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New Evolv Board and Provari


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Hey, Joe, when they come out is there a way you can sneak a member of the Provarinati to the front of the line? you must know someone ;)

Serious, the day those go on sale its gonna be a shitshow


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Vw provari!! Oh joe you clean out my bank account faster than my wife!! Keep up the great work

VH fan

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I have nothing against Provari , it's solid and holds it's value well but i just can't stand how they look .

You would have better luck getting your hands on the last available pastry at a Rosie O,Donnell all you can eat lunch buffet before i would be seen in public with something shaped like a Provari where my mouth would be in close proximity to the tip.

I'd rather bungee jump with a no stretch rope attached to my genital's but thats just one persons opinion.


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Joe, you usually plug deals; I don't understand why you would be plugging the provari; it's not a feature rich device, it's not a spectacular or useful device, and they are finally catching onto the VW more than a year after the industry did.... and I search in vain to find the words "american made" anywhere on evolv's website, which is provari's big claim, but they don't offer anything over ANYONE else throwing DNA boards into nicely made bodies they make themselves.

My problem with provari is not the device, or even the bizarre apple-like loyalty, it's the margins they have.
I bought a hand-made box mod that has a vamo board and dual 18650s. I know the tin cost him 3 bucks, the vamo board maybe 12, and maybe 15 more for all the connectors, battery trays, passthrough circuitry and wires. and I paid 70 bucks over his 25-30... but this device was hand made, is extremely durable, and has a feature I was hard pressed to find elsewhere; dual 18650s in a trim form factor. A provari passthrough is 65 bucks, and 180 for the device+18650 tube.

This is not a deal. While "american made," it's MUCH more expensive than many similar devices, and even more expensive than many, many one man operations. Yesterday a ton of large box mods were plugged by something curtis on the FB group; however, these had novel features; 2x18650, paired DNA30 AND mech in a SINGLE device; while 200 ish dollars, they offered a MASSIVE swath of features, while also being amazingly well build and very pretty.

The provari is a bad deal, a bad device, and years behind the times. The few things pushed as it's advantages are defeated by tons of other folks, and coming full circle; the margins are insane. I'm sure their cost to build is close to 20-30 bucks. Pretty sure their VV module is proprietary but very likely sourced from a Chinese manufacturer to order. (Not from a USA circuitry manufacturing, because that would eat up too much of the margins, of course!)
These costs are likely very slim because they likely order in huge bulk.
So at what point do we call their costs and overhead too much? I think it's at the point when a plug in passthrough costs 60 bucks.

I know this is a huge rant, but I'd love to see one BIG thing set us apart from ECF: The forum doesn't have an official boner for the Provari.

It's a bad device, and we shouldn't get behind it; we're better than that.


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The provari is the all American device. Like apple pie and it's built to last unlike the Chinese clones that last 6 months or less. When you buy cheap you buy 2 or 3 times. When you buy quality you buy once. As for how it looks and putting your lips on it, come on man are you not comfortable with your sexuality? Are you confused and think that maybe the device will make you go play on the other team? LOL! Atomizers and rba's are shaped like one as well unless your using a square device that we don't know about

Masked Vaper

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The provari is an amazing device.. I have beat mine to hell and back dropped it in a puddle had soda spilt on it and to this day it still works amazingly. I get almost a full days vape with the single 18490, and even when the battery is on its last leg the damn provari still fires like a champ.. Yes the price is a little high but for the mod even if it only goes to 6.0 volts I love it I have never had a bad vape off it so don't trash it. Now yes I will agree wattage is the big thing now and it surprises me provape didn't hop on the trend months ago but still why fix something that ain't broke right?


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I have a hand made box mod. The provari is not american made; the important part, the electronic components, are chinese made. I bought a vamo V2, eventually upgraded to a V5 becuase I wanted the V5 features. I eventually upgraded to a V5 board in a hand made box mod because I wanted to use more batteries.

I don't want to spend 250 dollars to get similar features ONCE, because new features will come out that I WILL WANT.... You know, like variable wattage. I love variable wattage; my 1.2 and 1.4 and 1.6 ohm coils perform nearly identically without me having to tinker with wattage setting.
I also like being able to cram in two batteries.

My device is hand made in america besides the electronics. It cost far less, has a ton more features, and is also warrantied for a year.

My device cost 70 dollars from an extremely nice man who's been exceptionally responsive, and had the device shipped like the lightning.
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Vape Machine

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Perhaps they'll finally address the "old" adage.. "When provape gets VW it can play with the big boys".

Masked Vaper

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But here's the thing I had a vamo v2 and hated the thing. I thought it was the shit till it broke randomly for no damn reason then I realized it was barely a step up from my vv spinners. Then I got a mvp 2 and I loved it till it broke and I finally pulled the trigger on a provari and realized what all the hype was about it might not have all these features like all these Chinese mods do (even though that's like putting leather interior in a car and saying now it runs better) but the provari is consistent, keeps a charge, built literally like a tank, and is easily recognized as one of the most renowned and best PVs you can buy. You pay for quality not everyone understands that concept..


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I agree. I thought it was all hype until my wife bought me one for my bday and I realized it was different. I finally understood the saying: u don't understand until you've held one and vaped it.


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When I decided to move up past ego style batteries, I argued with my 2nd personality for weeks over the possibility of ordering a Provari. Seemed like those that had one loved it. I didn't read a single negative review. The only con was "Your going to pay extra for quality". A month ago I ordered one and instantly felt regret and wondered if I should scramble and try to cancel the order. I did not cancel my order. When it arrived I took it out of the box and held it in my hands like a father holding its newborn. In just a few seconds I went from regret to elation. Simple, compact, well made with buttery threads. I think it spoke to me. Or the other me. Bought another for a friend yesterday at 10 percent off. Love them. I am grateful there are those who don't own one that despise them. Keeps the price lower than it could be.


Vapor's Dream
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I can
Ill just leave this here...

Evolv is coming out with a new board that also controls temperature.

Provape is coming out with a new Provari that goes to 24 watts with an all new display.

This is all confirmed. I do not have pictures at this time. Within 2 months.
believe I missed this somehow! Don't know why but a vw is much more satisfying to me than the voltage! I better start saving my money now!


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Joe, you usually plug deals; I don't understand why you would be plugging the provari; it's not a feature rich device, it's not a spectacular or useful device, and they are finally catching onto the VW more than a year after the industry did.... and I search in vain to find the words "american made" anywhere on evolv's website, which is provari's big claim, but they don't offer anything over ANYONE else throwing DNA boards into nicely made bodies they make themselves.

My problem with provari is not the device, or even the bizarre apple-like loyalty, it's the margins they have.
I bought a hand-made box mod that has a vamo board and dual 18650s. I know the tin cost him 3 bucks, the vamo board maybe 12, and maybe 15 more for all the connectors, battery trays, passthrough circuitry and wires. and I paid 70 bucks over his 25-30... but this device was hand made, is extremely durable, and has a feature I was hard pressed to find elsewhere; dual 18650s in a trim form factor. A provari passthrough is 65 bucks, and 180 for the device+18650 tube.

This is not a deal. While "american made," it's MUCH more expensive than many similar devices, and even more expensive than many, many one man operations. Yesterday a ton of large box mods were plugged by something curtis on the FB group; however, these had novel features; 2x18650, paired DNA30 AND mech in a SINGLE device; while 200 ish dollars, they offered a MASSIVE swath of features, while also being amazingly well build and very pretty.

The provari is a bad deal, a bad device, and years behind the times. The few things pushed as it's advantages are defeated by tons of other folks, and coming full circle; the margins are insane. I'm sure their cost to build is close to 20-30 bucks. Pretty sure their VV module is proprietary but very likely sourced from a Chinese manufacturer to order. (Not from a USA circuitry manufacturing, because that would eat up too much of the margins, of course!)
These costs are likely very slim because they likely order in huge bulk.
So at what point do we call their costs and overhead too much? I think it's at the point when a plug in passthrough costs 60 bucks.

I know this is a huge rant, but I'd love to see one BIG thing set us apart from ECF: The forum doesn't have an official boner for the Provari.

It's a bad device, and we shouldn't get behind it; we're better than that.

I dont just plug deals, I also put out big news in the community. Specially news people dont want anyone to talk about :)
The provari is a bad deal, a bad device, and years behind the times. The few things pushed as it's advantages are defeated by tons of other folks, and coming full circle; the margins are insane. I'm sure their cost to build is close to 20-30 bucks. Pretty sure their VV module is proprietary but very likely sourced from a Chinese manufacturer to order. (Not from a USA circuitry manufacturing, because that would eat up too much of the margins, of course!)
These costs are likely very slim because they likely order in huge bulk.
So at what point do we call their costs and overhead too much? I think it's at the point when a plug in passthrough costs 60 bucks.

I know this is a huge rant, but I'd love to see one BIG thing set us apart from ECF: The forum doesn't have an official boner for the Provari.

It's a bad device, and we shouldn't get behind it; we're better than that.

That's right up there with the dumbest shit I've heard... You have not only done the vaping community and this board a disservice with your post, we are all now stupider just by reading it.


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I do think he has some valid points and provari should read and address his conserns . Because that is how a system gets improved .


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My problem with provari is not the device, or even the bizarre apple-like loyalty, it's the margins they have.

So at what point do we call their costs and overhead too much?

Their costs and overhead? We wouldn't have anything to say about their costs and overhead unless we were shareholders in their company. However, if we wanted to ask how much was too much for a Provari, the answer is simple. When too few are willing to pay the asking price. Supply and demand. Simple stuff really. He has no valid points, but I think someone should forward his concerns to Provape management anyway. Perhaps they will come out with a box mod with the guts of a vamo for 70 bucks that can stack batteries, and ship it like lightning. I guess that is faster than Next Day.


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Yes , yes thay should . And we should buy it . I know i would . Thats why i bought a mukey mod .


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I honestly believe that ProVape's ethics are great, they were most definitely not rushing things within the Vaping Game and took their time to weigh in the options for updating the aging ProVari. If this is true than this device should live as long as Teh Original ProVari if not abused and thrown at Pandas.


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Been waiting to buy this device , but if its going to cost 300$ I will be ticked off . Just my opinion.!!

Let's just hope it's reasonably priced against the competition...cough...IPV 50w Box Mod...just saying.

Knowing me I might just break my #1 Vaping Rule and spend $300 on it!


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I've held off buying a zencote gold Provari for the past few months, knowing the new PV was coming & bought a used mini off of the classies... I just hope the new one comes in the gold, cause I'm camped out, waiting in line!!


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#Realtalk the wattage provari is gonna flop.We are at a market which the interest is for 50 watts plus and they took so long to update and we only get 24 watts gtfo pro vape. i really wanna know more about evolvs chip im really hoping its 150-200 watts because of what joe said about temperature control...maybe just wishfull thinking


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I would like to add my take on this Provari Stuff, I started off vaping with a Provari I now have four and about 50 China mods and out of that 50 20 mods have broke or were not so good to start off with. I love vaping and I love my Provari, s they truly are the ones I trust and have Proven to me 5 years of use on some and work like they always have. I think Provari was wise to wait on the VW Provari they have had a year to put some carefull thought and planning into this and I can hardly wsit to see the V3 Provari.


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But if you had 50 provaris and provari had to supply everyone else with the same 50 could thay keep the same QC ?


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Provape needs to set an example that US companies can make a product that is not so damned expensive it chases away everyone but custom mod builders if they price this thing in the 200's the loyalists will buy but not I the quality continues to increase out of China and no matter how many want to believe that its a US made product yeah maybe put together but the parts made in the US? hmmmm


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I wouldn't see why its not in line with their normal provari prices.

Kevin H.

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Almost as soon as I saw that ProVape was having a 10% off sale (and NOT around a holiday)......I knew that this was how they were going to help "clear out" some stock in order for them to get the V3 ready for sale. I was thinking about buying a Gunmetal ZenKote, and then realized that I can wait a little longer for their NEW updated product. I've got a V2 and a V2.5 already and they are TOUGH, well working devices! If anyone watches Phil Busardo's 2 part video of his visit to the ProVape/ProVari assembly facility, you will see how well that ProVaris are made, and how they take pride in putting out a fantastic vaping device!


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Provape is a professional company who offers benefits and decent wages to employees and the employees are proud of the work they do. Top of the line product made to work 5 years down the line. I wont grab one right off the bat but I'll eventually get one or two.


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I have a hand made box mod. The provari is not american made; the important part, the electronic components, are chinese made. I bought a vamo V2, eventually upgraded to a V5 becuase I wanted the V5 features. I eventually upgraded to a V5 board in a hand made box mod because I wanted to use more batteries.

I don't want to spend 250 dollars to get similar features ONCE, because new features will come out that I WILL WANT.... You know, like variable wattage. I love variable wattage; my 1.2 and 1.4 and 1.6 ohm coils perform nearly identically without me having to tinker with wattage setting.
I also like being able to cram in two batteries.

My device is hand made in america besides the electronics. It cost far less, has a ton more features, and is also warrantied for a year.

My device cost 70 dollars from an extremely nice man who's been exceptionally responsive, and had the device shipped like the lightning.
I beg to differ regarding the Provari being "American Made" or not. I would ask you to watch the 2 part video that Pbusardo did on their Manufacturing process and I think you would change how you feel, at least with regard to your American made comments. It's as American Made as is possible and they go way further than most to make sure that every possible part they use is Made and Manufactured in America. Say what you will about the design and whether or not you like it, thats certainly a personal choice but do your research before you start slamming them on things that are not correct.

Im The Doctor

Member For 4 Years
Joe, you usually plug deals; I don't understand why you would be plugging the provari; it's not a feature rich device, it's not a spectacular or useful device, and they are finally catching onto the VW more than a year after the industry did.... and I search in vain to find the words "american made" anywhere on evolv's website, which is provari's big claim, but they don't offer anything over ANYONE else throwing DNA boards into nicely made bodies they make themselves.

My problem with provari is not the device, or even the bizarre apple-like loyalty, it's the margins they have.
I bought a hand-made box mod that has a vamo board and dual 18650s. I know the tin cost him 3 bucks, the vamo board maybe 12, and maybe 15 more for all the connectors, battery trays, passthrough circuitry and wires. and I paid 70 bucks over his 25-30... but this device was hand made, is extremely durable, and has a feature I was hard pressed to find elsewhere; dual 18650s in a trim form factor. A provari passthrough is 65 bucks, and 180 for the device+18650 tube.

This is not a deal. While "american made," it's MUCH more expensive than many similar devices, and even more expensive than many, many one man operations. Yesterday a ton of large box mods were plugged by something curtis on the FB group; however, these had novel features; 2x18650, paired DNA30 AND mech in a SINGLE device; while 200 ish dollars, they offered a MASSIVE swath of features, while also being amazingly well build and very pretty.

The provari is a bad deal, a bad device, and years behind the times. The few things pushed as it's advantages are defeated by tons of other folks, and coming full circle; the margins are insane. I'm sure their cost to build is close to 20-30 bucks. Pretty sure their VV module is proprietary but very likely sourced from a Chinese manufacturer to order. (Not from a USA circuitry manufacturing, because that would eat up too much of the margins, of course!)
These costs are likely very slim because they likely order in huge bulk.
So at what point do we call their costs and overhead too much? I think it's at the point when a plug in passthrough costs 60 bucks.

I know this is a huge rant, but I'd love to see one BIG thing set us apart from ECF: The forum doesn't have an official boner for the Provari.

It's a bad device, and we shouldn't get behind it; we're better than that.

Welcome to the Underground Jon Snow


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He didn't do his homework, go easy on him.


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The Provari is a workhorse plain and simple. It is built to last and do what it needs to do without fail. In the event you do have an issue you have a company that you can call and get it resolved. I used to scoff at the price. Then after having my first Chinese mod failure after just 6 weeks I did the math. Taking the probability that most Chinese mods will not last for the long haul do I want to pay $40 - $60 every 6 months or spend $150 up front for something that will last years down the line. The answer was pretty easy.


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Too many broken Chineese mods in this household.
Too many friends with broken brand new 50.00 to 300.00 latest and greatest Mods.

I'm disapointed in hearing about the 24 watt limit (although I never go above 11 watts).....I will probably also still use it in VV mode, but I will probably have one on order the week it comes out if I like the look and the top cap needs no silly ring....

Mine have been workhorses. The only AP Mod sold anywhere that I would (and do) take with me with no back up.


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Wow didn't take long to get people bashing the provari and then the loyal provari uses jump to defend it, thought I was on ECF for a moment :p

I had a provari for 2 months and then sold it, not because it was bad, I wanted one for so long, but then I got one and not long after I got into mechanical mods, so was building lower builds, which the provari couldn't handle, so stopped getting use, I think if want a solid VV device, I think the smart move is the provari, but if want more then the provari isn't for you.

I do think with all the 30+ watt devices hitting the market, the provari is going to lose out, yes 24watts is enough for most people, but people also always want more, think a lot of people will be complaining it only goes to 24watts, even though they have been complaining there was no VW before, will never keep everyone happy.

Also I might of sold my provari after 2 months, but lost very little money on it, provari's do hold their value well ;)

cyrus vap

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24 watts is such a strange number given what's around these days...I was really hoping for a bit more


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ProVape is a Professional Company and I couldn't see them releasing a 30w-200w device simply to please Cloud Chasers. I believe ProVape chose 24w based on the safety protocol and the fact that not everyone truly needs more than 24w to enjoy their vaping experience.

This is all my own opinion based on following them since the beginning.

Im The Doctor

Member For 4 Years
ProVape is a Professional Company and I couldn't see them releasing a 30w-200w device simply to please Cloud Chasers. I believe ProVape chose 24w based on the safety protocol and the fact that not everyone truly needs more than 24w to enjoy their vaping experience.

This is all my own opinion based on following them since the beginning.

I think that's probably spot on. Knowing that 24w will more than meet most peoples needs is probably what they were going for. Once you start chasing the chasers, you never stop. My thinking is they want something not for the small percentage of vapers that would use 50-100w but for the masses that use 15 or less.


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It is called target marketing. If you can't identify your target audience, you are going to fail. Innokin is going to put a 20 watt Evolve board in a product. These companies are doing their homework, understand marketing and their client base. They know that the vast majority of vapors have no need for higher power devices. Demanding these companies come out with super watt devices is akin to asking GM to get with the times and make a off road corvette with seating for 5. They are trying to nab the vast majority of the people out there still smoking, and there are hundreds of millions of them. You are more likely to get smokers to quit by having them try a high quality 20-24 watt device with a higher ohm atomizer than a 50-100 watt device with a .2 ohm atty build. If or when these devices no longer work for your style of vaping, move on.
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Provape build quality + 24 watts + excellent customer service + Made In The USA = I'm buying one. I already have two provaris and they are the only ones that didn't crap out on me. All the China devices I have bought have all died within a year and now my Seven 22 button is failing. So now I'm again using good ole reliable Provari


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It is called target marketing. If you can't identify your target audience, you are going to fail. Innokin is going to put a 20 watt Evolve board in a product. These companies are doing their homework, understand marketing and their client base. They know that the vast majority of vapors have no need for higher power devices. Demanding these companies come out with super watt devices is akin to asking GM to get with the times and make a off road corvette with seating for 5. They are trying to nab the vast majority of the people out there still smoking, and their are hundreds of millions of them. You are more likely to get smokers to quite by having them try a high quality 20-24 watt device with a higher ohm atomizer than a 50-100 watt device with a .2 ohm atty build. If these devices won't work for your style of vaping, move on.

I concur!


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Well, its not for everyone but I feel I got every pennys worth out of mine. Cant wait to get my hands on a v3


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Evolv needs to figure out how to give more daily hours to the life of their Opus before even thinking about other silly 'upgrades'. A half-day just isn't cutting it.


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Now I'm postponing my birthday which is at the end of August. My birthday present will come when I'm holding my new ProVari in my hand.


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At least a ProVari isn't a "disposable" like most of the devices coming out of China. My ProVari's have never failed to function and the only time I've ever had to send mine back to ProVape was for an upgrade. For $20, they upgraded the board, cleaned the contacts and replaced the plastic window. Try that with a Vamo! We'll just have to wait and see what the P3 has to offer.


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At least a ProVari isn't a "disposable" like most of the devices coming out of China. My ProVari's have never failed to function and the only time I've ever had to send mine back to ProVape was for an upgrade. For $20, they upgraded the board, cleaned the contacts and replaced the plastic window. Try that with a Vamo! We'll just have to wait and see what the P3 has to offer.

See I like hearing things like this, as this will be my first Provari and I am dying to get the V3!!!


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Production of the DNA boards is not why people have to stalk websites, it's the production of the PV's themselves by device manufacturers. Evolv has nothing to do with this.

Actually, our company has made a few 22mm DNA30 tube mods. When we bought the boards about 8 months ago from Evolv anyone could buy 1 board or 100 boards on Evolv's website. Now you can't. Of course it took over a month to get the 10 we ordered. I have seen a lot of people put a great amount of faith in evolv as they were the first to really push the wattage up. But there is a new player now who is making Evolv look like child's play with 50-100 watt boards in mass quantity. The SX350 and SX330 chips look extremely impressive to me. I have a Seven 22 with the SX220 and it works flawlessly everyday. (so far)

CV :)
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