They make a bunch of crazy accessories like glass that changes color in the sunlight, changes by heat and colors/etched glasses. The reason its called a "Chip Coil" is the coils are actually connected to a Printed PCB Board and this allows for options like LEDs and more....many cool options in the future coming soon, the PCB is layered in Ceramic so its safe from the heat and you get a decent flavor even using the included coilheads which use twisted wire, claptons and more. You could solder new coils on them to reuse them but you will need to get 99.9% Silver Solder and have a nice chisel tip and some soldering skills
. There are many different Chuff caps and they all accept a 510 drip tip intoi them and have some sort of threading inside them...I wonder why they have that besides circulating airflow...
There should be more RBA section choices in the near future for it like its bigger brother....maybe a postless version coming. Its a great RTA, well built and the machining on it is flawless...which right now for the RTA's on the market is crazy because most of them are coming out are unfinished prototype designs just to get released to be out for August 8th..
This is basically the RTA that I designed for Augvape awhile ago with some different options and looks but if you go back about 3 months in the thread you will see about 99% of the listed specs are exactly what this RTA has, which seemed like it would be a hit with the amount of attention it received in the forum. Its a beast and they hit the ball out of the park with it.