I am so over it. I was excited over a squonk mod that has a chip I already know, and enjoy how its working, still its only amazing in wattage mode and has its tc issues, just like nearly every other mod. I bought the gbox a while back and while people want to workship that device on a daily basis, for me personally its not a great device. I however liked the above 100 watt option, I don't need 200 but whatever fine if its included. That was one thing I did not like that the VV is set at 80 but was more than willing to get it because of the chip.
but after seeing the price and the drama of 30ml bottles being included, then not included, then saying that webpages that were offering these as pre orders are not legit, which is logical since these vendors were advertising it as low as $38 all the way to $55 with the bottles, while the "authorized" vv vendors started right at $65 to even being ridiculous at $85. You can get a pretty decent DNA device at that price, or even a device that is equal or better than the gene chip, without having to pay for extra colors/bottles/battery compartment sleeves/RDA and whatever else.
Right off the bat tho, and I'm not saying x copied y or vice versa, and even giving the man the benefits of doubt and going by his statement of using the same resin manufacturer, excuse me but could have picked other non released resin mixes. Lets say green and pink, black and purple, blue and white or any combination, as well as sticking with the current different available panels from the pulse bf, just modifying it to the new. But no we aimed right at the most popular voopoo drag resins Azure, Rainbow and purple jade, not even bothering to give it a more creative touch or even name.
All this bs is not necessary, could have been professional about it, saying hey guys our collaboration didn't work out the mod will be delayed and then give a professional statement that makes sense, why the chip had been changed. I do have sympathy but at the end of the day, I have sympathy with people that are affected by real life tragic not somebody that has to change a chip during a release of a vape mod. It happens in any business on a daily basis, that adjustments need to be made, not everyone gets a nervous breakdown over it and records a video about it. Sorry but that is/was unprofessional and reflects badly on the company or the "designer"
Than trashing a other company that dares to use their own chip for the upcoming projects, like really? Did voopoo agree of vv buying them out, or did they sign an agreement of outsourcing the chip and not using it anymore after this? it doesn't even matter who's at fault, this whole internet drama including boycott, videos is not professional in any way. Its a problem both companies need to work out and not us, we have nothing to do with it and never will. I'm not going to boycott or harass any side (vv or VP) when buying a mod or Atty I go by what works and gives me the best experience. Will it be voopoo, vandy vape, joyetech, lost vape, wismec, asmodus etc, who knows but that's up to me to decide, not somebody trying to tell me that.