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Next Generation MTL tanks Part 2


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Word of caution one the Phenomenon, the deck is really small, about a 28g would be the thickest wire I'd use.....but me, being me, I'll probably try a clapton at least.
I wouldn't expect anything less


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I've pre-ordered the Goblin mini v3, definitely will be here by Christmas. ....I hope, if not, it's a nice Valentine's gift.


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I've pre-ordered the Goblin mini v3, definitely will be here by Christmas. ....I hope, if not, it's a nice Valentine's gift.
I think I'm going to have to try that one as well. May not preorder though. Wait a (very)little while after release


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LOL, after all, I did put a 36gx40g clapton in the nautilus rba, and that little s#!t is about half the diameter of the Phenomenon.


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LOL, after all, I did put a 36gx40g clapton in the nautilus rba, and that little s#!t is about half the diameter of the Phenomenon.
I had forgotten all about those! I'm trying to convince the wife to start trying different tank but she don't want to. She's still on her first nautilus mini! Almost a year ago now since we started!


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I had forgotten all about those! I'm trying to convince the wife to start trying different tank but she don't want to. She's still on her first nautilus mini! Almost a year ago now since we started!
IMO the Nautilus is the best clearo of them all


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FT offered me a refund one a sxk kayfun mini- they ran out - so I opted to get the gob miniv3, I figured it will get here sometime before Christmas either way.


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@CDroverNL, if you can't get a phenomenon lite the calix v2 is very comparable... BB prefers the phenomenon but I lean towards the calix...both great tanks


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I believe you're right, I felt the goblin mini was better.
I didn't try V2 but the first was great...minus the little bit of seepage! It will always hold a special place in my heart though. It was my first rebuildable...thanks to you! It's all your fault! Hahahahaha


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It's good, there's no doubt. For me now though it's just too tight and not enough vapor. I've been feeling lately that I'm going more for the DL! SOMEONE SAVE ME! Lol doubt... I rarely use it myself because I love making my own coils but what a great device for many and especially for those getting off the stinkies


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If you feel the need to create your own weather front while enjoying great flavor, the Alleria is in your future. 5 wraps 2.5mm ID, 28gx2 wrapped in 36g all SS wire. I'm finding new nuances of flavor in my adv juice. The same juice I've been vaping for more than one year.


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Member For 2 Years doubt... I rarely use it myself because I love making my own coils but what a great device for many and especially for those getting off the stinkies
It's probably the best for new vapers out of everything. That's mainly the reason I'm not really pushing the issue with the wife, she still craves a cigarette but I tries my hardest to keep her away.


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It's probably the best for new vapers out of everything. That's mainly the reason I'm not really pushing the issue with the wife, she still craves a cigarette but I tries my hardest to keep her away.
Exactly... same reason I gave one to my son. it's a great lil simple tank w great flavor


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I've heard but also that the coils have a very short life span... when I do a Clapton coil (rare) I slap it in my kayfun v3 monster... it's a DL beast and a solid leak proof tank
I tried the triton claptons in my nautilus when we went to Mexico and I went through almost a full pack in 7 days. There's 2 left out of 5. I wasn't impressed at all. The vape was great but you need a coil factory behind you. Though with that said, huck has had great success with them.

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anyone with any avocado experience?
would love some opinions on it.


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Does she use 12 mg nicotine? I have 3 bottles of juice -doughnuts and blueberry I'm not going to use.


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I mtl for many reasons one of the top being juice consumption... DL goes through juice way too fast for my liking.

But that's me and I know not everyone feels the same or has the same reasons.


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Does she use 12 mg nicotine? I have 3 bottles of juice -doughnuts and blueberry I'm not going to use.
She does actually. Another thing I've been trying to do is get her down a level or two but she can't seem to stay there. I'm not concerned tho, nic is nothing compared to all the rest of the stuff in the analogs.


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I mtl for many reasons one of the top being juice consumption... DL goes through juice way too fast for my liking.

But that's me and I know not everyone feels the same or has the same reasons.
I've been MTL all along but lately more DL. I find when I'm not working I fill my Bachelor probably 3-4 times a day but when I'm working I fill my hurricane every day and a half. I hear where your comming from on juice consumption.


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How are the gs tanks? There's a guy around me always selling a mod convo with them. It's only a 40w istick but still now bad for $60

It's a great tank but I struggle with consistency with the coils. Some coils are fantastic and have great flavour, some have a tighter draw than others and quite a few times I get coils that are just plain junk. I use the 1.2ohm cotton coils. Tried the 1.5ohm knock offs but they were just grosssss


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I filled my Bachelor when I lit the camp fire about 730 and it's now 1125 and I need to fill again. Juice consumption is through the roof but it's almost worth it...Especially when enjoying a few beer. I may look at going back to a 9 or 12 mg for my MTL and staying at 6 for my DL dabbles


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I totally understand the juice consumption, that's one of the reasons I diy.
Tolman, better tanks will be more efficient for your wife. I started at 18 mg. almost 2 years ago, I'm down to 2mg. now. Lookout for headaches, that's the time to cut down the nic.


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I totally understand the juice consumption, that's one of the reasons I diy.
Tolman, better tanks will be more efficient for your wife. I started at 18 mg. almost 2 years ago, I'm down to 2mg. now. Lookout for headaches, that's the time to cut down the nic.
Good to know! Thx


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I was just about to say that diy juice is a good way to cut costs on juice. That's my next endeavor


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I think I remember reading something here that the gs was better than the gs air. I believe @Huckleberried and @Whiskey were the main discussers on those
It's a really good flavor tank, if you ask me. More for people that just don't wanna fiddle with building, but nice when you just need a quick tank on the go, too. I never tried the GS Air, but one of the other mods got some for his GF and she really liked those, I think?
I didn't try V2 but the first was great...minus the little bit of seepage! It will always hold a special place in my heart though. It was my first rebuildable...thanks to you! It's all your fault! Hahahahaha
v1 is still my all day everyday fave tank (big surprise, I know). The v2 is equal in flavor and vapor, just the wicking is WAY too finicky. I'm hearing good things about v3, but it'll be a while before I'd order one. Looking forward to your opinion on that one Brewbear. Someone posted a thread about it somewhere, but I know how you guys vape, so your opinions matter more.
CD, come over to the DarkSide, we have cookies.
Now, see? I heard there's cake. No one said cookies.


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anyone with any avocado experience?
would love some opinions on it.

As @BrewBear said, I have started a love affair with the avocado, great flavor, good selection of airflow, and being a genny kind of tank, no leaking or seepage, got 3 already and ordered 3 more from fasttech this week :)

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As @BrewBear said, I have started a love affair with the avocado, great flavor, good selection of airflow, and being a genny kind of tank, no leaking or seepage, got 3 already and ordered 3 more from fasttech this week :)
thank you!!! excited have one on the way

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