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Something really weird happened to me in the vaping department today. I did a one second suck on Lannie's cloud chucker mod this morning and it tasted great. I have done this before and really wasn't impressed because I just have never been into that sub-Ohm stuff, but when we got back to the house. I cranked one of mine up to 30W and it tasted good too, although that tiny wire in the ProTank immediately burned itself into nothingness. I found my Nautilus tank and cleaned it up and put a new atomizer in and filled it with a three-year-old Smarty Pants flavor and am currently sucking that at 30W and am happy as hell. I have been a dyed-in-the-wool Tootle Puffer for four years and all in one day, I am blowing clouds and loving it. Go figure.
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Something really weird happened to me in the vaping department today. I did a one second suck on Lannie's cloud chucker mod this morning and it tasted great. I have done this before and really wasn't impressed because I just have never been into that sub-Ohm stuff, but when we got back to the house. I cranked one of mine up to 30W and it tasted good too, although that tiny wire in the ProTank immediately burned itself into nothingness. I found my Nautilus tank and cleaned it up and put a new atomizer in and filled it with a three-year-old Smarty Pants flavor and am currently sucking that at 30W and am happy as hell. I have been a dye-in-the-wool Tootle Puffer for four years and all in one day, I am blowing clouds and loving it. Go figure.
I went the opposite direction, been using pods lately with 50-50 juice at about 12 watts.


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I think the flavor is much better at low watts tootle puffin.....I actually forgot how much better the old days were after using all that high powered garbage I bought. Back to square one again, and enjoy it much more.


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about 12 watts
Some things seem to taste good to me at 3W, but mostly I was somewhere between 7-12W. I suspect the Nautilus is the toughest tank I own for higher wattage (seems to be handling the 30W all right, but not sure I can go much higher). Now I just need to find some bigger tanks and wind some tough coils and... well, we shall see how long this lasts.


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Some things seem to taste good to me at 3W, but mostly I was somewhere between 7-12W. I suspect the Nautilus is the toughest tank I own for higher wattage (seems to be handling the 30W all right, but not sure I can go much higher). Now I just need to find some bigger tanks and wind some tough coils and... well, we shall see how long this lasts.
I agree, your pushing your luck at 30 watts......:)


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I forget now, does the nautilus have a rebuildable deck?...or just the factory coils?
The Nautilus (at least the one I have) holds about 4 or 5 mL of juice, has a Tootle Puffer drip tip, and takes a pre-built atomizer (factory coil and wick in a fat metal tube by Aspire, twice the size of the ProTank type) and I have no idea what the wattage is supposed to be (most everything on the box is Chinese characters). The coils Lannie make for hers are about 0.4 Ohms, so I suppose that's what I'll start with when we dig out an acceptable tank (she has some old ones she no longer uses).


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The Nautilus (at least the one I have) holds about 4 or 5 mL of juice, has a Tootle Puffer drip tip, and takes a pre-built atomizer (factory coil and wick in a fat metal tube by Aspire, twice the size of the ProTank type) and I have no idea what the wattage is supposed to be (most everything on the box is Chinese characters). The coils Lannie make for hers are about 0.4 Ohms, so I suppose that's what I'll start with when we dig out an acceptable tank (she has some old ones she no longer uses).
I didn't think the nautilus had a rebuildable deck, but the only way to find out if it'll take more wattage is crank it up....:)


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I didn't think the nautilus had a rebuildable deck, but the only way to find out if it'll take more wattage is crank it up....:)
I won a little cigar-sized mod a few years back that came with 0.3 Ohm and 0.5 Ohm atomizers, so I know this sub-Ohm stuff is not restricted to build-it-yourself coils. The one factor that I will NOT do is direct lung hits (like Lannie does). I will still do mouth-to-lung or mouth-to-nose-to-mouth because I get the best taste that way.
Well Rich, I need to get out of here, plan on beating the sun tomorrow morning.....before it beats me.....:oops:
Nitey night, amigo. Yak more tomorrow.


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Finally NOT raining here :) (at least not yet). It was 85 and mostly sunny all day. There are thunderstorms in the area at the moment (I can see lightning not too far from here) but so far it is still dry,


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Finally NOT raining here :) (at least not yet). It was 85 and mostly sunny all day. There are thunderstorms in the area at the moment (I can see lightning not too far from here) but so far it is still dry,
I noticed the guessers in yur area said winds at 12mph, I assume that means 24-35mph?


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It was 15-20 most of the day, but is probably only 10 at the moment. In the event one of those nearby thunderstorms actually gets here, the downrush and microbursts would be in the nature of 50-80 mph.


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It was 15-20 most of the day, but is probably only 10 at the moment. In the event one of those nearby thunderstorms actually gets here, the downrush and microbursts would be in the nature of 50-80 mph.
That's what's happening outside now.....sounds like the world is coming to an end. Just looked, it's supposed to be 111F tomorrow.....add the humidity to that, oh my......:cry:


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Get anything accomplished today, Rich?
Yeah. After taking out the recycling stuff, I finished mowing the NE hill in the cow pasture and started mowing the weeds in the north tree rows. Now that both pastures are mowed (we really could use some rain now to give the grass some help), even though there is a serious weed problem in the trees, I really need to get back to the lawns, ditches, orchard, etc.


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Yeah. After taking out the recycling stuff, I finished mowing the NE hill in the cow pasture and started mowing the weeds in the north tree rows. Now that both pastures are mowed (we really could use some rain now to give the grass some help), even though there is a serious weed problem in the trees, I really need to get back to the lawns, ditches, orchard, etc.
Have you rigged up shock absorbers on the Cadet yet?......:teehee:


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I take that back, I'm going to make a bottle of butterbeer, haven't had that in awhile....may whip up some scotch cake too.
Today, Lannie found an old tank of hers, made a coil and wick, and put some juice in she made that has strawberry and custard -- very interesting flavor. And, oddly enough, even though she made a sub-Ohm coil, I had to turn the heat down to 25 Ohms because 30 was too hot. Yummy flavor though. I still am not a cloud chucker. Even though I moved up from Tootle Puffer, I guess my current rank is only Mod Whomper. :)


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Doing ok. Fell in the shower a week ago and might have torn my rotator cuff. X-ray was negative for breaks. Getting MRI this week and go from there. PRobably surgery. I'll likely be out of work for a while.


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Doing ok. Fell in the shower a week ago and might have torn my rotator cuff. X-ray was negative for breaks. Getting MRI this week and go from there. PRobably surgery. I'll likely be out of work for a while.
Well that really sucks....hope you heal fast....!


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might have torn my rotator cuff. X... Probably surgery. I'll likely be out of work for a while.
Talk to the guys in physical therapy. I have torn both my rotator cuffs and, of course, the orthopedic docs wanted to do surgery, but the down side is that you will be out of commission for 3-4 months after surgery. Here on the farm, that is totally unacceptable (Wifey cannot do ALL the manual labor). The PT guy came up with some exercises I do every night with a giant rubber band. I am not "cured," but my shoulders are usable so long as I don't overdo it.


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Talk to the guys in physical therapy. I have torn both my rotator cuffs and, of course, the orthopedic docs wanted to do surgery, but the down side is that you will be out of commission for 3-4 months after surgery. Here on the farm, that is totally unacceptable (Wifey cannot do ALL the manual labor). The PT guy came up with some exercises I do every night with a giant rubber band. I am not "cured," but my shoulders are usable so long as I don't overdo it.

We'll have to see what the MRI reveals. Ortho says that he thinks it what's called a traumatic tear. If that turns out to be the case he says that since I've never had any shoulder problems that the surgery is a quick simple procedure and recovery time with this type is much fast at about 2-4 weeks which would put me back to work when we start getting busy.


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Talk to the guys in physical therapy. I have torn both my rotator cuffs and, of course, the orthopedic docs wanted to do surgery, but the down side is that you will be out of commission for 3-4 months after surgery. Here on the farm, that is totally unacceptable (Wifey cannot do ALL the manual labor). The PT guy came up with some exercises I do every night with a giant rubber band. I am not "cured," but my shoulders are usable so long as I don't overdo it.
I need to tell a friend of mine about that...his rotator cuffs are shot from being in the stucco business most of his life, now he can hardly move his arms.


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now he can hardly move his arms.
I still cannot raise a weight above my shoulder without using both arms (that is, cannot get a full gallon of milk from the top shelf of the fridge with only one arm) but I am still a damn sight better off than before. Below shoulder height, I seem to have full use of my arms.


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I still cannot raise a weight above my shoulder without using both arms (that is, cannot get a full gallon of milk from the top shelf of the fridge with only one arm) but I am still a damn sight better off than before. Below shoulder height, I seem to have full use of my arms.
I'm not sure what his limitations are, but I'll mention this to him.


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Hope you get a little bit of coolness from all that rain. Sadly, all it might do is raise your humidity.

I gotta hit the sack now. Talk at ya tomorrow (wish I could have a day off). ;)


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G'Afternoon My Old Phart Friends
How's everyone on this fine Sunday afternoon?

I have a short story for everyone,
We have a couple chipmunks that live under our porch, have for many years. I was getting ready to go out and work in my garden yesterday and when I looked out I seen one of the chipmunks attack a sparrow that was eating some birdseed that my wifey put out for them. The chipmunk downed the bird and started eating it's brains:eek::eek:, then started chowing down on the rest of it:eek::eek:, yes i did get a picture but I have tried for almost 5 years now to figure out how to get them on V/U:mad:. But I have never seen a chipmunk eat any kind of meat always thought they were herbivore:eek::tantrum::tantrum::eek:.
Has anyone ever heard of this happening?


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Yup. While I have never witnessed this in person, I am aware that most rodents are omnivores that will eat insects or meat whenever they can get it. Gray squirrels and eastern chipmunks are known nest raiders that will eat eggs or chicks. They also occasionally kill and eat adult birds.

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