I would love to "rebuild" the USPS, it could be a great service, especially with the resources they already have, they just need workers that are diligent and machines/scanners that work...
Theres a bunch of other things I would like changed in favor of the people and efficiency...but that would give us as people too much power, the government has worked hard the last 150 years trying to slowly cripple that so I doubt they would embrace any idea like it and use the arm of propaganda (News Networks) to call people like myself a right wing extremist (Im a individualist and patriot), you see it with "Sovereign Citizens" and other groups already when the 14th Amendment states thats what we all are, but the media and government will label you as a domestic terrorist if you actually try to represent/inform others/use the intended freedoms and rights you have and see the government as a fictional debt master/trader it is. The moment your born your given a SSN which labels you as a corporation/business, thats how your taxed and "dominated" as property for the government free to be traded as commerce....
but dont mind my shiny foil hat, Im crazy.