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The Battlecar Caddilacticus! I used to have an 85. It needed spokes on the outside of the steering wheel, it was a giant pillow barge. lol
This is my baby ;)
Cadillac Fleetwood 3.jpg Cadillac Fleetwood.jpg Cadillac Fleetwood 2.jpg

I got my snow wolf in, still waiting on all that wire and just ordered a Tobecco Velocity...since you guys keep ushering me to get it with your pics
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I hand wrapped on day when both batteries for my drill were dead... I didn't even get out the came. No vape was to done with that coil that day!

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The wire on the Far Left was a Handwrap...When trying to make it into a coil it busted the Staple wires and the Flattened 24g for the core just folded to 90 degree angles...


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I know Im bad for triple posting but the mailman didnt hand me my mail, just my large packages this morning and in the mailbox were my new swivels. Remember how I was saying that my swivels were locking up and binding even though they had ball bearings? I found that the normal fishing swivels we all were using were rated for 5-12lbs of pull force and then they start binding and shit. I purchased some 110lbs Mustad Swivels (Pack of 3), that means the load I pull on the wires is now spread out to 3 110lbs swivels (330lbs total of headway!). They are atleast 3-4 times the size of the swivels I was using and seem much higher quality. They were 8 bucks on ebay if you have issues check some out! Ill definitely be retrying the Alien builds and others when the wire comes in now.
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I know Im bad for triple posting but the mailman didnt hand me my mail, just my large packages this morning and in the mailbox were my new swivels. Remember how I was saying that my swivels were locking up and binding even though they had ball bearings? I found that the normal fishing swivels we all were using were rated for 5-12lbs of pull force and then they start binding and shit. I purchased some 110lbs Mustad Swivels (Pack of 3), that means the load I pull on the wires is now spread out to 3 110lbs swivels (330lbs total of headway!). They are atleast 3-4 times the size of the swivels I was using and seem much higher quality. They were 8 bucks on ebay if you have issues check some out! Ill definitely be retrying the Alien builds and others when the wire comes in now.
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Seeing your post and the issue you where having I ordered 165lb swivels just in case lol

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Seeing your post and the issue you where having I ordered 165lb swivels just in case lol

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
Not many should have the issue unless they use their forarms/bi-triceps like I do, I use a longbow and practice quite a bit with it and the pull weight on the bow can be as high as 240lbs if the string is tight enough. So being used to pulling hard and then trying to pull "just enough" makes it very difficult to not break the wire or swivels. I dont know if you will have that issue but anyone that goes to the gym or lifts/pulls for their job or extra hobby may.


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My latest: 3x28K/40N, 2.5mm

You guys must be gettin' tired of me posting alien pics, and I promise I'll stop after this. At least regular alien pics. It's just that to me, the alien coil was the Holy Grail of builds when I first started. I never thought that I would be able to do them, and now I can. Now I've gotta learn how to tame the ribbon wire so that I can stack it properly and try to do some framed staple coils or something.

Anyways, here's my latest:



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My latest: 3x28K/40N, 2.5mm

You guys must be gettin' tired of me posting alien pics, and I promise I'll stop after this. At least regular alien pics. It's just that to me, the alien coil was the Holy Grail of builds when I first started. I never thought that I would be able to do them, and now I can. Now I've gotta learn how to tame the ribbon wire so that I can stack it properly and try to do some framed staple coils or something.

Anyways, here's my latest:

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Lol I don't mind, I can't wait for the day that mine look as good as yours! Then the reef coils will be my next undertaking

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My latest: 3x28K/40N, 2.5mm

You guys must be gettin' tired of me posting alien pics, and I promise I'll stop after this. At least regular alien pics. It's just that to me, the alien coil was the Holy Grail of builds when I first started. I never thought that I would be able to do them, and now I can. Now I've gotta learn how to tame the ribbon wire so that I can stack it properly and try to do some framed staple coils or something.

Anyways, here's my latest:

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View attachment 33903
Im going to creep into your window tonight and stab you in the eye with a flathead screwdriver, maybe one with a blue handle...maaayybe a black or white handle...I guess you'll just have to wait and see o_O:p


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Im going to creep into your window tonight and stab you in the eye with a flathead screwdriver, maybe one with a blue handle...maaayybe a black or white handle...I guess you'll just have to wait and see o_O
Or maybe a little blue screwdriver, a phillips headed one perhaps? Lol

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Or maybe a little blue screwdriver, a phillips headed one perhaps? Lol

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All I got is Little Flathead ones for the Mini Goblin fill screw in my room right now LOL I maaay have to take a trip to my office for my collection :D


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Maay have to book 2 flights tonight... I guess one black and one blue driver for my carry on


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Stockpiling 's
4x 0.5mmKPA1
2x 26gKPN80

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So for something that thick, do you clapton around the 26g or a 24g for the alien?

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I'm never letting you know where I live, cuz I'm gonna be posting aliens now too since I just got them kinda down lol

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You know before my wire hobby I was a script pro and a web intrusion specialist...I dont care to toot my own horn but I wouldnt need you to tell me where you live if I wanted to find you;)
I only dabble in that now though...


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Whaaat is happening in here right now? I pop in here for a second and suddenly I'm seeing golden coils/wire and heart-shaped chest hair. Uhhh....

Don't worry CrazyChef, that coil's gonna be puppy-dog cute.
Haha. The gold is just from lighting I think. It's just nichrome 80. The chest hair is something else entirely....

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Those alien wraps though - I'll finally have the proper supplies in a couple weeks to make my first attempt at building my own (not going to hand wrap it/them like I've been doing for a couple months now - hence why I haven't been posting as much as I usually do)
I can only hope they'll turn out as nice as the ones in here (I'm extremely particular so maybe that'll be in my favor)
As for the heart shaped chest hair...... Nothing says 'I love you' more to your sweetheart than unexpected heart shaped chest hair (heart shaped ANY hair for that matter lol)
Also, @CrazyChef - Kweh!? What beauty have you got going there? I'd really like to know how you made something as unique/diverse as that.

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My Jaybo//Wismec Noisy Cricket arrived this evening. Threw a few builds in her to get a feel for the whole "batteries in series" thing. It's been a LOT of fun. My build time was super limited, so the best i got tonight were these fused claptons. Its kinda tough to build above a .3 i've discovered haha. There was one problem i noticed immediately: that regular round wire coils weren't really gonna work. I needed a coil that absorbs juice because with a regular single-wire coil the juice under the coil is instantly vaped away, leaving me with wet cotton and a dry hit. So i needed something that can absorb enough juice to provide a 1-2 second pull. So far the fused claptons are working just fine. They were a little sloppy, so you only get a far-away shot haha. Tomorrow if time permits i'm gonna whip up some really tiny aliens and see how they perform. All in all though i'm REALLY liking this little fella. Simplicity and performance are outstanding. Best $40 i've spent in a while, and i'm enjoying the challenge of building a satisfying vape at a higher resistance. Cheers!


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Not many should have the issue unless they use their forarms/bi-triceps like I do, I use a longbow and practice quite a bit with it and the pull weight on the bow can be as high as 240lbs if the string is tight enough. So being used to pulling hard and then trying to pull "just enough" makes it very difficult to not break the wire or swivels. I dont know if you will have that issue but anyone that goes to the gym or lifts/pulls for their job or extra hobby may.
Ohhhhh then I probably won't have an issue then but they where 2.50 for 100 so it was like I'd rather have them and not need them then vice versa.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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I just finished with some Fused Claptons for my Goblin Mini, if you own one then you know there isnt much room to work with and I wanted to get a nice build in it.
30g/42g Fused Clapton
You can see how much smaller it is then any other Fused Clapton wire Ive made yet, the single strand is 26g for size comparison (Lower Left).

No Binding or Snagging with those new swivels, glides like butter melting off a pan
20151117_091601.jpg 20151117_091648.jpg
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Also, @CrazyChef - Kweh!? What beauty have you got going there? I'd really like to know how you made something as unique/diverse as that.
Sent from my CM 12.One using Tapatalk [:=
It looks to be a parallel wire that was claptoned with ribbon then all that was used to clapton a core wire(s). I cant imagine how much that was a pain in the ass to wrap and how many little cuts he received when making the wire :confused:

24g n80 / 36g kanthal twisted 3 wraps spaced 2mm .09 ohm

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Should have a go at Claptoning them then wrapping them into a coil to add some juice and feeding channels. Would also help with more surface area to cotton...that is one reason I havent been doing many twisted builds unless I spin file them after of flatten them out. Im sure that thing lights up like a house on Christmas though!


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It looks to be a parallel wire that was claptoned with ribbon then all that was used to clapton a core wire(s). I cant imagine how much that was a pain in the ass to wrap and how many little cuts he received when making the wire :confused:

Should have a go at Claptoning them then wrapping them into a coil to add some juice and feeding channels. Would also help with more surface area to cotton...that is one reason I havent been doing many twisted builds unless I spin file them after of flatten them out. Im sure that thing lights up like a house on Christmas though!
I get a ton of flavor which with 3 wraps wasn't expected, reason I did 3 was I didn't clapton enough and was too lazy to restart initially I was trying to do something else.
The flavor off those is better than flavor on the transformer build I had before.

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Also, @CrazyChef - Kweh!? What beauty have you got going there? I'd really like to know how you made something as unique/diverse as that.

It looks to be a parallel wire that was claptoned with ribbon then all that was used to clapton a core wire(s). I cant imagine how much that was a pain in the ass to wrap and how many little cuts he received when making the wire :confused:
Parallel Claptoned 2x36N with 0.5x0.1K, then parallel Claptoned 2x30K with that.


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Tried the "Twisted Mess" coil again... Same specs. Wrapped around a 7/64 bit. Duals came in a 0.4Ω
They're a bitch to work with. Don't quite hold their shape after they're coiled.

So I tried them wickless. I can get a good 3-4 second pull off of these before the juice runs out. If you try these for some reason, I would suggest a 3mg or lower nic. Trust me...

The only atty they would fit in was my TM clone that I just got. Even then, I had to lift them up and in over the posi post so I could get the body of the RDA around them. This coil is just an all around PITA.

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I feel stupid for putting this build up against some of the wires you guys have going on but I was a little intimated by the rda because I've never built of this set up before but it actually was super easy it's a 316 SS build

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I feel stupid for putting this build up against some of the wires you guys have going on but I was a little intimated by the rda because I've never built of this set up before but it actually was super easy it's a 316 SS build

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
I have yet to try anything but Kanthal and NI80/60...I want to try TC just for the experience..

robot zombie

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All in all though i'm REALLY liking this little fella. Simplicity and performance are outstanding. Best $40 i've spent in a while, and i'm enjoying the challenge of building a satisfying vape at a higher resistance. Cheers!
Haha, thought you would like it. It's a great little mech! My Sig 150 feels weird and clunky to hold compared to the Jaybo. And the Jaybo is more powerful to boot! I've been using it for my at-work vape because when I run 0.7 to 1 ohm coils, I find I don't need to bring batteries. One pair of Samsung 30Q's will maybe be at 3.8v by the time I drop em on the charger at the end of a full day of vaping. It's nice and pocket friendly. And I still get a really killer, high-powered vape. Even simple dual 26g 2.5mm coils can chuck all sorts of flavor and vapor all day long at those resistances. It's like magic.

Maybe it's just due to my inexperience working with 8v, but I like standard coils for it better than a lot of other builds I've tried. I'm liking an 11-wrap, dual 24g @ 3mm in my MX v3 the best so far. I bet some single-core 26g claptons would be great, too. I know for a fact that single-core 28/36 kanthal is awesome. I have tried some fused claptons, but they just wind up being too huge in order to not pop a lead. Anything parallel is just overkill. Too much power for the surface area. You don't need the current boost in series.

I feel stupid for putting this build up against some of the wires you guys have going on
Personally, I think nice, clean standard coils have a certain aesthetic charm to them. Even with these fancy kuro-style jigs, mounting and pulsing a clean standard build takes patience and skill.

Also, what RDA is that? I like that deck with the triple-split center post. Looks like a winner to me.


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I have yet to try anything but Kanthal and NI80/60...I want to try TC just for the experience..
I love stainless steel it can be used both in temp control and power mode. It's the best wire I've come across its about 7-10$ for 100ft I prefer it even over titanium

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Haha, thought you would like it. It's a great little mech! My Sig 150 feels weird and clunky to hold compared to the Jaybo. And the Jaybo is more powerful to boot! I've been using it for my at-work vape because when I run 0.7 to 1 ohm coils, I find I don't need to bring batteries. One pair of Samsung 30Q's will maybe be at 3.8v by the time I drop em on the charger at the end of a full day of vaping. It's nice and pocket friendly. And I still get a really killer, high-powered vape. Even simple dual 26g 2.5mm coils can chuck all sorts of flavor and vapor all day long at those resistances. It's like magic.

Maybe it's just due to my inexperience working with 8v, but I like standard coils for it better than a lot of other builds I've tried. I'm liking an 11-wrap, dual 24g @ 3mm in my MX v3 the best so far. I bet some single-core 26g claptons would be great, too. I know for a fact that single-core 28/36 kanthal is awesome. I have tried some fused claptons, but they just wind up being too huge in order to not pop a lead. Anything parallel is just overkill. Too much power for the surface area. You don't need the current boost in series.

Personally, I think nice, clean standard coils have a certain aesthetic charm to them. Even with these fancy kuro-style jigs, mounting and pulsing a clean standard build takes patience and skill.

Also, what RDA is that? I like that deck with the triple-split center post. Looks like a winner to me.
It's the rampage I was a little intimidated by it at first but it was actually one of the easier ones I've built.

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement


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Woow. Really nice, how about leakings?

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None all tho I built it a little too hi so I can't but the piece all the way down but it still creates great flavor and vapor at 40w

Next time I'll put the claptons closer to the deck

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I put about 8 drops and have taken like 10-12 puffs and there's still plenty of liquid which was one of my concerns because there is no juice well at all

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I put about 8 drops and have taken like 10-12 puffs and there's still plenty of liquid which was one of my concerns because there is no juice well at all

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement
That's the pi rda, right?

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That's the pi rda, right?

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Yes well the pi2 I'm not sure if there was ever just the pi but I could be wrong I think they're going on that hole math equal pi squared but I could be wrong. On the box it's the symbol for pi so I think that's what it's about

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One another note that ohm reader is new and at first I was disappointed at how small it was the picture made it look a lot bigger which I feel happens a lot in the vaping world I feel but I'm honestly loving it it doesn't move all around my eleaf one did it you charge it so no more batteries flying everywhere. And I'm really enjoying working with the 36 gauge when making claptons it's more forgiving than the 30g time to try the 40 g

Sent from the lab in my basement of vapement

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