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Opinions on YouTubers?

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Generally, I only look at a youtube review if I am curious about a something and want to see it in action or a close look at the deck, internals, etc

Sometimes I will also look at a review if I already own something and have a problem with it, lol
Pretty much the same with me.
I will however watch all of Todds reviews.
I also tend to watch Vaping biker, Ideal Ohm Show, and Vaping with Vic.

Several of the longer term reviewers are losing interest and quitting.
Or near to that point.
Busardo, Bloody Good Vaping, Plumes, etc.

It will also be interesting to see how the Youtube monitization thing works out with YT tightening restrictions on what is advertiser friendly.

I avoid some like Rip, Indoor smoker, etc even if they have a review I am interested in.
Loud in yer face types aggravate me.


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Member For 2 Years
The only problem I have with Vic (as well as the vaping postman) is that I have a hard time understanding him. I looked up the troll video that someone mentioned here, and while I laughed at him calling it a "drapper", I didn't have much more time to watch the video.

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I forgot
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Simply MY thoughts on it......

Based on the last 15 years worth of forum viewing I have done I’ll never do video reviews for 2 very good reasons.

The amount of time and energy it requires to do a GOOD review isn’t worth what you get in return.

What do you get in return?

When you first start out you get absolutely nothing.

Ok, that isn’t true.

You get a group of people bitching and moaning about how you didn’t provide them with what THEY wanted to get out of the review.

You didn’t cover this or that.

You forgot to mention this or that.

You were wrong on this or that.

Not one of those people doing the bitching and moaning have ever put forth the time or energy to try doing their own damn review.

Maybe you weren’t as clear of a speaker as some of them would want you to be.

Maybe you had too much energy for some people.

Maybe one viewer noticed a towel on your floor and instantly decided you didn’t clean your house so they start bitching and moaning about that without taking into consideration that maybe that very towel was used to do cleanup of whatever it was that you were working on but in your rush to try to get the review recorded and edited so you could post it you decided that wasn’t as important to the viewers so you left it there until you completed your work.

Maybe you’re from another part of the country or world from certain viewers so they want to waste everyone else’s time trying to discuss your accent or something along that line.

Maybe you’ve managed to do reviews long enough for some vendors or manufactures to notice you and want to send you items to review……ohhhh hell no, now you’re automatically a sell out something and you’re only doing it for the free shit.

It couldn’t possibly be because you’ve put in extra long hours after your full time job to be able to get the reviews done and posted for the purpose of sharing the knowledge of said item with other vapers so they have a little more info to judge if they want to buy the same item or not.

There is no way you can get free shit AND do an honest review.

It isn’t possible, just ask all the critiques that seem to have all this knowledge and free time on their hands to bitch and moan about all of this however can’t seem to buy anything that has been made in the last two years or do a written or video review of their own.

Nooo, can’t be.

Evidently if you do video reviews you are just a low life that intentionally started doing video review JUST so everyone who watches them can find every excuse in the book to poke fun of or at you.

Nope, I’ll never do video reviews.

In the event you manage to do enough reviews and get a large enough following that vendors or manufactures want to (heaven forbid) PAY you to do said review!!!!!!!

Oh no, you’re such a shill, your opinions are automatically bought.

Certainly you can’t possibly make claims that something is good or bad without someone claiming you only claimed it was good because you were paid to do so or that you only said something was bad because the vendor/manufacture quit paying you or it was going to cut into the pay from someone else.

No, you no longer have your own opinions, just ask the viewers.

They seem to know it all.

There isn’t a possibility that you simply do reviews so you can HELP others gain more info about products available.

Oh, and there doesn’t seem to be a possibility that someone could have 10 items come in to review, spend 3 or 4 weeks reviewing each item, slowly work on the review and manage to post them all in a matter of a few days without someone trying to claim they only had the item for a few days and pushed out 10 reviews without using them.

(it is possible to review multiple items at the same time as well as review an item but not get the review posted right away)

Some of those same people want the absolute latest and greatest new item on the market then complain when the posting of a review takes too long.

They want to see the review now.

But if you rush the review you might miss something.

Ohh then they’ll hate you because you said something was good and it later turns out said item had an issue that was overlooked due to rushing.

Let’s not forget of that possibility that the specific item that the reviewer has in their hands could be different than the one the viewer has in their hands.

It is possible the reviewer had a good solid product but the manufacture cut corners when it came time for mass production?

Not according to some viewers.

To add, if you base your decision to buy an item strictly on someone else’s opinion, you probably made the wrong choice before you started.

They are for the purpose of an opinion, a first look, or specs.

But whatever.

Sometimes people whine and complain because a reviewer only tests an item for 2 weeks but also complains that the reviewer is reviewing older items.

How on earth can one person review every piece of vape gear that comes out?

They can’t.

There are simply too many items flooding the market.

Some people complain that the item THEY wanted to see a review of isn’t getting reviewed however it isn’t like they went out and bought the item and sent it to the reviewer.

Many reviewers review items they know they will like.

Some buy their own gear to review, some are a mix, and some only review items sent for the purpose of the review.

Hell, some get so much gear sent to them there is no way they can review it all.

Some do give-a-ways.

Ohhhh hell no…… evidently those that do give-a-ways are either only giving away the items they didn’t like or they are using the give-a-ways to buy more viewers.

The viewers know all and hate all however seem to watch enough video reviews that they know whom they dislike by name.

Odd huh?

You dislike someone so much that you took the time to memorize who the hell they are just so you can go bash them to your friends.

But yet those reviewers putting in all the time and effort to write or record their videos are the shills.

I see now.

In addition, it you DO choose to do video reviews, whatever you do next, do NOT post links to said review in a vape forum.

That'll start 5 more threads.

Nope, not for me.

I’ll never do video reviews.

There just isn’t a way to win.

However I am not bitter.

Why am I not bitter, because I will never do a video review.

Why do I sound so bitter?

Because of those that have so much hatred towards those that DO put forth the time and effort to do video reviews.

Are there reviewers that are sell outs?


Can you tell whom they are simply by the fact that they like everything they review?

Absolutely not.

Why you ask?

Because maybe they pick and choose the items they review and choose not to review items they know they will not like to ensure they can get the good reviews out so YOU may use that info towards your decision on whether or not you want to buy said item.

Are there some that say everything is good even if it is a piece of shit?


Some because they are indeed sell outs and their opinion has been bought.

Some because they don’t know what good is.

Some because they don’t even actually vape except when on camera.

Some because they don’t spend enough ACTUAL TIME with the product to know what is actually does or if it truly is a good or bad product.

A million reasons for every opinion in the book however you won’t ever really know what one is true.

So some just choose to automatically decide ALL video reviews are sell outs or suck at doing reviews.

It may be difficult to pick out the actual helpful portion of this post but I assure you, I did indeed contribute in one way or another.

Hopefully you can tell the difference throughout all that on what part was sarcasm, what part was being bothered by those that go out of their way to pick on reviewers, and what part was simply there to add to the body of the message.

Someone may want to remember that not everyone vaping style is the same as theirs.

Just because they liked or disliked an item, doesn’t mean every viewer will feel the same.

However based on all that I read, the reviewer must simply be lying.

Seems there are MANY that just don’t like video reviews……..then why the hell watch them?

Just to bitch and moan about them? I dunno.

Did you find two reasons in that?

Hope so.


If you didn't read it, you didn't care for my opinion and I am 100% not offended by that.

It was simply the thoughts that ran through my head when I read the topic of the thread.

It was NOT intended to bash ANYONE.
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Sorry but like some reviews your opinion was just too long for me to read.
This is my opinion review?

Nothing personal just my review :)


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Pretty much the same with me.
I will however watch all of Todds reviews.
I also tend to watch Vaping biker, Ideal Ohm Show, and Vaping with Vic

I do like Todd's reviews - and I've seen him dis some very expensive free gear - which takes balls

But, I still only watch his reviews for the above mentioned reasons

I will look at others if he doesn't answer my question - which is rare


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Simply MY thoughts on it......

Dude, do you need a Snickers bar? :D


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I do like Todd's reviews - and I've seen him dis some very expensive free gear - which takes balls

But, I still only watch his reviews for the above mentioned reasons

I will look at others if he doesn't answer my question - which is rare
Yep Todd gets high horse gear for free. He does not even have to belong to a triple secret FB group and try to win the chance to buy one.
And then he gives it a pretty fair review and pulls few punches.


Platinum Contributor
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The only problem I have with Vic (as well as the vaping postman) is that I have a hard time understanding him. I looked up the troll video that someone mentioned here, and while I laughed at him calling it a "drapper", I didn't have much more time to watch the video.

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In his video review of the UD Sifu B-Tab, he [Vic] just kept rambling about the ohms reader probably being too inaccurate for it to be trustworthy as a build station. But I happen to know for a fact it pretty much always reads atomizer resistance .01 ohms higher than any DNA250 mod worth its salt so all you need to do for it to be highly accurate for an ohms reader is subtract .01 and just keep on smiling. lol He isn't the only reviewer who loves to be long winded with nothing but pure laughable presumptuousness oozing out of the camera pixels a lot so, yeah... I tend to watch review videos almost solely for their entertainment factor and hopefully find out what a product looks like. Almost solely. I still do agree with him The Troll RDA 2 is great value for money, though... albeit my coil build that I used in order to evaluate performance was wildly different from his, and so is my vaping style. But I don't laugh at him for his accent. The Scottish accent is funny to outsiders, but I don't want to truly make fun of that.


Silver Contributor
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My name is Chris and I have a problem...

I watch vape reviews.

But seriously, I'm on a budget so when I am ready to get something I ask around here for recommendations and then after I narrow it down to 1 or 2 choices I watch as many reviews about it as I can find.

Sometimes I watch a reviewer because he or she is just fun to watch. (What can I say? I know I'm lame)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I do like Todd's reviews - and I've seen him dis some very expensive free gear - which takes balls

But, I still only watch his reviews for the above mentioned reasons

I will look at others if he doesn't answer my question - which is rare
his word carries alot of wieght...he's been at it so long, and for the most part has always been pretty honest, even though it has cost him being attacked by certain fanboys..and he's always couches his critisims of gear in very polite terms the only one I can think he totally dissed was the Manhattan which he called a pipe bomb..I like Todd alot...I think though my favorite thing about him is .....after being one of the very first vaping reviewers and despite the fact he has built every type of concievable atty (not just tanks and drippers)...he is still an embarassingly sloppy builder...he is very approachable and though he has way more than ,all the creds he needs.... he doesn't push himself as the great vaping expert like alot of these obese dweebs in black tshirts and tattooos.....he only steered me wrong once,...........and I'm gonna get him back for that.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 2 Years
My name is Chris and I have a problem...

I watch vape reviews.

But seriously, I'm on a budget so when I am ready to get something I ask around here for recommendations and then after I narrow it down to 1 or 2 choices I watch as many reviews about it as I can find.

Sometimes I watch a reviewer because he or she is just fun to watch. (What can I say? I know I'm lame)
Hi Chris, welcome to YouTube anonymous.

I pretty much browse the online shops for a play pretty and if something catches my eye I go through the process of review videos, typed reviews, either from here, Reddit, or whatever Google gives me. Then I check popularity, weigh pros and cons based on my preferences (I care more about long term usage than a paint job chipping for example). And finally I check my bank account and run it by the wife.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My name is Chris and I have a problem...

I watch vape reviews.

But seriously, I'm on a budget so when I am ready to get something I ask around here for recommendations and then after I narrow it down to 1 or 2 choices I watch as many reviews about it as I can find.

Sometimes I watch a reviewer because he or she is just fun to watch. (What can I say? I know I'm lame)
I think that's brilliant, I watch that guy the vaping Bogan for fun...I always wanna see how many times he can say "cunts" in a single's one thing when you're dropping 35.00 on an's quite another thing when your dropping 150.00 on an atty...I do the same thing ..I usually don't buy impulsively...I ask people and I watch as many reviews as possible about a device I'm thinking of time goes by I buy less and less.


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remember this dude....he vaped like he was auditioning for a gay porn flick. guy had more money than brains...


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Damn at first I thought is was a woman or girl?
and after're still not sure...he's torturous to watch...but he was rich and he reviewed stuff that nobody could get their hands a Caravela.


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and after're still not sure...he's torturous to watch...but he was rich and he reviewed stuff that nobody could get their hands a Caravela.

Nope sorry couldn't watch it! LMFAO

I tired but after leaving it running was skipping through to find what you mentioned but just couldn't make it through it. Actually better than the Classy Butt Dick though!


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If I see a device or tank/rda I'm interested in, Ill check out youtube to see if that particular item has been reviewed, and Ill watch just to get a general idea of how well it works. I do watch Mike Vapes, Anthony Vapes, Fagen and Daniel, but It is just part of the research. When you vape on a budget, it is worth the effort to ask questions here on VU, go to the local vape shop, etc to try to make on an informed decision on a purchase.


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and after're still not sure...he's torturous to watch...but he was rich and he reviewed stuff that nobody could get their hands a Caravela.

Looks like his parents were rich, more likely.

John C

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Looks like his parents were rich, more likely.
Definitely was daddy's money, you can tell. This guy reeks of being a huge douche. Of course, i have only seen two videos of his.


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yeah I like jai haze too. first time I saw one of his videos I was like, "oh shit, Vince Vaughn does vaping videos?"
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks he sounds like Vince Vaughn lmao. I said as much in the comments of one of his vids, not in terms of looks but the choice of wording and speech mannerisms I was like oh shit, if v.v. did vape vids this is what it would be like. haha.


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I don't blame those like paratech who would never want to do a review. I couldn't do it, I hate the sound of my own damn voice. Seems like people just expect too much. If a review doesn't have what you're looking for, why bitch? Just move on and look for another.

Maybe it's a generational thing, whenever I did research in a library and didn't find what I needed in one book I went to another. I didn't sit there and bitch at the top of my lungs like ' seriously, what the fuck. this shitty ass author didn't even touch on this part of the subject. what a fucking douchebag, holy hell.'

People don't seem to take into account that a reviewer may have gotten a lemon or a solid device that may or may not accurately represent the general overall experience by a larger group of users. They literally have one or two of thousands or tens of thousands of a particular device. They also don't wait 6mo after using it to give a longevity review, maybe the buttons feel great out of the package. Whether they still feel great 6mo later is another story. Same with any other product supposedly 'tested' by various means like those mattress testimonials where they simulate years of use with rollers and such. I don't give a shit how many times you run a barrel across it, you're stressing new materials not older worn materials exposed to natural elements.

I don't mind longer reviews if they're informative, I can skip the boring parts like the unboxing crap. Some people lack the attention span and just want it in 5min or less but it still may be a generational thing. I grew up in an era where people still wrote in cursive, talked in complete sentences and didn't grunt via a mix of memes and emojis. Videos that short are useless imo.. 'so i have a mod here. it's delicious and chucks tits. it's red, buy it.' Yea I can see it's fucking red lmao. Then again I also don't expect them to testify to how great the paint quality is. "well the paint didn't fall off when i removed it from the box" - well that's a good start I suppose.

Every time a rip video plays all I can hear in my head is the salesman on Family Guy - 'wacky waiving arm inflatable flailing tube man!' or the Joe Isuzu commercials from the 80's.


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Every time a rip video plays all I can hear in my head is the salesman on Family Guy - 'wacky waiving arm inflatable flailing tube man!' or the Joe Isuzu commercials from the 80's.

And now so will I!


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People don't seem to take into account that a reviewer may have gotten a lemon or a solid device that may or may not accurately represent the general overall experience by a larger group of users.

I can guarantee you that the reviewers get devices in perfectly working condition, that have been especially babied and double-checked. We do that with our products too in my company. Whenever you see "For demo purposes" on the box, it's not run-of-the-mill.

So yeah, you're right, the devices the damn reviewers get don't accurately represent the general overall experience of us mere mortals: theirs are better.


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What is really annoying about reviewers is the ones who spam the forums all the time. It has been spoken about and I think there is a thread dedicated to the subject.


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I made myself sit through a GrimmGreen review because he did a breakdown on the yet-to-be-released 528 Customs squonker

Was pure torture :zombie:
Totally agree with's like watching leave it to beaver gets a tattoo..and spend the weekend at a rock concert.....
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Platinum Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I think that's brilliant, I watch that guy the vaping Bogan for fun...I always wanna see how many times he can say "cunts" in a single's one thing when you're dropping 35.00 on an's quite another thing when your dropping 150.00 on an atty...I do the same thing ..I usually don't buy impulsively...I ask people and I watch as many reviews as possible about a device I'm thinking of time goes by I buy less and less.
I never buy impulsively. That's why, when I'm deciding what to buy, I don't usually watch the impulsive reviews... assuming there exist reviews of what it is I'm considering to buy.


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Member For 4 Years
What is really annoying about reviewers is the ones who spam the forums all the time. It has been spoken about and I think there is a thread dedicated to the subject.

I have them all on ignore - just like I ignore vendors and everybody else who insists on selling me shit. Because that's what reviewers do: they sell shit. Only instead of doing it directly, they astroturf.

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I have them all on ignore - just like I ignore vendors and everybody else who insists on selling me shit. Because that's what reviewers do: they sell shit. Only instead of doing it directly, they astroturf.
Seems to have gotten pretty direct to me..
Or maybe I just see through it more.
Reminds me of the bassomatic



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occasionally.......Mark Todd and Damien from a "bloody good vape"....I'm not chasing gear so there isn't much point in it.....
Damien is quitting Todd says , again

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I Iike Todd ,P Bussado, they get the rta,s i tend to like most the Restrictive types and i like Djslabs, he tests out some of the gear im interested in ,

The others i watch to see how easy they are to build ect,

But more an more are just the same , same stuff same actual Review , they dont test they don't build there own coils everything is gifted to them and its kind of just like watching spoilt kids showing off there new goodies ,
Ok there a spot of jealousy of all the freebies , but you see them use for 10 mins its the best ever, again
Then into the next one ,

They get paid we know that , but they get that much stuff they sell on a load to make even more (just look how much rip used to have Dam enough to stock several vape shops,

(Im sure most do now ) as an extra income.

They cannot be using them for long at all before, since so much arrives each week then straight onto moving onto the next item several times a week so little Actual testing unless its something they Personally like or expensive enough to parade or boost about,

I think they should offer out some of these / have there own testers and when they do the live shows,
Actually have said tester/ users who have the time to use daily for more than a week to give honest pros an cons

On there shows to be giving there feedback after several weeks of use,

Not one days worth of use its not enough time,

To much stuff comes out too fast ,
Normal vapers have days weeks months with there stuff before moving onto others

be it on a tighter budget or awaiting the slow boat of shipping from china ,
none really do a proper follow up Reviews either.??

And only a very slim few do actually call out a company the rest just tend to let a lot go
Even if its a defective product
Then jump onto the next thing.

Look at the mods that where way under powered only one Reviewer called them out the others had no clue , literally no clue and still defended the company , not wanting to rock the boat , resulted in that Reviewer getting a lot of greif but stuck to his guns even after said company sent harassing emails an such threats ,

The others where oblivious to it as they are Now
There just paid sale reps not actual Reviewers anymore

Theres really only a few actual Reviewers anymore

Rest to me are sales Reps if they know it or not thats all they are,

We buyers deserve more in-depth research and reviews ,

but since more an more money an freebies are involved less an less time is put into each item.

So they can advertise more and more to get paid more and more ,
Then if you have a problem with them or the item your slated for voicing your opinion or greivance with the product many jumping to defend the sell out reviewers.

when surely so much stuff is produced so quickly in mass theres bound to be many many flaws ,
There is with everything.

The big numbered YouTube Reviewer now are just paid product advertisers we know that,
They are paid we know that they know we know but the mention of its seems a sin to say so,

There is jealousy/ envy for the freebies thats just normal,

But at least put it through its paces for a while before posting any of the Review,

Even if they give negative things they brush over them an explain them away. So not really negatives

To me it seems many are just into deep to give a honest objective review anymore
Which allows manufacturers to put out subpar stuff, for us to be conned out of our hard working earned monies.

The no follow ups also a big mistake as when Customer s get there hands on items its them that find the faults the reviewers missed,
( mostly due to making sure most Reviewers get the perfect items ) An the customers get subpar stuff rushed out to meet demand from said reviews

This makes follow ups more important.

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Member For 4 Years
why not...all the modders are being driven out of bussiness...what's left to review..another chinese shit tank with fins and whistles, that comes in 16 different colors....
Hes got a lot of eastern European mods, exclusives ect to review we not heard much of ,
As well as a few tanks and rda,s from his blogs
But needs to use them a little more before posting them. Theres always more new modders taking there place , an dont seem keen on china stuff TBH

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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I can guarantee you that the reviewers get devices in perfectly working condition, that have been especially babied and double-checked. We do that with our products too in my company. Whenever you see "For demo purposes" on the box, it's not run-of-the-mill.

So yeah, you're right, the devices the damn reviewers get don't accurately represent the general overall experience of us mere mortals: theirs are better.
I wouldn't say all that. I know DJ got a used aegis on the 1st run. and the person that used it took off the USB cover and didn't put it back on. I seen a video where jai haze got a used item that had juice in the tank still. Personally most of what i get is the retail version. I've gotten a few "samples" that were labeled as such, but those arne't just for reviews, they are for giveaways and stuff as well. In the case of the captain, the retail version was better (not by much though) then the sample version. I know DJL had issues with his and that's why his review took so long. he went back to ijoy on issues with the mod he received. I know in some industries like TVs companies are known for putting better panels on review versions.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I Iike Todd ,P Bussado, they get the rta,s i tend to like most the Restrictive types and i like Djslabs, he tests out some of the gear im interested in ,

The others i watch to see how easy they are to build ect,

But more an more are just the same , same stuff same actual Review , they dont test they don't build there own coils everything is gifted to them and its kind of just like watching spoilt kids showing off there new goodies ,
Ok there a spot of jealousy of all the freebies , but you see them use for 10 mins its the best ever, again
Then into the next one ,

They get paid we know that , but they get that much stuff they sell on a load to make even more (just look how much rip used to have Dam enough to stock several vape shops,

(Im sure most do now ) as an extra income.

They cannot be using them for long at all before, since so much arrives each week then straight onto moving onto the next item several times a week so little Actual testing unless its something they Personally like or expensive enough to parade or boost about,

I think they should offer out some of these / have there own testers and when they do the live shows,
Actually have said tester/ users who have the time to use daily for more than a week to give honest pros an cons

On there shows to be giving there feedback after several weeks of use,

Not one days worth of use its not enough time,

To much stuff comes out too fast ,
Normal vapers have days weeks months with there stuff before moving onto others

be it on a tighter budget or awaiting the slow boat of shipping from china ,
none really do a proper follow up Reviews either.??

And only a very slim few do actually call out a company the rest just tend to let a lot go
Even if its a defective product
Then jump onto the next thing.

We buyers deserve more in-depth research and reviews ,

but since more an more money an freebies are involved less an less time is put into each item.

So they can advertise more and more to get paid more and more ,
Then if you have a problem with them or the item your slated for voicing your opinion or greivance with the product many jumping to defend the sell out reviewers.

when surely so much stuff is produced so quickly in mass theres bound to be many many flaws ,
There is with everything.

The big numbered YouTube Reviewer now are just paid product advertisers we know that,
They are paid we know that they know we know but the mention of its seems a sin to say so,

There is jealousy/ envy for the freebies thats just normal,

But at least put it through its paces for a while before posting any of the Review,

Even if they give negative things they brush over them an explain them away. So not really negatives

To me it seems many are just into deep to give a honest objective review anymore
Which allows manufacturers to put out subpar stuff, for us to be conned out of our hard working earned monies.

The no follow ups also a big mistake as when Customer s get there hands on items its them that find the faults the reviewers missed,
( mostly due to making sure most Reviewers get the perfect items ) An the customers get subpar stuff rushed out to meet demand from said reviews

This makes follow ups more important.

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while i do agree as a whole with what you said, it's certainly not everyone. I started doing it for the exact reasons you listed and don't do any of the BS the big time reviewers pull. and even at that, you give a bad review because a product is bad and what happens? you get a bunch of fanboy nonsense from people who purchased the device and like it. some vapers are just as bad as reviewers pushing/hyping subpar products for their own unknown reasons.


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Jeez..the AC-9/RSST probablly one of the worst gennys ever built. them was the early days.


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Personally, I prefer written reviews that are to the point with just the right amount of pics if they are needed. Mostly I am interested in the specifications of the item and if it works or it doesn't work.

I feel no need to watch an unboxing as I have never met a box that I have been unable to open.

Just tell me what is in the box and I am happy.

Also, don't need to see someone spend several minutes blowing huge clouds of vapor.

I can do that all by myself.

Also also, from what I have actually seen, a lot of these reviewers seem to think they are entertainers.

For the most part, they are not.

If I want to be entertained, I will watch a favorite TV show, movie, read a book or play with my cat.

For me, some overcaffeinated ( ? ) bearded idiot screaming "Sick As Tits" about a product he has used for just a day or so (if that) just gets on my nerves.

99% of my decision to purchase a new piece of vaping hardware is based on reading what my fellow vapers think about a product after a month or more of use.

From time to time I will watch an instructional Youtube video to either learn to properly use an item, fix something or to learn a new skill.

As well as watching something either funny or factual that a friend has sent me to check out.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I come here to be entertained...

I do consider several vape reviewers to be entertaining.
Some to be somewhat obnoxious.
Some to be straight up shills.
And some to be stupit.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Personally, I prefer written reviews that are to the point with just the right amount of pics if they are needed. Mostly I am interested in the specifications of the item and if it works or it doesn't work.

I feel no need to watch an unboxing as I have never met a box that I have been unable to open.

Just tell me what is in the box and I am happy.

Also, don't need to see someone spend several minutes blowing huge clouds of vapor.

I can do that all by myself.

Also also, from what I have actually seen, a lot of these reviewers seem to think they are entertainers.

For the most part, they are not.

If I want to be entertained, I will watch a favorite TV show, movie, read a book or play with my cat.

For me, some overcaffeinated ( ? ) bearded idiot screaming "Sick As Tits" about a product he has used for just a day or so (if that) just gets on my nerves.

99% of my decision to purchase a new piece of vaping hardware is based on reading what my fellow vapers think about a product after a month or more of use.

From time to time I will watch an instructional Youtube video to either learn to properly use an item, fix something or to learn a new skill.

As well as watching something either funny or factual that a friend has sent me to check out.

THIS!! I like to read about them instead of watching them. And I don't need 200 pictures, just pertinent ones, and definitely don't need to see memes or stupid graphics that have nothing to do with the product.

I generally just watch videos to see how something is coiled if I haven't done it before (like the post-less stuff) and just skip to the part that I need to see. I'll read a dozen reviews or ask about it here rather than watch a video if I'm looking for opinions on how well something works.

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