I know, I know, but honestly I don't have the space to do it, and I still feel bad using a drill. I'm one of those suckers that if I had one I'd use a hand crank drill to bore holes, and I'll use a screwdriver over a drill if I can. I like technology, I use technology, but if I can avoid it and get the job done, I find the satisfaction all that much sweeter.
I've made some perfect fused claptons, I'm getting better every time, it's just not a certainty in the slightest and a little jump here and there doesn't seem to be the end of the world, but also why I want to try some of yours or chef's. But, that'll wait till I'm done playing around and find what I like best that I can make myself then compare that to what ya'll do.
Funny thing is my claptons actually come out better at full speed, so I jump that thing up as soon as possible, then just squeeze my fingers and relax my forearm and let it go. I'm at the point that for a single coil (what I use mostly) it takes me about as long to straiten the sucker (undoing the twists of the fused clapton) as it does to clapton the thing.
Drilling that screw into my desk was a nice change though, straitening out a length of 40g and using it was a pain (tie to the doorknob and go across the room and pull till it breaks, then hope it doesn't kink as I use it, arg).