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Pics of the Texas Rebel Juice Lab where they make their e-Juice for retail sales


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All my juice is made by a lazy, disorganized lout!

I think it's great to see this company making efforts to tidy things up though.


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Guess Smokie has other shit to stir and isn't posting any replies to the questions asked.


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Also, tidy up the shelves, and make sure nothing will drop off them..
i'd suggest labeling everything in it's proper place, so inventory count later is easier..
and rule of lab is, no cell phones or unauthorized people in place, mixing or not..
the mix room is the one place you want your mixer to be comfortable in.. :)
this has already been addressed, so are you going to answer me as to why I was banned from multiple groups by you without breaking any rules cause you got your panties in a bunch and remedy the situation?

I keep seeing these posts telling Rebel Juice that they need to do this that and the other with there lab. Do you tell this to all your juice vendors?? Webcams to prove they are doing things right?!? Come on! It sounds like you're assuming that every juice maker out there makes juice in a pristine environment. You people have to know that is absolutely not true. Maybe you should focus all your comments on the industry as a whole instead of directing them at a single vendor.

I'm not saying what they did is right, but stop beating them up over it.
Unfortunately, we made the mistake and it was public, so while I somewhat understand the direction at us, I completely agree with your statement here. I would venture an estimate of at least 85-95% of juice vendors do not have a "certified clean room" and a great many of them are in much worse condition than ours was in the pictures.

Guess Smokie has other shit to stir and isn't posting any replies to the questions asked.
Sounds about right ....


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Well on the upside I never heard of this vendor before this so although it was designed to be a negative thread, seems they got some free advertisement from smokie. I say we all go visit their site and buy a bottle of juice from them just because.

Smoky Blue

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this has already been addressed, so are you going to answer me as to why I was banned from multiple groups by you without breaking any rules cause you got your panties in a bunch and remedy the situation?

I am not @SMOKIE :D

Unfortunately, we made the mistake and it was public, so while I somewhat understand the direction at us, I completely agree with your statement here. I would venture an estimate of at least 85-95% of juice vendors do not have a "certified clean room" and a great many of them are in much worse condition than ours was in the pictures.

Sounds about right ....

Food for thought.. why not be an inspiration? Within the next year, we will see the fda rear it's head..
why give it more food for thought and have a total ban (1995-96)? It's not what I want.. and that is why i mix..
i want to know what all is in my juice and what better way than to make it.
I am one of the lucky one's that does mix in a clean room..


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I am not @SMOKIE :D

Food for thought.. why not be an inspiration? Within the next year, we will see the fda rear it's head..
why give it more food for thought and have a total ban (1995-96)? It's not what I want.. and that is why i mix..
i want to know what all is in my juice and what better way than to make it.
I am one of the lucky one's that does mix in a clean room..

Touche :-D
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Just bouncing around and noticed this thread. After reading all the way through it I think you all have turned what could have been something bad into something good.

I hang out in one of my local vape shops quite often and they make some of their own juice. It is by no means a "sterile" clean room. They do take a lot of precautions and follow what guidelines they have set.

I have ordered from many places online that are "out of home" vape shops. I'll probably order many times again if I get tired of making it myself.

I went to mixing most of my own juice here recently because I realized, 1: how cheap it can be to do it yourself, and 2: how good I can make my own. I don't mix in a clean "lab" (my computer table lol). I do wipe it down with antibacterial spray before I do any mixing, and all needles and bottles and sterilized before use.

I am glad that you were able to turn this around as you were, but I do wish less stuff like this would stop popping up. It's not good for the industry to get any bad press ATM.


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one of their cronies ... no I am an employee ... and it sure was nice of you to ban me from your facebook group so I can no longer defend myself or the company i work for ... proves real character there buddy ... and banned me from mod envy too when I didnt break any rules in either group .... lemme guess you going to ban me here too because you dont like the fact that you took some out of context pictures that were provided to you by another juice vendor and you got your ass handed to you in the post?
If this is Jeff, you were banned for mentioning the thread on other FB pages I run which was Not the place for this thread or mention of it. And you Never said that you were the brother of the owner neither when posting, so that in it self is bias. Why is the owner not posting?


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I am not the "brother of the owner" I am in no way related to them, you have me confused with someone else .... I am an employee and no I did not post anything about the thread on ANY other page you admin. The owner doesnt frequent these forums or really any for that matter. If you are speaking to me responding to a similar thread in another group, I have that right as our company was being attacked .......


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I am not in that picture sir .... nice try though ....

it is unfortunate that you cannot post facts and instead post hearsay in an attempt to discredit someone
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this has already been addressed, so are you going to answer me as to why I was banned from multiple groups by you without breaking any rules cause you got your panties in a bunch and remedy the situation?

Unfortunately, we made the mistake and it was public, so while I somewhat understand the direction at us, I completely agree with your statement here. I would venture an estimate of at least 85-95% of juice vendors do not have a "certified clean room" and a great many of them are in much worse condition than ours was in the pictures.

Sounds about right ....
Smokie and Smokey Blue.. 2 different people ;)

The first is BS, the 2nd is ok :D


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Yea I realized that after I quoted it ..
1 seems to actually be useful the other .... well ill bite my tongue for now


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is every vaper a hypochondriac?
pictures of a neatly organised mixing room with a little after hours party going on
do not a disaster make.
notice i said mixing room. where does all this sterile lab stuff come from.
ever been in a food processing plant or your favorite restaurants kitchen?
check out whats on their floor and in their trash cans.
the picture of the guy mixing is nice but seriously the guy looks like
he's preparing an ebola culture.
exactly what pathogens and allergens do you think could possibly can get in,
let alone survive in e-juice. making juice is not rocket science.
if can buy a box of cake mix and using a clean kitchen at the end of the
day have cake you have used more processes than making e-juice and,
made it as safely as e-juice needs to be.
if contaminated e-juice could make one sick how come it hasn't happened
yet. might be because the main ingredients are antibacterial.

i do agree that someone should tell that guy to put a shirt on.
a modicum of decorum should be maintained,
this hypersensitivity to perceived health concerns is precisely what the
FDA is going to use for an excuse to crush the industry.

just my thoughts,regards


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Do you guys normally place juice on the floor. This juice is contaminated. Nothing is clean when it is in contact with the floor-no matter what. The next thing we will have to do- testing to determine how much staphylococci is in our e-liquid products due to improper handling of the materials/lack of cleanliness.
  • Is that paint sterile
  • Is that wall ac unit sterile
  • What if anything in that lab is even sterile
dude,their not processing small pox virus.


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Responsibility of handling and manufacturing e-liquid is extremely important to me. As long as the manufacturer is utilizing a clean/sterile room/supplies while following safety protocols and can prove to me (not asking for their Top Secret Classified Recipes) with pictures, I will be satisfied.
i don't think you know what you mean by sterile.
99.9 of every thing you eat touch and wear was not made in a sterile environment.
hopefully it was made in a clean manufacturing facility.
even cigarettes. they might have labs for testing and quality control but do
you think the production floor is a sterile environment?
99.9 % of the things that need to be made in a sterile lab environment are made
there because they are not worried what gets in to the product.
they are worried what makes the product will get out uncontrolled.

Smoky Blue

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wow.. so the rules for a clean room, we can toss those, right?
why waste time effort and money on anything..
we are all going to live forever! yeehaw buddy! :D


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wow.. so the rules for a clean room, we can toss those, right?
why waste time effort and money on anything..
we are all going to live forever! yeehaw buddy! :D
a clean room is a different standard than a sterile lab environment.
throw away masks and gloves ok check.(more for worker safety than anything i am afraid of getting)
hairnets and lab coats,not a deal breaker.
clean the tables and sweep and mop the floor after each shift,check.
use clean mixing equipment,don't cross contaminant flavors,check.
autoclave every thing?
i think a commercial grade restaurant dishwasher would do.
these can be rented relatively cheaply and a stand alone multi cycle
doesn't take up much space.most have free maintenance and repair.
label everything clearly.stored neatly in appropriate containers.(your raw ingredients should arrive that way to begin with)
final packaging.if your juice bottles are not pre-washed wash them.
air filtration? if your not mixing in a industrial setting or construction zone why would
not standard commercial ventilation be sufficient?
this can all be done on a local level with your friendly county,city or state health and safety
inspectors. there is no need for intrusive FDA entanglements.

Smoky Blue

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a clean room is a different standard than a sterile lab environment.
throw away masks and gloves ok check.(more for worker safety than anything i am afraid of getting)
hairnets and lab coats,not a deal breaker.
clean the tables and sweep and mop the floor after each shift,check.
use clean mixing equipment,don't cross contaminant flavors,check.
autoclave every thing?
i think a commercial grade restaurant dishwasher would do.
these can be rented relatively cheaply and a stand alone multi cycle
doesn't take up much space.most have free maintenance and repair.
label everything clearly.stored neatly in appropriate containers.(your raw ingredients should arrive that way to begin with)
final packaging.if your juice bottles are not pre-washed wash them.
air filtration? if your not mixing in a industrial setting or construction zone why would
not standard commercial ventilation be sufficient?
this can all be done on a local level with your friendly county,city or state health and safety
inspectors. there is no need for intrusive FDA entanglements.

then tell that to the fda and see how far you will get, come next summer.. ;)


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then tell that to the fda and see how far you will get, come next summer.. ;)

Well if the government gets their way, it will only likely be big tobacco that has the right to mfg e-liquid .... cause you know, they have such a great track record of putting out a healthy and safe product :p

Smoky Blue

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it's touchy, i know..

but there is a big difference in doing things the right way and the wrong..
and when you know you are in the wrong, fix it.. say it, do it.

when you plan a juice company, it is best to go ahead and find out what regs you do need and what you don't.. but..
always expect change, and to expand on safety.. when it comes down to it, that is what matters in the long run.


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it's touchy, i know..

but there is a big difference in doing things the right way and the wrong..
and when you know you are in the wrong, fix it.. say it, do it.

when you plan a juice company, it is best to go ahead and find out what regs you do need and what you don't.. but..
always expect change, and to expand on safety.. when it comes down to it, that is what matters in the long run.

I agree and that is why we are listening to peoples input on this topic and acting on it. Any new regs that come down we will be prepared for and implement as required. We are in it for the long haul, provided the government doesn't put us all out of business with their rulings.


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i agree with you completely.
R.J. Renolds and Lorillard comments to the FDA deeming regulations.

the cliff note version is they want all juice to only be sold in tamper proof cartridges(think cigalike)
to prevent contamination and use of unapproved substances.(think,other peoples juice)

of course that is their recommendation, sales on their cigalikes are abysmal compared to the size of the market out there. and they have the money to likely get what they want, unfortunately.

Smoky Blue

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and sadly, due to images like your shop @synaptik it will feed them well..
yes you said you will fix everything, still.. once it's out on the net, or out on mobile, things like this are not hard to spot..
and yes eventually i see them getting their way with it too..
the bad thing is, this would have been good.. if we all could keep out the drugs etc..
but knowing human nature, big gov thinks they have to protect us all.. :/

just like in a bar, and someone slips a drug into a drink.. it's not that hard.
not to forget the clean bit either..


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doesn't help that a select few do not care that we are/have fixed the issues and continue to spread these images everywhere they can ....
its unfortunate but it is what it is, the owner should have considered that when posting them in the first place and nothing I can do to fix that. All I can do is make sure mistakes like that are not made again, remedy issues with the employees, and fix broken processes and problems.

as for the drugs thing, yea I get it ... One of the guys in our group got a piece of mail from a company advertising penis enlargement from their ego kit and I have lost count of how many other prescription and non-prescription drug infused juices I have heard of. Now that is dangerous right there, especially when the contents being "infused" are non-fda approved "medicines."


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I hope most of you grow your own food. Vegetables in the garden. Cows and chickens.

And for a group that worries to no end about regulation putting a squash on the industry, you sure push hard for it. If you think publically airing your dirty laundry with calls of "self regulation" is going to work, you're sadly mistaken. Do gooders, those that would try to ban things, don't care if you think you are calling out your own to make things "better". All they need are examples. And you give them to them on a silver platter.

Carry on. I began DIY and buy bulk after reading threads like this. Nic and flavors might be hard to get some day. The community is very busy asking for the regulation it doesn't want.

I can see the Congressional hearing now. "See. Here we have people that use vaporizers concerned for their safety. They themselves are afraid that these shops are not conducting themselves in a safe manner. They need the government to ensure their safety."
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and sadly, due to images like your shop @synaptik it will feed them well..
yes you said you will fix everything, still.. once it's out on the net, or out on mobile, things like this are not hard to spot..
and yes eventually i see them getting their way with it too..
the bad thing is, this would have been good.. if we all could keep out the drugs etc..
but knowing human nature, big gov thinks they have to protect us all.. :/

just like in a bar, and someone slips a drug into a drink.. it's not that hard.
not to forget the clean bit either..
well if everyone wouldn't go batshit hyper health conscious.
the raw materials themselves are at FDA approved purity levels.
mixing them together in the appropriate amounts should not be an FDA concern.
any regulations that would be appropriate are all ready covered under existing law.
seriously that was a nice looking mixing room.
if farmers where required to adhere to some of the standards using fertilizers and
insecticides as some want with there juice we would all be starving.
read the warning label,follow instructions,how hard can that be.
they are not isolating an isotope in there.


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People just need something to cry about.. If its not 'clean rooms' its ebola.. :rolleyes:


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as for the "shops like ours comment" believe me there are MUCH worse out there .... they just didn't have an employee dumb enough to post something stupid like we do lol. I have yet to enter a B&M that mixes their own juice that is even remotely as clean as our office and lord only knows the conditions of a lot of these "mix in their home" vendors that are everywhere.

I still believe issues such as this would have been much better handled by approaching the vendor instead of public posts like this in every known forum and facebook group .... but then again, if I have a problem with a vendor I take it to the vendor, not try to make drama out of it so people will pay attention to me

Smoky Blue

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People just need something to cry about.. If its not 'clean rooms' its ebola.. :rolleyes:

and ifn it aint all that, it's people cryin over people cryin over something to cry about.. mhmm.. :rolleyes::D

well if everyone wouldn't go batshit hyper health conscious.
the raw materials themselves are at FDA approved purity levels.
mixing them together in the appropriate amounts should not be an FDA concern.
any regulations that would be appropriate are all ready covered under existing law.
seriously that was a nice looking mixing room.
if farmers where required to adhere to some of the standards using fertilizers and
insecticides as some want with there juice we would all be starving.
read the warning label,follow instructions,how hard can that be.
they are not isolating an isotope in there.

and you want more belly lint or less? :p

as for the "shops like ours comment" believe me there are MUCH worse out there .... they just didn't have an employee dumb enough to post something stupid like we do lol. I have yet to enter a B&M that mixes their own juice that is even remotely as clean as our office and lord only knows the conditions of a lot of these "mix in their home" vendors that are everywhere.

I still believe issues such as this would have been much better handled by approaching the vendor instead of public posts like this in every known forum and facebook group .... but then again, if I have a problem with a vendor I take it to the vendor, not try to make drama out of it so people will pay attention to me

hmm.. i do not know. I have been in a few myself.
all the one's i have been in, protective clothing etc, before even going in..

the place i mix keeps standards extremely high..

but yes, all it takes is one pic, vid, or surprise inspection..
on the "drama" perhaps.. but if more images were "leaked" out.. a lot more people would be very conscious of what they were doing.

just my opinions.. ;)


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and ifn it aint all that, it's people cryin over people cryin over something to cry about.. mhmm.. :rolleyes::D

just my opinions.. ;)

And, the people trying to shut up those that call BS...


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still could have been easily solved by contacting the vendor ... we are very receptive to the community.
contrary to some peoples beliefs we do give a damn and want to be better at what we do. ;-)

Smoky Blue

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And, the people trying to shut up those that call BS...

i think they need to give you a full sample pack of all the juice they make.
maybe then you will feel better.. for protecting their name.. and with extra belly lint :)

still could have been easily solved by contacting the vendor ... we are very receptive to the community.
contrary to some peoples beliefs we do give a damn and want to be better at what we do. ;-)

it would be, and i can say this company is not the first and won't be the last..
hope for the best from now on.. without the side heckles.. ;)


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i think they need to give you a full sample pack of all the juice they make.
maybe then you will feel better.. for protecting their name.. and with extra belly lint :)

No need.. Havent tried them, prolly never will as I have my ADVs... Just calling BS on some of the BS posted in this thread.


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I have read all of the comments in this thread and some I just can't figure out. Now I'm all for juice vendors to have a clean room for making their juice in but unless they are making this juice in a vacuum a certain amount of atmosphere is going to be in the final product. Not to mention as soon as you are out and about and squeeze off a few drops into your device of choice you let in whatever is in the air around you.

Awhile back I saw a video that an American business man took while over in China of a factory that made juices. This place had a clean room that most vendors would love to have. It had a sealed entry door after which you passed through a decontamination area where you then put on a jumpsuit with hood goggles latex gloves and shoe covers. They juice was mixed in big stainless steel closed vats. It was then put into the bottles and labeled by the workers who inspected for leaks. After all that people still commented that they wouldn't buy it because it wasn't made here in the good old USA. 24hr web cams for some pictures that I feel were taken completely out of context. If we are going to vilify this guy and demand he do this or that then we should demand proof of a clean room or lab from all juice vendors. I'll wait patiently for their answer to that one.

I think you took my post about the web cam out of context. He doesn't need that in making juice, clearly. The web cam response was in the quickest way to regain customer trust. In that context it makes sense, and it's about marketing and building customer trust after it has been lost... not necessarily about making juice. 2 completely different issues. But no doubt complete transparency at this point would quickly re-establish trust.


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No biz from me, their logo sucks ass. Wouldn't get past the homepage if that flag is the first thing i see....
Well, your attitude sucks ass. That flag DOES NOT mean racism or discrimination, dumb fuck. That was the design of the state several hundred years ago, & any misinterpretation came from misinformed fucks. Like you for instance. And another point, I was born and raised in the south, & all of the innuendos and comments referring to us southerners as inbred and stupid are just plain fucking ignorant.

That company made a mistake yes, but how do we know for sure, that the picture was not tampered with, and taken by some asshole with the intent of doing mass damage to them? WE DON'T. So, I hope in the future, they use a little more discretion in their use of the lab. And anyone that makes a comment like you did, based on the design of the state flag, I wouldn't want you on my site anyway, it shows you openly practice discrimination. And there is way too much of that shit these days. So, next time, keep your asinine comments to yourself.


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No need.. Havent tried them, prolly never will as I have my ADVs... Just calling BS on some of the BS posted in this thread.
You ever notice how some people just like talking out of their ass? Just because they like the taste of the shit they spew?


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one of their cronies ... no I am an employee ... and it sure was nice of you to ban me from your facebook group so I can no longer defend myself or the company i work for ... proves real character there buddy ... and banned me from mod envy too when I didnt break any rules in either group .... lemme guess you going to ban me here too because you dont like the fact that you took some out of context pictures that were provided to you by another juice vendor and you got your ass handed to you in the post?
You cannot allow cooments by the ignorant to influence you, or determine how you do things. Some people will make comments, and don't hae the foggiest fucking idea what they are talking about. And if all of the pics were taken and distributed by some asswipe, butt hurt former customer, fuck him, you don't need his business anyway. I would make sure that there are no possibilities for this kind of shit to occur again. People will do and say the damndest things to hurt other people and their business, and they don't care how much it hurts the other folks. 99.9% of the time, it's all bullshit and lies anyway, and then you have people that thrive on drama, spreading and inflating the shit all over the internet.

I've had the same shit happen to me, not with my vaping, but my other business, and even though I explained that everything said against me was lies, people don't care about that, they just love drama. So, I hope your business does well, and recovers from this issue. I would put a disclaimer up that once the customer's juice leaves your hands, it is the responsibility of the postal service, NOT YOURS. You have no control over how the package is handled during the delivery process.


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'Cause its all bolded
Being bolded does not mean yelling, I do that because I just don't like light texting. My eyes see the bold better. If I was yelling, IT WOULD BE LIKE THIS, but I don't yell at people. No need to yell. So, my text being bolded, is mainly for my benefit...Does that make sense??? Sometimes my wording is not exactly correct, but I try to temper what I say to a certain extent....


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No one said you were yelling... And I agree that bolded text is easier to read..


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No one said you were yelling... And I agree that bolded text is easier to read..
Thank you. I just wanted to explain myself and that I use bold text in all of my corresondance...Hope you have a great Sunday...I have to put together a new tv stand for a 60" flat fun fun...:)

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