Big Halloween/holiday plans? What's mixing? How ya doin?

Huck same here. I been Looking at this thread often. Many times too busy to post while working. Or I just don't want to get side tracked.

My other half usually sits outside with neighbor to give out candy. It rained about 630 - 7ish. Instead we shut off outdoor lights and ate dinner. I don't think anyone knocked.


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After being away in nj for a week - I needed a jump start to get back in the routine. Tues I cleaned and put away clothes = no work. Wed - well I'll just say relationships suck lol!. So that day was wasted. I half assed worked thurs by stalling clients - I should have been a lawyer. Yesterday I was back and made progress. Today I'm going down in office.

I started watching L Word on netflix. When it first came out we would go to a friend's house to watch it. And I'm sure i missed a season in between. It's been so many moons ago since I watched it and only so many times I can watch OITNB till new season comes out.


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I haven't seen any of those. I am not much for tv.

Thanks to the PIF boxes I am starting to get things organized around here.
Got rid of somethings that I know I will no longer use but I probably could let go of a few more.
I'm still holding out for my brother to finally give in to vaping.
If he finally commits, I have the gear to set him up.

Once he is settled I'll probably have one more mod and a couple of drippers to let go.
Then I'll get a stand made for what is left so everything has a spot.
I finally got my juices organized with a couple of nice stands.
Hopefully soon I'll have the flavors easily accessible too.

I never dreamed stopping smoking would lead to this! :rolleyes:


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I'm thinking about a job change. I hate my current employer. Well, not really hate but despise them. I'm trying to find my resume to update and need to copy my license/certificates/cpr cards. I have worked 7 years at this place and it's never going to get better. The job I want is about 4-5 miles from my house. I think I will pursue until I land it.

I just started watching "Suits". I usually will pick out a series to watch late night to help with my insomnia.

What is the L word about? Must have missed that one.

Good luck with job change!

L Word was a Showtime series that started around 2004?

There's a "Real L Word" series that started a couple of years ago. It a reality series also on Showtime. Hoping it will get to netflix.


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I never dreamed stopping smoking would lead to this! :rolleyes:

Yay for getting organized!

The finished room in my basement used to be my office and hang out / tv room. It's now mixing room / office. I added shelves and a table so it took Away from the hang out part of space in the room. Now we have woman cave set up In garage. Lol ;-)


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I'm doing okay sick, I can't even vape right now lol


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Oh that sucks, man. Yeah, my boyfriend has been really sick for a little over a week. Bless your heart, I hope you feel better soon.


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I've been around - reading mostly, and resting trying not to get sick.

I'm going back to being very thankful for the juicemaker job so I can wear a mask all day at work and not have to have an excuse for being gloved while fixing battery issues.

I've made a few new-things at work. One turned out better than I hoped, not what I wanted but awesome anyway. I had a sore throat and sinus issues since making them Saturday so I haven't had the tastebuds to tell if anything else worked out or not.

Pauly Walnuts

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I wish I could wear a mask all day and keep the germs out. I am a bartender and have a kid in elementary school, I have been sick for around a month now in varying degrees. Sore throat, lost my voice, got over it and got a chest infection, got over it and now have a horrible sinus problem. Regardless, Im chuggin along.

Im letting my juices steep till I feel better.


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It's that time of year. I was kinda crappy a couple weekends ago, boyfriend got sick and missed an entire week of work. This past weekend it was me again. Just started feeling a bit more myself today. Wishing everyone well!

Pauly Walnuts

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Havnt missed work, thank goodness. But havent felt great while working either.

Springs coming soon!!! in like 6 months


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Given the incredibly unhygenic fashion most vapers keep their gear in, I'm surprised I haven't been sick from this job before now. "I have bronchitis, let me hand you my spit covered vape that I haven't cleaned once in the 7 months I've had it and frown that you the worker are required to wear hairnet, goggles, gloves & mask to make my juice oh & let me touch every possible surface after wiping my nose with my hand..." I'm not a germophobe but seriously people are pigs...


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Hope everyone here feels better.

I'm glad I don't work with the public anymore. I do carry latex gloves and hand gel.

I still wash the skin off my hands all the time. Wash handles and for knobs in my house in between regular cleaning.

Other half went to get flu shot at local CVS yesterday. The line was do long of sick people waiting to get tested in minute clinIc she left.


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Frawg. Agree so many people are pigs. I used to like buffet restaurant. But for a while now have had no desire to go to one


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did you ever have a part.
wasn't sure what it was for.
but you kept that part in a random corner of the kitchen counter
months later you went to use something & it was missing a part

Ya - that was me today!


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I come seeking advice. I I need a jasmine liquid to make a tea flavored vape for myself. Suggestions? I really don't want to spend $90 on a half oz bottle of jasmine absolute unless its my only option. I do know that a little jasmine would go a long way toward making a large bottle of flavor, I do also know its life expectancy would be 3-4 months per finished bottle. Thoughts?


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I come seeking advice. I I need a jasmine liquid to make a tea flavored vape for myself. Suggestions? I really don't want to spend $90 on a half oz bottle of jasmine absolute unless its my only option. I do know that a little jasmine would go a long way toward making a large bottle of flavor, I do also know its life expectancy would be 3-4 months per finished bottle. Thoughts?
The extracts are crazy expensive! I'm interested in this too but for lavender and chammomile.


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The extracts are crazy expensive! I'm interested in this too but for lavender and chammomile.
We just got the FW Lavender in at work this week. It smells appropriately floral. I'd been given info on making a sage one - using Sage Essential oil - in either Alcohol or pg - with the note I'd have to shake thoroughly before each use but a lot of flavors separate somewhat.

TFA's Key Lime & Absinthe are both Ethyl alcohol dissolved essential oils - this much I know from working with them at work.

I'm betting using straight chamomile wouldn't be prohibitively expensive as it's not as hard to produce as Jasmine absolute is. I was considering getting a lb of food safe (for tea at least) Jasmine flowers and doing my own experiment by soaking some in VG and some PG for a month and seeing if I got enough flavor out of it to produce at least a subtle flavor. A pound of Jasmine flowers dried is about the same as a pound of most other dry herbs (in this case I truly mean herbs) - like Chamomile or lavender.

Your statement on lavender has me thinking I have a new use for the 1lb local grown Melissa Lavender that's more potent for cooking that I need to strip the flowers and bring it to work and see what I can create.


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The extracts are crazy expensive! I'm interested in this too but for lavender and chammomile.
I have to go into the city I hate traveling through today, I think I'll grab a tub of the flowers for Chamomile and for Jasmine and see what I can produce from them.


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Doesn't FA have a Jasmine flavor? I know I've seen it, unless you're looking for an extract only.


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Doesn't FA have a Jasmine flavor? I know I've seen it, unless you're looking for an extract only.
At this point I'm interested in any way to make a jasmine + other flavor(s) vape. Making my own extract, or possibly getting one from Nature's Flavors will happen soon-ish after I talk to a friend who is an expert at making her own extracts/infusions for bath & body purposes - who is giving me information that will help me decide what to do.


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The biggest challenge I find with buying extracts is not the price for the ones I'm interested it, it's having money when they are in stock at the site that was recommended to my by a herbalist I know (actually the wife of someone I know)

Real Extract in Seattle

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I come seeking advice. I I need a jasmine liquid to make a tea flavored vape for myself. Suggestions? I really don't want to spend $90 on a half oz bottle of jasmine absolute unless its my only option. I do know that a little jasmine would go a long way toward making a large bottle of flavor, I do also know its life expectancy would be 3-4 months per finished bottle. Thoughts?
I'm not sure if this would suit your need but I could send you a 30ml Jasmine Tea Extract (Special Order). We use our real leaf extract at a 1X3 strength. We use a silver pearl Jasmine that is very good.


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I'm not sure if this would suit your need but I could send you a 30ml Jasmine Tea Extract (Special Order). We use our real leaf extract at a 1X3 strength. We use a silver pearl Jasmine that is very good.
Just checked out your site after looking at your profile (you need to add a link in your signature) and the teas look good since I like Darjeeling and Earl Grey teas.

However... I like really strong juice flavors which is why I DIY. I find that most retail liquids are just too weak. How strong would you say your tea flavors are?

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