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No snow this morning! Woohoooooo! Nice and clear. FROZEN, but nice and clear. It's 30 degrees (not THAT bad), but the grass is crunchy and has a bit of frost on it. Just looking around from the dog yard, I can't see most of the standing water we had yesterday, so I'm hoping a lot of it soaked in already. I'm sure the corrals and in front of the barns (heavy hoofed traffic) won't be drained off yet, but hey, it's a start.

And warmer temps for the next 10 days. Ah, bliss! I feel like we've been let out of jail or something, LOL! Maybe now those little chicks can toddle around after their mother and NOT have to huddle under her every 5 minutes to dry off and warm up. Which is a good thing because they're growing fast, and it won't be too many more days before they won't all fit under her. ;) It's a miracle we didn't lose any in that nasty cold wet weather. Tough little babies... :)


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Nice that we didn't have snow because we had a kitten on the roof and I had to go up there and get her. The only way she could have gotten up there was by teetering on the skinny lilac limbs ... if she weighed more than a pound, I doubt she could have walked out on those limbs. In any case, she became very afraid and just sat up there crying, so Lannie got out the 20-foot extension ladder, made it up three rungs and froze, so I had to go up to roof level and entice the baby to come to me. By then, she had climbed to the top of the chimney and if she fell in there, there would be no way to get her out. She has less than 9 lives left -- this is the kitten who was lost (and presumed dead) for two weeks during that snow storm. Yesterday, we saw her stalking a rabbit that was twice (maybe 3 times) her size. And today, she's stuck on the roof. Anyway, I finally got her down and Lannie brought her in the house. She is now going to be a house cat for her own safety (that makes 8 in here, 19 in garage, plus 4 babies in garage). Sigh...


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Evening, Rich....:vino:

Another cool day here at death valley.....left the windows open all A/C in May is unheard of.


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Another cool day here
After Lannie got my lazy ass up this morning, I looked out the window and saw blue sky and sunshine and immediately wondered what happened to the snow that was supposed to be here. But who cares? SUNSHINE!!! Only downside was the wind that went from breezy to very windy to light breeze at sunset.


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After Lannie got my lazy ass up this morning, I looked out the window and saw blue sky and sunshine and immediately wondered what happened to the snow that was supposed to be here. But who cares? SUNSHINE!!! Only downside was the wind that went from breezy to very windy to light breeze at sunset.
Sounds like a winner, Rich...!

We're supposed to get more rain this weekend, bring it on.....:)


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I forgot about my garden the last few days, went out there tonight to find tiny melons on the vines...not sure what kind, but their definately melons.....:teehee:


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We're supposed to get more rain this weekend, bring it on...
While I understand and appreciate that the rain (and melted snow) is helping the grass grow in our pastures, I am so fucking sick and tired of slogging through the corrals ankle deep in sucking mud. I'd like a bit of dry now, thank you. :confused:


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While I understand and appreciate that the rain (and melted snow) is helping the grass grow in our pastures, I am so fucking sick and tired of slogging through the corrals ankle deep in sucking mud. I'd like a bit of dry now, thank you. :confused:
Yep, it's been a really LONG winter for you, enough is enough.....!


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Not until the middle of June.....:cry:

Dang, I misunderstood, thought you were leaving next week, not next month

But glad we'll be seeing you until then at least :wave:

I forgot about my garden the last few days, went out there tonight to find tiny melons on the vines...not sure what kind, but their definately melons.....:teehee:

Confirms what I always believed, guys just like melons, size doesn't matter :teehee:


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Evening pholks....:vino:

Nother nice day in Death, cloudy, windy, no rain....couldn't ask for a better day....Oh...and no air conditioning, doors windows open tonight....which is beyond crazy for May.....:cheers:


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Howdy howdy...:drunk:

The day started clear and sunny, became partly cloudy, then mostly cloudy, now back to partly cloudy... windy all day, but warmish, so I managed to get some minor repair tasks done in the cow barn, horse barn, and chicken coop... nothing real serious, but those can now be crossed off my "to do" list.


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Howdy howdy...:drunk:

The day started clear and sunny, became partly cloudy, then mostly cloudy, now back to partly cloudy... windy all day, but warmish, so I managed to get some minor repair tasks done in the cow barn, horse barn, and chicken coop... nothing real serious, but those can now be crossed off my "to do" list.
Sounds like a productive day, Rich....


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If it was only 15 years ago, this ancient fossil might have gotten ten times as much done, but as is, given all the aches and pains, I am satisfied.


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One a positive note, I don't have an appointment until 10:00 AM tomorrow, and only one small job for Sunday.....:)


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Checked out my smorgasbord garden this evening, whatever is growing is doubling in size daily, must be watermelon....I hope so, love it...never grew it tho.

Rich, have you picked up any plants yet?


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Oh, that's this weekend, huh? Been far out of my list of things to remember since Mom left the planet back in 1995.

Nope. The nursery is in Rapid City, so it can't happen until the monthly shopping trip (May 22).
Well perhaps by May 23rd it'll be warm enough to plant some items.


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Current forecast seems to think it will be 80 this coming Monday. Like from Winter to Summer without more than a couple days of Spring. o_O


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Think I'm going to get a half dozen cherry tomato plants (this Sunday) and use 5-gallon pails, so I can bring them in the house when they begin to cook-saute on the branches.


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Do a test bucket first. A 5-gal pail full of dirt weighs a lot and that cold make moving them a real pain in the ass. Do you have a north-south row of shrubs so they will have afternoon shade? Or can you set them out on the east side of your house to provide that same effect? That way they get lots of morning sun without being wilted by the afternoon heat.


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Do a test bucket first. A 5-gal pail full of dirt weighs a lot and that cold make moving them a real pain in the ass. Do you have a north-south row of shrubs so they will have afternoon shade? Or can you set them out on the east side of your house to provide that same effect? That way they get lots of morning sun without being wilted by the afternoon heat.
Yes, I can put them out of the sun in several areas, but those fucking Quail will be picking the matters before me if left outside. Figured I'd fill the pails half (homemade) compost half black dirt from the garden.


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those fucking Quail will be picking the matters before me if left outside
Are you familiar with a material called "row cover"? Kinda like cheese cloth (Kleenex?). The light and water goes through it, but the bugs and birds can't (at least not easily). The thing that can shred it is wind, but your area doesn't normally have high winds (except during thunderstorms), so it can be a relatively cheap alternative to having to move those buckets in and out every day.


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Damn, Rich...looks like your having a Grow Season soon.....:)

According to the guesses anyway



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Today's forecast as of last night at this time: Clear, slightly breezy
Today's forecast as of this morning: Partly cloudy, breezy, chance of occasional light showers
Reality: Overcast, rain, wind was 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph
Any reason why I should trust those buttheads when guessing more than an hour ahead, much less a whole week when they clearly don't know their asses from a hole in the ground?


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Today's forecast as of last night at this time: Clear, slightly breezy
Today's forecast as of this morning: Partly cloudy, breezy, chance of occasional light showers
Reality: Overcast, rain, wind was 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph
Any reason why I should trust those buttheads when guessing more than an hour ahead, much less a whole week when they clearly don't know their asses from a hole in the ground?
Hahhahahahaha...damn that is really hilarious......:teehee:

Not laughing at you, but with you.....:giggle:


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Speaking of wind, here's something to illustrate that the wind is always blowing here. I took down the flag today because the wind was about to pull it off and send it to Nebraska. I fly the flag 24/7/365 here, except when it is VFW (very fucking windy... 45 mph or more, when not taking it down might mean a broken flag pole) and it was time to remove that flag and burn it anyway because it was shredded badly on the flappy end. How do you tell from shredded flags that it is always windy here? I go through 5-6 flags every year! That is, on average, a new flag is shredded every two months.


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Speaking of wind, here's something to illustrate that the wind is always blowing here. I took down the flag today because the wind was about to pull it off and send it to Nebraska. I fly the flag 24/7/365 here, except when it is VFW (very fucking windy... 45 mph or more, when not taking it down might mean a broken flag pole) and it was time to remove that flag and burn it anyway because it was shredded badly on the flappy end. How do you tell from shredded flags that it is always windy here? I go through 5-6 flags every year! That is, on average, a new flag is shredded every two months.
Unbelievable....must have a decent wind at night for some good sleeping.

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