I have no clue actually and the woman asks me that all the time also....I go through phases of things "Im really into" and those phases last some time...
I was into Alcohol and Drugs for my teenage years and got sober...then did R/C for years, then jumped into guns, then modding games, and I always jump in head first, learn all I can and then I perfect my skills in it then I usually loose interest and move on...
Ive had about 20 different under the table jobs that I jumped in just to develop skills I thought I would need if something happen to anything in my house and car.
Carpentry, Auto-body/Detailing, Airbrushing, Welding and Soldering, Plumbing, Masonry, Fast Food, Slow Food, Tech Consulting and Web design and intrusion (my current field).
I work at GE and not to brag but I get paid handsomely for what I do...my vape budget is what most peoples house payments are..
I hated school when I attended and the only classes I specialized in were Psychology, Science, Math and History...After I graduated (barely) I for some reason felt the need to learn everything I could and did so on my own, then jumped into Stafford Tech Center and got a handful of certifications for Tech, Keyboarding and OS credentials.