my goggles came with 4 different lenses, and have two clips to put them in. i use it mostly for the headlight, but the 1.7x lens is also pretty good for working with. it allows me to have my face around a foot away from what im working on, and lets me see what im doing when i go higher than 40..i put the strongest lens in the front holder so i can get it out of my way, but if i fold it down in front of the 1.7x lens i can stop to inspect things quite well, then flip it back up and get back to work.
i was using the folding magnifying glass for my pics (pressed against my phone) for ages, then i recently got this $15 dollar macro kit. the macro is 10x and its ok. the area it can work within is barely big enough to fit an atomizer/coils into, and it can only focus on one coil, or part of a coil, at a time. i end up taking 4 or 5 pics from the same angle with different parts in focus and them stack them/fix it all in photoshop.
for lighting, i just picked up some of these highly mobile desk lamps and for now i have taped parchment paper over them to diffuse the light a bit. they are nice because i can move them where ever i want, and really make sure the shot looks nice before i take the pics, but its kind of a hassle having to find that every time. these lamps were about $10cdn a piece. the bulbs actually cost more by the time it was all done i think...