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An ingredient in sunscreen is absorbed by the body and causes decreases in testosterone levels
We just think that we have things figured out as we stumble along...
Is it possible, Crom, that this is the answer to our unanswerable question from a few days ago (what fucked the brains of our youth and turned them all into gimme gimme pussies?). Shit is added to the lotions and shave creams and after shaves and cologne and the food you get at the stupidmarket and maybe there is a conspiracy theory that fits this... aliens are deliberately trying to subdue the human race (or some similar such crap).

The Cromwell

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Is it possible, Crom, that this is the answer to our unanswerable question from a few days ago (what fucked the brains of our youth and turned them all into gimme gimme pussies?). Shit is added to the lotions and shave creams and after shaves and cologne and the food you get at the stupidmarket and maybe there is a conspiracy theory that fits this... aliens are deliberately trying to subdue the human race (or some similar such crap).
Naah Aliens just want to make sure that hoomans never escape to the rest of the galaxy.
A quarantined system.
Hoomans are a great material source for the alien late night comedy shows though.


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Evening pholks...

Snow again, wow....may see it right through the summer.......:bomb:


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Was cool here too, for May standards....felt like the 80's, but I didn't look. Dropped off one truck at the dealer this morning for my free service, oil, tire rotation, general check-up? Only has 4600 miles on it, didn't anticipate there was much to check. Although they did say the computer had to be updated with new software.....(unbelievable)....and he rattled off a whole list of shit they did....(incredible)...I'd hate to pay for all the items he rattled off.

Lady Sarah

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I bought and planted 5 gardenia bushes today. The single flower on one smells so good, I can't wait for them all to be in full bloom.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I bought and planted 5 gardenia bushes today. The single flower on one smells so good, I can't wait for them all to be in full bloom.

Love Gardenias also :)

We have three bushes to enjoy after we move, can't wait


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Snow again, wow....may see it right through the summer.......:bomb:
Yeah. By the time it quit (around noonish), we had six inches on the ground. I know what fell out of the sky was more than that because, considering how wet we were, the first few inches wouldn't have stuck. Stupid ass weather jerkers said our total would be 1-3" and, when they forecast that, we were already at 4" on the ground. Temp got up to 40 (well, 39.5, but I am rounding to the even number) and by sunset, about 90% of the snow had melted. We have a huge shitload of standing water now.


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Yeah. By the time it quit (around noonish), we had six inches on the ground. I know what fell out of the sky was more than that because, considering how wet we were, the first few inches wouldn't have stuck. Stupid ass weather jerkers said our total would be 1-3" and, when they forecast that, we were already at 4" on the ground. Temp got up to 40 (well, 39.5, but I am rounding to the even number) and by sunset, about 90% of the snow had melted. We have a huge shitload of standing water now.
That is really unbelievable.....damn-it damn/it damn=it.....:cuss2:


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Hope you can get some crops in the next couple weeks, JC - you'll be lucky to get the shit ripened before the frost hits again.


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We both were pretty pissed. I still have to go out to the garden and pull up last year's stems, haul those off to the burn pile, whack weeds, mow, and till. Wait, I don't think I am tilling this year. We're planting much much less and I think it will all be in the lick tubs. OK, so I will have to top all those off with fresh compost, but that will be shovel and wheelbarrow because the Bobcat is dead...


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We both were pretty pissed. I still have to go out to the garden and pull up last year's stems, haul those off to the burn pile, whack weeds, mow, and till. Wait, I don't think I am tilling this year. We're planting much much less and I think it will all be in the lick tubs. OK, so I will have to top all those off with fresh compost, but that will be shovel and wheelbarrow because the Bobcat is dead...
Yep, pain in the ass


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Speaking of pain in the ass, I think I'm gonna put my painful antique ass in bed now. Three of the Goonies (Tigger, Peanut, and Willy) are all suggesting it is snuggle time, so I'm gonna go curl up with the pussies and see if this old bod feels any better in bed than in this chair.

Nitey nite. Yak at y'all tomorrow.


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HA! Snow is NOTHING! This morning, in the dark, Missy chased a "cat" and ended up trying to bite the south end of a northbound skunk oh my god... She got a mouthful, and came back spitting and gagging oh my god... I deskunked her face and neck, but ohmygod her BREATH! And all the drool puddles reek. I suppose it's much worse for her, not only can she smell better than me, but it's in her mouth, so she has to taste it as well. You'd think they'd learn that chasing stripey cats is a bad idea, but nooooooooo.

It's very odiferous in here right now. I have serious floor cleaning to do today. I lit some incense, but it's not even making a dent.

Ever smelled a really badly burned clutch? Multiply by at least 10. IN MY LIVING ROOM. :blech:

The Cromwell

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The only one on the planet or the only one on this thread?
I have been here for an hour, but no one else was saying anything, so...

EDIT: You might still be right. Sometimes even when I am here, I am not REALLY here. o_O
Only alien on this planet.
Sorry felt the need to become unconscious.

The Cromwell

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HA! Snow is NOTHING! This morning, in the dark, Missy chased a "cat" and ended up trying to bite the south end of a northbound skunk oh my god... She got a mouthful, and came back spitting and gagging oh my god... I deskunked her face and neck, but ohmygod her BREATH! And all the drool puddles reek. I suppose it's much worse for her, not only can she smell better than me, but it's in her mouth, so she has to taste it as well. You'd think they'd learn that chasing stripey cats is a bad idea, but nooooooooo.

It's very odiferous in here right now. I have serious floor cleaning to do today. I lit some incense, but it's not even making a dent.

Ever smelled a really badly burned clutch? Multiply by at least 10. IN MY LIVING ROOM. :blech:
I always hated it when a dog got skunked...


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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HA! Snow is NOTHING! This morning, in the dark, Missy chased a "cat" and ended up trying to bite the south end of a northbound skunk oh my god... She got a mouthful, and came back spitting and gagging oh my god... I deskunked her face and neck, but ohmygod her BREATH! And all the drool puddles reek. I suppose it's much worse for her, not only can she smell better than me, but it's in her mouth, so she has to taste it as well. You'd think they'd learn that chasing stripey cats is a bad idea, but nooooooooo.

It's very odiferous in here right now. I have serious floor cleaning to do today. I lit some incense, but it's not even making a dent.

Ever smelled a really badly burned clutch? Multiply by at least 10. IN MY LIVING ROOM. :blech:

Yikes - now I really feel for you guys

My late MIL got skunked in southern Oregon years ago - what a nightmare


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Yikes - now I really feel for you guys
99.99% of yesterday's snow is now gone. It is 35 degrees, low overcast with patchy fog and continuous light rain (forecasters say it will rain all day), but the smell in this house is enough to make you barf, so maybe it would be better to go outside and stand in the rain so I can breathe. Caca!


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Dog should have gone to garage or somewhere.
Heck I would put the wife unit there if she got skunked.
Sorry to be a jerk, Crom, but if I had your wife unit (based on your own past comments), I would live in the garage and be glad to be deaf so I couldn't hear the demands. We couldn't put the dog in there because it would have displaced 20 feral cats out into the rain and many of them already seem to have colds (runny noses, wet eyes). The cats are not stupid enough to stay in the same room with a stinky dog, but hooooomons always think they can fix these things. And, believe it or not, Lannie did (eventually) fix the problem. Missy (the dawg) primarily got the spray in her mouth. Lannie immediately wiped down her face with a skunk-spray-stink-eliminator, but she was also drooling skunk stink, so Lannie then had to spray and vacuum everywhere to clean that up. The house is not perfect yet, but it is a damn sight better than it was at oh-dark-thirty.


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in all fairness my griping about the wife unit is a bit enhanced by me being a grumpy old phart
I'm a grumpy old phart too, but Lannie and I are a team. If I have a gripe, I will discuss it with her and we come to an equitable solution; I would not ever show a lack of respect by bitching about her on a public forum.
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Damn Rich, it was 68 degrees at about 11:00--noon-ish. Rained a little this morning, then it just stayed the perfect temperature all day. I don't recall it ever being this nice in May.


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I wish it was nice here. Rained all day, mostly light continuous, but at times quite heavy and very windy. Didn't matter which window we looked out of, there was standing water. Kinda felt like being on a tiny island in a storm, Very miserable just going to and from the barns for chores.


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I wish it was nice here. Rained all day, mostly light continuous, but at times quite heavy and very windy. Didn't matter which window we looked out of, there was standing water. Kinda felt like being on a tiny island in a storm, Very miserable just going to and from the barns for chores.
Top that off with a skunk and it just makes a real shitty day.

Had a skunk for a pet when I was young, smart and very playful creatures. The old man made me get rid of it when it began to spray here or there due to dogs bothering him.....but he never sprayed me.


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I was telling Lannie earlier and will share here as well... when I was about 5 years old, my mom took me to grandma's cabin down near the Orygun coast and I was sitting on the couch petting this small black and white kitten with a really wide tail when my mom came out of the kitchen where she had been talking to grandma. She tried to keep her voice calm when she told me to get away from the skunk because it was not fixed. At that point in life, I had never heard of a skunk (we lived in a small town and had nothing like this). Grandma routinely left her front door open in summer and her goats came in the house too. I just figured it was another one of her animals, but it was not domesticated at all; it just came and went. Grandma was a Cherokee who seemed to be on a pretty equal footing with all wild critters. Anyway, the skunk did not spray me, but mom educated me on the way home regarding that possibility.
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G'nite, Dale. Don't work too hard tomorrow. We are supposed to have another full rain day, so I suspect my physical exertions will be limited to morning and evening chores.


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Think we had record cold today or may tonight, and it rained on and off most of the day, which is usually unheard of in May. Sure feels damn good tho. Got my ass soaked standing on a roof trying to figure out the age and tonnage of 10 commercial heat pumps between lightning strikes.....:devil:

Quite the day....:cry:........:teehee:


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Someone told me it was snowing from Sedona north to Flagstaff today....I haven't looked at the weather report but I wouldn't doubt it.


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on a roof trying to figure out the age and tonnage of 10 commercial heat pumps between lightning strikes.....
Jesus fucking Christ, Dale, you damn well know better than to be on a rooftop when lightning is striking in your area. You're just lucky you didn't get toasted.


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No snow. That is forecast for tomorrow. :( Low overcast, windy, and continuous rain all day. The rain stopped just before evening chores (thank dawg) and I had this delusion I saw a sunbeam, but given it only lasted about 5 seconds, I must have been imagining it.


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No snow. That is forecast for tomorrow. :( Low overcast, windy, and continuous rain all day. The rain stopped just before evening chores (thank dawg) and I had this delusion I saw a sunbeam, but given it only lasted about 5 seconds, I must have been imagining it.
Never seen the sun today, and I can't remember the last time that happened. I hope this global cooling keeps on giving in the SW desert regions, and warms up in your neck of the prairie.


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Guess it's not as chilly as it feels, must be the humidity making it feel colder than it actually is. Nonetheless, those are damn nice temps for May.

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