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The 4-wheelers actually have pretty good shocks
Yeah, ATVs would be better. Then we wouldn't have to invite Tim Allen over to give the Cubs "more power." :D

Have a good one, Rich.....I have a full schedule all day tomorrow
Sleep well, amigo. Catch ya on the flip flop.

And "good night" to Woofy and Jimi and all those sticky biscuits we failed to throw. :)


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Noticed this evening the melon patch is becoming green again, must have been a lack of sufficient water while I was in Nevada twice in the last week? I assume melons like LOTS of water. Flooded the hell out of it last night, then it rained a little at 4 in the morning, so it had a real good soaking, and everything is looking really good tonight....including the one cherry tomato plant, which is about 5' tall at the moment.


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Mostly cloudy, then rain from about noon to 2 PM, but I took a chance and mowed part of the cow pasture when the rain stopped. I guess the rain all ran off the weeds because the deck did not get too clogged. Only partly cloudy at the moment and windy. Temp is dropping significantly, so with all the windows open, it isn't too bad in here.

Vaping note: I seem to have shifted away from butterbeer and scotchcake to fruity stuff in the daytime and tobacco flavor at night (desert ship, aka Camels) and I must have the mix very good because Lannie came downstairs while I was sucking that stuff and she swears I smoked a whole pack of real live cigarettes in the basement. Now if I can just remember how much of what I put in that bottle...


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I haven't had any butterbeer of scotchcake lately either....been vaping fruits but was thinking about a tobacco vape, if you can remember the mix please post it.


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All I remember is that I was dumping stuff in a 30mL bottle of pure VG. I think it was supposed to be 4 mL desert ship and 1mL butterscotch flavors, but I suspect I probably doubled the desert ship. I did not put any nic in it, yet it is strong all by itself. The fruity stuff for daytime is 12mg/mL nic, so I tried to not nic myself late at night for fear of staying awake (on me, nic works just like caffeine).
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All I remember is that I was dumping stuff in a 30mL bottle of pure VG. I think it was supposed to be 4% desert ship and 1% butterscotch flavors, but I suspect I probably doubled the desert ship. I did not put any nic in it, yet it is strong all by itself. The fruity stuff for daytime is 12mg/mL nic, so I tried to not nic myself late at night for fear of staying awake (on me, nic works just like caffeine).
I have desert ship and butterscotch, I'll try it tomorrow night, lil heavy on the tobacco.


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This post is a figment of your imagination. I am not really here.
Long hard day going to the vet for the Doberman and wondering why there is thunder and lightning outside right now when there were no storms forecast.
Good night to everyone who also was not here. :)


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This post is a figment of your imagination. I am not really here.
Long hard day going to the vet for the Doberman and wondering why there is thunder and lightning outside right now when there were no storms forecast.
Good night to everyone who also was not here. :)
More rain?....damn, Rich....I bet if you had a rain gauge it would show about a foot of rain since it stopped snowing in June.....:rolleyes:

Rained here enough to make it extremely humid, just enough to say it rained, or get the driveway partially wet.


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Didn't seem like a lot of rain last night, but this morning there was thick fog (visibility about 30 yards) and humidity was 97%. All this moisture not only makes for sticky days, but we have more flies and mosquitoes than I can every remember.
Imagine the bugs love that shit......:oops:

Looks like possible (MORE) rain heading yur way tonight.

It cooled off here significantly, but when adding humidity into the equation, it's the same or possibly worse.....:cry:


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Damn forum wouldn;'t let me in for the past 10 minutes.
Looks like possible (MORE) rain heading yur way tonight.
I can see lightning to the distant SW, but it ain't here yet.
You find any matters in back of duh weeds (yet)...?
Yeah, but haven't had time to weed 'em yet. Watered for a couple hours tonight, but if that storm gets here, it will have been unnecessary
How's your dog doing tonight, Rich?....good I surely hope.
We had to leave her at the vet's yesterday for extensive tests, but we only got the bad news this afternoon. She ain't gonna make it (unless I have unlimited thousands of dollars, and then it likely would be only short term). Some kind of big lump in her liver. We will drive back up there tomorrow and be with her when they give her the heaven-bound shot. :(


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We had to leave her at the vet's yesterday for extensive tests, but we only got the bad news this afternoon. She ain't gonna make it (unless I have unlimited thousands of dollars, and then it likely would be only short term). Some kind of big lump in her liver. We will drive back up there tomorrow and be with her when they give her the heaven-bound shot. :(
I'm really sorry to hear this. Like we've talked about in the past, most animals mean more to me than humans


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That really bothers me a LOT, I'm sure it's the same way with you and Lannie.

It bothers me so much, I haven't got another dog since my weiner dog passed a few years ago.


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We are so into our animals here, Dale, that, if I had lots and lots of money, I'm sure we would have a home for hopeless cases and our own doctor on site at all times. But... well, we all know that's not how it works. We always do the best we can and we cannot expect more of ourselves than that. To expect miracles is to live on the edge of insanity.

Have a good night and a better tomorrow. Yak at ya later.
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We had to leave her at the vet's yesterday for extensive tests, but we only got the bad news this afternoon. She ain't gonna make it (unless I have unlimited thousands of dollars, and then it likely would be only short term). Some kind of big lump in her liver. We will drive back up there tomorrow and be with her when they give her the heaven-bound shot. :(
Aww, so very sorry, Draconigena
May she be young free, and chew on all the bones that she can possibly get her teeth on :hug:


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hope you had some peace today
Not really, but everyone who has ever lost a loved one, animal or human, knows that only time heals the wound. I suppose it was appropriate that it rained all day, which just made the moods as wet as the environment. I played the typical male role (stand tall - well as tall as my ancient warped frame could manage - shed no tears - at least none anyone else could see) while Lannie broke down (as was expected) and cried her eyes out over letting this loved one leave our physical realm. At least she released her emotions, so maybe she'll get over this quicker than those of us who bottle everything up. In any case, it is done and tomorrow is a new day. And we will get used to the empty spot on the couch.


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Believe me, I understand, it's really tough.

Rained all day also?....incredible, when I looked at the radar I thought it was just arriving, didn't look at the past.

I think I slept for about 2 hours last night, lightening and thunder, with not a drop of rain....just windy as hell. I'm sure it rained somewhere close, but not in this yard.


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Believe me, I understand, it's really tough.
I do know that you know, and to add some trivia to all this, was the bill presented to me after they killed her. X-rays, ultrasounds, blood tests, fecal test, drugs, IVs, more drugs, more drugs... and two nights hotel fee... Oops, we can't fix her, so let's add a euthanasia fee and a disposal fee and just pay this $610.58 so you can take her empty collar and leash home. Don't you just love doctors?
lightening and thunder, with not a drop of rain...
I remember those Arizona nights... I am sure you could use a few drops of rain. The problem there is that when your thunderstorms actually do decide to rain, it usually washes some old lady downstream from the flash floods.


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Yeah, their all the same, 95% anyway, it's all about the money
Yeah, and let us not forget the office visit fee, the $50 you have to pay just to talk to the damn doctor whether they do anything or not. Back a zillion years ago, when I was a freelancer, I never charged anyone for just talking to me about what I might be able to do for them. Seems to me that today, doctors seem to think you owe them just for deigning to speak with us peons. And she even asked me how much I could afford. Like, she'd do dozens more tests if I was willing to go deeper into debt, but even that $600 killed other projects that are now pushed further back on the "to do" list. Sigh...
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Damn forum wouldn;'t let me in for the past 10 minutes.

I can see lightning to the distant SW, but it ain't here yet.

Yeah, but haven't had time to weed 'em yet. Watered for a couple hours tonight, but if that storm gets here, it will have been unnecessary

We had to leave her at the vet's yesterday for extensive tests, but we only got the bad news this afternoon. She ain't gonna make it (unless I have unlimited thousands of dollars, and then it likely would be only short term). Some kind of big lump in her liver. We will drive back up there tomorrow and be with her when they give her the heaven-bound shot. :(
Sorry to hear this Rich, our pets are family too, it's just like loosing a child:(:sad:


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Yeah, and let us not forget the office visit fee, the $50 you have to pay just to talk to the damn doctor whether they do anything or not. Back a zillion years ago, when I was a freelancer, I never charged anyone for just talking to me about what I might be able to do for them. Seems to me that today, doctors seem to think you owe them just for deigning to speak with us peons. And she even asked me how much I could afford. Like, she'd do dozens more tests if I was willing to go deeper into debt, but even that $600 killed other projects that are now pushed further back on the "to do" list. Sigh...
When inspecting a building for a doctor or lawyer....I charge the same way they charge me, payment is due before they receive the report.


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When inspecting a building for a doctor or lawyer....I charge the same way they charge me, payment is due before they receive the report.
That's funny as hell. :)

MORE rain?
More thick fog this morning and extremely high humidity. Clouds looked like a thunderstorm would happen at any time, but it didn't and it cleared until we just had partly cloudy puffies.


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That's funny as hell. :)

More thick fog this morning and extremely high humidity. Clouds looked like a thunderstorm would happen at any time, but it didn't and it cleared until we just had partly cloudy puffies.

Same here, altho it was about 110 at noon today, the humidity was prolly felt like 150............:oops:


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Haven't made it out to the garden before dark the last couple days to pick tomatoes, damn, this afternoon I picked about 40 nice cherry matters.......hard to believe one can get so many matters from one plant.

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