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They make a bunch of crazy accessories like glass that changes color in the sunlight, changes by heat and colors/etched glasses. The reason its called a "Chip Coil" is the coils are actually connected to a Printed PCB Board and this allows for options like LEDs and more....many cool options in the future coming soon, the PCB is layered in Ceramic so its safe from the heat and you get a decent flavor even using the included coilheads which use twisted wire, claptons and more. You could solder new coils on them to reuse them but you will need to get 99.9% Silver Solder and have a nice chisel tip and some soldering skills ;). There are many different Chuff caps and they all accept a 510 drip tip intoi them and have some sort of threading inside them...I wonder why they have that besides circulating airflow...
There should be more RBA section choices in the near future for it like its bigger brother....maybe a postless version coming. Its a great RTA, well built and the machining on it is flawless...which right now for the RTA's on the market is crazy because most of them are coming out are unfinished prototype designs just to get released to be out for August 8th..

This is basically the RTA that I designed for Augvape awhile ago with some different options and looks but if you go back about 3 months in the thread you will see about 99% of the listed specs are exactly what this RTA has, which seemed like it would be a hit with the amount of attention it received in the forum. Its a beast and they hit the ball out of the park with it.

Does it have the pop out deck that spins freely in the base like the original Tornado? I hate that motherfucker with a passion, pita to build, no flavor, and leaks unless it's stuffed with cotton. You can get big vapor with full airflow and high wattage, but that's not my thing so gave it away to somebody I don't like very much. ;) But you guys are making me want to get this Nano version...


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Does it have the pop out deck that spins freely in the base like the original Tornado? I hate that motherfucker with a passion, pita to build, no flavor, and leaks unless it's stuffed with cotton. You can get big vapor with full airflow and high wattage, but that's not my thing so gave it away to somebody I don't like very much. ;) But you guys are making me want to get this Nano version...
The Nano is a dream to build on and a cakewalk to wick. DEFINITELY get the Nano. I freaking love this thing.

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.


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Does it have the pop out deck that spins freely in the base like the original Tornado? I hate that motherfucker with a passion, pita to build, no flavor, and leaks unless it's stuffed with cotton. You can get big vapor with full airflow and high wattage, but that's not my thing so gave it away to somebody I don't like very much. ;) But you guys are making me want to get this Nano version...
Nope...this base actually screws down tight and is secured for building on...Its nothing like its big brother.

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Done. 18 bucks at FT. It was already in the cart with some other stuff that I uhh, needed. lol Just had to have a little push to go over the edge, tyvm :)


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Framed staple. Ribbon cable is dumb hard to work with. Part of the problem is I bought a small spool to try it out. Curly like hell. Almost threw it across the room a few times. :)

framed staple.jpg

Next I'll try a staple staggered fused clapton. I may break things.


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If you leave it on the spool, grab the loose end with pliers, and give it a bit of a stretch (you'll feel it), it'll straighten out nicely for you. Cut and repeat until you have enough for your build.


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nice work @VapeSalsa :cheers: i failed at staple stagger fused claptons on my first (and only) try...i have pulled off a few sets of framed staples though. they are pretty nice, but usually come in super low on the ohm meter. i bought a rafale x for builds like that and im currently running those framed staples on the noisy cricket sometimes, thanks to that dead center post (though i dont like the 24mm rda on there, it looks dumb).


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nice work @VapeSalsa :cheers: i failed at staple stagger fused claptons on my first (and only) try...i have pulled off a few sets of framed staples though. they are pretty nice, but usually come in super low on the ohm meter. i bought a rafale x for builds like that and im currently running those framed staples on the noisy cricket sometimes, thanks to that dead center post (though i dont like the 24mm rda on there, it looks dumb).

Thank you @mach1ne! I KNOW I'll probably fail as well on the staple staggered fused clapton. I've already tried the claptoning with dual 36g wires and that is already hard to do without gaps or wires overlapping.

My framed staple also ohms out very low, .06. Running it at 100 watts, it eats through battery and juice.


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You know, a sleeper framed staple sounds quite interesting... Maybe I could try one on the Phenotype L.


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Then again, maybe not. The "bridge" would create a problem if it's not wicked.


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You know, a sleeper framed staple sounds quite interesting... Maybe I could try one on the Phenotype L.
Then again, maybe not. The "bridge" would create a problem if it's not wicked.

yeah i actually twisted up a dual four wrap sleeper from a little bit of leftover cat track and i realized that too as soon as i looked at it. on series that would get super hot, very quickly. i couldnt come up with any solution that didnt suck, so i moved on your results if you ever figure it out...


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A lot of builds that you see on IG are stupid as hell from an actual vaping point of view, they are only meant to look pretty. As soon as you consider how to wick them or how they would heat up it is pretty obvious that they are not going to vape.


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A lot of builds that you see on IG are stupid as hell from an actual vaping point of view, they are only meant to look pretty. As soon as you consider how to wick them or how they would heat up it is pretty obvious that they are not going to vape.
yeah i saw one with a swarovski crystal embedded in it not long ago. a nice piece of art, but at that point i dont understand why theres an atomizer in the picture. just make cool wire sculptures or jewelry...


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Yea IG is mostly Aesthetic Coils for pictures....what IG is comprised of. Much like a Car Show, a few of the cars will never see the road but sure look nice as hell and show craftsmanship and skill. Although some of them turn out to be a "okay" vape I would just stick to Aliens and Framed Staples if you want a great vape.

I do admit to making a few "show coils" myself..I think Ive vaped just a handful of the builds on my IG....I just like building and zoning into a zen like state fiddling with wire


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Yea IG is mostly Aesthetic Coils for pictures....what IG is comprised of. Much like a Car Show, a few of the cars will never see the road but sure look nice as hell and show craftsmanship and skill. Although some of them turn out to be a "okay" vape I would just stick to Aliens and Framed Staples if you want a great vape.

I do admit to making a few "show coils" myself..I think Ive vaped just a handful of the builds on my IG....I just like building and zoning into a zen like state fiddling with wire

And there is nothing wrong with that, I think most builders can easily see the difference between a vaping coil and an 'art' coil. Otherwise all the pictures would be the same after all :)


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Had to take the framed staple coils off. Too much vapor! It produced so much hot, dense vapor it was condensing all over the goon and my mod. I was constantly having to clean both. I like my vapor warm and dense but it was a bit much.

I had some 26 gauge anarchist wire and built some aliens with that. Glad I bought it cause the curiosity is over. I don't think I can taste a difference. Won't be buying that again.
I posted these in the wrong area yesterday. someone suggested I post here. I have some questions as well. I'm having issues with my coils having a dead spot that seems not to get as hot on the outside wrap. What causes that?


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They were premade and i gotta say I hate em

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I posted these in the wrong area yesterday. someone suggested I post here. I have some questions as well. I'm having issues with my coils having a dead spot that seems not to get as hot on the outside wrap. What causes that?

Don't know the technical explanation of that phenomenon, but it's normal. Everything looks fine in your pictures, and that's a hellacious amount of vapor on the RX with the parallels.
I actually found a way to kind of remedy this situation (may be obvious to you experienced people). I just made sure the legs were as even as possible, like always, but then I got the coils glowing and while still red hot, I put the screw driver I wrapped it with through the coils and kind of moved it in a cross pattern to make sure all the sides were flush. Seems to have helped a lot.

I appreciate it Alby, That pic came out really well. none of my newer builds have replicated it. I'm loving building. It's one of those things where I start building and all the sudden I look up and 2 hours have passed lol.

I'm messing around with different gauges and and diameters on the dragon skin coils.the next thing I'm gonna try is using two small (28/28/30) premade claptons that I bought as cores instead of the 26 gauge I've been using. My thinking is that it will give the juice more to seep in to. We will see how it comes out.


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SS316L Dual Fused Clapton coils on a Aeronaut RDA. 3MM, 6 wraps, .14 resistance using TC at 470 with my smok xcube 2. Works great


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They just don't taste right @Iliketurtles I don't know how to explain it....

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Yeah, those look like nothing more than a glorified triple parallel build. The binding is so far spaced that it loses all of the inherent alien properties.


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They just don't taste right @Iliketurtles I don't know how to explain it....

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It might be more because of you not giving them enough time to get burned in or just not gotten use to them ! Some of the complex builds take time to marinate the flavors in. If that makes sense?


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It might be more because of you not giving them enough time to get burned in or just not gotten use to them ! Some of the complex builds take time to marinate the flavors in. If that makes sense?
I'm just a build and throw it in and vape. If it don't taste right it don't get used..... I mean do you have to let it taste bad for x amount of hits before it taste good? That just isn't logical to me....I'm not trying to be mean or ugly just stating my opinion.

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I'm just a build and throw it in and vape. If it don't taste right it don't get used..... I mean do you have to let it taste bad for x amount of hits before it taste good? That just isn't logical to me....I'm not trying to be mean or ugly just stating my opinion.

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Naw man ! It's not like that lol.
Figure it like this.... it's the same concept as new cotton.


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If you start with clean wire and then pulse the coils prior to wicking to create the desired oxidized coating (on kanthal and/or nichrome), there shouldn't be any break-in needed.


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I posted this in the thread about 10 pages back:
EVERYTHING possibly useful or needed for making coils, these are the exact tools I use...Ive gone through alot of tools and most either broke or weren't decent quality and these did the job and still do. If you can find the same thing for cheaper then grab it, you can always upgrade later on.

Ebay Links:
Nylon Pliers LINK
Strong Swivels LINK
Ceramic Tweezers LINK
My Favorite Coil Jig! LINK
Wire Bundle, Kanthal 22g-36g LINK
Wire Bundle, N80 26g/28g/32g/34g/36g LINK
38g Kanthal D 1000ft for $8 LINK

Home Depot links:
Toothless Needle Nose PliersLINK
Flush Cutters LINK

Most expensive piece of the set, the Drill..
Cordless Drill with decent RPM speeds LINK

THANKS raymo2u!


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Looks good, Ray! The main thing with stitching is to use 2-4 gauges lighter than your alien wrap. Otherwise, it's pretty much just like wrapping a regular alien.


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Looks good, Ray! The main thing with stitching is to use 2-4 gauges lighter than your alien wrap. Otherwise, it's pretty much just like wrapping a regular alien.
Thanks for the tip! That last picture was a Flattened Interlock but I think I should have went thinner then 36g for the Wraps...It looks off because I made a clapton with both SS and N80 for outer wrap and the fact my current camera/setup is a potato...BUT I have some new photography gear on its way and it should improve everything by a good margin. Ill keep trying the Interlocks and Stitching....I really want to pull off that Interlocking AND Stitched Alien Framed Staple I mentioned to you a long time ago.


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Dude, that Stitched Alien Framed Staple is still my favorite build that I've done to date. As cool as it looks (at least to me it does), it also has great function, as well. I don't recall if I've ever done an interlocking alien. What's the process?


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Dude, that Stitched Alien Framed Staple is still my favorite build that I've done to date. As cool as it looks (at least to me it does), it also has great function, as well. I don't recall if I've ever done an interlocking alien. What's the process?
Interlock Alien requires a Parallel Decored clapton and then Wrap it as normal.

Interlocking Aliens:

Stitched Alien:

This is my friend M.mimicfun's Clapton Interlock....he and Firstkylejones have done some triple and quad Interlocking aliens which is just insane...I was thinking a Stiched and Interlock on a Framed Staple would be awesome....and difficult as hell.



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Interlock Alien requires a Parallel Decored clapton and then Wrap it as normal.
Okay, that's what I thought. I think I tried it once, with limited success.


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Okay, that's what I thought. I think I tried it once, with limited success.
I noticed you cant stretch it even half the distance you normally would for the similar size length of decored clapton. Stretch until you see perfect triangular points in the wire and then try and pinch with some tension while spinning the drill. I had better success pulling down slightly, pinching hard and going as fast as it could go...Like I said, Stitching and Interlocking would be difficult but it would be pretty cool...maybe SS, KA1, and N80 for each outerwrap for even more diversity!


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Okay, I found the pics. Like I said, only limited success. They're from the end of December - when I still had time for fun builds. :(

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Like I said, Stitching and Interlocking would be difficult
I tried that once, too. I couldn't get the stitching to go through the doubled Clapton - the 2 didn't want to stay together for some reason. At least not with the stitching being pushed through it.

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