Haha, thought you would like it. It's a great little mech! My Sig 150 feels weird and clunky to hold compared to the Jaybo. And the Jaybo is more powerful to boot! I've been using it for my at-work vape because when I run 0.7 to 1 ohm coils, I find I don't need to bring batteries. One pair of Samsung 30Q's will maybe be at 3.8v by the time I drop em on the charger at the end of a full day of vaping. It's nice and pocket friendly. And I still get a really killer, high-powered vape. Even simple dual 26g 2.5mm coils can chuck all sorts of flavor and vapor all day long at those resistances. It's like magic.
Maybe it's just due to my inexperience working with 8v, but I like standard coils for it better than a lot of other builds I've tried. I'm liking an 11-wrap, dual 24g @ 3mm in my MX v3 the best so far. I bet some single-core 26g claptons would be great, too. I know for a fact that single-core 28/36 kanthal is awesome. I have tried some fused claptons, but they just wind up being too huge in order to not pop a lead. Anything parallel is just overkill. Too much power for the surface area. You don't need the current boost in series.
Personally, I think nice, clean standard coils have a certain aesthetic charm to them. Even with these fancy kuro-style jigs, mounting and pulsing a clean standard build takes patience and skill.
Also, what RDA is that? I like that deck with the triple-split center post. Looks like a winner to me.